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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 01

"Frank receives a reward from Brianna."

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Silas' costume parties were not yourtypical costume parties. The men who'd come as centaurs had physically transformed so that they actually had the lower body of a horse. Women who came as angels had feathery white wings and halos, while the devils had leathery black wings, horns, and tails. I saw at least one genie whose body seemed to be made of nothing but smoke from mid-thigh down. To be sure, some of the guests wore more conventional attire, but even they were far from ordinary looking. If you took any single one of the guests and placed them in a mortal party, they'd absolutely steal the show.

I hardly spoke to anyone. But then, there wasn't a lot of conversation taking place. Everywhere I looked, there were threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes.

The air rang with the music of sex. Grunts, moans, sighs, and muttered curses. Skin slapping against skin and telltale slurping sounds. I drew a deep breath and the sweet yet pungent stench of perfume, sweat and various other bodily secretions filled my nostrils.

It wasn't with any of my five natural senses that I realized just how unusual the party was, though. The world around me hummed. Just walking about, taking it all in, I felt my Libido quiver. Once, when I walked too close to a cluster of carnality, a blue bolt of sexual energy would jump off one of them, arcing across the empty air to strike my bare skin. I'd experienced the electric ecstasy before, but only up close, from a partner who I'd assumed had done it on purpose. I'd never seen it randomly strike out at passerby like that. Their frenzied efforts could almost lead one to experience a contact climax the way one could get high simply by being in a room where other people were smoking up.

For a time, I contented myself with that vicarious pleasure, because I couldn't help but feel like that cartoon coyote when he ran off a cliff but didn't fall until he looked down.

I had no business being invited to this party. Silas had yet to grant my request for asylum. And he had plenty of loyal subjects who went their entire lives without ever attending one of these things. Mostly minor nobles, sure, but I was in no better standing than they.

"Hey there," a soft voice called from the shadows under one of the arched doorways that led back into the palace. "Fireman."

I walked across the courtyard towards the voice, adjusting my suspender straps. The entirety of my costume consisted of them, a pair of black silk boxers with flames emblazoned on them, thick boots, and the characteristic helmet.

When I was a half dozen paces from the doorway, one of the women in the nearest mound of flesh peeled herself away, stood up, and reached out to take my hand.

From the shadows, I heard the rumbling growl of what had to be the largest wolf the world had ever seen. It snapped its jaws, and I felt the reverberations in my bones.

The naked woman who'd reached for my hand pulled back, shoulders hunched, and after a few cautious steps, turned about and hurriedly walked away.

Had I thought the air charged with sexual energy a moment ago? For the briefest instant, I felt nothing but a slight autumn chill, smelled nothing but the rank stench of sweat and dead, rotting leaves underfoot. My Libido went cold.

"Sorry," the voice said, sounding soft once more. "I saw you first."

I forced a chuckle.

But the woman who stepped out into the night took my breath away, and I almost forgot about that haunting growl. Just like that, I was under the spell once more.

Her skin was the lightest blue, her hair dark indigo. The difference in shade made for almost as deep a contrast as with women who had very fair skin and black hair, like my mother. That was a look that had always held great appeal for me. This woman's coloration was like an exotic take on a familiar favorite.

Her full lips were purple. Her big, round eyes were the same color, and so bright they almost seemed to give off their own light.

For just a moment, I wondered how I hadn't noticed them when she'd been standing under the arch. Then they dimmed and they were ordinary eyes once more. Well, not ordinary. I didn't know many women with purple irises. But they no longer emitted light.

She had a delicate bone structure, with a thin nose, high cheekbones, and sharp chin. Her lashes were long and full. Amethysts dangled from her ears, set in intricate silver. They were the same color as her lips and eyes.

My eyes made their way down past her neck. She had an extreme hourglass figure. A waist so small that I was sure that if I wrapped my hands around it, I could touch my thumbs together beneath her navel while pressing the tips of my other fingers together above her tailbone. Despite that tiny waist, she had breasts larger than cantaloupes, broad hips, and full, shapely thighs. My cousin was one of the only women I'd ever met who could claim the honor of a waist that small, and she certainly didn't have curves like that.

The exotic beauty wore a loose-fitting black camisole, black panties, and a string of purple beads tied around her waist. A few additional strings of beads clacked about her thighs. I guess they were meant to be a skirt, but they didn't cover much. Her bare thighs would scarcely have been any more exposed if she hadn't bothered with anything between waist and ankles save her panties. Her pretty little feet were adorned by purple crystal heels.

The heels were easily six inches tall. If I hadn't augmented my height, she'd have stood a good two or three inches taller than me.

The woman held her hand out and said, "I'm Lily."

