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I Won't Tell If You Don't

"My relationship with my niece leads to one interesting night."

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My niece and I have always been close. I guess I was always the 'fun' uncle.

From when she was very young, I would always take her places, like the beach, the mall or movies. Sometimes her girlfriends would come along. If she wanted something, she knew her favorite uncle Mike would always get it for her. I would also sometimes sneak her sips of my beer or drinks. At times when I balked at this, she would always look at me with that cute smile and say, "I won't tell if you don't."

As Lauren got into her teens she seemed to always have a boyfriend, as did all her girlfriends. When she was seventeen she started dating a neighborhood boy, Joey. He was a nice enough kid - always respectful and polite. He always got a kick when I would tell stories of my wild teen days. One time I was telling them a story about when me and some friends smoked weed and all went skinny dipping in all the neighbor's pools. Joey asked if I still liked to get high. I said I did, if I ever get a chance to get some pot. 

The next week, Lauren came over and when she and I were alone a minute she handed me an envelope and told me it was from Joey. I looked inside and there were three joints.

I just looked at her and said, "Um, thanks." 

She just laughed and said, "Don't worry, I wont tell if you don't."

We have a big home with a large yard and swimming pool. In the summer, there were always family and friends here. Lauren and her friends also loved to hang out and use the pool and yard. All her friend's got to call me Uncle Mike, also.

We also had a nice beach house down the Jersey shore that we used all summer long. Both our families would often head down on a Friday night after everyone got home from work. And there was always at least a couple of us there during the week.

One weekend our families were going down. The original plan was to leave early Friday morning. Unfortunately at the last minute, I had an important conference call I needed to take Friday afternoon. So it was decided they would all go as planned and I would drive down early Saturday morning. 

Thursday night my sister-in-law called to ask a favor. Seemed Lauren had a party she just had to go to and would it be okay if she stayed at my house Friday night and drive down with me. I told her it would be no problem at all. Lauren stayed over often, but this would be first time it would be just the two of us.

Friday was a very hot and humid day. I got up early and as usual went to the gym for a couple hours. When I got home, I got on my conference call with clients. Everything went very well. Afterwards, I put on shorts and t-shirt and went out back to do some yard work. 

About two o'clock, I heard the side gate open and heard Lauren call out, "Hey, Uncle Mike."

"Hey, kiddo. Did you just wake up," I asked teasingly.

"Nooooo. I was just hanging out at home. It is so hot I figured I would come by and use the pool, if that is okay?"

"Of course, silly. You know you never have to ask. Why don't you put your bag and things in Michelle's room. And, do me a favor, on your way back grab me a beer."

When she came back out, she was wearing a cut off t-shirt over her bathing suit. She carried her beach bag with towel and stuff. She walked to the lounge chair and put her bag down.

"So, where is my beer?"

"I have it, I have it." She laughed and reached into her bag and took out two bottles.

" really want to get me in trouble today, don't you?"

"Oh, don't worry. It's only one. I won't tell if you don't." She laughed.

"Okay, but just one."

"Yeah, yeah," she teased. She knew she could always get her way with me.

I opened both bottles and took a gulp. I watched as she took a sip and walked to the lounge. Putting her bottle on table, she lifted her tee up and off. 

I had to admit, she had grown into a beautiful, and dare I say, very sexy girl. She was about 5'2, about 110 lbs. She had long brown hair past her shoulders. She was petite, with a 32b chest and a cute little butt. She had on a skimpy white bikini.

I guess I should describe myself. This happened about six years ago when I was 58. I am 5'10, 185. I keep in shape. I am Italian, with brown hair and eyes, lightly hairy chest, keep smooth below and have a seven inch cut cock.

So we hung out for a while, talking away. I asked how things were going with Joey. She just shrugged and said, "Okay, I guess."

"Uh, oh..that does not sound good."

"No, it is good...could be better. He just doesn't...I mean, it is's a lot of things," she said and I left it at that

About four o'clock Lauren said she was going up to lay down a while before getting ready to go out. She asked if she fell asleep if I could wake her at about six-thirty.

I finished up outside and was relaxing in the house. It was after six and I did not hear Lauren moving about upstairs, so figured she fell asleep. I went up and looked into the room. 

I froze upon opening the door. She had gotten into bed nude and the sheets had slid off her body. There she was, half laying on her side, with her hand between her legs and cute ass right there. I froze and could not help but stare. My cock was starting to rise a bit in my shorts. 

What was I thinking? This was my niece!! Shake it off, man.

I bent and slid the sheet back up to cover her and then reached out to brush her hair to wake her up softly. She must have been in a deep sleep, because she sat up quickly. The sheet slid down to her lap, exposing her cute titties.

