I lay restlessly with the dreams of Brandy and the joys she had found with her grandpa, knowing full well that they would be followed by many more over the weekend stay. I would have two nights and a day to arouse, and be aroused by, the not quite 17 year old that held my love and soul at her command. I awoke from the post climactic haze and found her still beside me, naked and curled against my equally bare body. A sigh marked my thoughts as my eyes feasted on the sleeping beauty of youth and passion. I managed to pull her up more onto the bed without waking her from the overly strenuous encounter of her first time lover’s advance and the resulting orgasms she had come to know with such frenzy and joy.
I slipped from the bed and walked to my dresser, retrieved a pair of shorts that didn’t bear the sweat of arousal and slipped into them. I pulled the covers over her resting bare body and sighed again as the perfection of view was stolen for now from my feasting eyes. Walking silently from the bedroom I clicked off the computer screen and went to the kitchen, it was now almost 9:00 and we had busied ourselves for over two hours of ravenous sexual delights and rested for another; I was hungry.
Retrieving a package of hamburger from the fridge I quickly separated half of it into a zip lock bag and put it back in the refrigerator leaving half in a stainless steel mixing bowl to add the spices required for the meal I planned. I retrieved two medium sized baking potatoes and washed them before slipping them uncovered into the microwave for the ten to twelve minutes they would take to be ready. A half package of cut broccoli retrieved from the freezer went into a pan with enough water to fill below the steamer and was set on high on the stove. I brought forth a pouch of salad mix and poured some into another bowl adding quickly diced tomatoes and sliced cucumber to the mix easily; I was very accustomed to fending for myself in the kitchen and had never failed to arrive at a healthy, hearty meal even if for one, though this time it was for two, my gut wrenchingly sexy grand daughter and myself. I slid the salad back into the fridge to keep cool as I seasoned the beef with Worcestershire, peppers and seasoning that I knew she would like, she had had my beef patties several times and always managed to groan with delight of the flavors my mix brought to her taste buds.
I heard the toilet flush in my bath room and knew she was awake; I smiled silently as I continued to prepare the meal. The faint foot fall of bare feet caught my ear as she rounded the corner through the dining room beyond the open patrician between the kitchen and her path to join me. She too had taken time to dress, though not formal by any means in a simple long t-shirt alone. My eyes followed her path as she entered the kitchen without a word and slipped behind me as her arms surrounded my waist. Her unburdened breasts pressed warmly against my back as her cheek lay on my back with a sigh of contentment. The first words spoken were almost meek sounding as she whispered, “Grandpa, you’re the best,” and turned her face to my spine and kissed my bare back with a soft fluttering touch of her perfect bow.
I set down the shaker that had been in my hand with the final ingredient for the beef patties and turned in her arms. Her breasts brushed against me and I couldn’t help but know the surge of arousal again as I pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “Brandy,” I asked with sincere concern, “are you sure I didn’t hurt you? It got pretty intense even with no deeper than I pushed inside you; your pussy is so wonderfully tight baby girl,” I concluded with a broad smile.
She turned her face up to look into mine and replied “I was,” and paused with a devious alarming smile, “so wonderfully full when you put it in me Grandpa. I can’t imagine how good it will feel when you give me the rest,” and giggled seductively. I pressed my lips to her forehead again not wanting to stir things up to quickly, we still had lots of time and for now dinner seemed in order as my tummy growled hungrily. She felt its rumble and laughed saying, “your belly is wanting food, now,” and stepped back away from the chef d’jour.
I turned back and finished seasoning the meat as she gathered silverware for the table. Getting out the Foreman Grill I plugged it in and turned it on the medium high setting that would deliver perfectly grilled patties in about five minutes. She managed to get the salad and dressings to the table as I pressed the patties and began the final step for our meal. Her eyes rarely left me, as mine rarely left her; we both knew what would be for desert, and ample portion of lust filled desires fully sated with time, effort and love.
