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First Time Cyber Sex And It's With My Dad

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First time cyber sex and it’s with my Dad

For the last two months I have been hinting and hinting to my parents that I was wanting a new laptop for my 16th birthday. Unlike most kids my age, I wasn’t worried about a car. I already had my older brother’s first car, since he used most of his tuition money to get a new car when he went to college. So all I wanted for my birthday was a new laptop so I didn’t have to use the family computer anymore. I needed my freedom to explore a secret world that no one, not even my best friend knew about. I was a serious nymph, and I had a thing for older guys. Now up until this story the oldest guy I had been with was 20 and a friend of my brothers, not that he’d ever find out. What I really loved, however, was teasing older men 30 and up.

Guess like most stories I should give you a few details about me so you can visualize everything for your self. I’m 5’ 2 and weigh 110 lbs. I’m in track and vollyeball at school so I have a very toned body with 34C breasts. Dark brown hair and blue yes. To look at me you would never know I was this way. I have always been very proper, good grades, active in school events. Now, even though I like older guys I like them to be in shape. I don’t like fatties. A sexy older man with a nice toned body gets me so wet and tingly, and I just cant help but do something to make him look my way.

In our house we have a tradition, presents are ready and sitting out for you in the morning. The only rule is, if your up first you have to wake everyone else up. Well, since it was my birthday of course I couldn’t sleep in, so I got up rushed in my parents room and jumped in their bed to wake them up. Both my parents attacked me when I woke them, smothering me in the blankes. My dad spanked my panty covered bottom 16 times while my mom held me down tickling me. Finally, they let me up and we all hurried downstairs to watch me open my gifts. I started with the cards first. Then moved to the larger presents, to which none were my laptop. I was devastated. Then, as my mom finished clearing the breakfast dishes away my dad asked me to go check my email and see if anyone wished me happy birthday. When I walked into the computer room sitting there with a tiny bow was a laptop. I was estatic. I ran back in and hugged mom, then ran into the family room and jumped on my dad’s lap and gave him a huge hug and a kiss right on the lips. Now, I don’t know why I did that but it gave he a huge case of butterflies in my stomach. I also noticed that when I was running back into the computer room I was a bit wet.

I grabbed my computer and ran to my room and started it right up. I spent the next few minutes looking it over to see what all it had on it. Now I’m not bad on a computer, but I’m no genius either, it had a webcam and that was the most important part for me. I continued to play on it for a bit trying to figure out everything and was getting frustrated so I finally yelled for my dad to come help me. When he didn’t answer I went looking for him. I asked mom where he was and she said that he went to get a shower, then was heading to Best Buy to get some new toys for the family. Again I don’t know why but the image of my dad in the shower flashed through my head and I got that tingle again.

As I was going to my room I could hear the shower running in my parents room. The door was ajar so I pushed it open a little more and could see the steam rolling out of the bathroom. I walked in as quietly as I could until I could see the mirror in their bathroom. It was all fogged over so I knew he couldn’t see me. I creeped in until I could see my fathers image in the fogged up glass shower door. I don’t know why I was doing this, but standing there staring at him I realized that my dad is in amazing shape, broad chest small signs of a six pack, and very nice arms and shoulders. I sat there for a minute watching him wash and hoped he’d turn around a bit so I could see his cock. When he did I couldn’t really see anything defined just the smokey outline. But, I did notice there was no dark spot in the area where it should be, so I just assumed he shaved it. Which I love. I guess I wasn’t surprised my dad always had smooth skin and not a hair in sight on his chest, stomach and back.

I was scared I’d get caught so I finally pulled myself away from watching and went back to my room. I was soaked and had to find relief fast. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on my side. As soon as I walked into my room my mom yelled up to me to tell me to inform my father that she was going to drop off some things to Goodwill and that she woud be back in time for my birthday dinner. I walked in my parents room again non-chalantely. My dad was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist and I know he could tell I was checking him out from head to toe, just admiring his body and that nice sized bulge in the front of his towl. He just smiled and said, “Can I help you princess?”

I just stammered something about mom leaving and I needed help with my computer. He asked if mom had already left to which I answered that she did. Then he followed me into my room wearing only the towel. I was breathing heavily and so nervous, but, excited at the same time. Now what I did notice was that the bulge in the front of the towel had gotten a bit bigger from the time I saw him in his room to the time we got to mine. He wasn’t hard but it did grow some.

