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Halloween Hayride MILF - Part One

"I chaperone a high school hayride in costume and unknowingly end up fucking my son and his friend."

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Autumn is a beautiful time of year in Alabama, and I have always been like a kid when it comes to enjoying Halloween. Our family likes to wear elaborate costumes for any seasonal parties. I usually take my inspiration from recent movies. My name is Sarah, and my husband Ed and I are forty-year-old white couple living in a suburb of Mobile. We moved here from Minneapolis right after graduating from college.

Our son Josh is seventeen years old and a senior in high school, and we have always active in supporting his school activities. But as he's gotten older, Josh is like most teens and is embarrassed when Ed and I chaperone at school events. His school was sponsoring a hayride on the Friday before Halloween, so I volunteered without letting Josh know. 

He was hosting a party at our home on the following Saturday night, but was still excited about the Friday hayride.  I was planning on wearing a full-coverage costume, so he wouldn’t even know I was there.  Ed’s marketing job kept him out of town as usual, and he would be gone for two full weeks, including the weekend of the party.  I work at a local travel agency, so my schedule is very flexible.

I’ve always had a special relationship with Josh.  Since Ed is always busy and out of town, I’ve been the biggest influence in his life, and even gave him the facts of life talk when he entered puberty.  We built a real trust, and since that time Josh has been open with me about the girls he’s dated.  

We even talk explicitly, using graphic language about the sexual experiences he’s had with girls.  I always impressed on him the need to show girls respect, and if he was going to have a sexual encounter, then he needed to be sure that he wore a condom for his and her protection.

Anyone looking from the outside would think that Ed and I have a perfect marriage, and the first few years were really good. I have a high sex drive and Ed really enjoyed our frequent sex until he was promoted at work, and then the job and travel took all his energy. I tried to relieve myself with dildos, and even had a brief affair with our neighbor’s husband. He gave me all the cock I could handle for a few weeks, until his conscience got the best of him. I'm still horny most of the time and always on the lookout for another relationship to fulfill my sexual needs.

We have a small high school, but enough kids signed up for the hayride for us to provide three, thirty feet long, stake-body trucks, filled with loose hay and a few bales for back support. Each truck holds about thirty people, and the students were assigned to trucks by age group. I made sure that I was assigned to the one with only seniors.

I looked for a costume for several weeks and made sure that no one knew what I had selected. My decision was easy once I came across a video on the internet that showed the actress Jennifer Lawrence spending hours getting into her costume for the Mystique character in the X-Men movie. I remembered from the movie that although she was totally covered, it almost looked like she was naked. Her shapely breasts and firm ass were seductively on display for all to see. I knew that if she looked that good in that costume, then I would look even better.

Now I don’t mean to brag, but I am in good shape from frequent workouts and still very pretty for my age. My shoulder-length, light-brown hair and blue eyes accent my five feet six inch height and one-hundred-and-twenty-pound weight. But my best features are my natural DD-cup breasts, which are still pretty firm but with a seductive hang and sway, and a nice full, but tight ass that is perfectly shaped.

I knew that I would really be a knockout in that costume, even though it's a full, Lycra bodysuit and not the professional layers of makeup, paint and fabrics used in the movie. I can still remember Michael telling me how excited he got at seeing Mystique’s body in the movie and knew that my assets would stand out even more.

The costume is basically a blue bodysuit with a scaly treatment in some areas, like over the breasts and crotch. It comes with a full-head mask and red hair. I even got some yellow contact lenses to make my eyes look more realistic like the Mystique character. Even though there would mostly be students at this event, I was feeling frisky and wanted to see how alluring I could be to the boys.

I planned to wear some special scent that I ordered online from a company in Germany. It is called V-Original, and is basically a liquid organic solution that is formulated to smell like a woman’s vagina. I was surprised how much it really does smell like my pussy. I planned to wear it like perfume, although they didn’t advertise it to be used that way. I think it was meant for horny men to sniff while they masturbated. But I wanted to see if it was attractive to those senior boys.

By the time I got home from work on Friday, Josh had already left home, and I didn’t know what his costume looked like. The last I heard Josh and his best friend, Jeremy, who is also seventeen years old, black, and a senior, were planning on double dating with girls on the hayride. I quickly got dressed in my costume and was excited by how great I looked. Even with the scaly treatments, my big breasts stood out so much that I almost looked nude, and my thick labia formed a prominent camel toe. My ass was also well-defined, full and shapely, and I was turning myself on just looking in the mirror.