The grill sizzled as I lay the patties onto it and closed the lid, remembering to slide the grease tray beneath the edge surprisingly with my preoccupation of thoughts of what Brandy and I had and would share. I almost literally shook my head to focus on the tasks at hand but never lost sight of the lush body beneath the cotton tee as she moved forth and back between rooms. The timer went off on the microwave and I tested the spuds with a touch, “Two more minutes Brandy,” I cooed softly as she curled around me to see if they were ready to put the butter on yet. My arm slid over her shoulders and I pulled her to my side with a sigh of my own content. Her arm swept around my waist and held herself close in the warmth of connection. One handed I lifted the top on the grill and turned the patties over as she watched intently, a cook was something she was not though I guessed she wanted to learn some day. ‘Perhaps that could be something else I can teach her,’ I chuckled silently.
The timer went off on the microwave again and I quickly grabbed one of the taters up and onto the waiting plate, and then the other saying, “Lots of butter on mine, I want it hot and slick just like you were a little bit ago,” with a naughty smile to accompany the suggestive comment.
She giggled teasingly and said, “You gonna want butter on that too G-pa?”
I looked at her with a sparkle to my eye that belied any comment, “No thanks, I’ll take whatever natural nectars you provide. They’re delicious all by themselves,” and chuckled as she spooned out a big scoop of butter onto my baked potato. She did hers the same way, scooping some broccoli onto each and set the plates down beside me again to have the patties slid aboard as soon as they were done, which they were already. She grabbed up the plates and carried them to the table, adjoining chairs seemingly her preference. I followed, mesmerized by the sultry sway of her hips and firm rounded cheeks hidden barely below the t-shirt’s hem. I pulled her chair out and bowed in jest of my humble offering; she giggled and slid in as I helped push the chair closer to the table before taking my own chair about a foot away.
I looked at her and said, “Want to say the prayer Brandy?” as she bowed her head in our normal fashion.
“Lord, thank you for the many blessings you give. Thank you for the meal Grandpa has prepared to nourish our bodies, and thank you for letting him be the most special man in my life; Amen,” she spoke in soft sincere tones that were no surprise.
I could have cried at her words, but managed to raise my bowed head and turn to her with only a smile of thanks of my own as I said “Amen.” We ate as quickly as the meal was cooked, in less than fifteen minutes we were ready to clear the table and it was 9:40 P.M.
I took our plates to the kitchen and set them down as I started the faucet running to care after the chore of washing up the debris of a simple dinner. Brandy joined in and by ten o’clock we were done and ready to retire for whatever came to pass. I knew she wanted another taste of what joys she had found already and I was more than ready to provide them to her.
As we made our way into the master bed room I grasped her waist gently from behind, she paused her steps and allowed me to pull her close, my cock already swelled thick pressed against her lower back suggestively as she leaned against me with a purr that could easily send a wave of sensual pleasure through the most stout of men, I am more easily taken than that and felt each pulse of my blood fill the instrument of her attentions.
I whispered, “Brandy, I thought about asking if you wanted to take a shower before we went to bed, but it might be best if we wait a while. What is your pleasure?”
“Grandpa,” she cooed “I thought about that too,” giggling softly, “Let’s wait for a while; right now I want you to fill me up like nobody else can. Please don’t wear a condom this time, I’m on the pill and want to know what it feels like to have you cum deep inside me.”
I turned her in my grasp and as she faced me my lips captured hers as if she were indeed the woman of experience she wanted to be. Her body reacted as if she already was as her mouth captured mine as well with heated greed. I stepped towards the bed, backing her up as I did so, a few steps later her thighs touched the side of it and I lifted her butt onto the edge. Her eyes glistened with want as our gaze met and I whispered to her ear “Scoot back Brandy, we’re gonna do this right,” and released my grip on her waist to allow her to retreat to the center of the king sized bed. I crawled onto the bed to join her and poised on my knees beside her; our eyes never parting as we each knew what was to come. “Take off your shirt Brandy,” I said in calm tones as I pushed my shorts down to my knees and pulled them free over the feet trailing behind me still watching as she stripped herself bare and lay down.
