I squeeze my eyes shut as tight as possible as I stretch out across my bed, silently praying the pounding in my head will disappear.
My fingertips brush something warm and wet. I frown and I open one of my eyes just a crack, wincing in pain at the light. I blink rapidly before a body next to me comes into view.
"What..?" I whisper, slowly sitting up, even though the pounding in my head recommends lying down.
"Hey sweetie, are you finally awake?" Danny's voice murmurs, and I feel his fingers brush the hair away from my eyes.
"W-Why are you next to me? How can my bed fit both of us?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.
I watch him smirk before her opens his mouth to speak, "Gracie, last night when you fell asleep on me and Eli in the taxi, I carried you into the bus and you asked me to stay with you for the night. You said you wanted to feel safe for once.."
My eyes widen in fear as he explains and I crane my neck so I'm able to look around the room. I notice all the suitcases and laundry baskets scattered around the floor and I realize that not only am I in the spare bedroom in the back of the bus, I'm alone with Danny.
"Oh, thank you I guess," I mumble.
He nods and he raises his arms above his head so he can stretch and it reveals that he's shirtless.
"I hope you don't mind, but I noticed through the years of living with you how you don't really sleep in pajamas. So I just took off your outfit and I left you in your bra and panties. I hope that's okay..."
I feel my entire body go on fire and I can only imagine how red my cheeks are as I lift up the covers. I look down at my body, clad only in my neon pink bra and matching panties.
"Danny...uhhh..you didn't um have to do that," I say, holding the blankets close to my body.
"It's not a big deal," he shrugs.
"Well, where are the others? I'm sure they are starving. I should probably get up and make some breakfast,"
"No Gracie, the others aren't here. I was going to go with them but they told me to stay here with you, since you would have a major headache when you woke up,"
I frown and I run my fingers through my hair, feeling the hardness of the dried hairspray.
"Go where?"
I watch him swallow hard and he takes a deep breath before he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Sweetie, do you remember anything from last night?"
"Uhh...," I pause to think for a brief moment and I nod. "Yes, I remember going to the nightclub, you were going to get me a margarita. I danced with Luke for a little while. You came in and got mad. I went and danced with another guy named...crap..I don't remember his name. But I danced with him and then all I remember is being dragged out of Ember against my will." I ramble off quickly.
"So you don't remember the police showing up?"
I shake my head and I close my eyes as if to summon that memory.
"Well, Luke saw you were kissing Brandon in the corner of the club and he didn't like it. Him and Brandon got into a huge fight> You yelled some hateful things at Luke; he went and destroyed the bar. You resumed kissing Brandon until Eli and I came in and tore you off of him. They both were arrested. Jeremy and Eli went to go bail them out of jail. We didn't wake you, since Luke said he didn't want you to come and see him..," Danny trails off and I feel my jaw drop open in shock.
I try to speak but only a few incoherent sounds come out before I close my mouth again.
"So, yeah. That's what happened. Are you okay?"
I nod and I hold my hands over my mouth as I sink back down into the bed, feeling guilt wash over me.
My fingertips brush something warm and wet. I frown and I open one of my eyes just a crack, wincing in pain at the light. I blink rapidly before a body next to me comes into view.
"What..?" I whisper, slowly sitting up, even though the pounding in my head recommends lying down.
"Hey sweetie, are you finally awake?" Danny's voice murmurs, and I feel his fingers brush the hair away from my eyes.
"W-Why are you next to me? How can my bed fit both of us?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.
I watch him smirk before her opens his mouth to speak, "Gracie, last night when you fell asleep on me and Eli in the taxi, I carried you into the bus and you asked me to stay with you for the night. You said you wanted to feel safe for once.."
My eyes widen in fear as he explains and I crane my neck so I'm able to look around the room. I notice all the suitcases and laundry baskets scattered around the floor and I realize that not only am I in the spare bedroom in the back of the bus, I'm alone with Danny.
"Oh, thank you I guess," I mumble.
He nods and he raises his arms above his head so he can stretch and it reveals that he's shirtless.
"I hope you don't mind, but I noticed through the years of living with you how you don't really sleep in pajamas. So I just took off your outfit and I left you in your bra and panties. I hope that's okay..."
I feel my entire body go on fire and I can only imagine how red my cheeks are as I lift up the covers. I look down at my body, clad only in my neon pink bra and matching panties.
"Danny...uhhh..you didn't um have to do that," I say, holding the blankets close to my body.