He asked what I needed help with and I told him that I didn’t know how to work the webcam on my laptop. He just smiled sat next to me and asked if I planned on getting into trouble with it or something. I just smiled and bit my lip slightly and said, “Maybe.”

He just chuckled at me and said, “I guess I’m going to have to keep my eye on you.”

I don’t know why I replied back but I just said, “Maybe you should, but you might not like what you see… or who know’s maybe u will.” I couldn’t believe I had just said that. What was I thinking. I turned bright red as my dad looked me up and down and just smiled at me. After he finished showing me how to work everything I asked if he ever chatted online, he said he did, so I asked what are the best sites to chat on. He set up some bookmarks to links where I could chat and gave me his screen name in case I was ever on and wanted to mess with people in the room with him. Now that I look back I was a bit niave and you’ll see why. I just laughed and said to him, “I think we could get into a lot of trouble online together.” He laughed and pulled me close and kissed my forehead and then got up and walked out saying he’d be back later.

Now that I had the house to myself and masturbated a few times to everything that happened earlier. I started checking out the sites my dad bookmarked for me. And I couldn’t believe how popular a girl can be on there. I chatted all day with people making a lot of online friends. Most of which were guys old and young that kept trying to get me to cyber but I couldn’t get the idea of my dad out of my head to play along with anyone. 
Later that night after dinner and a family movie I told mom and dad that I was going to go play on my computer and load my ipod with some songs before heading to bed. Really I wanted to chat some more and have some fun now. After about 45 minutes or so I heard my mom head to bed. I figured my dad would go to the computer room and get online like he usually does at night. I waited for another 15 minutes and started looking up his screen name, and finally found him. I was completely shocked. He was in an adult chat room titled, “Older Men for Younger Girls”.

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Right away I could feel my body start to get that urge. I immediately went to the room he was in. I was terrified. Even though he didn’t know my screen name I was sure he’d know it was me, I mean he was my dad, surely he could tell. As soon as I entered the room I was bombarded with messages, I guess the men in there really liked my screen name, Daddy’sAngel.

I ignored all of the advances from the other members hoping I’d see my dad’s screen name pop up and say something to me. Finally after what seemed like forever he did, and my heart almost burst through my chest.

8inDaddy: Hey there, you seem pretty popular… haven’t seen u here before… feel like chatting?

Daddy’sAngel: Yeah its my first time here….bit overwhelming….but since you’re the first guy to ask me nicely I’d love to.

8inDaddy: you want to chat here or in a private room so u don’t get slammed with messages?

Daddy’sAngel: how do we get into a private room?

8inDaddy: just right click on my name and then click follow user.

I did and next thing I knew everyone disappeared and it was just me and him in the room.

8inDaddy: that better?

Daddy’sAngel: lots, thanx

8inDaddy: so asl?

Daddy’sAngel: huh?

8inDaddy: lol, u are new at this aren’t u. age/sex/location……lol

Daddy’sAngel: oh, lol, 16 female south carolina

8inDaddy: whoa, I didn’t realize u were that young…. Sorry but I’m not up for getting into trouble….

Daddy’sAngel: y would u get into trouble?

8inDaddy: um cuz your under 18

Daddy’sAngel: so y would u get into trouble?

8inDaddy: really? I don’t even know if u r a real girl or someone trying to catch dirty old men

Daddy’sAngel: I’m real

8inDaddy: sure u are, care to prove it

Daddy’sAngel: how?

8inDaddy: do u have a cam

Daddy’sAngel: yeah

8inDaddy: then turn it on for me

Now I was scared, surely if I turned on my cam he’d know it was me. I didn’t know what to do, but I didn’t want to scare him off.

8inDaddy: well?

Daddy’sAngel: k, one sec

I rushed around the room taking everything that might let him know it was me and moving it out of sight from the camera’s view. Then I got an idea. I grabbed out a sexy nighty, that was see through, and put it on over the sexiest bra and panties I owned, and then sent him an invite to view my cam.

Daddy’sAngel: k but no face, not yet. I don’t want u to record this and end up all over the internet.

8inDaddy: wow, guess u are real. K, I understand, and just to show u no hard feelings u can view my cam also.

My dad sent me an invite and I was again scared, he obviously didn’t recognize me but I didn’t know what to expect on his end. When the invite came up it took me a few seconds to hit accept. Then there he was sitting in his chair with no shirt on smiling at the cam. He looked gorgeous. Once again I got the butterflies. I couldn’t believe I was sitting here watching my dad on cam while he watched me sitting here dressed sexy. He waved and acted a little goofy at first and he could tell I was giggling. Finally, we started chatting again.

