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Future Stepbrother

"Hannah's future stepbrother is forced to bare all."

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CHAPTER 1: Hannah Meets Her Future Stepbrother

Amy had been seeing Dave for a few months. They were both single parents and had decided not to introduce each other to their children until they were more sure about their relationship. That time had finally come. It was decided that a picnic would be a good way for everyone to meet. Amy and her sixteen-year-old daughter Hannah would be meeting Dave and his seventeen-year-old son Karl at a nearby park for the picnic.

It was a warm day. Amy and Hannah both wore summer dresses reaching to their knees as they got into the car with a basket of food. Amy was excited about meeting her future stepson, however, Hannah was feeling too nervous about the situation to share in that excitement.

After a short drive, they reached the park. It was unusually empty. Hannah noticed two males on a blanket under the shade of a tree. One was lying down in shorts without a shirt and one was sitting in a black buttoned-up shirt and shorts. The seated male stood up when he saw the car and waved. The male lying down sat up and turned to face them as they got out of the car. Hannah realized that this was Dave and Karl.

When they got close, Hannah noticed the resemblance between father and son. Both had short black hair and bright blue eyes with tanned skin, however, Dave had a darker tan. Karl had a light tan on all his visible skin without any tan lines, indicating that spending time outside shirtless was a norm for him.

'Hello sweetie!' said Amy as she hugged Dave before pecking him on the lips.

'And you must be Karl,' she said, taking in the shirtless youth as he stood up. The thought of having a son excited her. She shook his hand smiling warmly at him. Hannah quickly noticed the six-pack abs on the toned boy but just as quickly averted her gaze to look at his handsome blemish-free face instead.

'This is Hannah,' introduced Amy.

'Hi Hannah. Nice to finally meet,' said Dave as he shook Hannah's hand.

'Likewise,' said Hannah with a smile. She wanted to be supportive of her mother's relationship. It was good to see her happy again after so long.

'This is my son, Karl,' Dave introduced.

'Hey,' said Karl, as his eyes rested on Amy's, quickly flicking down to her chest and quickly flicking back up to her face.

'Hey,' said Amy shyly. They all sat down and laid some food out to eat.

'So what are you into?' Karl asked Amy as he leaned an arm against the tree and bit into a chicken leg. Amy noticed bushy armpit hair as he bit into the chicken.

'I like music aaaaand reading. What about you?' replied Hannah, still feeling shy from Karl's attention.

'Not much. I play tennis, and I like video games. Haha,' replied the handsome youth, flashing a winning smile of perfect white teeth.

They talked for a while. Hannah started to feel comfortable with him, and they were soon laughing together. When it was time to go, they hugged each other. Hannah's head only reached Karl's bare chest, and as they hugged, she picked up a hint of body odor. However, while she generally disliked body odor, Karl's wasn't a bad smell. It was masculine and increased her heart rate.

That night, Hannah couldn't get her mind off Karl. She knew she shouldn't think about her future stepbrother that way, but she was simply unable to stop herself. His handsome features and sexy smell were etched into her mind. She began to wonder how big his dick was as she fingered herself in bed. When she thought about him inside her, she climaxed.

CHAPTER 2: Hannah Sees Karl Naked

Amy and Hannah were thrilled to be invited over to a barbecue at Dave's house. It had been a week since Hannah had met Karl, and she was excited to see him again. They were told to bring swimsuits because Dave had a pool. When they arrived at Dave's house, Hannah was amazed at the two story modern house. They were greeted at the door by Dave who led them to the backyard. Hannah was impressed by the size of the pool and even more impressed to see Karl swimming laps in it. She wondered if her eyes were playing tricks on her as it didn't look like Karl was wearing a swimsuit.

Karl stopped swimming and lifted his goggles. He waved at his guests, grinning. Was he blushing? Wondered Hannah. She grinned back awkwardly.

'We weren't expecting you so early. The backyard is very private, so Karl usually just swims naked. He always did,' said Dave, chuckling awkwardly.

'That's fine with us. We're all family now,' said Amy, smiling at a blushing Karl.

'You know what? You're right. He usually wears a suit when we have guests, but you're not guests. You're family,' said Dave as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around Amy. The two shared a kiss, making Karl and Hannah share a look of disgust with each other.

'Right. Hannah, why don't you join Karl for a swim? I'm gonna to get the grill going. Wine honey?' asked Dave.

'Sure babe,' replied Amy. The two adults went inside to get the wine.

Hannah looked around awkwardly. She wasn't sure about getting into the pool with a naked boy and was unsure about where to change.

'So? Are you coming in?' asked Karl, smiling sheepishly. He was still embarrassed about being naked, but also wanted to be a good host.

'Uhm... Where do I get changed?' asked Hannah.

'Oh. Yeah. You can just go into any of the bedrooms,' said Karl, sounding a bit disappointed. Karl was hoping Hannah would get naked too but knew it would be creepy to even suggest it.