My eyes drifted south, as the saying goes, to her firm breasts and raked over her abdomen before fixing on the sweetest mound imaginable. The short pubic hair so soft it looked like a kitten’s fur in a perfect triangle above the folds of her pussy. Her legs weren’t spread, but her knees fell aside and revealed the glistening petals of arousal even before my outstretched fingers touched them. My caress was soft and gentle as index and second finger slid between the smooth warm flesh of her flower, already past moist and almost wet with need. Her body quivered as I slid the two fingers through the inner labia and her hips rose upward as they taunted over the opening to her core. I slid them inside to my first joint and flexed them there as she moaned greedily for me to give her more.
I slipped from the bed and walked to my dresser, retrieved a pair of shorts that didn’t bear the sweat of arousal and slipped into them. I pulled the covers over her resting bare body and sighed again as the perfection of view was stolen for now from my feasting eyes. Walking silently from the bedroom I clicked off the computer screen and went to the kitchen, it was now almost 9:00 and we had busied ourselves for over two hours of ravenous sexual delights and rested for another; I was hungry.
Retrieving a package of hamburger from the fridge I quickly separated half of it into a zip lock bag and put it back in the refrigerator leaving half in a stainless steel mixing bowl to add the spices required for the meal I planned. I retrieved two medium sized baking potatoes and washed them before slipping them uncovered into the microwave for the ten to twelve minutes they would take to be ready. A half package of cut broccoli retrieved from the freezer went into a pan with enough water to fill below the steamer and was set on high on the stove. I brought forth a pouch of salad mix and poured some into another bowl adding quickly diced tomatoes and sliced cucumber to the mix easily; I was very accustomed to fending for myself in the kitchen and had never failed to arrive at a healthy, hearty meal even if for one, though this time it was for two, my gut wrenchingly sexy grand daughter and myself. I slid the salad back into the fridge to keep cool as I seasoned the beef with Worcestershire, peppers and seasoning that I knew she would like, she had had my beef patties several times and always managed to groan with delight of the flavors my mix brought to her taste buds.
I heard the toilet flush in my bath room and knew she was awake; I smiled silently as I continued to prepare the meal. The faint foot fall of bare feet caught my ear as she rounded the corner through the dining room beyond the open patrician between the kitchen and her path to join me. She too had taken time to dress, though not formal by any means in a simple long t-shirt alone. My eyes followed her path as she entered the kitchen without a word and slipped behind me as her arms surrounded my waist. Her unburdened breasts pressed warmly against my back as her cheek lay on my back with a sigh of contentment. The first words spoken were almost meek sounding as she whispered, “Grandpa, you’re the best,” and turned her face to my spine and kissed my bare back with a soft fluttering touch of her perfect bow.
I set down the shaker that had been in my hand with the final ingredient for the beef patties and turned in her arms. Her breasts brushed against me and I couldn’t help but know the surge of arousal again as I pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “Brandy,” I asked with sincere concern, “are you sure I didn’t hurt you? It got pretty intense even with no deeper than I pushed inside you; your pussy is so wonderfully tight baby girl,” I concluded with a broad smile.
She turned her face up to look into mine and replied “I was,” and paused with a devious alarming smile, “so wonderfully full when you put it in me Grandpa. I can’t imagine how good it will feel when you give me the rest,” and giggled seductively. I pressed my lips to her forehead again not wanting to stir things up to quickly, we still had lots of time and for now dinner seemed in order as my tummy growled hungrily. She felt its rumble and laughed saying, “your belly is wanting food, now,” and stepped back away from the chef d’jour.
I turned back and finished seasoning the meat as she gathered silverware for the table. Getting out the Foreman Grill I plugged it in and turned it on the medium high setting that would deliver perfectly grilled patties in about five minutes. She managed to get the salad and dressings to the table as I pressed the patties and began the final step for our meal. Her eyes rarely left me, as mine rarely left her; we both knew what would be for desert, and ample portion of lust filled desires fully sated with time, effort and love.
The grill sizzled as I lay the patties onto it and closed the lid, remembering to slide the grease tray beneath the edge surprisingly with my preoccupation of thoughts of what Brandy and I had and would share. I almost literally shook my head to focus on the tasks at hand but never lost sight of the lush body beneath the cotton tee as she moved forth and back between rooms. The timer went off on the microwave and I tested the spuds with a touch, “Two more minutes Brandy,” I cooed softly as she curled around me to see if they were ready to put the butter on yet. My arm slid over her shoulders and I pulled her to my side with a sigh of my own content. Her arm swept around my waist and held herself close in the warmth of connection. One handed I lifted the top on the grill and turned the patties over as she watched intently, a cook was something she was not though I guessed she wanted to learn some day. ‘Perhaps that could be something else I can teach her,’ I chuckled silently.