There is a small zipper running from the neck and down through the crotch area and back up to the top of my ass, so I could go to the rest room without taking the whole costume off. The weather this time of year was typically in the seventies during the day and upper forties at night. I wore a long, grey sweater coat over my costume in case I got cold on the hayride. I also took a blanket, just in case it was colder than expected.

The plan was to have two chaperones for each truck, with a teacher driving the truck, and a volunteer parent or another teacher in the back with the kids. The trucks would then take a slow hour and a half ride down back roads to a farm where we would have a bonfire, snacks and apple cider, as well as games. When I got to the school at about 7:00 pm, I checked in with Coach Reynolds, who would be driving our truck, and he was almost speechless looking at me in that costume.

My sweater coat was unzipped, and he saw my bulging, big breasts and prominent camel toe. I also saw his nose flare a little as he got a whiff of my vagina scent. I asked Coach Reynolds to keep my secret that it was me in the costume. It would be more fun for me to remain incognito while supervising the kids. I even decided to use a Southern accent to help conceal my identity, since my normal speech has a Midwest accent which stands out in Alabama.

I got up into the truck as the kids started to arrive and claimed a spot with my blanket near the front in an area isolated with a bale of hay. I thought it best to wear the sweater coat for the time being, and helped the kids get settled for the ride. I was surprised that most of the kids had costumes that made them incognito. I saw that there were thirteen couples, plus another four single students. I couldn’t identify Josh, Jeremy and their dates in the group and assumed that they and their dates had costumes that concealed their identities.

It took the kids a little while to settle down, and I had to tell a few of them to sit down for their safety. But soon enough the couples were cuddling in the hay. Two of the single kids spent time socializing with the others as they made their way to the front of the truck where I was sitting.

One was wearing an alien costume comprised of a skin-tight, flesh colored, Lycra bodysuit and a full-head, egg shaped mask with large, mirror-like lenses sewn in for eyes, and a small mouth. I assumed that he was a boy since that tight bodysuit revealed a large cock bulge. His friend was wearing a very realistic Star Wars Wookiee costume. I was impressed that they went all out for the party.

I had taken off my sweater, and the boys couldn’t control themselves from staring at my body in my costume in the waning twilight. It was almost dark out, but they could still see enough to get excited. The boy with the alien costume then spoke, but his voice was muffled by the mask.

He asked, “I realize that you're the chaperone, but do you mind if we sit with you? I don’t mean to be forward, but we think you look fantastic in that costume. I just loved seeing Mystique in the movie, and you look better than she does.”

They weren’t waiting for my answer and were already seated next to me when I said in my sexiest Southern drawl, “Of course not, boys. You’re welcome to sit with me, and I’ll enjoy your company. And thanks for the compliment on my costume. You two also look great in your outfits.”

Then the boy in the Wookiee costume spoke up and said, “We’re trying to figure out who you are, but that costume doesn’t reveal very much about your identity. Are you the mother of any of the kids on this truck?”

It was fun teasing with the boys, and I almost felt like a kid again. I was also getting the feeling that they were flirting with me and possibly trying to see how safe it was to hit on me and how far they could get. I didn’t mind that at all after seeing the big lump in the alien’s pants. But at that point I had no intentions of letting things get out of control.

So I teasingly said, “A lady can’t tell her secrets. Just pretend that I’m one of the girls from your class.”

The boys looked at one another when I said that, and I could tell that they were emboldened. I was then sandwiched comfortably between them and the alien said, “We just wish that we had girls like you in our class. And that perfume you’re wearing is driving me nuts. I can’t quite place the scent, but it's very musky and attractive on you. Since you want us to treat you like one of the girls, then maybe you’d like a drink of our hard cider.”

One of my duties as a chaperone was be on the lookout for any of the kids with alcoholic beverages and then confiscate them. But I was feeling playful, so I said, “Well, boys, you know that you’re not supposed to have any alcohol on this hayride. I should take it from you and report you to Coach Reynolds. But if you promise not to let anyone else know about it and don’t’ let yourselves get drunk and out of control, then I don’t see any harm in letting you keep it. So yes, I would like a taste of your cider.”