"Frank," I said. "A pleasure to meet you, Lily." I kissed her hand.

"You're new around here."

"Yeah. Refugee. From the Third Autumnal Court. Hoping to be granted asylum."

She planted one hand on a hip, and raised a cocktail glass that hadn't existed a moment ago to her lips. The liquid inside might have been some kind of wine, but if so, it wasn't one I'd ever seen. Neither white nor red, it was light blue. "So if you haven't even been granted asylum yet, how'd you get invited to one of these little shindigs?"

I offered a faint shrug. "His majesty sent me to live with this family. Suspected the father of plotting against him. Turned out he was, and his wife and daughter either were too or simply weren't going to let him go without a fight. They seduced me, cuffed me, and, well, I don't know what they planned to do from there, but it wasn't fuck me, and it didn't look likely to be pretty." I paused, remembering what it had been like to Devour two women at once. And to smash the father's face into a bloody pulp with one punch when he came home. I'd never considered that our powers could just as well be used for something like that. And would prefer never to have to do so again. "The story doesn't end well for them." Or for me. Nominally, at least, I'd Devoured those two women in self defense. Or at least under circumstances that led me to fear for my life, correctly or not. But since then, I'd thought more than once about doing so just for the rush. I'd nearly retched each time the thought came to me, but the fact that I had at all made me rather uncomfortable. "Our majesty was rather pleased with the outcome though."

"But not pleased enough to grant you asylum?"

"I'm to go live with another family of suspected dissidents," I said.

She studied my face, presumably looking for a reaction. Finding none, she said, "Maybe you've proven yourself too useful?"

"That's a terrible thing to say. I'm sure his majesty intends to grant my request once I've adequately addressed his legitimate concerns."

She laughed, laying a hand gently on my upper arm. "I get it. Don't worry, he's plenty preoccupied just now. Can't imagine he's eavesdropping on any conversations."

I scanned the courtyard as if looking for someone more interesting to talk to. Not that I was. But I thought it might be useful if she thought so.

Her Libido first receded then swelled. She reached out, took my hand, and, without waiting for a reaction, led me inside the palace. "I could feel you from across the garden, you know. You weren't one of the minor nobles in the Third Court. One of the big families. What is it, the Orwins and the Farriers?"

"My mother is an Orwin, my father a Farrier," I said. "Where are we headed?"

"Have you ever been with a moonlit woman?" she asked.

"Not yet, no," I admitted. For that matter, I was only pretty sure that when she referred to herself as moonlit, she meant that she was from the Shadowed Glade of the Moon.

"Well," she said, sipping her drink. "I've never fucked a fireman. So that works out."

I spun her around, pinned her against the wall, and kissed her deeply. As I did, I threw all my energy at her defenses. She was strong. So strong, I thought there was no way this would work. But after a few moments, either I broke through or she stopped resisting on her own. It was small enough, but as intended, she experienced an orgasm.

"Just a little something I picked up from my cousin," I said as I pulled back.

Though Brianna had come close to managing that a few times before, the first time she'd actually brought me to climax with but a kiss had been after I'd arrived here. There was no need to mention that though. After all, I was supposedly trying to escape her, not meeting with her every few days to deliver updates on my progress.

"I wish I could say I'd learned all the lessons my family had to teach before my own exile," she said. "I'm afraid I was something of a disappointment to my father."

"Ah, but how much less interesting would the world be for our kind if not for girls with daddy issues?" I asked.

A look of shocked indignation briefly passed over her face. But her Libido told a different story. "And do I take it, then, that you've no hangups about your mother?" she asked.

I offered her a brief grin. "Touche."

"So, don't you want to know why my father was disappointed with me?"

"Not really," I lied.

Lily huffed in exasperation. "You really know how to charm a girl, huh?"

I took her hand in mine, ran my fingers lightly over her palm. She fought to hide a shudder, and failed. "Honey, if I was trying to charm you, you'd know it. Besides, I think it's you who's doing the pursuing here."

If she noticed the complete disconnect between my words and my actions, she didn't say so. "You've no idea who you're talking to, do you?" she asked, with a wry smile.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Maybe I don't much care."

She stepped closer to me, laid a hand on my bare chest. "Well, all right then. It'll be a nice change for me. To be able to be just some girl."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure it's a huge challenge for you. Cause, what, you were on the fast track to becoming queen, when you gave it all-"

Whoops. Too far.

For a moment, I thought sure I'd get to see just how big that wolf had been.

Lily sighed. "Can we just skip the rest of this ritual and get to the part where you're inside me?" Blushing, she added, "You'll have to forgive me. I tend to be a bit blunt."

