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Finding Family, Chapter Five

"Xel and her grandpa have found so many delights, and yet ever more adventures await them."

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Xel awoke a little while later, I felt her stirring and looked into her sleep laden eyes. She smiled at me and rolled over to press herself against me. I rolled over so we would be face to face and whispered, “You okay baby girl?” with a loving smile painting my face.

Her face moved to mine and she kissed me, gently at first and then harder. Soon I felt the stirrings of heat between us and wrapped my arm over her, pulling her closer. She whispered back, “I'm so much better than okay grandpa,” giggled and went back to kissing me, her mouth all but consuming mine. When she drew back she looked into my eyes and cooed softly, “I never knew sex could be like that,” giggled again and went on, “I know why Grandma always said you were the best thing that ever happened in her life.” She rolled me to my back and quickly moved on top of me, her hair askew lain around my face as again our lips danced an erotic dance of want. Her body squirmed as she spread her legs around my thighs and clenched them closed to hold me in place. The look in her eyes was devious, sparkling like diamonds scattered in the earthy tones of brown her eyes normally were. All I knew was that she had something up her nonexistent sleeve.

Her tummy slid side to side as she felt my dick grow, she was pleased with her talents and squirmed even harder against it. I bit my lip as she smiled dauntingly knowing what she would do next. I felt her body lift just a little bit and lower herself along my torso, I released the wrap of my arms from her as she descended to her goal. Propping herself up somehow on her knees she squeezed her weighty tits around my swollen dick, I groaned deeply as I figured what she would do for me now. She rubbed them up and down my shaft until I was ready to scream with need, she was torturing me and driving me to the brink without allowing me to fly from it. My cock got really hot and hard with her tittie fucking talents, but I needed more and groaned out to her, “Baby, suck your grandpa...oh God I need to feel your mouth on me,” and groaned loudly as she abandoned her goal and meant to oblige me. She slid farther down and licked over the swollen mass of flesh, my body shook with the delirium of pleasures she afforded me. I wanted more and whimpered, “Turn around baby, I want to eat you at the same time.”

She rose and turned herself over me, one leg crossing over my head as she settled back onto me. I felt her lithe body as it coated me with warmth, and her lips as she took the broad head into her mouth. I grunted as I lifted her hips to where she was knelt over me. I pulled a pillow down and doubled it to rest my head of and lapped over her cunt with slow delicate resolve. Her body shook as much as mine had and she squealed softly as she engulfed the head of my cock once again, sucking it as if it would drain a clog. Her lungs must be really good, the vacuum she created all but swelled the head twice its normal girth. My head fell back to the pillow to catch a breath, I was already panting with want to cum in her mouth. She was inexperienced, but tried her best to make me cum before her climax, I gasped with relief and joy as she squirted over my face with her release after only a couple of minutes. I rolled us over and ended on top of her. Tugging her backwards her head fell over the edge of the bed even as she tried her best to make me cum with just the head in her mouth. It was time to teach my baby how to deep throat and I had just the cock to teach her the painful reality of it.

I slipped off of the bed and knelt beside her head, lifted it and kissed her gently and then whispered to her, “Baby, you really want me to cum like this for you?” She nodded and caused me to smile. “Just relax your neck completely baby, I'll be gentle.” I stood back up, my massive cock swaying over her face as I prepared for her first try to really take me orally. I bent at the knee and got to a comfortable level as she gazed in awe as the two inch wide head she had taken into her mouth and would again swayed forth and back. I cradled her neck with both hands and slipped the head to her lips, she opened her mouth with want to suck me, she seemed to crave my dick and I would most certainly oblige her. Pushing in she felt me tilt her head back, opening up her throat for me. I prodded gently as I reached her hard palette and she gagged, I pulled back and whispered to her, “Just relax Xel, you'll be fine,” and pushed again to the back of her mouth. Her throat closed off but she didn't gag this time. Her lips closed over the shaft just below my head and sucked me, so I stroked her mouth with my overly eager meat until she craved more. Her head fell back of her choice this time and I pushed into her canal, she gulped and I felt her muscles clench over the thick head, but she didn't gag on it.