The timer went off on the microwave again and I quickly grabbed one of the taters up and onto the waiting plate, and then the other saying, “Lots of butter on mine, I want it hot and slick just like you were a little bit ago,” with a naughty smile to accompany the suggestive comment.
She giggled teasingly and said, “You gonna want butter on that too G-pa?”
I looked at her with a sparkle to my eye that belied any comment, “No thanks, I’ll take whatever natural nectars you provide. They’re delicious all by themselves,” and chuckled as she spooned out a big scoop of butter onto my baked potato. She did hers the same way, scooping some broccoli onto each and set the plates down beside me again to have the patties slid aboard as soon as they were done, which they were already. She grabbed up the plates and carried them to the table, adjoining chairs seemingly her preference. I followed, mesmerized by the sultry sway of her hips and firm rounded cheeks hidden barely below the t-shirt’s hem. I pulled her chair out and bowed in jest of my humble offering; she giggled and slid in as I helped push the chair closer to the table before taking my own chair about a foot away.
I looked at her and said, “Want to say the prayer Brandy?” as she bowed her head in our normal fashion.
“Lord, thank you for the many blessings you give. Thank you for the meal Grandpa has prepared to nourish our bodies, and thank you for letting him be the most special man in my life; Amen,” she spoke in soft sincere tones that were no surprise.
I could have cried at her words, but managed to raise my bowed head and turn to her with only a smile of thanks of my own as I said “Amen.” We ate as quickly as the meal was cooked, in less than fifteen minutes we were ready to clear the table and it was 9:40 P.M.
I took our plates to the kitchen and set them down as I started the faucet running to care after the chore of washing up the debris of a simple dinner. Brandy joined in and by ten o’clock we were done and ready to retire for whatever came to pass. I knew she wanted another taste of what joys she had found already and I was more than ready to provide them to her.
As we made our way into the master bed room I grasped her waist gently from behind, she paused her steps and allowed me to pull her close, my cock already swelled thick pressed against her lower back suggestively as she leaned against me with a purr that could easily send a wave of sensual pleasure through the most stout of men, I am more easily taken than that and felt each pulse of my blood fill the instrument of her attentions.
I whispered, “Brandy, I thought about asking if you wanted to take a shower before we went to bed, but it might be best if we wait a while. What is your pleasure?”
“Grandpa,” she cooed “I thought about that too,” giggling softly, “Let’s wait for a while; right now I want you to fill me up like nobody else can. Please don’t wear a condom this time, I’m on the pill and want to know what it feels like to have you cum deep inside me.”
I turned her in my grasp and as she faced me my lips captured hers as if she were indeed the woman of experience she wanted to be. Her body reacted as if she already was as her mouth captured mine as well with heated greed. I stepped towards the bed, backing her up as I did so, a few steps later her thighs touched the side of it and I lifted her butt onto the edge. Her eyes glistened with want as our gaze met and I whispered to her ear “Scoot back Brandy, we’re gonna do this right,” and released my grip on her waist to allow her to retreat to the center of the king sized bed. I crawled onto the bed to join her and poised on my knees beside her; our eyes never parting as we each knew what was to come. “Take off your shirt Brandy,” I said in calm tones as I pushed my shorts down to my knees and pulled them free over the feet trailing behind me still watching as she stripped herself bare and lay down.
My eyes drifted south, as the saying goes, to her firm breasts and raked over her abdomen before fixing on the sweetest mound imaginable. The short pubic hair so soft it looked like a kitten’s fur in a perfect triangle above the folds of her pussy. Her legs weren’t spread, but her knees fell aside and revealed the glistening petals of arousal even before my outstretched fingers touched them. My caress was soft and gentle as index and second finger slid between the smooth warm flesh of her flower, already past moist and almost wet with need. Her body quivered as I slid the two fingers through the inner labia and her hips rose upward as they taunted over the opening to her core. I slid them inside to my first joint and flexed them there as she moaned greedily for me to give her more.