"Whoa!" I said and turned around.

She kind of laughed and reached for the sheet to cover herself. "Oh, stop." She laughed. "It's not like you have never seen me naked before, Uncle Mike. What time is it?"

"Just about six-thirty, as you requested, my lady. So, go on and do what ya have to do to get ready. Do you want to eat something before you go?"

"No, thanks. they are supposed to have food and stuff at the party."

I went downstairs and ate something. I was sitting, thinking about what happened and the effect on me.

Damn, calm down man. take a cold shower or something, my conscience was telling me.

I went up to my room and got undressed and went in to take a shower. As I stood under the spray, I could not stop thinking about how sexy Lauren had become. I kept telling myself to stop. This was my niece, after all. But my cock had a mind of it's own and was starting to get hard. I turned the water to the coldest I could stand.

I grabbed a large towel and dried off. I had the towel over my head, drying my hair as I walked back into the room. My back was to the door, which I thought I closed all the way. As I slid the towel off, I turned and there was Lauren standing in the doorway, in just her bra and panties.

I quickly tried to wrap the towel in around my waist.

"Heyyyy, what? Don't ya knock anymore?""

She just laughed and said, "Well, now we are even."

And, as she walked out she called back, "I won't tell if you don't."

I cleaned up and got dressed and went downstairs. She was just about to leave. She looked amazing - she had on a short black skirt, white/black cropped top and heels.

I did not say anything, just went to the other room and took out a bottle of my favorite eighteen-year-old scotch.

Lauren came in and said she was going. She saw me pouring my drink.

"Aww, I feel bad leaving you home all alone."

"Yeah, right. Like you really want to stay and hang out with this old man," I said smirking.

She just walked up to me, gave me a tight hug and kiss on the cheek and said, "Thanks for letting me stay over tonight."

"What time will you be home?" I asked, knowing full well her mom said she had an eleven o'clock curfew.

She just smiled, batting her eyes, and said, "Twelve-thirty?"

"Umm, maybe more like eleven."

"Twelve?" she asked, bargaining.

I knew I would lose this debate so I saw no sense in arguing. 

"I give up. But no later than twelve."

"Okay. Thanks, Uncle Mike. You're the best. And I won't tell if you don't." She cackled.

I slapped her on her cute ass and told her to get while the getting was good.

She called back, "Love ya, Unc."

I sat out back for a while, sipping my scotch and thinking about the day. About ten o'clock I went inside and was sitting in the den with my laptop open and just surfing the net - yes, also looking at some porn. I was feeling a little horny and was about to slide one out when I heard front door open and slam.

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"Uncle Mike, It's me. I 'm back."

"Hey, kiddo, what happened? Why so early?"

"Um, Oh...I felt bad knowing you were home alone so I thought I would hang out with you."

"Oh, really? Don't kid a kidder. What really happened?"

She moved around the sofa I was sitting on and plopped down.

"Fucking Joey!"

"Uh, oh. What happened?"

"Oh...he is just an idiot. Angela's cousin was visiting. He spent most of the night hitting on her - right in front of me. Asshole! Like he thinks he has a shot with her," she vented. "He couldn't satisfy a fat man with a piece of cake. Good luck to her." 

We both laughed hard.

"Oh, sorry babe...he IS an idiot. But you did not have to leave the party early on my account."

"No, really...I would rather be here with you than at the party watching him make an ass of himself."

"C'mere," I said and gave her a big hug and kiss on the head. "It is his loss, for sure."

"Thanks, Uncle Mike. I am going to go up and change and will be right back. Oh, what are we drinking?" she laughingly asked, as she started to walk towards the stairs.

"Oh, Joey said to give this to you." She tossed me a small plastic envelope with three joints in it.

"Oh, um...tell him thanks."

I put the weed on the side table and went to get another drink. I figured, what the hell, the kid had a rough night, so I poured her a couple of fingers of scotch.

I set the glasses on the table in front of the sofa and sat back sipping.

Lauren came back down. She was wearing a long white t-shirt. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. She sat down and saw the drink in front of her. Before I had a chance to tell her to sip it, she gulped it down.


"Hey. Go easy on that. That is eighteen-year-old Scotch. It isn't for shots, just sipping."

She just laughed and went and helped herself to more. Like I said, she always got her way around me. When she sat down she looked around. 

"Aren't you gonna enjoy the weed I got you?"

"Um...yeah..well, maybe later."

"Oh, come one," she said as she picked up one joint. "If ya don't like to get high alone, I will join you."

"Oh, no...I think you are getting me in enough trouble already tonight, young lady."