Again I pulled back and stroked in and out of her lips and mouth giving her plenty of opportunity to breathe. When she was ready again her head fell back to receive me and I pushed deeper than the last time. It was a long slow process as my arousal grew more and more commanding. Soon she would taste my seed as it surged down her throat, my grunts louder as the need grew hastily closer to that time. On one such parting of my dick from her mouth she gasped out hurriedly, “Cum on my face Grandpa,” and immediately sucked me in deeper than before. I never got the chance to have her suck my all, she worked me too well and within another few minutes I was gasping for air myself.

“ Baby,” I grunted out as I withheld the onslaught in the last moments before ejaculation, “Oh God baby, gonna....holy fuck....cum,” and pulled my cock from her throat fast enough for the first stream to fill her gaping mouth as she tried to swallow the streaming load. The second stream hit her cheek and sprayed over to the other as I grabbed my cock to control the direction of the flow. The third arched to her mound, I wanted to lick her clean. She closed her eyes to get sprayed and then opened them with delight as I stood and milked what little remained over her chin and lips. She reached up and pulled my dick into her mouth, sucking it hard and deep as she took all she could of it down her throat. The cum dripped off of her cheeks in slender rivulets, her mound coated with a sizable glob until I laid over her as she sucked me and licked not only her mound clean, but pussy as well. She cried out as my tongue thrust into her gash and came immediately. I gulped her nectars down as greedily as she had my cum.

I tossed myself onto the bed beside her, her head still hanging over the edge as she gathered enough strength to rise. Finally she did and turned to lay beside me, her sounds were so like a cat purring I could have laughed but it was not from humor, only the bliss of yet another wonderful orgasm we had shared. When I had recovered enough I rolled to my side and whispered, “I thought maybe we'd go somewhere today Xel. Want to?” She nodded, apparently her throat was now very sore as she gulped to even voice a whisper of approval. “Let's go take a shower baby girl,” I suggested as I rose to my feet. She looked at me like I had suggested a marathon and smiled. I reached down and took her hands and lifted her to her feet. Looking into her eyes I told her, “If we're gonna be together for the next two weeks, you really need to build up your stamina,” and smiled warmly. She knew exactly what I meant.

We walked to the bathroom together and I started the shower running. She stood by the counter and watched me flittering around gathering the gel to bathe her with and a towel to wrap her hair in since in didn't need washing that morning. I snapped the towel open and held it out to her, she hadn't thought of that and smiled as she wrapped it around the lengthy ends and formed the turban most women were so very familiar with after a washing, but not before. We climbed in together and I allowed her the first turn under the spray of the shower head, she turned twice soaking in the warm soothing water before she paused facing me. I pulled her from beneath the water and turned her around to face away from me for the first stage. My hands lathered freely with the strawberry gel, the fragrance stimulating to say the least as it permeated the air with the scent of fresh berries. My hands caressed her shoulders first, working my way over her arms and then up along her ribs, her body quivering with the almost ticklish sensation of my light touch. Her back was lathered next and then I pulled her back against my chest, she could feel the swollen meat against her ass as I did and giggled. The lather between us gave a delicious tactile feel of our flesh slipping against each other.

My hands swept around her and cupped her breasts, everything we did was a tactile delight, even a simple bath or shower. I rubbed her firm tits until her nipples swelled to rigid peaks and then twisted them to full arousal as she groaned and rubbed her ass over my building erection. I leaned her forward and allowed the spray to cascade over her back, rinsing away the suds gathered there. Dipping at the knee I pulled her cheeks apart and she slid her feet to the edge of the tub with a groan. My cock slipped into her petals easily and I grunted at how sweet and hot she was for me. She leaned over more and held herself against the wall with her hands, quivering as I entered her more deeply with each thrust. She panted within a minute and gasped as she was again filled with my cock buried to the hilt inside her tight sheath. The rhythm was quick choppy strokes to arouse her quickly, it worked and within a couple of minutes she climaxed with a squirting flood over the thick plug of my cock, still pummeling her cunt like I'd never get to have it again.

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I knew I would not ejaculate, but it didn't matter as my body flooded with the feelings of climax as she flew from the precipice of glory with continuous peaks of orgasm. Five minutes turned to ten before we were done, exhausted and spent. I pulled my rock hard cock from her and pulled her from the wall to hold her in my arms. “Baby, you must love me a lot to take all this on with such fervor,” meaning the intensity and frequency of our love making. Her head fell back against me as she cooed softly without a reply. I sent her to dry herself as I finished showering, she didn't have the strength to do it for me right then.

