It was the night before Thanksgiving. Takeout pizza for dinner, the traditional cutthroat card games (Grandma was the big winner), and, finally, it was nearly midnight, Mom and Grandma were in bed, and it was just the two sisters in Jess’s old bedroom. “I missed you so much,” Brija sighed, pulling great-grandma’s antique quilt over both of them.
Jess searched Brija’s eyes, a grave expression on her face. “Do you remember what we talked about before I left? Did you do what I told you to do?”
“I tried,” Brija said. “I tried so fucking hard. I went to the dance, and Kev and I made out a little afterward, but I just couldn’t get into it, and finally he just took me home.”
“What about Lexi?”
“I still think she’s hot, but I still don’t know if she’s into girls or not. I’m pretty sure she’s a virgin. I try to think about her when I’m in bed and need to get off. Or sometimes Kaley. But they always change into you in my mind, before I come. Always.”
Jess sat up against the headboard and hugged her knees. “Brija, you need to get serious about this. It’s one of the main reasons I went to Oregon.”
“But why?” It was a rehash of their same old circular argument.
“Because you and I are fucking sisters.” Pause. “Literally. If this goes on, it will mess you up so bad. What if you want a family someday? We need to stop.”
“You think we need to stop. I don’t need to, or want to. Don’t you love me anymore?”
“Of course I do! Don’t say that.”
“Then what is the problem?”
“Did you meet somebody?”
“Jess, I don’t care if I’m fucked up, as long as it’s you. I don’t need or want anybody else. Ever. What about that email you sent me about the collar and leash?”
“Brija, I told you. I was a little drunk when I sent that.”
“Bullshit. I know you. When you’re drunk is when you tell the truth.”
Jess had no reply to that. Brija reached under the bed and pulled out a plastic shopping bag. “I saw these at the Renaissance Faire. It took all the money I had with me, but I had to buy them.” She pulled out three items of supple brown leather: a collar, a leash, and an ankle bracelet. They were obviously handmade, and they were beautiful.
“Oh, Brija,” Jess said. “Did you really spend all your money on these because of that stupid email?” But Brija noticed that Jess couldn’t take her eyes off of the leather.
“I want to come out as your property. In public. I want you to own me.”
Jess could not speak. She placed the leash in her hand and drew it across her palm. It felt so good. Smelled so good.
“Friday. Please, Jess. I have never wanted anything this bad. Ever. Please, Jess.” And she fastened the collar around her own neck, snapped the leash in place, and handed the other end to Jess.
The instant Jess took the leash, months of sensible good intentions vaporized and floated away forever. She pulled on the leash, drawing her sister’s face close to hers. But, as their tongues battled in midair, Jess’s devious mind was already calculating. There was a chance — a very, very tiny chance — that this would not end in total disaster.
On the day after Thanksgiving. Kev was practicing spirals with his bud Bryan. Thank god it was a nice day. Kev needed to stretch his muscles after the previous day’s turkey and pie orgy. He also needed a good dose of trash talk, after a whole day being nice with boring relatives. He retrieved his water bottle from under a tree and took a long drink, then checked his phone.
There was a snap from Brija. That was unexpected. He hadn’t heard from her since Homecoming, and he assumed she was pissed about something he did that night.
The video started with a crazy blur. Maybe somebody’s bedroom? Then it steadied on the back of Brija’s head and shoulders. Her hair was messed up, and she didn’t seem to have a shirt on. WTF? Who was holding the phone? Then Brija turned around. Her tits were bare, her nipples hard. She was blushing deep red. She had a leather collar on, with a leash trailing out of the frame. A fucking leash!
Oh Jesus.
Brija had never sexted him. Or anybody else, as far as Kev knew.
Then the leash went taut, and another face came into view next to Brija. Her older sister, Jess. Jess gave the camera an evil grin, then grabbed a handful of Brija’s hair and kissed her. A deep, open kiss.
Kev suddenly realized that Bryan was next to him, watching along with him. On the video, Jess was facing the camera again, saying something. Kev clawed at the volume button. “…thirty minutes. You snooze, you lose. One-time offer, lover boy.”

