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Hot weekend with Uncle Raul

"Lily had no idea her weekend was going to be this good."

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"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm going to have my Aunts house to myself for the whole weekend!" Lily thought to herself as she drove the two miles to her Aunt Katie's home. Her Aunt was on a trip with one of her friends in San Jose for the weekend, and her Uncle Raul was working in LA. "I want to party tonight then chill by the pool for the rest of the weekend." She was already getting excited about whom she was going to invite. Just a couple of her friends and maybe that sexy guy next door that had given Lily his number weeks ago. She pulled up to the drive, parked and found the house key in her pocket.

Once inside the house Lily ran upstairs, found the guest room and flopped herself and her overnight bag on the bed. She thought about calling her friends, but something held her back." no, I want to take a swim, the party can wait." she told herself as she pulled herself up. Lily rummaged through her bag for her favorite black and gold bikini. She stripped her shorts, tank top, bra and thong off and kicked them to the side. Lily walked to the full length mirror on the door, with the bikini in her hand she looked at herself in the mirror. For an eighteen almost nineteen year old girl, Lily was gorgeous. At 5 foot 3 and 120 pounds, nice auburn colored hair down to her middle back, big hazel eyes, tan skin, round but firm butt and 34c breasts. She loved the way she looked,and she loved how she drove men crazy with her looks. Lily brushed one of her nipples with her finger as she put on her bikini.The tingle made her shiver, "god I have got to get laid, it's been forever!"

Lily ran down the stairs with a beach towel, tanning lotion stopping by the kitchen to get a bottled water, and she was out the back door. She sat her stuff on a beach chair not far from the pool and ran and jumped in the pool, for June weather it was hot! The cool pool water felt good on her skin. Lily swam a couple laps from one side to the other, then got out, dried herself off. Putting lotion on herself she thought "this is just what I need, rest and relaxation" as she laid herself down on the beach chair, she closed her eyes.

About an hour later Lily felt someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw her Uncle Raul dirty from work, standing in the way of the sun. Lily sat up quickly.
" Lily, what are you doing here?" Raul asked.

 "Shit Uncle Raul you scared me! My Aunt Katie said I could stay here for the weekend" She replied. Lily felt the need to pull her towel over her to cover herself up. She noticed her Uncle looking at her very intensely. Then she noticed a bulge in his pants. She looked at his face, and asked.

"Everything OK Raul? Are you here for the weekend, if so I can leave" Raul must have realized he was staring at his gorgeous niece, and looked up and said

 "I'm just here to pick up my things, I'm leaving. For good."He turned away and walked into the house.

Lily ran into the house to chase after her uncle. "What do you mean your leaving for good? Your moving?" Raul stopped in the middle of the stairs

 "I mean I'm leaving your aunt, I caught her cheating on me with a guy I know from work. I wont stand for that shit!" He looked at the look of disbelief on his nieces face. Lily had only known Raul since she was fourteen years old, she never known him to lie. "don't believe me? Raul started walking again."Follow me."

Lily followed her uncle into the office, watched him turn on the computer. "Have a seat Lily, see for yourself." He got on his wifes email and pulled up some emails. "Read what that slut and her new boyfriend have been emailing to each other!It's been going on for months!"Lily read, email after email. Some were dirty, some had naked pictures of the both of them, some where just about loving each other. 

While reading she heard the shower in the next room turn on, Lily switched off the computer, she had seen enough."What a stupid bitch!" Lily thought to herself. She thought of her uncle. His hot chiseled body. For thirty six he was in awesome shape and looked great. He had a nice big cock too! She had spied on her Aunt and her husband making love one time when she was staying the night. She was sixteen then and she had never seen a penis before. But she had heard the bigger the better.Lily got up from the chair and started to go back downstairs. Then she got an idea to go see if she could spy on her naked uncle.
She quietly went to her aunts room and into the bath room. She peeked her head in the see if she could see anything. There he was in the shower. Beautiful, tan, fit, naked body of Raul. She could hear him grunting and moaning a little. She went in a little further, he was holding his hard cock in his hand, going up and down on it. Lily watched in amazement. Raul's cock must have been at least nine inches!"Fuck!" Lily thought,"I've got to have that!, one way or another I'm going to have that man tonight!
"Oh god damn...ohhhhh yeah!" She heard her uncle moan as he finished jerking off. Lily quietly exited the room and went to back to her room to freshen up.

Twenty minutes later Raul came downstairs clean and smelling good! He went to the fridge to get a beer. It was about 7pm and he was hungry. He looked around the kitchen. He spotted pizza, he took a slice, it was still warm. Lily must have bought it. He looked out the window and saw Lily in the pool in that sexy bikini she was wearing before. Raul watched her as she climbed out of the pool, her nipples poking through. He pictured ripping the swimming suit off of her beautiful little body. He wanted to taste her just once. He realized he was daydreaming when he heard the door slam.