"No apologies necessary," I said.

I led Lily back to my room.

How she walked in those heels, I have no idea.

She tasted the way I imagined potpourri might taste. Not as sweet as most of the women of my family, but still unlike any mortal woman. And well worth savoring.

Though she was certainly strong, she was weaker than Brianna. Maybe on par with my mother or Iva. More aggressive than either though. At first, I wasn't sure if I liked that or not, but as the hours wore on, I found myself leaning more and more towards yes.

Eventually, we collapsed alongside each other, panting. Our hands roamed over each other's bodies a while longer before clasping together and falling between us.

"You were amazing," I said.

"Me? You're a fucking god. Silas better watch out for you."

I laughed. "Not hardly, I'm sure."

She rolled her head to the side, smiled at me. Her eyes were otherworldly. But then, everything about her was. "Okay, so I was obviously being nice. Of course, you can't compare to him. But you were good."

I cleared my throat. "Weren't kidding about the blunt part, huh?"

A faint smile formed on her purple lips.

I raised her pale blue hand to my mouth and kissed it. "So, where do you stand in Silas' court? Don't tell me you're a distant relative?"

She laughed. "No. I'd be long gone if I were."

"None of his family is left?"

She hesitated. "Well, there's his sister. Not that you heard that from me. Most people don't know about her. He doesn't let her out much. Too afraid someone will Devour her. But every so often, he invites one of us to have a threesome with him and her. Usually just his Shadow, Alice, but I've had the pleasure once myself."

Jack-fucking-pot. "But he's Devoured the rest?"

She nodded. "Mostly, yeah. Some died before the purges began a few months ago. I hear one of yours did for his daughter. They say he was never the same after that."

"I see."

Lily's voice went grave. "I'm not going to regret telling you that, am I?"

"No, no no. I swear. I've crossed one too many monarchs."

"Good," she said. "I'd hate to have to Devour you."

"Curiously enough, I'd hate that too," I said.

"Well, then I'm sure we'll keep that little tidbit between us."

"Naturally," I said.

"You think I won't know if you tell anyone. But I will."

I laughed. "I won't. I promise."

The lie came so easy, it surprised me. But it seemed to convince her.

Or so I assumed, since, a few moments later, I was in her mouth.

The sun was not just up, but fairly high in the sky before we finally decided to sleep.


After Lily left, I showered. But I did not linger, as good as the warm water felt on my aching body. Brianna would want to hear the news about Silas' sister straight away. And after all of my cousin's promises about how richly she'd reward me if I brought her something useful, I was looking forward to seeing how she'd react to this.

As if pushing through a heavy curtain, I moved through worlds. There had been a time not long ago that such an act would have left me doubled over, panting for air.

Back before I'd Devoured two women.

Women who'd merely sought to protect their family. Yes, there was a plot against the king. And there was a case for self-defense, what with the way they'd restrained me. But even so, it wouldn't do to lose sight of just how I'd come to be so powerful. If I wasn't careful, I might find myself looking for a situation that would “force” me to Devour again.

I wouldn't let myself become that.

With a shudder, I straightened my back and made for the court room. I found Brianna there, sitting atop a new throne. It was carved from marble, with graphic images of men and women coupling. Few enough of whom appeared to enjoying themselves.

Last I'd seen the court room, she'd still sat atop the gilded oak chair that had served for generations. It had been beautiful and majestic, and surely more comfortable than this cold hard thing. But there was no question that her new throne sent a powerful message.

A minor nobleman whose name escaped me was prostrated before her, his hands in shackles behind his back. Dom stood behind the man, face impassive. He clenched and unclenched a fist that I'd almost failed to notice was not flesh, but stone.

Good to know I wasn't the only one who was getting more comfortable with his powers.

Brianna looked up at me. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise." She flashed a brief, thin smile. "Hello, Frank. Have you got something to report then?"

I nodded.

"Dom, finish up here, will you?"

"As you wish, my liege," he said.

Brianna climbed down from the throne. She wore a loose-fitting brown dress with a heavily embroidered red vest sewn into it. It was pleasant enough, but probably the least revealing thing I'd ever seen her wear. On the on hand, her best asset had always been her face anyway. At least in my mind. But all the same, there seemed to be a message in that too. Like she was making a point of the fact that she didn't need to reveal her body to make men's mouths water and knees wobble.

And she didn't, truth be told.

Her skin was like porcelain. Despite its fair hue and her red hair, she had not a single freckle on that gorgeous face of hers. The diamond-stud protruding from one nostril seemed almost dull in comparison to her large, green eyes or her impossibly white teeth. Her cheekbones...

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Written by jdnunyer
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