The boys seemed pleased at my response and the boy in the Wookiee costume reached into his furry pocket and pulled out a large thermos. He opened the thermos and handed it to me and I took a large swig of that tasty beverage. I could tell that it was very well fermented and probably at least eight percent alcohol.

The boys then lifted their masks just enough to take a drink. But I still couldn’t see who they were. We continued passing the thermos back and forth, and by the time we reached the farm I was feeling a little light-headed, and could tell that the boys were also feeling it.

The trucks parked about a hundred yards from the bonfire area. We all got off the truck and made our way to the fire. It was a festive atmosphere with everyone in costumes, and I was getting a lot of attention in my Mystique costume. They had a big keg of cider, pumpkin cookies and an apple dunking tub for the kids. I kept sneaking sips of the hard cider from the Wookiee’s thermos. Those two boys stayed close to me the whole time, almost as if they were claiming me as their own.

They even bumped into me a few times, getting a feel of my tits and ass. After about an hour by the fire and taking frequent sips of the hard cider, I was getting a little woozy and cold. I told the boys that I was going back to the truck to put on my sweater and get warm.

I’m sure that the boys thought I was losing control of the situation. They volunteered to go with me back to the truck, as if I needed their help. They did help me onto the almost totally dark truck bed.

As we got to the front and I was searching for my sweater, the alien boy said, “Wait, ma’am, you don’t need your sweater. My friend and I will sit with you and keep you warm. We can just lie in the hay and cover up with your blanket.”

Even though I was woozy, I pretty much knew that the boys were planning to make their move on me. I was impressed at how confident they were for their age. And I was so horny from lack of getting fucked at home, that at that moment I didn’t really care. I had never thought about fucking high school aged boys, but that situation was evolving in a very interesting way, and I wanted to see just how far they would go.

I decided to act drunker than I was and as I sat down on the hay I said in a slurred, Southern accent, “Thanks, boys, it’s nice of you to take care of me like this.”

The boys must have talked previously about what they would do, because as I leaned back almost fully reclined on my back in the hay, they pulled the blanket over us and each took a side. Their bodies were right up against mine. They leaned over towards me with our thighs touching as they each threw a leg over my legs. I easily felt the alien’s hard cock pressing on my hip. The Wookiee’s cock must have also been hard but it wasn’t as easy to feel in his thick, furry costume.

The alien’s head was right by my ear when he said in his muffled voice, “Pardon me for saying so, ma’am, but you're so gorgeous and hot in your costume. And your perfume is still driving me crazy. You're just so sexy.”

We just sat motionless for a few minutes, and I liked feeling their warm bodies against me. Then each of the boys carefully moved a hand to the sides of my breasts and started slowly rubbing them. I know they were trying to gauge my reaction, and when I didn’t protest they moved their hands fully onto my tits. Then they were actively massaging and rubbing my huge breasts.

The Wookiee leaned close to my ear and whispered, “We just love your big, firm tits, ma’am, and it would be even better if we could feel them in the flesh. May I unzip your costume?”

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I was starting to get turned on and my pussy was very wet. I decided right then to let the boys have their way with me. The taboo idea of being fucked by those teenagers was very arousing. I thought it was cute that the boys were being so polite, even while trying to seduce me.

I decided to give them my approval to unzip my costume and to give them a false name instead of calling me ma’am. So I replied, “Sure, baby, go ahead and unzip me. It’s the least I can do since you boys are keeping me so warm. But since we are getting to know one another so well, I’d like you to call me Susan instead of ma’am. That’s not my real name and I don’t want to know your names. It's better for all of us if we keep this anonymous.”

The Wookiee wasted no time and immediately reached up by my neck to find the small, delicate zipper. He then slowly pulled it down to my navel. I felt the pressure of the Lycra lessen on my breasts as they separated and swayed heavily to the sides. They pulled the costume out of the way and started rubbing my tits again, and I soon felt their warm mouths on my areolas and nipples.

They just pulled up the bottoms of their masks enough to bare their mouths for sucking my tits, and it was too dark to see their faces anyway. They sucked feverishly on my tits and fondled them. It only took a few minutes for the alien to get the courage to run his hand down my belly towards my pussy. They were no longer asking my permission and must have assumed that my previous approval to unzip me was all they needed to proceed.

The boys had been pressing and rubbing their cocks against my thighs since they started sucking my tits. When I felt the alien move his hand farther down, touching the top of my hairy...

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Written by edlangston
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