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Finding out About Marsha - Pt. 2

"Mary tells me about her escort days"

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(Note:  This is part 2 of 4 parts and while this one does not contain any Incest, the overall story still fits into this category). 

Marsha sounded distraught on the phone.    She was going back to California this afternoon but had apparently just had a big confrontation with her mother.   She asked me to come over.   In fact, her wording was “you’d better get here quick”.    I decided whatever it was I had to be there and that I could find out the details when I got there.  

Find out I did.   The confrontation had actually occurred the night before when Marsha confessed to her mother that she had been seeing me intimately.   Mary had hit the ceiling tried to find or rationalize a way to have me arrested for something.   Marsha eventually calmed her down, and they were up most of the night talking where eventually Marsha told Mary that she was in the adult “Entertainment” business without specifying details.   Now Marsha was packing and Mary was giving her the silent treatment, mainly of in her own mental world.   Marsha worried about leaving her mother alone in that state and also felt that Mary and I had to clear the air about this.   After all, it must have shocked Mary to the marrow to learn that her daughter was sleeping with her ex-husband even if her daughter was, if not the aggressor, at least a consenting adult.  

After hearing the details I walked into the kitchen where Mary was sitting.   I greeted her but she only stared at me blankly, in essence barely acknowledging my presence.   I returned to Marsha, who had called a cab and was ready to leave.   I assured her that I would stay with Mary and make sure she was OK.   As I was embracing her she asked me if I knew anything about Mary’s past.   I said “not much, why?” and Marsha answered “Oh it’s nothing.   She said there was not anything I’m doing that she hadn’t tried but she was in an emotional fit when she said it so it may or may not mean much”.   That was the kind of history I did not know anything about.   Although I enjoy the graphic details of sexual exploits, even when they are my wife’s, my relationship with Mary never went that far and I never pried into her past or asked her about it.   This was something else that was about to change in a big way.  

After Marsha left I went into the kitchen and asked Mary if she wanted a drink.   Again she stared at me.   I found the bar and poured myself a scotch and Mary a rum and coke.   I placed her glass in front of her and sat down.   We were quiet for a long time but finally Mary spoke up without looking at me and said “that was a stupid and terrible thing you did.   Technically I can’t do anything about it but you were her father for all those years.   Howe could you fuck her?”.    

“Mary!   This is not something I planned or ever even contemplated.   It is something that just happened.”  

“Damn it John, if you were that desperate for sex you could have come to me.    I don’t understand how you could have gone to bed with her.   Did she come so strong you couldn’t resist?”

“No.   It was something we both wanted and it just happened.   She saw the video and one thing led to another.”

“That’s another thing I can’t come to grips with.   Why did you keep her work and videos from me?”

“I wasn’t even thinking like that.   I found out the day before she came.   After that things got too confusing and too complicated.”

“I bet they did.”

“Look, Mary, I’m sorry you’re hurt by all this but none of it was intended and certainly hurting you was not intended.   Nothing has changed as far as I’m concerned.   I still love you as much as I always have even if we couldn’t live together.   I still love Marsha as much as I always did.   Nothing has changed.   We just share more with each other now.   You of all people should understand that, although from a comment Marsha made before she left I doubt I know all that much about you.”

“what comment was that?”

“She just wondered what you meant when you said she isn’t doing anything you haven’t done.   I’m wondering about that too.”  

She looked at me then reached for her rum and Coke.   She took a large gulp, then put the glass down and stared at me “You never asked about my past and I didn’t volunteer it.”  

“And I’m not delving now, but I am interested if you want to tell me.”  

She was quiet for a few seconds, staring at the glass in her hands.   She picked it and took another gulp, then she looked at me with her teary red eyes.   “You know I didn’t finish college, but while there I earned money at a strip club.”  

“I’m not surprised, you always had the figure and the moves for that, and I knew you were not very inhibited.   In fact you have an exhibitionist streak in you that you may have passed on to Marsha”.

“I passed on a lot more than that.     I loved performing, on stage and off.   I had a handful of well off clients who   paid my bills.”  

“Now I’m surprised, but in retrospect perhaps I shouldn’t be.”

“You mean you should have known I was a whore?”

