It was November and December of 2014 when more events happened that I never in a million years would have expected to happen, especially since nothing more had happened since the encounter with my mom that summer night in 2004.
The first event happened when I was spending five days back home visiting for Thanksgiving. I live in the same state where I grew up, just in a different city, and my little brother was home from college for the whole week.
Wednesday, Thanksgiving Day, and Friday were just normal days--eating, drinking, more eating, and football. However, that Saturday my mom asked if any of us wanted to go with her to the mall to go Christmas shopping; I volunteered, as it was either that or helping my dad put up Christmas lights and yard decorations (little brother got that duty). After we finished shopping and she was driving us home, I finally gathered up the courage I had been building for a few years and straight up asked her if she remembered the "event."
"Umm...this is kind of out of left field, and please don't get upset, you remember like ten years ago, when I was in senior year or so, when you caught me spying on you and dad?"
"Yeah. You caught me watching you two, know...through your bedroom window."
"Oh my God, I had completely forgotten about that. Why... are you bringing that subject up? Especially now?"
"I'm not sure, really. It's just something that's always stuck with me, I guess. Can I ask you something, though?"
"I guess."
"Why did you... umm... come to my room that night and... umm... you know..."
"Oh, my God. I was hoping you had moved past that."
"I'm not upset or anything, and no, it didn't scar me or warp me, or anything like that. I'm just curious about why you ended up doing that."
"If I recall, mister, I told you that it was to keep you from ever violating our privacy again and to prevent your father from ever finding out what you were doing. If I'm correct, you never once pulled that shit ever again, right?"
"Oh God, no. Lesson learned. But I thought you said you had completely forgotten about it."
"OK--you got me. It's not something I dwell on, but I am aware of what took place that night. There you go."
"Can I ask you another question?"
"Sure--why not?"
"Do you think it's weird that I still use the memories of that night?"
"Huh? What do you mean, use?"
"Mom! Seriously?"
"Oh! Gotcha. Not unless it affects your ability to have relationships with women."
"It doesn't. You know I've had girlfriends since then."
"There you go."
By this time, we were about to arrive at the house, so we ended the conversation there.
After dinner, my brother went over to his buddy's house for a bit, and my parents and I ended up watching "A Christmas Story." He got home around eleven, and I headed back to my room to get packed for the drive home the next day. What happened next was even more unexpected than the event which happened that summer night back in 2004.
As I was finishing packing, my mom came in my room and told me how much she loved my brother and me and how nice it was to be together for another Thanksgiving, as well as to thank me for tagging along with her to the mall that afternoon. I told her I loved her too, and that it was no problem going shopping with her. Then it happened.
“Sweetie, I just wanted to let you know that your father and I will be fucking in a little bit, so if you want to add another memory to "use," (she used air quotes) feel free...but the only difference is that this time you'll have to use your imagination. Absolutely no eavesdropping, especially with your brother being here. I mean it."
“What do you think?"
"I'm just...speechless."
“Speaking of which--if your brother wasn't here, I'd be extra loud. But he is, and I can't be. But I'm definitely going to be on top tonight. Both forward and reverse. Think of me when you're jerking your cock."
With that, she smiled, gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the room.
Within five minutes, I had gotten some TP, closed my door, and was lying on my bed doing my business, imagining the things they were doing in their bedroom. I drove home the next day, and a few weeks later, I again back visiting for the Christmas holiday.
The first night there, I mostly hung out around the house with my brother and played video games. The next day was much the same, except we all went with them to the grocery store to buy food for Christmas night dinner. Then the next night came around...
My brother ended up going to a Christmas party at one of his friend's houses, so it was just the three of us. Around eleven or so, I headed off to my old bedroom (they still have it set up to where it's basically my room whenever I visit) to at least try to get a good amount of sleep to prepare for Christmas Eve. As I was about to get undressed and get ready for bed, my mom knocked on the door (it wasn't all the way closed).
"Hey, I just wanted to remind you that our dinner reservations for tomorrow night are at 6:30, so make sure you're here by 6."
"Oh, no problem. I'm just going to the mall to buy a few things. I'll be back by then."
"Is dad asleep?"
"Probably. Why?"
"May I ask you something?
"Could you shut the door first, to be safe? When I was here last month, the last night I was here, why did you tell me you and dad were about to have sex that night? You even told me how you were gonna do it."
"Because I knew you were going to jerk off thinking about it. I liked teasing you."
"You don't care that I was doing it to that?"
"No, actually. To be honest, I think it's kind of cute."
"You do? You're not creeped out?"
"Why would I be? It's better than having you spy on us."
"Does dad know about it?"
"Oh no. I would never allow him to know about this."
"May I ask a huge favor? Please don't get upset, and feel free to tell me no."
"What is it?"
"I know you said that you... helping me out... was a one-time thing, but would you ever consider doing it again?"

"I'm sorry. No. I meant what I said about that."