As I got out she smiled, brushing the tangles from her hair as she gazed into the mirror. “Did you know,” she began in a soft purr, “Grandma never had sex after you left. She died a spinster hoping you would come back for her.” She turned and wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her cheek against my bare chest and whispered, “But I guess in a way you have come back to us. I love you grandpa.”

I hadn't even dried off as she knelt before me, my cock drained, swollen but nowhere close to being hard as her hand wrapped around it. Looking down I could see the glimmer in her eyes as she contemplated what to do. She smiled as she leaned forward and sucked my member in. I gasped at her eagerness as her hand and mouth worked at me until I was panting with excitement. There was no way of ejaculating again so soon, but she wanted to arouse me anyway, and did. “Mmm,” I cooed as her mouth slipped over the swollen meat and I yelped as she took it down her throat, though for now only eight inches and not fully hard she gulped it down her throat with zeal wanting to show me just how much she loved my cock. My hips rocked forth and back as she sucked me slowly and then hard, her hand cupped my sack as she tried her best to make me cum. The sparks of fire filled my veins and I was at a level of excitement few men ever know, my hips moved faster and she took the punishing thrusts as I fucked her face and cried out my joy. My body had dried by the time her needs were met, I think she was a bit disappointed by not feeling my seed fill her tummy, but then she had known that already that day and it was still early.

She rose, her hand still gently stroking my cock as she looked into my eyes. “Grandpa, how long will it take to be ready to cum for me again?” she asked with simple candor.

“ Baby,” I cooed, “I'm getting older and it takes a while to produce the semen. But, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy getting hard and making love to you. It's kind of like I get all the tingling feelings of ejaculation but just stay on that edge. I kind of like it baby,” and cuddled up to her. I kissed her puffy lips, swollen from the pounding her mouth had taken twice already that morning. “I bought you something this morning while you were resting sweetie,” I said with a smile. “I'm hoping we can do some sight seeing today and I'd wanted you to have a new outfit for our trip.”

Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas, she peeked around me trying to see what it was she had missed, and instantly saw the white box sitting on the dresser. She looked back to me and smiled as she asked, “What's in the box grandpa?”

I hung up the towels as she anxiously waited for me and then we walked to the dresser and I gestured for her to open it. Her eyes glimmering with what was her first present from her grandfather, well other than making love all but non stop since we met. Her head tipped to the side as she lifted the simple white cotton blouse from the box, a size 2 that I hoped would fit her well enough. She smiled when she looked down and saw the skirt that was to go with it. Plaid and pleated she began to giggle softly. “It looks like a Catholic School Girl's uniform,” and took note of the plain black flats that would complete the outfit.

“ Exactly,” I said excitedly, “I want my girl to play out the role for me today. Will you be my naughty little school girl for the day?” I smiled at her and watched the wheels of deviance turn slowly in her mind. She grinned and set the blouse back down as she attacked me. Her arms surrounding my waist as she purred, giddy just like a school girl for her elder.

“ Yes Master Dawson,” she cooed softly. “I'd love to be your naughty school girl for today and any other time you want me to.”

I grinned and said, “Well, how about we both get dressed and go get you some breakfast, I'm sure you're hungry for something besides my body.” Her eyes drifted over my still naked frame taking note of the fully flaccid member she had satisfied three ways already that day, well twice orally and once deep in her lush wet sheath. She was digging the items out of the box to dress and took note of the barely there thong she was to wear and then the mesh bra that would do nothing to cover the ample orbs, only support them for her ease of mind. She pulled the thong on as I retrieved my khakis and slipped my feet and legs into them. Her ass was so perfect it was a delight to see the string drawn up into the crack as she wiggled it for my viewing. I groaned and hoped it wouldn't be too long before my stores of semen had revitalized. She pulled the bra on and hooked it, her nipples protruding through the mesh just as I had hoped, she giggled and looked at me as if to ask what the point was but didn't.

I slipped into a polo shirt as she wiggled her butt into the skimpy skirt, a size one to be sure it was short enough for my likings....

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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