“No, not that.   But as I said you are rather uninhibited and an exhibitionist.   You always enjoyed performing.”   That is true.   When we were together we had a small group of friends that we swung with and she was always drawing attention whenever there was a group there.   She always turned up the passion a notch when she had an audience.   I loved being with her and was missing it now, even after a week of heavy fucking with Marsha.    

“Yes, I did enjoy it while I was doing it, but eventually realized there was no future in it.   At the same time I got pregnant with Marsha and that put a damper on everything.”  

“So you were seeing someone while uh … working?”

“No.   She is the product of the work, to put it crudely.    Birth control is not 100% fool proof.   I was on the pill and got pregnant anyway.    I didn’t use condoms because I was careful about my clients, and that’s one of the things they appreciated.    Like I said I had a handful of clients and that week I saw four of them.    Never told a soul before today.   Marsha doesn’t have any idea.”  

I was stunned by this revelation.   Even though I was living with this woman for 7 years she was revealing herself to me for the first time.   I was now very curious about Mary and her past.    Right about then she drained her glass and got up and poured her and myself another round.   As I handed her the glass I said “Tell me more.”

“like what?”

“Like how it got started”  

She stared at me, took another sip and then stared at me some more.   “How much detail do you want.”

“as much as you can give me.    If there are any gaps in your memory make up the filler.”  

Mary chuckled.   “Ok, here it goes.   I lost my virginity when I was 17 to a neighbor in college …”

“I didn’t intend for you to go that far back but I’m happy to listen.   How did it happen?”

“It was the summer of my senior year.  I was sunbathing outside and he came to the fence and stared at me.  It made me feel a bit self conscious at first but then I got frisky and started up a conversation.  He invited in for a drink and complimented me on my looks several times.  That was my first Rum and Coke ever and I was hooked.  After a few sips we were making out on the couch and his hands were all over my breasts.  He was a good kisser and much more experienced than the two boyfriends I had had.  Also more persistent.   He did not let my hesitation slow him down.   For my part I may not have been resisting as much as I did with my boyfriends.  I think I was ready to lose my cherry.  When his hands worked down between my legs I remember consciously parting them to give him more access.  He gently massaged my pussy and had me quivering with excitement.  It felt so good I was not going to stop it.  One hand came back up to my breasts and under the bathing suit while his other hand was reaching back to undo the top.   Again I put up no resistance.  I wanted him to keep going.   He was kissing my neck and working his way down my chest.  He kissed and licked my breasts all over and sucked on each of the nipples.   I was getting horny as hell and almost came.  I desperately wanted to come.   No one had ever played with my breasts before and I couldn’t believe how good it felt, how much better it was than me massaging them as I did when I was masturbating.   While working on my breasts he was sliding my bottoms to the side and running his finger up and down my slit.   That too felt wonderful and when his finger started running circles on my little button I came like fire crackers.   As I started to come he slid a finger into me which made the orgasm more intense.  

"I knew then and there that I needed more inside me.   He slowed down and moved away a little, then put his hands on my waist and started to slide the bottoms down my legs.  I lifted my butt to help him out, then hooked my fingers on his shorts and boxers and slid them down together.   His prick was hard and beautiful.   It was the first one I had ever seen up close.   I reached for it and gently squeezed it and rubbed it.   I was enjoying the feel of it and could not wait to have it in me.   I knew it was going to hurt but I was ready and I needed it.  

"He also pulled off his shirt then he gently pushed me down onto the couch.   I closed my eyes and waited.   He kneeled between my legs and bent over me, placing his hands on either side of me.   I reached down to his prick again and brought the head to my cunny.   He pushed gently, and I was so wet it easily slipped into me.  This was it, and I was so happy to be doing it.  The moment I had dreaded was finally here and instead of fear I was feeling a rush.  I was finally going to experience what everyone else was writing about and talking about. 