A few minutes later, Hannah returned in her bikini. Karl had resumed his laps but stopped when he saw her. He quickly got hard and looked away, trying to think of other things. He resumed his laps, swimming more vigorously than he had, trying to 'swim off' his erection.

Hannah slowly got into the pool, feeling a bit self-conscious letting her future stepbrother see her in just a bikini. When she was in, Karl's head popped out of the water in front of her.

'Hey,' he said shyly as he lifted his goggles.

'Hey,' replied Hannah, blushing at the cute, naked boy in front of her. They both stood in the pool and while only her head was above the water, Karl's chest was also above the water. He was that much taller than her. He stood so close to her that she could feel the heat from his chest.

'So good to see you again,' said Hannah, before giving him a hug to break the awkwardness of the situation. As soon as she hugged him, she remembered that he was naked. She felt something very long and hard pressing against her lower belly as Karl returned the hug with a tight embrace.

'Wow!' said Hannah, laughing while breaking up the hug.

'What is that?' she asked grinning, trying to make the situation light, but her blush gave away her true feelings.

'Sorry,' replied Karl with an impish smile.

'Should I put my speedo on? I probably shouldn't be naked with my future stepsister,' he said, while still smiling.

'Yeah, maybe you should get something on,' responded Hannah, while grinning helplessly.

Karl was about to get out of the pool, but the adults suddenly stepped out with glasses of wine in their hands. Thankfully, he only had one foot on the ladder, so he stepped back down without flashing his future stepmother.

'Guess I'm stuck,' he stated.

'It's fine. Just maybe no hugging,' said Hannah, smiling sympathetically.

'Hey. You hugged me,' he shot back with a predatory grin on his face.

'I forgot you were naked. I'm not exactly used to swimming with naked boys,' she replied defensively while blushing again.

'Uh. You can get naked too if you want,' suggested Karl sheepishly as he blushed.

'No way! My mom would kill me. And I don't want your dad seeing me like that,' replied Hannah defensively.

'You're all seeing me like this,' stated Karl.

'Yeah, but your bits are easier to hide under the water. Nobody can actually see anything,' said Hannah as she looked down for the first time and noticed that the water was clear enough that she could actually see Karl's erect penis. Her eyes widened. What was that? Eight inches? WTF? She thought.

'Apart from you.'

Hannah looked up to see Karl looking at her with a smirk on his face. She blushed.

'Oops. Sorry,' she said.

'Don't be,' said Karl. He wanted to give her permission to look, but didn't want to seem like a creep to her future stepsister.

'Wanna race?' he asked.

'Sure. You'll probably win. I'm not fast,' she replied.

They raced a few times with different strokes. Karl won every single race. He knew he should let her win at least one race but at the same time, he wanted to impress her.

They rested on the side, panting after their last race. Karl pulled Hannah into a side hug. She looked up at him. He looked down at her. For a moment, everything stood still.

'Kids! Food is ready!' called out Dave. Karl left Hannah's side and swam to the side of the pool.

'Dad! Can you pass me my towel?!' Karl asked, pointing at the towel on the outdoor table.

'What?! You're gonna get it wet if you hold it in the pool!' replied Dave.

'Okay! Can you bring it near and then I'll get out and grab it?!' asked Karl.

'Karl, I'm not your servant! You need to get out anyway, so come and get your towel yourself!' replied Dave, turning back to the grill as he put the last of the meat onto a plate.

'Dad! I don't think Amy wants to see me naked!' Karl shouted back, desperately trying to avoid being seen with an erection by his future stepmom.

'Karl, as I said, she's family now! What's the matter with you?! She doesn't care if you're naked! Just hurry up!' replied Dave, starting to get angry.

Karl sighed. He knew he had no choice. He got out of the pool. He tried to cup his privates, but because he was erect, the best he could do was hold his erection with both hands. He realized that this looked even more inappropriate and immediately brought his hands back to his sides. He walked to his towel with his head down.

'Wow!' exclaimed Amy. Dave turned around and noticed Karl with his erection.

'Oh. Yeah. Kid's hung like a horse,' said Dave, grinning proudly at his son.

'Daaaaad...' said Karl, flushing with embarrassment as he reached the table. Amy laughed.

'Stop it Dave. You're embarrassing him,' said Amy.

The embarrassment had caused Karl's penis to start deflating as he turned away from them and dried himself with the towel. He had forgotten about Hannah. Hannah was still in the water and could see Karl's side profile as he dried himself. She marveled at his partially erect penis covered in drops of water that caught the light of the sun, making his penis appear to sparkle. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Once Karl had wrapped the towel around himself, the show was over. Hannah got out of the pool and went to her bag to retrieve her towel. She dried herself, wrapped the towel around herself from just above her bikini-covered breasts, and sat down with everyone else to eat.

Once they had finished their meal, Dave announced that they should all get into the water to cool down. It was a hot day and everyone was sweating a little bit. Karl announced that he would go get a suit, but Dave wasn't having it.

'Karl. We've been over this. Amy and Hannah are family now and I expect you to behave the same way you would if it was just us. You didn't cover up when mom was around, so you don't need to now. Just be yourself. Don't insult them by not treating them like family,' lectured Dave.

