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Home Schooled

"Sometimes the best lessons are learned at home."

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Author's Notes

"I've been pretty busy in the shop and I thought I would share an older story until I can get back to writing. I hope you enjoy it."

Beth and I have been married for twenty years. All of them have been good, and some of them have been amazing. I would describe our sex life the same way. Our marriage and our sex life are great because we communicate our wants and needs openly and honestly. That took some courage when we first married. We were both raised in conservative households. You know the ones. Never talk to your kids about sex except to tell them not to do it. Expect them to never have sex until they marry, then be shocked and disappointed when you discover they did what they wanted instead of what their parents wanted.

Beth and I married young. We had graduated from high school and were working in our hometown when we met. She had attended an all-girls religious school; I think mainly so her dad could guarantee her virginity. I had gone to the local high school. We met by accident in the grocery store and were instantly smitten with each other. Our parents were not too happy about it. Even though we were both eighteen, they still wanted to control our urges and they feared the attraction they could see between us. We became convinced that our parents were never going to accept our love.

We eloped. Our honeymoon night led to the birth of our twins, Tom and Sara. Neither her parents nor mine had spoken to us since we eloped. They finally broke their silence when they saw the pictures of our newborn twins. We struggled during those first years, especially the first nine months. Neither of us made much money. We barely managed to pay the rent on a rundown efficiency apartment and ate Ramen noodles for dinner as often as not. Hard work and good fortune managed to see us through. Our parents never once offered us anything but bad advice, especially after the twins were born.

It would surprise a lot of people, but we didn’t hate them for it. We understood early, something they never did. Just because your parents believe something, doesn’t make it true or the best way to live your life. Our mothers rarely told us they loved us, and our fathers never did. It’s not that they didn’t love us, it’s just that they were taught to be stoic at all costs. Beth and I were determined that our children would always know that we loved them. We vowed to be open and honest with our children and when they were old enough to have questions, we were going to be available with the answers.

Beth and I stumbled our way through sex in the beginning. Even the stumbling was fun, and we decided that it would be even more fun if we talked about what we liked and didn’t like. We took an active interest in learning about sex, whether it be science or a dirty movie. After the twins were born, Beth began taking the pill and we picked up where we had left off, then improved on that. The fact is we enjoyed having sex with each other immensely.

When Tom and Sara turned eighteen, we taught them more about the reproductive system than their school was willing to. We made sure that they understood how the male and female parts worked together. The problem we didn’t recognize, because it wasn’t something we had experienced growing up, was teenage embarrassment. We were never allowed to even mention the word sex when we grew up so it never occurred to us that our kids would be too embarrassed to ask about intimate details. They knew how the parts fit, but not about how to have fun while in the process of fitting them.

Tom and Sara graduated from high school and were in their first year of college. Fortunately, the state university was close by and that meant they could still live at home. Beth and I assumed that by this point both had been intimate with their respective opposite sexes. While they talked to us about almost everything, they had stopped talking to us about sex some time ago. I had tried to talk to Tom about pleasing a woman, but he wasn’t interested in talking to his dad about it. Beth ran into the same issue with Sara.

I’m still stunned at what happened next.

Beth and I always reserved Friday nights for us. We would go out to dinner and afterward visit our favorite local club for dancing and socializing. One fateful evening,z our dancing and socializing plans were canceled on arrival. The club was closed due to flooding from a water leak. We rented a movie and went home to relax on the couch and enjoy the show.

When we walked into the kitchen from the garage, the lights were out on the first floor. Neither of us thought anything of it. We figured that the kids were out doing what young people do on Friday. That was until we heard noises coming from upstairs. Curious, we both walked over to the stairs. We heard a bed squeaking erratically, followed by Sara’s voice, “It hurts like that! Slow down!”

We gave each other confused looks and began climbing the stairs. We quietly walked down the hall toward our daughter’s room. The door was open and as we approached, we could hear Tom, “It doesn’t feel that great to me either!”

We arrived at the open door and froze. In shock, speechless, we watched as our son and our daughter were trying to screw. I say trying, even though he was obviously penetrating her because neither of them looked like they were enjoying the experience.

I looked at Beth and nodded for her to speak. I knew the sound of my deep voice would freak them the fuck out. I also knew that regardless of who spoke, they weren’t going to be happy to see us. Beth has a soft, sensual voice that would come across as more accepting. Mine would sound like the crack of doom.

Beth nodded. “Tom, Sara, please be calm, and let’s talk.”

Of course, instant panic ensued. In their spastic attempt to cover themselves and pretend innocence, they both grabbed the same blanket while moving in different directions. As a result, both their nude bodies were exposed as the blanket was suspended in some sort of erotic tug of war between them. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing.