"He had no idea that I was a virgin.  He told me later he was surprised when he ran into resistance.  I felt a little pressure and knew the pain was coming, but I didn’t care.  I was going to get fucked and that is all I wanted.  I started rotating my hips while pushing up towards him.  He stared at me for a minute as if wondering if he should continue.   I remember I said something like 'Please take me ... I need it'.   He pulled back a little and my heart sank as I thought he was pulling out but then he paused, kept staring at me and suddenly pushed hard, going right through the cherry to the hilt.  The pain was intense and I remember trying to let out a scream and screwing my eyes shut.   He just stayed still for a while, our groins touching and our hairs entangled and pain subsided rather quickly if I remember right.  I was full of dick, although later I would learn that his was about average.  I’ve had bigger and smaller since then, and yours by the way is definitely bigger.  Anyway after some rest and with the pain almost gone we started moving.  I came quickly and was squeezing the hell out of him.  He stopped moving in and out trying to prolong the fuck and succeeded.   When we went back to our rhythm I came again and this time he came with me.   I remember feeling the spurts against my cunt walls and being on cloud nine, so proud that I had done it and that he seemed satisfied.   

"He and I fucked many times after that.   He introduced me to oral sex and, eventually to anal sex.   He was gentle and patient I learned to love all of it."  

I smiled and made facial expressions throughout the story and did not interrupt.   When she finished she apologized for having gone into far more details that necessary or than I was looking for, and pleaded that the emotions of the day and the alcohol were conjuring all her memories and loosening her tongue.

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  I told her there was no need to apologize and that I wanted to hear more but first we had to get some dinner, and I knew the perfect place where we could continue the conversation.  

On the way there Mary asked about Marsha and wanted my confident assurance that she was going to   be OK.   I gave as best as I could.   I knew Marsha had a good head on her shoulders and that the moral landscape had changed a lot since she was Marsha’s age.   We discussed how back then a woman in the adult industry would have had no chance at a normal family life if she was ever found out, whereas today it is at least possible to find a partner who did not look down on a history of such work, and in fact many men are open minded enough to like having such a sexually uninhibited wife.   All this to say that this life was not a dead end for Marsha as it might have seemed for Mary.  

At the restaurant I asked Mary to tell me the rest her story and how she transitioned form sex for pleasure to sex for work.   It was during her second semester in college.   She was working in a restaurant and not making enough to cover her expenses.   Her roommate was working in a strip club and making a lot more.   With her roommate’s help she got a job there as a waitress.   The money was better but her roommate pressed her to try dancing.   She did and was good at it and the money was even better.   She made enough in tips.   She also found out she enjoyed stripping in front of an audience and realized she had an exhibitionist streak that would serve her well.   She was often propositioned and discussed these with her roommate who was making a lot of money on the side, either with quickies in the parking lot or by making appointments after hours.   Eventually she gave into the temptation with one particularly distinguished   looking man.   She agreed to go to his hotel after work.   After getting pointers from her roommate she went to his room and knocked on his door at 3:30 AM.   She asked for $200 for the visit.   He gave the $200 right away and asked her to take her clothes off.   She turned on a radio and did a little dance and strip tease for him, alternately watching his face and his crotch as she did so and as his hand started rubbing his rising cock.   She loved the effect she was having on him and after all her clothes were off, deliberately and casually tossed to a side chair, she came to the man, put her hands on his shoulders and drew him to her for a kiss.   As she rubbed her naked body on him she worked on his cloths, unbuttoning his shirt and pants, opening the zipper and sliding pants and shorts down to the ankles.   As she did so she knelt in front of him and took his hard cock into her mouth although she could not get in more than the head for it turned out to be the biggest cock she would have while working.   May continued to suck the head of the cock while massaging the shaft.   She had her hands on his buttocks drawing him to her mouth.   She loved the feel and taste of his cock, and in particular the taste of his pre-cum.   She was torn between needing to please this man and needing to have that cock inside her.   The need for money prevailed for now and she kept on sucking until he erupted into her throat.  

As her John sat on the bed to recover she stood before him holding him and drawing him into her.   She tousled his hair and asked him how he felt.   He said he felt great and wanted more of her but did not want to rush her.   He then asked if she could spend the night and she said yes but for an additional free.   He pulled out another $300 band asked if that would do.   She nodded and said yes, trying hard to conceal her excitement at having the kind of money she never dreamed of making.   She put the money away then came to him and finished undressing him.   Feeling like she had to earn the money, she wait to great lengths to fuss over him, giving him...

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Written by amorab
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