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Jackie, Part One

"A teenager's ambitions are enabled by her uncle."

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Author's Notes

"The story has been edited as per moderator."

Jackie seemed to be an ordinary teenage girl except she wasn’t. At sixteen she had a body of a twenty-year-old and a face of a slut. Some girls just look the part without having any more experience beyond kissing their boyfriend. However, Jackie’s Uncle Harry noticed that she was not the typical giddy high school girl. She had something special, sensuous lips, dramatic eyes, a curvy body with an animal magnetism. In other words, sex appeal.

Harry was Jackie’s uncle on her mother’s side who was regarded as the black sheep in the family. Harry was thirty-eight and still a bachelor. Jackie thought he was cool probably because of the sports car he drove. At family parties, Harry never showed up without his camera. He wasn’t a professional photographer but an ‘amateur shutterbug,’ as he put it. He had joined camera clubs and was active online posting pictures. No one in the family knew where he posted his photos and they didn’t care unless, of course, they were in them.

So, it wasn’t unusual that he took a lot of pictures of Jackie. In fact, he had a whole series of her pictures that he posted on his blog. Now that she was going on eighteen, she looked even sexier, and Harry was obsessed with her looks. She liked the attention.

At one of the family gatherings, he told Jackie that he had entered a photo contest and asked her to be his model. Jackie was flattered but said she had to ask her mom. Her mom had some reservations about Harry but finally gave in. “It’s okay, Jackie, but only if I see the pictures before he puts them on the Internet.”

When Uncle Harry picked her up for the first photo session, she wore an orange crop top, no bra, and cutoff denim shorts that were a little too short for her mom’s taste. The first pictures were of Jackie sitting on the hood of his black Chevy Camaro. The contrast in colors was stunning. Inside, Harry’s studio was in the attic with skylights and an array of furniture. He had several cameras and lighting mounted on tripods, and portrait backdrops.

The next set of photos were of Jackie sitting on a stool in various positions. Then, Harry had her change into a few costumes he had assembled. One was a clown suit, another a football uniform with shoulder pads, and a third was a French maid costume. The maid outfit was a stretch since his sister would never approve of her daughter exposing more than an average amount of cleavage and wearing mesh stockings.

Jackie had been modeling for a couple of hours before Harry drove her home. Jackie’s mom wanted to know all about her daughter’s modeling. Jackie said it was fun and Harry wanted her to do it again. “We’ll see,” her mom said. Harry sent his sister all the pictures leaving out the maid series.

Harry didn’t win first prize in the photo contest because of technical issues but came in third with bravos for the model. The club members pleaded for more, especially more of the French maid. Harry had a plan but putting it into action would be difficult.

It wasn’t as difficult as he thought. Harry had asked Jackie to wear a short skirt and tight sweater. For the sweater series, he asked Jackie to take off her bra and unbutton it halfway. Jackie was happy to do it. She didn’t like people saying she was a girl, and the sweater pictures made her feel sexy and like a woman.

On the way home, Harry asked her what she planned to do after high school. She didn’t know, maybe community college. “I’m not much of a student, Uncle Harry, but my mom wants me to go. We argue all time, especially about going to college and my boyfriend.”

"Yeah, moms always want their girl to be educated even though you will probably marry a rich guy and raise a dozen kids."

“I don’t want to be a mom, Uncle Harry. I want to be more than that.”

“What do you think is more than being a mom and having kids?”

“I don’t know yet, just something that pays a lot like an actress.”

“How about modeling? You are beautiful and have a great body.”

“You think so, Uncle Harry? I mean, do you think I’m pretty?”

“Yes, and so do all the people that saw you on my photography blog They want to see more of you. But before we take more pictures, I want to take you to the art museum."


“It will give you a better idea of how famous artists posed their subjects. Do you know Vermeer’s ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’?”

“Who’s Vermeer?”

"He was a seventeenth-century Dutch painter. Anyway, he pained this girl about your age, and we could duplicate it in a photo. The thing is, Jackie, you are much prettier than the girl with an earring."

Harry picked her up on Saturday morning. On the way to the museum, he asked her about school. Jackie said it was okay but added, “I can’t wait for graduation.”

“Are you a cheerleader?”

“No. I tried out but didn’t make it. My girlfriend who is on the team told me my breasts are too big.”

“Really! What does that have to do with it?” Harry asked.

“Have you been to a high school basketball or football game recently, Uncle Harry?”

“No, why?”

“All the cheerleaders wear uniforms that make a girl’s chest look like the boys. I didn’t fit in.”

“Amazing! Anyway, we’re almost there,” then he chuckled. “Don’t worry. They don’t mind women’s bodies here.”

The first half-hour was spent browsing. “Do you see anything you like, Jackie?” Harry asked.

“I don’t know but you are right, Uncle Harry. They don’t mind women’s bodies here. There are so many pictures of naked people.”

I’ll tell you what. When you see one you like, I’ll take a picture of it, and you can model in the same way.”

