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Halloween Hayride MILF - Part Two

"I discover that I had unknowingly fucked my son and his black friend, and do it again."

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In Part One we learned that I am Sarah, a forty-year-old woman living near Mobile, Alabama, married to a man named Ed, who had lost interest in sex.  I have always had a high sex drive and even fucked my neighbor for a while.  I agreed to be a chaperone for a hayride, and my costume was the Mystique character from the X-Men movie.  I look amazingly sexy in that outfit with a full-face mask, and it showed my big DD tits and prominent camel toe.  

My son, Josh, and his friend, Jeremy, who is black, were both seventeen years old and they told me that they were taking dates on the hayride.  I didn’t tell Josh that I was going on the trip.  Two boys in full costumes on the hayride, an alien and a Wookiee, were hitting on me and giving me some of their hard cider to drink.  I ended up getting woozy and fucking both of them in the dark on the truck, not knowing that it was Josh and Jeremy.  

As it turned out, the coach who was driving our truck saw me under the blanket with the boys and convinced me to suck his cock while he was sucking the boy’s cum from my pussy.  At the end of Part One I had gotten home after the hayride, changed out of my Mystique costume, and was waiting for Josh to come home.  

Part Two

I finally heard jingling keys and the front door opening, and I called out, “Hi, Josh, is that you, honey?”

Then I heard his muffled voice, as he turned the corner from the foyer into the living room saying, “Hi, Mom, yes it’s Josh.”

I sat there speechless as I saw the alien costume enter the room.  I didn’t remember seeing anyone else in a costume like that at the bonfire and was horrified at the realization that I might have fucked my own son and his black friend on the hayride.  He removed the mask and sat down on the couch adjacent to me.  

I struggled to regain my composure and was hoping that there might have been someone else with that costume that I didn’t see.  I wanted to confirm my suspicion, so I sheepishly asked, “So did you and Jeremy have fun with your dates on the hayride tonight?”

Then my heart sank when he responded, “Well, our dates cancelled on us so Jeremy and I just went together.”

I mentioned in Part One that Josh and I are very close, and he isn't embarrassed to be somewhat explicit with me about his successes and failures with girls. So I nervously said, “Oh I’m sorry, honey. I know that you were looking forward to taking a date on the hayride and maybe getting into her pants. You must be very disappointed.”

He paused for a few moments before answering, as if he was deciding whether he should tell me about his evening, and then he asked, “Mom, if I tell you something pretty kinky and amazing about the hayride, do you promise not to be angry with me?”

I was then almost certain what he would to tell me, but instead of feeling even guilty about it, I was getting a tingling feeling in my pussy. I knew that he would confirm that I had unknowingly fucked him and his friend. I was surprised that it excited me instead of disgusting me.

I said, “Go ahead and tell me, Josh. You know that you can tell me anything and I won’t judge you.”

Then he said, okay here goes, “Well, when Jeremy and I got to the hayride, we saw this gorgeous girl in a Mystique costume. Her body is full and voluptuous, and she looked much sexier than even Jennifer Lawrence did in the movie. She almost looked almost naked in that costume. I don’t know any girls in our school that have a body like that. We watched her for a while and learned that she was actually the chaperone on our truck."

"She had to be one of the student’s mothers or a teacher. But we couldn’t tell who she was. She also has a sexy Southern accent and very alluring perfume. Since we didn’t have dates, Jeremy and I decided to see how far we could get with her. You’re not upset with me for doing that with one of the mothers, are you, Mom?”

My pussy was really getting wet then, hearing my son describe how sexy I was, but still not knowing it was me, and how he was going to try to seduce me. I was still surprised that I wasn’t ashamed at what I had done. I wanted to encourage Josh to tell me more. I saw his cock bulge growing in his shorts as he described what happened. I wanted to see it get bigger.

So, I smiled at him and replied, “I have to admit that this is quite a different situation than usual, since it is about you and Jeremy and possibly the mother of one of your classmates. But I’m not upset with you, honey. If a mother dresses that way and is receptive to you boys, then she must have wanted to have sex with you and is just a MILF who likes to fuck. So please tell me more.”

Josh seemed relieved that I wasn’t upset about it, and continued, “Thanks, Mom, I was hoping that you would understand. Jeremy and I sat with her on the way to the farm. She said the she wanted us to treat her like one of the girls, and we convinced her to drink some of the hard cider that Jeremy had hidden in his Wookiee costume. By the time we reached the farm, all of us were a little woozy.