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I pulled my fingers from her and lifted them to my lips and groaned as her flavor and scent sent a wave of blistering heat through me, but I did not clean the digits fully; instead I pressed them to her lower lip and whispered “Know how good you taste to me Brandy,” and she licked them clean for me with an animalistic growl the whole time her tongue and lips laved over them.
“Grandpa,” she grunted through her panting breath, “don’t tease me; please. I need you to make me cum again.” My hand slid over her abdomen again, this time more quickly, more deliberately as it passed over her mound and my fingers curled into her channel and slipped inside the gripping wet walls of her needy flesh. They plunged deeply, as deep as the length they had to offer could as my other hand caressed one nipple and then the other firmly, a gentle twist forced her to groan and arch her back to press even harder into my hands.
I felt the droplet of pre-cum seep from the Meatu of my cock’s head and swiped at it with a finger of the hand that had caressed her breast, carried it to her mouth and offered it to her; that too she laved from my finger with greed and groaned inaudible words of desire knowing full well of what she tasted as she sucked it clean. Her body begged me to satisfy the hunger within her, her words at last came from deep in her throat “Oh God Grandpa; fuck me; NOW,” in commanding tones few women ever have spoken to me with such wanton desire.
I shifted my pose and crawled between her knees with my own, perched above her quaking body that would soon shake with waves of climax. I lowered my torso over her, one hand on the bedding to hold my weight off of her and the other to guide the throbbing meat she craved. The head touched her and her hips thrust to meet it; it slipped into the outer muscle with ease, her channel hot, wet and eager to be filled beyond what she could imagine. I sank in to her core in short thrusts, a bit more with each time my cock found entry; three inches and then four she had felt before filled her with pounding thrusts of passion even I had rarely felt the need of. Her body bucked beneath me to ravage the velvet steel of the shaft she wanted ever more of. Five inches and then six filled her with the tempo of lust and I felt the barrier of her cervical muscle block my path and watched as she winced in pain, it seemed the pain was as delicious as when her hymen had ruptured, she wanted more and thrust against me to get it. Each thrust now took me fully from her channel and then deep inside to the tight muscle that seemed to not yield to the invasion of my broad meaty cock. Another approach was called for, and soon.
I withdrew and rose to my knees as she gasped in constant arousal on the brink of orgasm even after only so few minutes. “Roll over Brandy,” I said loud enough to be heard over her gasps and pants of emptiness. Her body flipped to her tummy and rose to her knees as if she was a lioness in heat and presented her rump and open pussy to me growling with want. I obliged her easily as the head slipped into the wet haven and began the quick rhythm of lust all over again. Her face fell to the sheets as she moaned and grasped at the fabric in desperation. Time after time she gasped as her body gave more nectars to slick the path as I plunged deeper inside; the muscle opened before me and my cock filled her womb with the hot flesh she desperately needed; my hands grasping with desperation of my own at her hips to pull her harder to my shaft. When the entry to her most intimate place finally happened her body shook as she gushed out a load of hot cream that all but seared the sensitive skin covering my swollen cock. I thrust deeper and my mound slammed against her ass as my sack slapped her clit and mound each time I filled her fully. She screamed and came again with another eruption of orgasm. I held my cock as deeply as it would go and she shook while we allowed the orgasm to ebb, she knew she had not yet felt the load of my cum fill her and still wanted to.
“Oh God Grandpa,” she groaned as her body shook uncontrollably filled with the bounding meat held deep within, “I’m gonna pass out if you keep it up,” and gasped as her lungs drained of air in the triumphant spasm. I pulled my cock from her as it too trembled and rolled her to her back once again. Her eyes glazed with the satisfaction of intense orgasm grew wider as I pushed within her yet again, this time buried to the hilt and deep within her womb with slow rhythmic strokes to allow her climax to ebb but not fall from the peak she had attained. My sack had been tight for minutes as I resisted the urge to drain during her climax; yet she had begged me to let her feel my climax deep inside and I was determined to allow her that. Her body hung on the edge of orgasm for three or four more minutes as I pistoned slowly in and out as if a steam engine was building up a head of steam, which I was as the veins swelled along my shaft and the head seemed to double in size with the extreme arousal I bore. As my body shook with that need;...