“You mean nude like these women?”

“Well, you are a woman and more beautiful than anything here at the museum.”

"Thanks, Uncle Harry but I couldn't."

“Let’s pick out a few that wouldn’t embarrass you if you were the model.”

She chose four nudes that Jackie thought were okay. Two were with their backs to the artist; the other two were frontal nudes. They weren’t sexy only women without clothes lounging in comfortable positions. ‘None of them had breasts as nice as mine,’ she thought.

“You know, Uncle Harry,” Jackie was saying at lunch, “Mom and I had a huge argument last night about me modeling for you. Mom doesn’t want me to do it again. I told her I wanted to be a model, not go to college. I just want to get a place of my own and have my mom leave me alone.”

“You want your independence, right?”

Pouting, she said, “Of course.”

“What’s your boyfriend’s name?”

“Wyatt. He’s a nice guy but Mom doesn’t like him because he’s two years older than me.”

“Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“What? What kind of question?”

“Do you have sex with Wyatt?”

“He wants it, but we only fool around. It scares me.”

“What’s scary?”

“My girlfriend said it hurts at first.”

“What do you mean, at first?”

“Well, now she loves doing it. I think she’s a slut. Mia has had four boyfriends this year and now she has her eye on Wyatt.”

“Maybe you ought to be more like Mia with Wyatt.”

“You mean have sex with him? Wyatt said he wouldn’t take me to the graduation party if we don’t have sex that night. So, I promised him I’d do it. Mia said everyone is getting a room at the Holiday Inn so that’s where we’re going.”

“You sound nervous.”

“I am.”

“But you two have played around, you said.”

“Well, yes. He plays with my tits and rubs me between my legs.”

“What do you do for him?”

"He likes me to hold his penis. It's thick and long so that's what scares me."

“Do you suck it?”

“Only a couple of times. When he told me to put it in my mouth, I thought he was kidding. Now, he wants me to swallow his cum but I’m not sure it’s safe. Do you think sperm is okay for a girl to swallow? I mean, do you think a girl can get sick swallowing cum?”

“Maybe but you can get sick from spoiled milk too. I’ve heard semen is nutritious.”

“Oh, that’s great. I’ve never swallowed it, but I like the salty taste.”

“Don’t worry so much. You'll be okay. Look, it’s getting late. I better get you home before your mom goes ballistic. One more thing, Jackie. When your mom is at work next week, we’ll have another session.”

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At the next photoshoot, Harry asked her to take off her clothes. Jackie objected. “Look, we’re going to do the Rokeby Venus. Only your back will show.”

“Which one is that?”

“It’s the one with a cupid holding a mirror. Here, this is it,” and he gave her his cell phone picture.

“We don’t have a cupid, Uncle Harry.” She argued.

“We’ll prop the mirror up on a pillow, make your body slightly out of focus but highlight the reflection of your lovely face.”

“Why not,” she finally agreed. “But don’t look when I take off my clothes.”

Harry made sure she looked in the mirror, so her sultry face was in full view.

When they finished the Rokeby Venus, Harry said, “Turn over and face me. Lean up against the pillow and will do the Venus of Urbino pose.”

“Let me see it first,” she said. After a minute, Jackie said, “Okay as long as I can cover my pussy like in the painting.”

Harry took a half dozen shots asking her to give him a variety of facial expressions, sad, smiling, sexy, surprised, and so on.

While Jackie was putting on her clothes, she said, “Don’t show these to my mom. She would kill me!”

“Don’t worry. They’re safe with me.”

But they weren’t safe with Harry once they hit the Internet calling them Venus One and Venus Two.

“Jackie, I have a little graduation present for you,” he said handing her a narrow box wrapped with a ribbon. “Open it and I’ll explain.”

“But Uncle Harry, graduation is a month away.”

“You need some time with this before you and Wyatt go to the hotel.”

The box held a six-inch narrow dildo and a half dozen condoms. “I get the condoms but why the toy?” Jackie asked.

“It’s a confidence builder. Here, open your mouth. Let’s see how far you can take it.”

“I gag every time Wyatt wants it deeper.”

“Show me.” She got five inches down before gagging. “You see, that’s why you’ll want to practice. When you get home, go to the drug store, and buy an aloe-based lubricant. Use plenty of lube while you get used to putting it in your vagina.”

“But Wyatt is way bigger than this toy.”

“Just try it out. When it’s feeling okay inside you, I’ll get you an upgrade.”

“You know, Uncle Harry, my mom would never have helped me like this,” and she gave Harry a thank you kiss that was a little more than a peck.

“Thanks, Jackie. It’s fun helping you. I’ll tell you a family secret. Your mom is not a prude. When we were growing up, your mom caught me masturbating. I tried to cover it up, but she rolled into bed next to me and pulled down the covers. ‘Let me see it,’ she said. So, there I was with my dick hard as nails and sticking straight up.”

“What happened next?”

“Well, she started giving me a hand job. I thought that was all she wanted.”

