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Fifteen Minutes Of Sibling Heaven

"A different version of 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' brings brother and sister closer."

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Ben and Amy are twins. They aren’t identical by any means but both have light brown hair; Amy’s long and curly while Ben’s is short and straight, and both have deep blue eyes. They have always been close and always went everywhere together, until recently. Ever since their sixteenth birthday Ben has been growing distant from Amy, spending more time with his friends and never sticking around to talk to her much. They still did things with the family but never really spent any time alone together anymore.

Amy was upset at first, but as she’s been hanging out with girls her age having sleepovers, talking about boys and other girly topics, she’s beginning to understand that it is good to not be together with her twin brother all the time. They are now eighteen and, while still close, have separate lives from each other.

Tonight, Ben and Amy are on their way to John’s birthday party that they have both been invited to. John is a guy in their grade at school and Ben’s best friend. When they get to the party, it seems that John has invited everyone from their class. The twins look at each other and grin; they can tell there’s alcohol here, and they both know it’s going to be a very fun night.

“You gonna be alright if I go off to join the guys?” Ben asks his sister.

“Sure, I can already see Casey over there with Marla and Kirsty. I’ll come find you if I need anything,” Amy smiles back. “Go have fun, tell John happy birthday from me.”

Amy races off to join her friends and Ben walks over to the group of guys standing around near the door.

“John! Happy Birthday, man!” he calls out over the music and noise.

“Dude! Glad you could make it! Where’s Amy?” John yells back as he moves away from the group to join Ben.

“Gone to say hi to her friends, you know how girls are,” Ben waves a hand over in the direction of Amy and her friends.

John looks through the crowd for his friend’s twin. When his eyes find her he lets out a low whistle.

“Nice dress,” he comments.

“Watch it.” Ben playfully punches John in the arm. “That’s my sister you’re ogling over.”

“Sorry man, but you have to admit she’s pretty hot now. So grown up,” John says dreamily.

“Yeah, I know...” Ben says in a low voice.

John looks at Ben knowingly and his friend blushes.

“It’s not like that...” Ben says defensively.

“Isn’t it?” John says wryly.

Ben blushes again and chooses not to answer. Instead he walks over to the other guys and greets them, and John tags behind with a smug look.

Meanwhile, Amy is gossiping with her friends about how each of the boys in their class have scrubbed up quite nicely for the party. They are all ogling Chris, the school hottie, when Kirsty points out Ben.

“Your brother looks hotter than usual tonight too, Amy. Wouldn’t mind getting my hands all over that, reow!”

Amy gives Kirsty a disapproving look and her friend shrugs back innocently. Amy can feel herself blushing as she thinks back to all those daydreams she’s had about catching a peak of her brother while he showers.

Casey brings her back to the present with a pat on the head.

“Come on Aimz, you know Kirsty’s only kidding.”

Amy nods and forces herself to smile and get back into the conversation as Marla returns with a drink for her. She sniffs the drink and deems it safe after recognising the scent of Vodka and Coke.

A while later, the party is in full swing, the music is blaring and everyone is letting loose on the dance floor. By this point, everyone at the party is rather tipsy from the alcohol and the girls are all giggling over secrets the boys don’t know about, while the boys are trying to score some action with their crushes.

The song winds down to a finish and the DJ shuts off the music as John walks up to the speakers with a microphone and asks the crowd for silence. All turn to look at him curiously.

“Okay, I know I’m rather drunk right now, but I would just like to say, thank you so much for coming to celebrate my eighteenth birthday!”

The crowd cheers.

“Also, I’d like to see what all you guys think of a game!” John continues.

“What game do you have in mind?” someone yells out.

“Hmmm,” John pretends to think. “Well I had this idea of seven minutes in heaven.”

A few people agree to this while others murmur to their friends.

“But,” John says, breaking the conversation again, “I thought I would add a few twists.”

That piques the interest of most people in the room and everyone falls silent to hear the new twists.

“Firstly, I want girls in one room and boys in the other, so the only people who know both people in the closet are the two who are in there.”

The excitement in the room increases at this announcement. Anyone who originally didn’t think they wanted to join are now interested. If no one else knew who they got down and dirty with it wouldn’t be so bad.

“Secondly, the people in the closet must keep who they went into the closet with a secret! That is if they even figure out who it is!”