"No problem. I thought I'd ask. Is there any way you'd... watch me do it?"
"Why do you want me to do that?"
"I just... I just want you to see what I did that night after you told me."
"I suppose. But you CANNOT tell anyone about this."
"Oh, I won't. Believe me. I've never mentioned any of this to anyone."
Giddy and kind of in a daze, I got a bottle of lotion out of my bag, pulled my boxers down, laid on my bed, and started stroking. I was completely erect.
I asked her if she liked watching me.
“I do. I enjoy watching men pleasure themselves and watching them shoot their load.”
I was in complete shock that I was having this conversation with my mother, much less the answers and language she was using with me.
"I love how you stroke yourself. You have a very nice cock, sweetie.”
“Yeah mom? I love hearing those things from you.”
“Tell me when you're close, baby.”
“Mom, I'm gonna cum.”
"Cum for me, baby."
I shot three to four huge jets all over myself and the sheet, and every time I shot, she gasped and moaned. She then left to get me a wet washcloth and handed it to me, then told me good night and left, shutting my door on the way out. I cleaned myself up and slept like a baby that night.
Christmas Eve and Day were both good. On the 26th, my brother was going to be hanging out with some of his old high school buddies, so once again, it was just going to be the three of us. I helped out around the house a bit, played some video games, and generally recovered from a slight hangover from the night before. I was leaving to go back to my house the next day, and just like that night over Thanksgiving weekend, I was in my room packing up my stuff when my mom walked in.
"Oh, hi mom. What's up?"
"I just wanted to say again how much I love you and how nice it is to have you two over for the holidays. I just wish we could be together more often."
"I know, mom. I like it too. But he's in college and I'm living across the state. It's not like I'm living in Australia or something."
"It would still be nice. Well anyway, I just wanted to tell you once again that I'll be fucking your father shortly, so I'm giving you another memory for you to use."
"This is just so crazy."
"You're welcome. Washcloths are in the cabinet."
She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the room. I finished packing about 30 minutes later, then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. As I stepped into the hall, I heard a familiar female moan. It seemed louder this time, much louder. I very carefully crept down the hall, then down to the first floor, where their bedroom is located.
Their door was open a crack, no more than about three inches. The side table lamp was on and the lights and TV were off. Mom was on top, of course. She was leaning over him, rocking her hips, and it looked like they were kissing. I could see everything, penetration included. After a couple of minutes, she sat up and started riding him for real. It was glorious; her ass had gotten even bigger, and as she was bouncing on him, it jiggled like a bowl of jello every time she landed. She was moaning like crazy. I was absolutely hard as a rock and had my dick out through the front opening of my boxers, stroking it.
After about five minutes or so, she got off him and turned around to ride him reverse. Of course I got busted again like an idiot--she stared right at me standing there with my dick in my hand. However, this time she obviously knew I was watching them and it became obvious to me that she left the door open a crack in the hopes that I would watch them.
I figured this out right away because once she got herself mounted, she smiled at me and started playing with her tits. Once I saw that I knew what was going on and pulled my boxers off completely, holding them in my left hand. She started riding him harder and more quickly, and her loud moans continued. She was watching me stroking myself furiously, still playing with her tits. Out of nowhere, she had an orgasm, and my dad said, “babe, I'm cumming.” She hopped off him and started stroking him until he came, and our eyes were locked the entire time.
As fast as I could, I ran back to my room, closed the door, and waited. I didn't know what was going to happen next. About fifteen minutes later, she knocked then walked in.
“Did you enjoy the show, baby?”
“Yeah mom. It was amazing.”
“You know, I was hoping you'd come watch. I've been thinking about that night a lot lately.”
“Really, mom?”
“I have. It makes me feel so sexy and desired. Do you like watching me fuck?”
“I love it. It's so sexy.”
“Pull your shorts down. I'm gonna suck your cock until you give me all of your cum.”
I did as she asked.
“Don't ever tell anyone about this.”
“I won't, mom.”
As good as her handjob ten years ago was, her blowjob that night was even better. She took all of me in her mouth, moving her head up and down, stopping to lick my shaft and the tip every now and then. She was moaning like crazy as she was sucking me and the noises were such a turn on.
“Tell me when you're about to cum, baby.”
“I will, mom.”
She kept sucking and slurping, until I knew I couldn't hold it any longer.
She stopped sucking and started jerking me off.
“Cum for me, baby. Show mom how much cum you have for her.”
Almost immediately, I started shooting my load all over myself and the bed. With every shot, mom moaned and said, “Yes.”
When I was completely drained, she said, “Fuck baby, look at all this fucking cum.” There was a lot, no lie. I was completely covered.
This time, she went to get a washcloth and cleaned me up herself. After she had me cleaned up, she kissed me on the forehead, told me how much she loved me, and said goodnight.
The next morning was the typical teary goodbyes and hugs. I wasn't sure if anything else would ever happen between us again, but at the very least I had enough jerk-off material to last me a lifetime.