"It's not a big deal," he shrugs.
"Well, where are the others? I'm sure they are starving. I should probably get up and make some breakfast,"
"No Gracie, the others aren't here. I was going to go with them but they told me to stay here with you, since you would have a major headache when you woke up,"
I frown and I run my fingers through my hair, feeling the hardness of the dried hairspray.
"Go where?"
I watch him swallow hard and he takes a deep breath before he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Sweetie, do you remember anything from last night?"
"Uhh...," I pause to think for a brief moment and I nod. "Yes, I remember going to the nightclub, you were going to get me a margarita. I danced with Luke for a little while. You came in and got mad. I went and danced with another guy named...crap..I don't remember his name. But I danced with him and then all I remember is being dragged out of Ember against my will." I ramble off quickly.
"So you don't remember the police showing up?"
I shake my head and I close my eyes as if to summon that memory.
"Well, Luke saw you were kissing Brandon in the corner of the club and he didn't like it. Him and Brandon got into a huge fight> You yelled some hateful things at Luke; he went and destroyed the bar. You resumed kissing Brandon until Eli and I came in and tore you off of him. They both were arrested. Jeremy and Eli went to go bail them out of jail. We didn't wake you, since Luke said he didn't want you to come and see him..," Danny trails off and I feel my jaw drop open in shock.
I try to speak but only a few incoherent sounds come out before I close my mouth again.
"So, yeah. That's what happened. Are you okay?"
I nod and I hold my hands over my mouth as I sink back down into the bed, feeling guilt wash over me.

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"It's not your fault, if that's what you're thinking."
"It is too my fault! I got Luke and Brandon arrested! Oh my gosh! All I was trying to do was have fun. They both probably hate me!" I explode, tears streaming down my cheeks as I think more deeply about the subject.
I can't have Luke hating me. I don't think I could handle that. Luke, my Luke in jail.
I shake my head, trying to ward off all the thoughts that are occupying every inch of my brain.
I hear Danny clear his throat before he opens his arms in a welcoming gesture, "Come here."
I let out a small sigh and I nod before I scoot over and into his arms.
"Thank you for being so nice to me. Not just right now, but ever since mom and dad died. You have always been there for me. Taking care of me and making sure I was safe..," I trail off as I bury my face in the crook of his neck, absorbing his body heat.
"Gracie, you don't understand. When you first came to me about Chandler, and you said he was abusing you, I didn't believe you because he was one of my closest friends. When we were together he would only talk about how perfect your relationship was. He said both of you agreed to wait until marriage to have sex and that he loved you. I had no worries. When you first told me, I thought you were a liar just because I knew you had feelings for Luke. Grace, it tore me apart inside when I found out everything you said was true. I made it my duty to protect you and make sure you could never get hurt again. I want to be the one you come to when you need help." His voice cracks as he talks, and I lift my head up so I can look into his eyes.
"Daniel, you have been my protector ever since I was born. Even though you may have hated me since I took over your room. But you took care of me. You are all I have left. You can't leave me."
He shakes his head and sets his hands on my cheeks, forcing me to get lost in his dark grey eyes.
"I did hate you when you first were born, but I watched you grow up into a remarkable young woman. I love you so much, Gracie. I will be there for you forever and ever."
I nod and I move to kiss his cheek, but he turns his head just in time to where our lips clash and I feel an instant warmth spread throughout my body. I feel safety rush throughout my veins and it can't help but nibble on his bottom lip.
I here him groan in the back of his throat before he pulls away, pain evident in his eyes.
"Baby we can't do this. It's wrong. I want to, you have no idea." He shakes his head and I push my fingers into his hair.
"Do you love me more than a sister, Danny?"
"You know I-"
"Do you or not?" I press and I see him crumble and nod.
"I know. Look, I feel safe with you. I want you, but I know it's wrong. If we do this it can be only secretive. I love Luke, but I love you too."
"I understand," he says simply, before he wraps his large hands around my hips under the blankets.
I feel his tongue devour my mouth, my hands clinging to him desperately as he feeds my addiction to feel safe and wanted.
"God, Gracie."
I press my chest against his to feel heated skin on skin and I feel him push me away, making me whimper.
"Sweetheart, if we do this. I'm not going to have sex with you unless it's perfect. We are going to take this slow," he murmurs, adding small pecks against my lips.
I nod in disappointment, but I cuddle against him and I feel him wrap the blankets around our bodies before I let sleep overcome my body.