Sara was standing nearest to us and found her voice first. “MOM! GET OUT!”

“I am not going anywhere until the four of us talk. Now, both of you sit down.”

Sara won the tug of war and wrapped the blanket around her front, holding it in place with stiff arms down her sides. The back was still open, and her brother had a fine view. He jumped onto the bed and pulled the sheet up until he was covered from the neck down. Beth gave me ‘the look’ at my barely suppressed snort of amusement.

Sara walked over and sat on the corner of the bed. “First of all you are not in trouble.

“I need you to be honest with me and tell me if I get anything wrong. It appears to me that you are both inexperienced at sex and are trying to figure it out with each other. True?”

Mumbling ensued and I decided to enter the conversation. “Please speak up. We want to help you, not punish you. We can’t do that if you won’t talk to us.


“Yes, Dad?”

“Your mother is correct, isn’t she?”



“Yes, Dad?”

“Same question.”

“Yes, Dad.”

“OK, now we are getting somewhere.”

Beth took it from there. “So, why each other?”

Sara was looking at her feet. “Wellll… I have had sex a few times and the guy told me I was bad at it and it wasn’t fun, and I was embarrassed, and I wanted to learn, and Tom knows me better than anybody, and he’s nice and…”

“Slow down, sweety. It will be all right. Tom?”

“Well, it’s like what Sis said for me too. I know I can trust Sara, she’s on the pill, and we thought we had privacy. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try.”

Beth looked at them both with her kind eyes. Her loving smile reassured them both. “It didn’t appear to be going very well. Do you find each other attractive?”

“Sis is hot Mom!... I mean, uhm.”

Sara smiled at her brother. “I think Tom is hot too.”

“That narrows things down a bit. As I see it, the problem you are both having is figuring out how the bits and pieces fit in an enjoyable way.”

At this point, I felt the need to re-enter the conversation. “Have either of you ever watched porn? I will be the first to say it isn’t close to real life, but it at least illustrates some of the acts.”

Tom spoke up this time. “Yes, we watched some videos. We figured that we would knock out the Big Deal thing first. If we liked it, we could try the licking and stuff maybe later.”

Beth chuckled. “I understand your logic, but it is entirely backward. The licking and stuff is what prepare you to enjoy the Big Deal. Tom, Sara, your Dad and I need to talk for a minute. Please stay right here and please relax. Everything will be fine.”


Beth and I walked down the hall to our bedroom. We walked into the room and Beth pulled the door closed. Her face was serious. “I do not want our kids to go through what we went through. It took us a long time to shake off what other people thought we should do, or not do, and learn to enjoy each other.

“I know it is a bit odd and, according to our parents, socially unacceptable, but I think we need to teach them.”

“Let me get this straight. You want us to teach our kids how to have sex?”

“Yes, dear, I do.”

“Does the word ‘incest’ mean anything to you, dear?”

“Oh stop. In my mind, it is incest if the children are not adults, if there is coercion involved, or if there is a pregnancy risk. Our children are consenting adults and none of us are at risk of getting pregnant.”

“None of us? What us?”

“If we are going to teach them, then we are going to have to get involved to some degree. Don’t ya’ think?”

I will admit that I mentally froze. Beth waited patiently for me to get my mind around it. Honestly, I didn’t, but I did trust my wife to always do what is best for us. So, I just went with it. “If you say it’s what we need to do, then that is what we will do.”

Her smile made my heart light up like her smile always does. “Well then, I think we need to get a bit less formal before we talk to Tom and Sara.

“Take off your clothes but leave on those sexy boxer briefs that show your bulge so well.”

While I did that, she undressed completely. She put on her light blue and nearly transparent négligée with a matching thong. She looked so amazing that I had to pull her close and kiss her. Sometime later, our lips parted, and we attempted to get our breathing back to normal. I turned on the romantic music, nice and low, while Beth lit some candles.

Beth leaned out into the hall. “Tom, Sara, come here, please!”

The shuffling of feet down the hall clearly indicated the reluctance of our children. Both walked into our room with their heads down. Apparently, there was something fascinating on the floor. They had managed to get their undergarments on while Beth and I talked, and both were wrapped up. Sara in the blanket she had won from her brother, and Tom in the sheet.

Beth smiled, “OK, first of all, your bodies are beautiful and nothing to be ashamed of so lose the blanket and the sheet.”

They reluctantly dropped them while continuing to stare holes into the floor. Beth waited silently while they fidgeted.

It was all I could do not to laugh out loud when the silence got to them and they finally looked up from the floor. When they saw how their parents were dressed, or not dressed depending on your viewpoint, their eyes got huge and their mouths dropped open in unison.