“Was it?”

“Huh? Hardly, if you don’t mind the pun. She nearly got my cock all the way down her throat. I could tell she had deep-throated before. She fucked me with her mouth until I couldn’t hold it. Your mom sucked me dry. You should have seen how your mom licked every drop off my cock and said, ‘Harry, thanks. I just wanted to see if yours tasted different than my boyfriend’s.’ I told her, I’d like to see her doing it with her boyfriend. She said if I keep our little secret and don’t tell anyone, I could watch."

“Did you?”

“I hid in her bedroom closet and watched while they fucked like rabbits. Your mom likes sex and howls like a wolf when she has orgasms.”

“I don’t believe it, Uncle Harry. I just don’t believe it.”

“Well, every word of it is true and that’s why your mom hates me so much. She worries that I might tell your dad.”

“Did you two ever do it?”

“Almost. One afternoon we were both so horny we couldn’t help ourselves. She was on top where your mom likes it and just as I was ready to plunge in, your grandparents came home. Your mom scrambled out of bed like a frightened squirrel and ran to her room just in time.”

“That’s amazing but I still have a hard time picturing it in my mind.”

Later in the week, Harry gave Jackie a nine-inch fat dildo that vibrated. It took a couple of days before Jackie felt comfortable pushing it all the way in.

It was a week before graduation and Harry was on the phone asking Jackie how it was going. "It's fine Uncle Harry. You were right. I really do feel more confident. If sex with Wyatt is anything like my vibrating toy, I’m going to love it.

Jackie’s mom gave a graduation party on the weekend following the ceremonies. Harry was invited, as usual, along with all the family. He was anxious to find out how graduation night worked out. Jackie didn’t say much for most of the party. All she told Harry was that she had a good time. He wanted to hear more so he scheduled another “modeling” session for the following Monday afternoon.

He got an earful. Jackie told him every detail about Wyatt booking a room that was on the same floor as the other kids. “We went to Jacob’s room for a drink. I don’t know what they called the drink. It looked like a smoothie, but I felt it right away. Mia was there along with most of my friends. There was one girl that was half dressed wearing only a bra and panties that I didn’t know. I guess she wanted to get a head start and was all over this guy who was feeling her up.

“Anyway, I didn’t have a second drink, but Wyatt started drinking vodka. He was a little drunk when we went back to our room. He told me to strip. By the time I was down to my undies, he was naked on the bed working the remote and giving himself a handjob. Wyatt said we were going to watch porn first. It was about a black guy with a huge cock having sex with two girls about my age. It made Wyatt hot because he tackled me, yanked down my thong, and started licking my clit. He had never done that before and it made me so wet.

“I unsnapped my bra and climbed on top of him. I thought if it was my mom’s favorite position, I should do it that way. Well, I never had felt Wyatt so hard before. I helped him find my opening and was surprised at how easily he slid in. Really, Uncle Harry, I was so ready for this that before I knew it, he had his whole cock inside me.

“But here was the problem. We forgot the condom and before I had a chance to stop him, he was cumming like a geyser. It felt so much better than my dildo and he kept on cumming and cumming.

“I think Wyatt planned it. It might have been a male ego trip like he was proud of what he did. He kept telling me to squeeze my pussy so he could watch his cum ooze out. I told him to go down on me and clean me up. I didn’t think he would do it, but Wyatt was so turned on he ate me out until nothing was left.

“He fell asleep leaving me to watch the rest of the porn video. Before it ended, two guys fucked a girl in her pussy and tush at the same time. Wow, that was really something to watch!

“Wyatt slept for almost two hours. When he woke up, he wanted a blowjob. I was still horny from the video. This time I decided to tease him and put only the tip of his cock in my mouth. I took him slowly and deliberately, inch by inch sucking him on the way down. I even gave him deep throat that I had practiced at home. Wyatt was super hard, and we were ready to do it again when someone knocked on our door. In walked Mia and her date, both as naked as the day they were born. ‘Mind if we join you?’ she asked not waiting for an answer.

“I scrambled to cover up, but Wyatt just stretched out on the bed showing off his cock like it was an Oscar statuette.

“Mia got in the bed next to Wyatt and her date was with me on the other side. Like I said, Mia had her eyes on Wyatt and before I could tell her to leave us alone, she had Wyatt down her throat. Her date had his fingers in my pussy kissing my tits so hard they were erect as bullets.

“Seconds later, he climbed on top of me. I was so creamy wet, he slid into me as easily as a hot knife through butter. Mia and Wyatt were on the other side with Wyatt fucking her on all fours from behind.

“Well, Uncle Harry, neither of the guys wore condoms and it took a long time before they finished. I cleaned up in the bathroom, but you know, I was still dripping cum the next morning. That was my first time. It wasn’t painful like some of the girls said but I was sore down there for a few days.”

“Aren’t you afraid they knocked you up?” Harry asked.

“No. Mia told me...

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Written by xhardx13
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