Daddy’sAngel: are u naked?

8inDaddy: no y? shoud I be, lol

Daddy’sAngel: maybe J

8inDaddy: well I guess I could be, but I shouldn’t be the only one?

Daddy’sAngel: um idk, I am after all under 18…lol…btw what does your name mean?

8inDaddy: really? It’s not obvious?

Daddy’sAngel: no

8inDaddy: well it means I’m 8 inches and I’m a daddy….lol

Daddy’sAngel: 8 inches?

8inDaddy: yes

Daddy’sAngel: I don’t get it….how r u 8 inches

Then, right as he said it it hit me, and my jaw dropped. See what I mean about niave. I couldn’t believe my dad gave me his screen name that said that.

8inDaddy: lol, wow…. My cock is 8 inches long hard…. This really is your first time.

Daddy’sAngel: no way

8inDaddy: I can prove it.

Butterflies again hit me, and I was wet. I mean wet. I couldn’t believe my dad was offering to show a girl he knew was 16 his hard cock. Then I got a devilish thought.

Daddy’sAngel: mmmm k I want u to, but first how old is your daughter since u say you’re a daddy?

8inDaddy: as a matter of fact 16 today

Daddy’sAngel: and what would she say if she knew u were about to show another girl her age your hard cock.

8inDaddy: something tells me she is making some guy very happy online tonite….lol

Daddy’sAngel: y do u say that.

8inDaddy: lets just say she lead me to believe she was going to get into a fair amount trouble online tonite with her new gift lol

Daddy’sAngel: and u arent going to burst into her room and stop her?

8inDaddy: no, she’s old enough to make smart decisions, besides she has an amazing body and I’m sure she wants to show it off

Daddy’sAngel: really? Sounds like u might be checking her out for yourself…..maybe u should go check up on her…lol

8inDaddy: I honestly never even thought about her that way til today…and leave u all alone here, besides I don’t want to ruin her fun.

Daddy’sAngel: so u had thoughts about your own daughter?

8inDaddy: if u were a dad and u saw her today u would to

Daddy’sAngel: well if u were my daddy and I knew u had an 8 in cock I’d try everything I could to see it and taste it J

8inDaddy: really…mmmm… I like that idea

Daddy’sAngel: so since u are going to show me, maybe if u ask nicely I’ll show u something to get it to its full 8 inches

8inDaddy: I’d love that….what did u have in mind?

And with that, I was lost in lust. I slowly pulled the nighty off and let him see me in just the bra and panties, I could see his hand rubbing himself just below the image of the cam and it was making me hot.

Daddy’sAngel: want more?

8inDaddy: mmm as much as u want to give

Slowly I took off the bra holding it over my breasts, then letting it drop so my dad could see my naked tits. I saw him lick his lips and start to rub faster, this was making me hot. My dad was rubbing his cock under his desk staring at my naked tits and now my own hand was in my panties rubbing my clit.

Daddy’sAngel: ok I cant stand this, let me see it.

With that my dad leaned back and pulled his shorts down and let his cock pop out the top or his shorts. I came right then. I had the most intense orgasm of my life the moment I saw my dad’s cock come into view. I couldn’t believe it, it was the most beautiful cock I had ever seen, not that I had seen a lot. Then he stood up and pulled his shorts off completely and he was completely smooth. Again another orgasm hit me. I have masturbated many times and this was the strongest I’ve ever cum and the fasted I’ve ever had.

Daddy’sAngel: omg daddy that’s huge

8inDaddy: glad u like it

Daddy’sAngel: I do, I just came twice just from seeing it

8inDaddy: well if u give me a min princess, I’ll be up to tuck u in

I froze, then I saw my dad get up from the computer and I could hear him coming up the steps towards my room. I was frozen and couldn’t do anything but stare at the door, then it slowly opened and my dad stood there naked in front of me, that gorgeous cock hard and sticking straight out towards me. I just looked up at him and said, “How did you know?”

 He replied smiling, “When you came the second time your face came into view of the camera. Now is this what you wanted to play with.” I just smiled up at him and nodded yes as he walked toward me knowing I was about to take him into my mouth and get my first taste of his cum……

To be continued…….

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Written by indy4848
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