I noticed Tom’s eyes as they took in the entire view of his mother in a glance before his eyes fell to her feet and began working their way upward. Beth has a perfect figure, in my opinion. She is slender, but not skinny. Long and toned legs meet nice hips with a tight round butt in the back and a pretty, little, neatly trimmed pussy in the front. Tom’s eyes continued to rise, taking in her nearly flat stomach and progressing upward to her still pert B, almost C, cup tits. By the time he got to her face, it was evident from the state of his underwear that his eyes were not the only thing rising. I can’t blame him. She has the same effect on me.

Sara’s eyes, on the other hand, were staring intently at my crotch. Her mother had gotten me hard when we kissed. Sara’s stare should have made me go soft. She is my daughter and I had spent my life so far trying to protect her from all things bad, including men who wanted her body. Now I felt like I was one of those men. I had only gotten a brief glance at her in the nude earlier, but as she stood in front of me now in her bra and panties, I could not help noticing that she was incredibly attractive. Sara is a two-inch taller, one cup size larger, version of her mother. Instead of going soft, I went from hard to painfully hard. Hell, I’m only human!

My son is a younger version of me, except he’s a bit taller, and a bit better-looking thanks to his mother. Beth was mimicking Sara. Her eyes were focused on her son’s erection, which is another thing he gets from his dad. Neither of us is porn-star huge, thank god, but we are well-endowed.

We all stood in silence taking each other in until Beth finally pulled her eyes away from her son’s crotch. She smiled. “Do you like what you see, Son?”

“Mom, you are beautiful! And hot! Definitely hot!”

She grinned at him. “You are pretty hot yourself, son!

“Sara, what do you think of your dad?”

“Uhm wow! I never noticed before. I mean, I have always thought Dad was handsome, but I didn’t know he was sexy.”

“What do you think of your daughter?”

I walked over to Sara and pulled her into my arms. Her body against mine, I looked into her eyes, “You are a very sexy and beautiful woman.”

I felt her tremble against me. “You don’t have to be scared, Sara. I will never do anything to hurt you or anything to you that you don’t want me to.”

“I’m not sure what I am feeling, Dad, but it isn’t scared. It’s something else. Something I think I like.”

Beth grinned at Sara’s response. “Let’s start with the basics. Great sex requires great foreplay.”

Tom looked a bit confused. “What’s foreplay?”

“Foreplay is all of the things you do to build arousal in your partner. What Sara and your dad are doing right now is the beginning of foreplay.

“What is important to remember is that foreplay starts with touch. The goal is not intercourse. The goal is to enjoy each touch as if it is the only thing that matters. Your partner deserves your undivided attention on what is happening now, not what you want to happen in a while.

“Before you ask; the difference between just touching someone and foreplay is your physical attraction to your partner. Expressing the way you feel about your partner through touch is the beginning of foreplay.”

Beth walked over to Tom and kissed him lightly on the lips and backed away, “What does that kiss tell you?”

“That you like me?”

Beth pulled Tom’s head down and kissed him deeply. He was breathing hard when she pulled away, “What does that kiss tell you?”

“That you really like me!”

Beth molded her body against our son and kissed him lightly, then deeply, then with passion. I could see her tongue dancing with his. She kissed him for a while before their lips parted. Her body was molded against him and his erection was rubbing against her belly. “What does that kiss tell you?”

“Holy crap! That was awesome! Uhm, that you want to have sex?”

“It was nice for me too, and you are almost right. That kiss should tell you I am interested in having more foreplay. It doesn’t mean I want you to jump on me and start pumping.

“Do you both see the difference?”

Sara was still hugging me and did not show signs she wanted to move any time soon. “I think I understand. One thing builds on the next thing. If all the things work for both people, then they have sex.”

Beth smiled. “You are correct. If the sex partners are compatible that is how it works. Sometimes one person’s foreplay is another person’s turn-off, but we will cover those details as we go.

“Don, why don’t you demonstrate a foreplay kiss with Sara?”

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Sara looked up at me and I realized that she was an incredibly attractive woman who wanted me to kiss her. I could see the anticipation, and trepidation, on her face. I knew then that if I were to refuse, it would devastate her self-image. She would think that I found her unattractive, that for some reason I didn’t want her. She would blame some fault of her own for my resistance. I couldn’t do that to her.

When our lips first touched my hesitation disappeared. Her soft, warm lips demanded my undivided attention. As our kiss progressed, she opened her mouth willingly and her tongue met mine with enthusiasm. My hands ran down her back and cupped her ass while our kiss went on for a...

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Written by Woodart
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