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It Runs In The Family

"Bill and Vicki have fun at a family reunion."

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I never imagined that this night would come. I've never attended a family reunion before, but this one would be extra special because my cousin Vicki, who has been my fuck buddy for life, was coming to town.

As the reunion was being held at the hotel by the airport in Tulsa, I would only need to drive thirty minutes there, as I lived in a nearby suburb. However, because my family was made up of people from all over the nation, we decided to hold the reunion close to the airport so that guests could arrive by plane and avoid having to rent a car. The hotel would arrange for a shuttle to transport guests ten miles to the hotel, as well as a large banquet hall big enough for our reunion and the whole family.

If Vicki had driven in (which she had done many times before), the driving time would have been fourteen hours. So, like everyone else, Vicki was also flying in for the reunion.

There were a few people seated at tables, but not all of them were familiar to me. A man my age stood at one table and approached me. I noticed. Oh, fuck, my mind said. I'm hoping he doesn't think I'm going to guess his name.

“Hi, you must be Billy,” he said as he held out his hand.

I reached out to shake his hand. “I most certainly am,“ I said.

“My name is Doug,” he explained. “Your Aunt Annette is my mother.”

“You are little Dougie?” I asked, obviously taken aback. “Man, how long has it been?”

Doug responded with a smile. "It had to have been around twelve years at least. I can't believe that much time has passed.”

I began laughing at his assessment. “You got that right,” I said. “I don't think I've ever seen you at one of the reunions.” I had been to a few reunions, and I think I would have remembered him.

“Never been to one,” Doug said. “Vicki happened to call me and told me about this one, so I thought the wife and I would make a special trip.”

I looked over to where Doug had been sitting and saw an attractive brunette sitting there, smiling as she was looking at us. “Is that your wife?” I asked.

"Hey, honey!" Doug said as he turned to face the table. "Come over here and meet my cousin Billy," he yelled.

She stood up from her table and made her way across the room to where we were standing. She seemed to get sexier with every step. She had a nicely curved body and was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a snuggly-fit pull-over yellow top.

“Billy,” Doug said, “I want you to meet my wife, Nicole. Nicole, this is my cousin Billy.”

Nicole asked, "This is Billy?" as she glanced up at her husband.

“The one and only,” Doug replied.

I said, "It's entirely my pleasure, Nicole," taking her hand. Then I turned to face Doug and said, "Have I been the subject of conversation?"

Doug and Nicole looked at each other like they were debating whether or not to tell me.

Doug said, a little hesitantly, "Well." You have to realize that Nicole and I love to party, and we throw a lot of parties!

I looked over at Nicole and saw that she was giving me a good look, and in return, I admired her body at length as well.

Doug continued. “When we got our invitation to this reunion, I called Vicki to see if she was going.”

“Didn't you and Vicki used to...” I cut myself off from going any further. Vicki had told me that she and Doug had messed around a little before she and I had become fuck buddies. She told me that one day the three of us might try to get together. Perhaps tonight was the night.

Doug began blushing, and Nicole moved a little closer to me. “They sure did,” Nicole said, “and I can't wait to find out more.”

Just then, my phone rang. I whipped it out of my pocket and saw that Vicki was calling. I pressed to answer it and said, “Hey, there! We were just talking about you.”

Vicki answered with a small chuckle. "I take it you've met our cousin Doug."

“Yes, and his wife, Nicole,”

“I was just calling to let you know that I am in town, and before I came to the banquet hall, I got my room here in the hotel. Are you with Doug and Nicole right now?”

“Yes,” I said, “they are standing right in front of me.”

“Why don't the three of you come up to my room?” Vicki asked.

“I looked over at Doug and Nicole. “It's Vicki. She wants to know if the three of us would like to go up to her room now that she has checked in."

Doug placed his arm around his wife and said, “Why the fuck not? I have a feeling this reunion is going to get a little boring.”

Vicki told me her room number, and the three of us headed for the elevator.

As our elevator began rising (just like my cock), I looked over at Nicole and asked. “Are you sure you know what you are in for?”

Nicole looked up at Doug and then over to me. “Oh, yes. Doug told me that he and Vicki had played around a little.”

I looked over at Doug and asked. “You do know that Vicki and I are quite involved and lead a lifestyle outside of the normal, right?”

“Did I know it?” Doug asked. “No, but I suspected as much. I was kind of hoping so.”

“It sounds to me like you and Vicki had pretty much the same kind of relationship,” I said.