She just picked up the lighter and one of the joints. "I won't tell, if you don't." She smirked, with the most devilish grin I have ever seen.

She put the joint in her mouth. I just watched as she lit it and took a couple of hits like a pro. I just shook my head and took the joint and, figured, what the fuck, so we passed it back and forth til it was finished. We both sat back feeling very nice and just talked. Some nonsense talk, of course and lot of laughing.

"So? What's going on with you and Joey?"

"Oh, he is an ass. But things haven't been good with us for a while. He just doesn't...I mean it isn't...he never....Oh you know?" she stammered.


"Sex. Okay?"

"Whoa!? TMI!"

"Oh, Uncle Mike. It is not good at all. He won't even go down on me. I can cum better by myself. And beside...he has a little dick."

We both burst out laughing.

"Really," she continued. "It's okay if I blow that pencil dick. Seems like as soon as he has shot his load, he cannot wait to be somewhere else."

I was trying very hard not to laugh. She just kept on going on about how the sex sucked. How he had never given her an orgasm.

"C'mere," I said and reached out for her. She snuggled up close.

I stroked her hair. "Well...he is still young. All he cares about now is getting his jollies. Wait til you get older and meet a more mature boy."

"Yeah. But what about now!" she howled, right into my ear.

I hugged her closer as we laughed.

"Hey, it is his loss."

She looked up at me and said, "Yeah. But who? All the other boys are just like him." She reached out and stroked my cheek. "Why can't I find a great guy like you, Uncle Mike?"

I bent and kissed the top of her head. "You will, kiddo. I mean, look at you. Beautiful, sexy, smart. Any guy would fight to be with you."

She sat up and looked at me. "You really think so? You really think I am sexy?"

I laughed. "Of course, silly. And I am not just saying that because I am your uncle."

We just looked at each other and she leaned in close and we kissed. Softly at first and then her mouth opened and I felt her tongue snaking into my mouth.

I pulled back. "Whoa...Hey! No. We can't."

"Why not? Why can't we if we both are okay with it?" she said and leaned closer and rubbed my leg.

I did not say a conscience was having a battle. I started to say something, but she leaned back in and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me again. This time very deep as our tongues danced in each other's mouths.

I forgot all about trying to resist and just pushed her back, looking into her eyes. "Are you sure? We are a bit stoned, here, ya know."

"YES!" she roared. "I am not too stoned to know I really want you. And maybe a little bit too to allow me to have what I have only fantasized about."

With that I stood up and reached for her hand. She stood up and we both wobbled a bit. Laughing, I took her arm and led her upstairs to my bedroom.

As soon as we entered, I turned and she was lifting her tee up and off. She stood in front of me clad only in a black panties. My God, she was amazing. Her tits were so perky, dark aureole, and her nipples were hard. She walked to me and I lifted my tee up and off also. 

She reached for the waistband of my shorts and pushed them down. My cock sprang out right in front of her. She knelt in front of me, and as she looked up into my eyes, took hold of my cock and kissed the head. I watched as she licked the sides and then took me into her hot, wet mouth. I was so hard and her mouth was amazing. She reached down and squeezed my balls as she sucked.

I reached down and she stood and we kissed, my hard cock rubbing between us.

We turned and got on the bed. I kissed and licked down her neck to her tits. Her nipples were long and hard as I sucked on one and then the other. I licked down her soft flat belly, reaching lower with my hand and feeling her pussy through her panties. She was so wet already. 

I moved between her legs and licked her through the material. Then I grabbed the sides and slid them down and off. I spread her legs and licked slowly. Spreading her lips, I started really sucking and licking. He clit was so hard, as I sucked and licked it. She was so wet and juicy and tasted so sweet.

She was bucking and moaning louder, as she reached down and grabbed my head, pushing me deeper to her pussy. Her thighs tightened around my head as she lifter her butt up and came. God, did she cum. Flooded my mouth with her sweet juices.

She was not done yet. She pushed me away from her and onto my back, She was straddling me, when I stopped her.

"Wait. Let me get a condom."

"No need, Unc. I been on the pill for a year now. Mom took me. Said better safe than sorry."

I think I may have looked to the heaven and said, Thank you.

With that, she reached between her legs and took hold of my hard cock and slowly slid me inside of her wet pussy. God, she was so tight. She kept sliding lower and lower until I was all the way in her young, juicy pussy. She bent forward and we kissed as she started to ride me. I reached up and squeezed her tits and pulled on her nipples. This made her moan louder.

Then I reached lower and grabbed her ass cheeks and lifted her and laid her on her back. She...

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Written by NYMM500
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