"Hey Raul, thought you might be hungry so I ordered pizza." Lily said leaning against the table so Raul could see her cleavage. He felt himself getting hard again.

 " Thanks Lily, it's great. I decided I'm not leaving tonight." He sighed.

 "Do you mind if I stay the night? I'll be out early in the morning" Lily asked sweetly Raul looked at his sexy niece and said.

 " You can stay as long as you want, in fact stay please, I'd like the company."

Raul walked into the living room flicked on the TV.He heard Lily run up the stairs and in a few moments run back down. He turned to look at her, he noticed she changed her clothes. She looked stunning in a light blue spaghetti strap and white boy shorts. "Damn Lily, you really are a beautiful woman." He stuttered as he turned back to the TV.Lily plopped down on the sofa next to Raul and said,

" Thanks, I try!""what are we watching?" she asked as she inched closer to her uncle.

"Its a scary flick, is that OK?" He noticed she was getting closer and closer by the minute. He put his attention on his niece. One of her straps on her shirt fell down her tan arm, he moved his hand to put it back on her shoulder.

"Thanks" Lily whispered. She put her hands up to Raul's face onto his cheek then moved it down to his neck. She felt him shiver. "You know uncle, I was thinking..."she trailed off as she moved her hand slowly to his chest " I was thinking, you should get back at my aunt know teach her a lesson?" Lily's hand stopped at Raul's button on his shorts. He put his hand on her thigh.

"What did you have in mind Lily?" He asked quietly.

" Look" She said bluntly "I'm not going to pretend I don't notice when you stare at me at every family event, or when I'm here visiting my aunt. Even earlier I saw how hard you were when I was laying in the sun" Lily breathed in "It's OK Raul...I want you to" She moved her hand to his and pulled it to her breast. She wasn't wearing a bra and her nipples were hard again, She got onto his lap face to face pulled his face to hers for a long deep kiss.

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It was the best kiss Lily had ever had, she wanted it to last forever!

"mmmmm" she said as they pulled apart"thats what Ive been waiting to do for awhile now."

 Raul smiled and said"me too baby" He got up to stand and put Lily on her feet, turned of the TV, lifted Lily up off the floor and walked up the stairs.
Raul put his sexy niece on his marital bed gently and he positioned himself on top of her pressed his lips on hers for another kiss.He put his tongue into Lily's sweet mouth and massaged and sucked on her tongue. His strong rough hand felt its way up her shirt and found her perfect breasts. He felt the hard nipple on one and tweaked it with his fingers. Lily moaned out of pleasure in his mouth. He pulled away from the kiss to gently remove her clothing. Once he had hers off he started taking his off.

 "No baby, let me" Lily muttered. She pulled Raul's white tank top over his head. She kissed him gently on the lips, then she kissed his neck, then started kissing downwards on his chest, then his tummy, kissing him all the way down to his jean shorts. Lily pushed him down on the bed, unbuttoned his shorts and gently pulled them off and threw them on the floor. She looked for his underwear, but he wasn't wearing any. Then she looked, there it was, Raul's nice big cock, dancing right in front of her eyes. Raul started to sit up.

"No!" Lily told him."lay back down, I'm going to suck this beautiful dick of yours!" Lily looked at his cock again took it with both of her hands put it to her mouth and took it all in.Once she she got it all the way in her mouth she heard her uncle gasp.

 "Oh my god, Lily, you are fucking perfect!" She started getting the hang of sucking her uncles big cock, she move her hand to it to move it as she sucked it. "Fuck baby!" He moaned. Raul sat up, got off the bed, knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and gently pulled Lily's legs over his shoulders so he could taste his nieces wet, beautiful, clean shaven pussy. He first put a finger inside of her and slowly pulled it out, then he put two, then he put his face down to her sweet smelling pussy. His tongue hit her clit and slowly went to her slit. He sucked her clit in.

"Shit, thats so incredible!" Lily moaned as she moved her hand to her hard nipple. She slowly pulled at it as Raul was sucking her clit. "Ohhhh fuck yeah!" Lily screamed as she twitched and spasmed out of pleasure. Lily had never had an orgasm before.

 "Mmmmmm, Lily. Was that good for you?" Lily heard her uncle ask. She couldn't answer, she could barely focus.She felt Raul lay beside her. He kissed her forehead then found her lips. "Come on, your not done yet are you baby?" Raul asked playfully as he crawled to the head of the bed,he sat down, propping himself with pillows.