“Grandpa,” she grunted through her panting breath, “don’t tease me; please. I need you to make me cum again.” My hand slid over her abdomen again, this time more quickly, more deliberately as it passed over her mound and my fingers curled into her channel and slipped inside the gripping wet walls of her needy flesh. They plunged deeply, as deep as the length they had to offer could as my other hand caressed one nipple and then the other firmly, a gentle twist forced her to groan and arch her back to press even harder into my hands.
I felt the droplet of pre-cum seep from the Meatu of my cock’s head and swiped at it with a finger of the hand that had caressed her breast, carried it to her mouth and offered it to her; that too she laved from my finger with greed and groaned inaudible words of desire knowing full well of what she tasted as she sucked it clean. Her body begged me to satisfy the hunger within her, her words at last came from deep in her throat “Oh God Grandpa; fuck me; NOW,” in commanding tones few women ever have spoken to me with such wanton desire.
I shifted my pose and crawled between her knees with my own, perched above her quaking body that would soon shake with waves of climax. I lowered my torso over her, one hand on the bedding to hold my weight off of her and the other to guide the throbbing meat she craved. The head touched her and her hips thrust to meet it; it slipped into the outer muscle with ease, her channel hot, wet and eager to be filled beyond what she could imagine. I sank in to her core in short thrusts, a bit more with each time my cock found entry; three inches and then four she had felt before filled her with pounding thrusts of passion even I had rarely felt the need of. Her body bucked beneath me to ravage the velvet steel of the shaft she wanted ever more of. Five inches and then six filled her with the tempo of lust and I felt the barrier of her cervical muscle block my path and watched as she winced in pain, it seemed the pain was as delicious as when her hymen had ruptured, she wanted more and thrust against me to get it. Each thrust now took me fully from her channel and then deep inside to the tight muscle that seemed to not yield to the invasion of my broad meaty cock. Another approach was called for, and soon.
I withdrew and rose to my knees as she gasped in constant arousal on the brink of orgasm even after only so few minutes. “Roll over Brandy,” I said loud enough to be heard over her gasps and pants of emptiness. Her body flipped to her tummy and rose to her knees as if she was a lioness in heat and presented her rump and open pussy to me growling with want. I obliged her easily as the head slipped into the wet haven and began the quick rhythm of lust all over again. Her face fell to the sheets as she moaned and grasped at the fabric in desperation. Time after time she gasped as her body gave more nectars to slick the path as I plunged deeper inside; the muscle opened before me and my cock filled her womb with the hot flesh she desperately needed; my hands grasping with desperation of my own at her hips to pull her harder to my shaft. When the entry to her most intimate place finally happened her body shook as she gushed out a load of hot cream that all but seared the sensitive skin covering my swollen cock. I thrust deeper and my mound slammed against her ass as my sack slapped her clit and mound each time I filled her fully. She screamed and came again with another eruption of orgasm. I held my cock as deeply as it would go and she shook while we allowed the orgasm to ebb, she knew she had not yet felt the load of my cum fill her and still wanted to.
“Oh God Grandpa,” she groaned as her body shook uncontrollably filled with the bounding meat held deep within, “I’m gonna pass out if you keep it up,” and gasped as her lungs drained of air in the triumphant spasm. I pulled my cock from her as it too trembled and rolled her to her back once again. Her eyes glazed with the satisfaction of intense orgasm grew wider as I pushed within her yet again, this time buried to the hilt and deep within her womb with slow rhythmic strokes to allow her climax to ebb but not fall from the peak she had attained. My sack had been tight for minutes as I resisted the urge to drain during her climax; yet she had begged me to let her feel my climax deep inside and I was determined to allow her that. Her body hung on the edge of orgasm for three or four more minutes as I pistoned slowly in and out as if a steam engine was building up a head of steam, which I was as the veins swelled along my shaft and the head seemed to double in size with the extreme arousal I bore. As my body shook with that need;...