People laugh at this and the excitement is raised even more; the party members are wanting this to happen now.

“Lastly...” says John from the front. “Who agrees seven minutes isn’t long enough?”

The room roars with answers like ‘NO WAY’ and ‘IT SHOULD BE LONGER.’ John nods as if he expected this.

“I say we should make it fifteen. Who’s with me?”

The drunken crowd of horny teenagers erupts in applause and yells of glee.

“Right then! Girls to the room with the pink sign, boys to the room beside it with the blue! The closet opens up from both rooms and has a sliding door separator in the middle so no one on the outside can see. We spin the bottles to choose when I knock on the wall. When it’s your turn, walk in the closet and close the door, once the bell rings, the boy opens the sliding door and then you both find each other in the dark and have some fun!”

It’s a mad rush after that of bodies trying to get into their respective rooms, waiting for the fun to begin. Anticipation fills the air as people are turned on by the idea of a dark closet and fifteen minutes with an unknown person.

Amy is swept into the room with her friends by the rest of the stampeding girls from their grade. The room is square and bare, all furniture removed. The closet stands on the left hand wall and an empty wine bottle sits in the middle of the room. All the girls sit in a circle around it, while giggles and hushed whispers break out as they wait for the knock.

The boys enter a room similar to the girls, the closet against the wall to the right. Ben takes his seat near John near the wall; a bottle sits in the middle of their circle, too. John smiles at the eagerly waiting boys.

He knocks on the wall and someone spins the bottle in each room. The chosen participants stand up and walk into the closet. Both doors are closed and the bell rings.

For a while, everyone sits in silence, nothing can be heard from the closet at first. After a few minutes a moan, obviously male, can only just be heard through the doors. The boys whoop in joy for their fellow classmate and the girls giggle in the next room.

Over the next fifteen minutes only small noises can be heard as everyone strains to listen. A thump is heard and then two voices can be heard moaning.

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Giggles erupt from the girl’s side again as the boys look around eagerly, hoping their turn is next.

The game continues and couple after couple have their turn in the closet. Ben sits by and starts to think about who he might get. Tracy was obviously his first pick, being the hottest girl in school. Every boy wanted to get down and dirty with her. Then there was Amy’s friend Kirsty—she was pretty hot, too.

John rings the bell, signifying the end of the fifteen minutes, and Matt, one of the footy guys comes stumbling out with his trousers round his ankles, a big grin on his face. The boys erupt in laughter and John knocks on the wall again. This time the bottle spins and lands on the party host.

John wiggles his eyebrows and hands the bell to Ben, putting him in charge for this round. Ben waits for both doors to be closed and rings the bell. Everyone waits and, after fifteen minutes, Ben rings the bell again.

Kirsty stumbles out of the girl’s end, bright pink in the face, holding her panties in one hand, obviously not having enough time to put them back on. The girls giggle and she blushes harder.

“Fuck, I don’t know who that was but they are really good at licking pussy!” she exclaims in a harsh whisper to the girls. They all giggle again as the knock on the wall comes and the bottle is spun again.

Amy watches the bottle as it spins and slowly lands on her. She looks up at the girls and they urge her into the closet. Giggling she steps in and closes the door, her breath hitching in anticipation.

She waits in darkness for the bell, feeling herself get wet at the thought of what was to come. Finally the sweet musical sound is heard and the sliding door between the closets is opened. Amy takes a step towards the dark figure in front of her and bumps into them as they also step forward.

“Oww,” she whispers clutching her nose. She’d hit someone’s hard chest.

“Amy? Is that you?” a familiar whispered voice comes from the silhouette.

“Ben?” Amy squeaks, feeling a sense of disappointment. This couldn’t be happening. Her one chance to have a sexy mysterious encounter and it’s her brother!

“Oh, great... I guess we’ll just have to wait the 15 minutes then,” he whispers, obviously disappointed too.

“Yeah...” Amy whispers back. Then a thought occurs to her. “Or we can just pretend we don’t know it’s each other...” she suggests, not completely hopeful.

“Would... would you do that?” Ben whispers back, a hint of eagerness in his voice.

“It would still be wrong...” Amy whispers slowly.

“No one would have to know...” Ben says softly.

“It could be our secret,” agrees Amy, feeling her pussy moisten at the thought.