"Hell no!" Lily said breathlessly. She got up and crawled to where Raul was." I'm just getting started" She found his cock again and started playing with it.

"Good" Raul smiled." He pulled Lily's face to his for yet another long wet kiss."Lily, baby, I want you to get on top of me. I want you to come for me again." He whispered to his niece.Lily climbed on top of Him and positioned her uncles cock inside of her.She sat all the way down on his dick.

"Mmmmmmmmm" She moaned. Raul's cock was the biggest she ever had. She started bouncing on it to get the feel of his thickness, once she did Lily went at a slower pace.Both Lily and her uncle were moaning loudly.

Raul looked at his nieces beautiful face and breathed. "Yeah baby... thats right, that feels amazing. I love your pussy." Lily began to bounce harder on her uncles hard dick moaning until Raul felt her tighten up on him and then spasm again for a second orgasm.

"Oh Raul.....fuck it's soooo good!" Lily screamed at the top of her lungs. She stopped bouncing and her uncle flipped her over her he was on top and started pounding her tight pussy, slow at first, because he wanted to last, then he started pounding harder and harder with each thrust. " Oh god, uncle...Harder, please fuck me harder!"Lily moaned.He didn't have to be asked twice. He found Lily's breasts and massage them and he pounded into his niece. He couldn't take it any more one more thrust.

" Lily baby I'm gonna come" Raul breathed.

 "Come baby, come in my pussy. It feels amazing Raul!" He couldn't hold it anymore, he loved it when she said his name. He felt himself release a big load of cum inside Lily's pussy. 

Raul collapsed beside his breathless niece."Oh my god Lily, you are incredible!" He stuttered.

"Yeah it was amazing, I've never had anyone like you" Lily said, then she looked up at her uncle and asked"Isn't revenge sweet?"

Raul chuckled "It's the sweetest!" Raul and Lily made love once more that night.

The next morning Lily woke to the phone ringing. Groggy she picked up the phone beside the bed "Mendoza residence" she answered.

"Lily? Are you still asleep? It's eleven in the morning!" She heard her aunt Katie ask. Lily turned over to see her uncle smiling at her.

"Yeah I just woke up. I had a late night last night." She sighed as she listened to her aunt ramble on about how her trip was going.Then she heard her aunt ask.

Is Raul there? Raul heard, and he started to kiss Lily's neck.Lily let out a little moan,"Lily!!Is he there?" Her aunt asked again a little more sternly.Raul snatched the phone out of Lily's hand.

"Yeah I'm here,what do you want slut?"

Lily heard the surprise in her aunt Katie's voice when she asked"Exuse me!?" Lily then took an opportunity to find her uncles cock to make him hard again.

"You heard me!" Raul yelled into the phone"I know all about you and Jake! I found your fucking emails."Lily took Raul's now hard cock into her mouth and started sucking and moaning. She heard her aunt Katie screaming and crying over the phone, but she didn't care about how much noise she made.She sucked harder until she could hear Raul moan. Raul took to what Lily was doing, he turned the phone on speaker phone and set on the bed.

They could both here Katie sniffling and crying 'I'm sorry" over and over.Raul pulled Lily on top of his cock and she started to fuck him right there with his wife on the phone.

"Mmmmmmm fuck Raul, your so good!" Lily moaned.
"Fuck me harder Lily baby,I want to come in your tight pussy." Raul moaned in return. The phone grew quiet as the two made love.

Then Lily heard her aunt ask "Whats going on there? I hear someone else there?"

 Raul moaned a bit louder"Yeah baby fuck me like that, I'm gonna come soon!" Lily found her uncles hands and moved them to her naked breasts for him to twist her nipples. She bounced harder on to his big cock.

 "What the fuck!!!Who are you with Raul?" Her aunt screamed into the phone.

Lily screamed"FUCK YES UNCLE!!" As she climaxed. Not long after Lily came Raul came to.

"Oh Lily yes, yes fuck yes, your so amazing!" Raul's wife was still screaming into the phone when Lily climbed off of her uncle.

"Somebody better fucking answer me!!" Aunt Katie screamed.

Lily picked up the phone and breathlessly said" Fuck! Your a stupid bitch!Your husband is an amazing lover, and you didn't want him? "Lily looked over at Raul smiled and said into the phone "Enjoy the rest of the weekend, I know I will!"

Lily helped her uncle moved his belongings into her apartment before her aunt got home.After the last box was inside Lily's home she gave her handsome uncle a kiss." I think I'm in love...." She trailed off.

" Raul kissed her back and said "baby I knew I was going to love you when I met you!"

Written by DeliaStar05
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