Then we enjoyed the bonfire activities, but Jeremy and I stayed close to her and kept giving her drinks of the cider, hoping that we could get into her pants. After about an hour she wanted to go back to the truck to get her sweater, so we went with her. She was pretty tipsy by then, so we helped her onto the truck, and convinced her to just get under the blanket with us instead of putting on her sweater.”

I wanted him to tell me more, so I smiled at him and teased him a little saying, “You boys were so bad getting a mature woman drunk like that. Don’t you think you were taking advantage of her?”

What Josh said next got my pussy even wetter. He smiled at me, winked and said, “I don’t think we took advantage of her. In fact, it was pretty clear that she was hot for some sexual attention from us boys. We sandwiched her between us and started rubbing the sides of her boobs. Then Jeremy convinced her to let us unzip her costume, so we could feel her tits in the flesh. She asked us to call her Susan instead of ma’am since we were getting so intimate."

"She let us suck her breasts, and they are so huge and firm and tasty, and she also started rubbing and stroking our cocks. Her pussy smelled wonderful, and that’s when we discovered that she was wearing perfume that smelled almost exactly like a wet pussy. But then we heard the other kids coming back to the truck. So we zipped up and snuck back, and joined the crowd, so they wouldn’t suspect anything.”

I was still trying to encourage him to tell me more, so I said, “That must have been disappointing for you guys to get that far and then have to stop. Oh my, it’s fun hearing about you guys with a slut mother and sucking her boobs and her stroking your cocks. What happened next?”

Josh was obviously pleased that I was so receptive to his story and he continued saying, “Wow Mom, I was hoping that you wouldn’t be mad. Instead you seem to be almost supportive of my having sex with one of the mothers. But I’ve got a lot of work to do and don’t want to drag this story out too long. So here’s the short version. We got back under the blanket with Susan after all the other kids were settled in the hay for the ride home. We all immediately unzipped again."

"We were soon sucking her tits and fingering her pussy again, and she was stroking our cocks. Then I whispered to Susan that I wanted to put on a condom and fuck her, but she told me that she was on birth control and wanted me to fuck her bare. Oh, Mom, that was my first experience at having sex without a condom, and it felt so wonderful. She is wet and tight and it felt so good shooting my cum into her unprotected pussy. Then Jeremy climbed on and had his turn. She told us afterwards that she just loved our big cocks.”

Then I said, “What a great experience for you two, having sex with a mature woman like that, and not having to worry about any of the ramifications. Are you sure that no one else saw you guys under the blanket fucking her? And how did you leave it with her? Did you talk about trying to meet with her again?”

Josh smiled and said, “When I was on top of Susan I peeked out of the blanket and did see Coach Reynolds looking back through the rear window of the truck cab. But I’m sure he couldn’t have actually seen anything. And as far as seeing Susan again, I know it’s a long shot, but we told her that we were going to a Halloween party tomorrow night, and asked if she could come by at about 11:00 pm after most of the other kids left. I gave her our address but didn’t tell her that it was my house because I wanted to remain anonymous, just in case."

"I’m hoping that she’ll stop by when the party is starting to break up. I've asked Jeremy and my other friend Todd to sleep over with me tomorrow night. But they will need to leave early Sunday morning for a special football meeting that Coach Reynolds is having. So, if Susan comes we might be able to have some more fun with her. How would you feel about that?”

I saw that as my opportunity to plan how I could exit the party withour raising suspicion and then return as Mystique. I answered, “Wow, the thought of you boys bringing a married woman into your home to fuck is pretty exciting. I’m just wondering how a married woman could leave home at that time of night. But if she does make it, I'll just plan on going to my room and staying there until you let me know that she's gone."

"This is a small town, and I doubt that she would want to risk having a parent see her, possibly recognizing her, and knowing that an adult woman was at a party with kids. How would that work for you?”

Then Josh said, “Thanks for being so understanding, Mom. I think it will work well. She told us that her husband was out of town working which is why she can get out so late. If she shows up, I plan to take her down to the basement with us, and we can fuck her repeatedly on the couch or futon. She sure loved our cock tonight."

“I’ll come up and let you know when she leaves, but just in case she stays late, please don’t come into the basement until I let you know that she’s gone.  But I need to get to bed now, Mom.  Thanks again for being supportive of this great opportunity for my friends and me to get some more married pussy.”