“Oh, no,” Doug replied. “True, Vicki and I used to make out and do a lot of touching, but we have never fucked.”

“Well,” I said, “if you play your cards right...” I didn't bother finishing the sentence; I just left it hanging right there.

Nicole smiled from ear to ear and said, “If there is anything that Doug can do well, it is that he knows how to play his cards."

With that, the elevator doors opened and revealed that we had made it to the eleventh floor, and we began walking through the hallway. “Room 1126 should be down this way,” I said. Within a minute, we stood before the appropriate door and knocked. 

At first, the door opened just a little, and I could see Vicki glancing out to see who was standing outside her door. She said, "I couldn't tell who was there because the peephole was too blurry." "Are Nicole and Doug with you?"

“They are right here,” I said.

Vicki opened the door right away. Vicki was already naked, as I had expected, but I wasn't sure how Doug and Nicole would react.

I walked into the room, giving Vicki a sweet kiss, and reached around to grab her ass.

To my surprise, neither Doug nor Nicole seemed to mind that Vicki was completely nude. In fact, they both reached over to give her a tight hug. My cock swelled a little more. “There seems to be a little more going on here than what I've been told,” I said.

“You know that Doug and I had some fun before you and I became sexually active,” Vicki said. “When he called me a few weeks ago, we began talking. I told him all about you and me; since he had been open with Nicole about me and him, we thought we would use the reunion as a little get-together of our own, and we would leave it as a surprise for you.”

My jaw was on the floor as I took a step back and looked over my happy little group. My cousin Vicki was standing naked between my cousin Doug and his wife Nicole, with her arms draped over each of their shoulders.

I asked Doug, "Do you and Nicole ever..." as I was glancing at him. I couldn't seem to finish the question.

Doug helped me out, saying, "Swing? Oh yes. Nicole and I enjoy a happy, open marriage.”

"So you wouldn't object if I..." I reached out and put my hand between Nicole's legs. Her dress and underwear gave off an intense heat that I could feel coming from her pussy.

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Doug looked over and asked, “You like what you found?”

Vicki had reached across and began rubbing Doug's cock through his pants.

I turned to face Nicole again, pulled her in close, put my lips to hers, and we started kissing in front of Vicki and her husband.

Meanwhile, Vicki took a position behind Nicole, started to unzip her dress, and said, “I was beginning to feel uncomfortable being the only naked person here."

Nicole didn't resist my cousin at all, and soon, Nicole was as naked as Vicki. I pulled Nicole closer and enjoyed the feeling of her naked, sexy body against me. Just from the touch of her body against mine, I could tell that her pussy was just as smooth as Vicki's wonderful cunt.

After a little while, I stepped back and started removing my clothes. I heard Vicki say, "Wait a minute."

I looked up at Vicki as if to ask if I was doing something wrong.

“You just witnessed your cousin stripping Nicole down,” Vicki said. “I think it is only fair for me to see you being stripped by your cousin,” she said as she pointed toward Doug.

Doug took a step closer and asked, “You don't mind, do you?'

I smiled and simply held my arms straight out as if forming the letter “T”.

Doug began by unbuttoning my shirt and unwrapping me so that I was standing bare-chested. He then stood in front of me and unbuckled my belt. He grabbed my zipper between his thumb and forefinger and slid the zipper straight down. My cock sprung out as my pants fell to the ground, and I stepped out of them, fully naked. But that was when I discovered that I was in for a real surprise.

I felt Doug's fingers wrapping around my shaft and noticed that his head was slowly lowering to the floor. I glanced down in time to see Doug glancing upward at me. I looked straight ahead, and I could see the two ladies, each sporting one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. Then, before I had the chance to look down, I felt a warm, moist feeling beginning to engulf my cock.

My eyes closed and my head tilted backward. My cousin Doug was sucking my cock in front of his wife, and our cousin Vicki, I looked down and admired his masterful handling of my man meat. I looked back up at Vicki and said, “I guess this means you told him all about us.”

Vicki stated, "There wasn't much of a reason to keep anything from him. Even though we never actually fucked, Doug and I had played around a little, so here we are."

Nicole cut him off: "Doug and I started swinging after we got married, and that's when we found out we're both bisexual."

Enjoying the warm, familial blowjob, I replied, “The talent must run in the family.”