“I’ve always thought about what it would be like with you, Amy,” Ben says, reaching out blindly to cup his sister’s face in his hand. It was relatively easy since he knew so well where she came up to on his chest.

“Really?” Amy asks in a surprised whisper.

“It’s why I had to start being so distant... I kept getting turned on around you,” he admits.

“Oh, Ben...” she whispers.

Ben presses his lips to hers and they kiss, pressing their bodies up to one another. Amy wraps her arms around her brother’s neck and kisses back, opening her mouth slightly to allow Ben’s tongue into hers.

Ben moans as they explore each other’s mouths, feeling her touch heat up everywhere along his body that they connect. Amy’s hands move away from his neck and slowly start traveling down her brother’s chest.

His hands mirror hers and he finds himself fondling his sister’s boobs through her shirt and bra. She moans at his touch and continues her own journey down to his pants.

They break away from the kiss and Ben pulls his sister’s dress over her head and undoes her bra giving him better access to the tits he’s been so longingly lusting for in secret.

Amy moans as she feels her brother take one of her nipples into his mouth and feels her heartbeat quicken as her body aches for more of his attention. She thinks back to Kirsty’s earlier comment of her brother being hot and lets herself admit that she thinks he’s the most attractive guy in the school. Better even than Chris.

She finds her brother’s jeans button and undoes it quickly trying to push his pants down without moving him away from her sensitive breasts.

Their breathing is heavy and they press themselves against each other, bodies craving more. For something that is supposed to be so wrong, it feels so right.

Ben feels his sister manage to get his pants down and gasps as her hand grips his rock hard cock.

“Mmm, Benny; you’re bigger than I imagined,” Amy whispers seductively.

“You fantasize about me?” he questions, keeping his voice low.

“All the time, I even dream about you,” she admits aloud for the first time, feeling his hands knead her boobs. She moans softly as she begins to stroke his cock.

“Fuck... Amy, I want you to suck me off before our time's up,” he begs.

Without hesitation, Amy drops to her knees and takes her brothers large cock into her mouth. Ben gasps as he feels her tongue move over his tip, licking up his pre-cum. He can’t believe how hard he is for his sister!

“Fuck...” he moans as she begins to bob up and down on him. Amy licks and sucks on her brother’s cock furiously, loving the taste and feel of him in her mouth. She feels him grip her head in his hands, tangling his fingers in her wavy hair. She moans around his huge cock and sucks harder and faster.

Ben lets out an almighty moan that can surely be heard by the people in the two rooms. Sure enough there are giggles and whoops on both sides.

Amy sucks harder and Ben feels himself about to cum.

“God, Amy, you are so good at this!” he hisses in a low voice. “I’m gonna cum!”

Just as he explodes, the sound of the bell pierces the air in the closet. Amy sits back in surprise resulting in a face full of her brothers cum. She hurriedly pulls her dress over her head not bothering with her bra. As she pulls it on, it smears the cum on her face, wiping most of it off but not all.

“Fuck Amy, I’m sorry!” he whispers harshly as he pulls his pants over his shrinking cock.

“Don’t be...” she says licking some cum off her lip. “You taste good, Benny.”

Ben steps back and closes the dividing door as he does up his pants one handed.

Slowly, the both of them open their respective doors and step out into the crowds on the other side. Ben’s face is glowing with embarrassment and fulfillment while Amy steps out with flushed cheeks, cum in her hair and smeared on her face, and a small smile.

The boys whoop for Ben.

“Looks like you got a good one there man!” says John as Ben takes his spot next to his best friend. All Ben can do is nod.

As Amy takes her spot beside Casey everyone looks at her with amused smiles and she giggles along with them.

“You must be good to get a face full of cum,” Casey says with a grin as she nudges her friend.

Amy smiles at her.

“Don’t know who he was but he seemed to enjoy it,” she says laughing. She licks her lips again and winks. “And he tastes good.” The girls all giggle as the next knock comes and the game continues.

“So, who do you think it was?” asks Casey as a girl called Amber walks into the closet. Amy just shrugs so as not to give herself away. “I hope it was one of the hot guys for your sake, maybe they’ll come looking for the girl who got a face full of their cum,” she says with a wink.

“Haha, maybe,” Amy says as she thinks, ‘Oh Case, if only you knew.’

A small smile creeps across Amy's face once more as the group goes silent, waiting to hear what noises will be heard this time.

Written by TeilaWolfe
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