Josh and I had been talking for about an hour and it was getting very late, so I also wanted to go to bed. I knew that I needed to let him get back to work. But I couldn’t help thinking about how much I enjoyed it that night when Coach sucked my cum-filled pussy, and I thought I’d make a suggestion to Josh

He and I had never talked about oral sex, and I don’t remember him saying that he had done that with a girl yet. So, I said, “Wait just a minute, honey, I want to ask you something if you don’t mind. You didn’t mention anything about having oral sex with that Susan woman, and I'm just a little curious. Did you guys have any oral sex with her?”

He seemed more than a little embarrassed at the question, but he answered, “No, Mom, we didn’t have oral sex with her. Why do you ask?”

Then I said, “Well, sometimes mature women really like to be eaten out both before and after they’ve been fucked, and many of them also like sucking cocks. So I was just wondering if that happened with you.”

Josh replied, “It probably would have been hard to shift our positions in that truck without drawing attention to ourselves, and Susan never mentioned it. And besides, I’ve never done that and I’m not so sure I’d want to do that with a woman who was fucking two or more guys. Are you suggesting doing that even if she has fucked other guys?”

I was excited that he was at least willing to talk about it, even though I did feel a little evil at trying to convince my own son to do something bisexual like that. I continued, “You might want to try it sometime. I think you would get great enjoyment at the taste and wetness of giving a woman oral pleasure and it shouldn’t be a big deal if she has cum in her pussy."

"Lots of women, and even men, have eaten cum, and it is not harmful at all. I’m just suggesting that if you get the chance, you might want to try it. But it might be best for your first time to eat her out before she fucks anyone. If you think that pussy scent was good, I know you’ll love the taste of it. So just think about it.”

Josh looked like he was thinking about it and shrugged his shoulders and said, “Okay, Mom, that sure sounds kind of nasty to me, but I’ll think about it. It might just depend on how aggressive Susan is about it and the circumstances, if she even shows up. But I need to get to bed now. I'll see you in the morning.”

I also went to bed and tried to sleep, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how I had fucked my own son and his black friend, and how wonderful their big cocks felt in me. Even though Josh and I talked openly about his sexual experiences, I had not seen his cock since he was a little boy.

I had no idea that his cock is that big, and I could hardly wait to feel it in me again and again. I masturbated myself to two orgasms before I finally fell asleep, just thinking about the way Josh was telling me about wanting to fuck someone's mother, not knowing that it was me.

My pussy was tingling with anticipation on Saturday as Josh and I set up the decorations for his party and went to the store to get the refreshments. Time seemed to pass very slowly, but finally it was 7:00 pm and I saw that the kids were starting to arrive next door. The kids were all wearing great costumes, a few of which I recognized from the hayride. Most of them had masks covering their faces. 

I tried my best not to be an interfering chaperone with the kids and stayed in the background helping replenish the refreshments and cleaning up some of their messes.  Then at about 10:45 pm all the kids had left except for Josh, Jeremy and Todd, and Josh came over to tell me that it was time for me to go to my room.

I went up to my room and quickly put on my Mystique costume and the yellow contact lenses, as well as a heavy dose of that special vagina scent. I was very proud of how sexy I looked in that costume, and it really did look like I was naked. My huge tits are full and round, and my nipples and prominent camel toe were visible even through the scaly material.

I knew the boys were in the basement, so I quietly went down the stairs and out the back door, locking it behind me.  Then I walked around the house to the front door and quietly knocked on the door.  The boys were obviously waiting for my knock because they immediately came back upstairs to answer the door, and I was only out in the cold for a couple of minutes.

They opened the door and Josh was in his alien costume, Jeremy was still dressed as a Wookiee, and it had to be Todd was dressed in a Superman costume with a full mask. Then Josh said, “Welcome, Susan, I was afraid that you might not come tonight. Please come in and we can go right down to the basement. And since you now know where one of us lives, we might as well give you our names. I’m Josh and my Wookiee friend is Jeremy. You haven’t met Superman yet, but his name is Todd. And my oh my, we can really smell your seductive perfume.”

Then using my Southern accent, I said, “After the fun we had last night, of course I would be here tonight, and it’s nice knowing your names. I want to try a couple of things that we didn’t have the chance to do last night. But, what about the parents? It wouldn’t be good for them to see a grown woman coming to a party with you boys.”

Josh replied, “Well, the father is out of town and...

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Written by edlangston
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