'Okay. But I don't wanna be the only one naked. Can Hannah swim naked too?' asked Karl.

'No. You couldn't keep your pecker down when she was in a bikini. If she gets naked, I don't know what would happen. I don't want a mess in my pool,' replied Dave with a chuckle. But Dave's real reason for not wanting Hannah to get naked was that he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off her and he knew he would become aroused by the sight of his stepdaughter naked. He also knew this would get him into trouble with his soon-to-be wife.

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'DAD! What the fuck?!' exclaimed Karl angrily.

'Language!' said Dave sharply.

Dave slipped his shirt and sandals off and jumped into the pool in his board shorts. He was more muscular than Karl, but not as toned. Amy took her clothes off - she had a modest one-piece underneath - and stepped tentatively into the water.

'Let's go bro,' said Hannah with a smile as she removed her towel and ran to the pool before diving in. Karl hesitated, but decided to get into the water before everyone started looking at him. He stripped off his towel and followed Hannah into the water. When he surfaced, he felt rough fingers tickling his sides. He screamed and turned around to face his grinning dad before pushing him away. Everyone started to splash each other. Karl soon forgot he was naked and enjoyed the afternoon.

CHAPTER 3: Father-Son Bonding

Karl was tired from the long afternoon swimming with his dad and his future stepmother and stepsister. He had a shower, put some boxer shorts on and came downstairs to watch TV with his dad before bed. His dad was dressed in pajama pants and a white tank top. The two guys relaxed on the sofa facing the TV. Karl's dad had a beer in his hand but was already tipsy anyway from the afternoon of drinking. He pulled his almost-naked son into a side hug and rubbed his bare toned arm. Karl was a bit surprised but felt good, so he rested his head on his dad's bare muscular shoulder. Dave's hand slid under his son's arm and rested on his right pec. He kissed the top of his son's head. Karl sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying his dad's affection.

'Karl, I know you're Hannah,' said Dave. Karl looked up at his dad with guilt in his eyes.

'It's okay. It can't be helped. But it's important you keep this big boy under control,' said Dave as he reached down and squeezed his son's dick through his boxers. Karl was shocked. His dad had never touched him down there since he stopped giving him baths a few years ago.

'Um...okay Dad,' said Karl awkwardly. His dad hadn't removed his hand from his crotch and he began to get hard.

'You know, son, I love you very much. You're the most important thing in this world to me. I want you to know that I'm very proud of the man you're becoming.' Dave emphasized his statement by gently squeezing his son's growing tool.

'T-thanks Dad,' said Karl. Is this normal? He thought. He's just drunk. He can't mean anything by this. Haha.

'You really impressed the girls with your horse dick,' said Dave as he unbuttoned his son's boxers with both hands and eased his hard tool out before holding it at the base, pointing it straight up. Karl was used to everyone seeing his dick, so he didn't mind that his dad was looking at it but it felt weird that his dad was touching it. He tried to sit up straight, but his dad's right arm was around him so he was pinned against his dad.

'D-d-dad, what's going on?' asked Karl, before looking up at his dad to flash an awkward grin. He didn't want to make a big deal of the situation, but this was getting too weird.

'You're my son. Can't I just admire you?' asked Dave.

'S-s-sure,'re touching it as well?' replied Karl.

'I'm only holding it up so I can look at it,' replied Dave.

'Have you been keeping him clean?' asked Dave as he slid his son's foreskin down and rubbed along the frenulum. Karl didn't reply. He just started to pant.

'Seems very clean. Good boy. You know, I care a lot about your health,' said Dave as he stopped rubbing before giving his son another kiss on the top of his head. Karl was speechless.

'Oh. I see. My boy is all horned up now. Huh?' asked Dave rhetorically, smirking at his son.

'You just relax, baby boy. You're so tired. Let Daddy take care of you this time,' said Dave as he began to masturbate his son. Karl moaned. He couldn't believe this was happening, but felt no desire to stop it. Dave jerked his son off with his right hand while his left stroked his boy's chest. He wasn't sure if his son's nipples were sensitive yet, but he hoped so. Karl was feeling conflicted, but he was too horny at this point to articulate anything. He didn't know why, but he loved the feeling of his dad rubbing his chest while he jerked him off.

Dave stopped rubbing his son's chest and began rubbing his scrotum instead, without missing a stroke as he continued to jerk off his kid.

'Dad, I'm gonna come,' said Karl nervously. He was relieved when his dad stopped masturbating him. He thought he would die of embarrassment if he came in front of his own dad.

'You're such a big boy. I'm so proud of you,' said Dave, planting more kisses on his son's head. He pushed his son off him and onto his back while lifting his legs so his son was now lying down on the sofa. He knelt between his son's legs and took his enormous tool into his mouth. Karl's eyes widened. He'd never had a blowjob before. He moaned and his toes curled as he gripped the sofa. His dad seemed to know what he was doing because it didn't take long for him to reach...

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Written by CMNMAndCFNM
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