I looked over at Vicki and Nicole. They were about the same height, and they stood there with their arms wrapped around each other as they watched me fucking Doug's face. Their tits were both rounded, and their nipples jutted outward, displaying their lustful excitement. Their pussies, both bare, protruded slightly, each showing evidence of juice, causing them to shine in the ambient light from the room's lamps.

Meanwhile, my cousin David rose to get some air, stood up facing me, and held me tight. Our cocks began rubbing against each other, and I could not help but lean forward, and I planted a deep, wet kiss on him. Doug and I made out passionately as the ladies looked on.

“That is so fucking hot,” I could hear Nicole saying. “It was so sexy seeing Doug having sex with a guy, but to see him having incest with a guy is sexy on a whole different level!”

"I agree," Vicki said, turning to face Nicole. “I'm getting incredibly horny from this, too.” She then yanked Nicole in close to her, and the two women started kissing like long-lost lovers.

Doug and I looked up and saw the ladies having fun, and we scooted to stand next to them. The next thing I knew, the four of us were standing together in a tangled web of arms and tongues as we started one large, horny group hug mixed with kisses and licks.

I said, "Doug, I'm betting you've always wanted to stick your dick inside Vicki's pussy."

Doug excitedly answered, "You better believe it."

“As your wife, I want you to be happy,” Nicole said as she broke away from the group. Nicole walked over, sat on the edge of the bed, and spread her legs open, displaying her beautiful, smooth pussy. “Doug, I want you on the floor with your head between my feet,” she confidently said.

Doug did as instructed. I saw him lay on his back on the carpeted floor, and his dick proudly stood sentinel over his frame. Just above him, Nicole sat in all her naked glory, leaning back on her opened hands, her legs spread open and pussy glistening for all to see.

“Go ahead, Vicki,” Nicole said as she motioned to Doug's upright cock. “Please feel free to have a seat.”

Vicki glanced up at me and then back to Doug and Nicole. Vicki stretched one leg over Doug's body while facing Nicole. Vicki lowered herself onto Doug's throbbing cock. While rocking back and forth on Doug's dick, Vicki leaned forward and began licking Nicole's hot, dripping pussy.

I stood there and admired the sight. I could see the shine on Doug's shaft while it slid in and out of our cousin's cunt while Nicole ran her fingers through Vicki's thick auburn hair. Since Vicki was bent over on top of Doug, I could see her puckered asshole staring at me and seemingly blowing me kisses.

I immediately bent over to begin licking around Vicki's rosebud while I reached down with one hand and began fondling Doug's swollen balls. My tongue enjoyed exploring Vicki's asshole, as it had done many, many times before.

Then, I positioned myself behind my two cousins on my knees, pointed my dick at Vicki's behind, and gradually started to sink myself completely into her delicious behind. Three horny cousins were positioned in an incestuous triangle, with me in Vicki's ass and Doug in her pussy. In the meantime, Nicole was experiencing the most intense pleasure she had ever experienced as Vicki licked out her juicy slit.

“Oh fuck, Vicki,” Nicole cried out, “lick my pussy deep.”

Judging from Nicole's squeal, Vicki must have sank her tongue deep inside Nicole's cunt, and I could hear the squishy sounds of Nicole's juices splashing against Vicki's face.

While I was inside Vicki's ass, I could feel Doug's cock against Vicki's anal wall while he fucked her pussy; he began throbbing, and I could feel his dick pulsing out streams of sperm into our cousin. That set me up for an almost instant load. My dick began oozing gallons of goo deep inside Vicki's ass, and I could hear her muffled moans of delight while her face remained pressed against Nicole's hungry pussy.

"Oh my god, that was hot," Nicole cried out.

I pulled out of Vicki, and Vicki rolled off of Doug. Both of my cousins were prone on the floor. As I stood over both of them, Vicki began leaking cum from her ass and pussy and left a massive stain on the carpet.

Finally, the four of us crawled onto the bed to relax. Vicki had reached over to the nightstand for her purse and pulled out a blunt, and the four of us passed it around to help our bodies unwind.

We continued fucking all night while we were in that room. Doug and I would sometimes do it together. Nicole and Vicki enjoyed each other at other times. After that, Vicki and Doug would get back together, and I would get to enjoy Nicole's pussy with my cock. Next, we reunited with our initial partners: Vicki and I sharing tender moments as cousins, and Doug and Nicole enjoying an evening of marital sex.

All in all, this family reunion turned out to be a lot more fun than I had imagined. I could hardly wait for the one next year.

Written by HornyBill
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