Bryan saw the panic in Kev’s eyes. He tossed Kev the key to his blackout Ram, which was parked at the curb. “Dude. Go.”
Kev made it to Brija’s house in record time, without crashing Bryan’s truck or getting pulled over. He found the front door ajar, walked in, and closed it behind him. Where were the girls? He heard noises from down the hall to the left.
Brija’s bedroom door was wide open. Brija was face up on the bed, arms stretched straight out to each side, legs parted. Naked except for the brown leather collar and a matching strap around her left ankle. Jess was sitting cross-legged on the bed, fully clothed, near Brija’s head. She was holding the leash, using the handle end to lazily brush Brija’s nipples, then her lips.
“Hi, Kev,” Jess said. “You made it, with two minutes to spare.” Then, to Brija: “Who do you belong to, little sister?”
“A little bit louder, so Kev can hear.”
“And will you do whatever I say?”
“See, Kev? You want this delicious piece of ass, you come through me. By the way, get naked. We don’t have all day.”
Kev pulled off his hoodie and pants. He was shaking. Jess continued: “I was going to make Brija blow you to get you nice and hard. But it looks like we can skip that part. You’re going to fuck her while I watch. Then you’re going to get dressed and leave, and I’m going to eat your cum out of my sister.
“That’s it. Put her legs over your shoulders. I want to see everything. Good. Nice and slow. By the way, you’re not the first. I was. I fucked Brija with a black strap-on. About the same size as your cock.”
Kev emitted a tiny groan.
Jess had a ringside seat and was thoroughly enjoying her close-up view of Kev’s stiff prick gliding in and out of Brija’s tight but creamy hole. Truth to tell, Kev might be a little larger than their strap-on. And, from her whimpers and the familiar undulations of her tummy and hips, Brija liked the real flesh-and-blood thing even better than the silicone rubber version.
Jess stuck the nail of her right index finger under the edge of Brija’s collar, making sure she could feel it on her throat, then slowly dragged it down Brija’s body, between the cute breasts, over the earthquake of her stomach, across her belly button; all the way down until it encountered Kev’s pistoning prick. Jess simultaneously grabbed Brija’s hair, bit down on her right nipple, and forcefully flicked Brija’s clit dead-center with her thumbnail. From experience, Jess knew exactly what the result would be. Brija’s whimper turned into a near-scream; her body seemed to levitate off the bed. The waves of her orgasm were enough to send Kev over the cliff, his copious cum spouting far inside Brija.
Kev creampie. Mission accomplished.
Jess generously gave Kev a few seconds to recover before shoving his clothes at him. “Remember, if you want to hook up with Brija, you text me, not her. There’s a message from me on your phone, so you have the number. No freelancing. Ever. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” It was the first word Kev had uttered since arriving.
“Good. If you contact her directly, I will end you. Now, get out. Make sure the front door is closed. We have stuff to do.”
Half an hour later, Jess slid up on the bed and cuddled a sweaty, satisfied Brija. “That tasted different.”
“I would imagine. Different good, or different bad?”
“Next time, let’s just use ranch dressing.”
Brija let out a belly laugh and swatted Jess. “You psycho.”
“Do you think this will work?”
“It should. Everything will look pretty normal until somebody gets close. Then they have to go through the other sister. And we always use FaceTime or the webcam, no matter what.”
“Next best thing to being there.” Jess was thoughtful. She took a sip of the dry cooking wine they had found in the kitchen cupboard and made a face. “Do you still have the card from that leather artist at Renaissance Faire?”
“Way ahead of you. I placed the custom order this morning. Your stuff will be black.”
Jess nodded. “Now the really hard part - telling Mom and Grandma.”
“I actually think Grandma might be OK. The tough part will be keeping her from posting about it on Facebook. But poor Mom! This is some weird shit.”
And, on cue, they heard the garage door opening. Time to throw on some clothes and help Mom and Grandma haul in their Black Friday bargains from the car.