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Family Easter Gathering, Chapter Six

"Brandy and I continue the weekend's adventure. The sex gets more intense and more often."

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I have taken a break from this story to write of another, yet the longing to return has drawn at me since that decision was made. Enjoy this addition if you would, the power of love abounds in our glorious times shared.

It was a lovely day, the sky was clear, the air just warm enough to feel alive, which I did anyway as the wondrous weekend had turned out. We had the rest of the day, the evening, night as well as next morning to enjoy. I was pretty sure we’d spend more of it than not in heated passionate embrace or locked into the throes of lust filled sex. For now I wanted to simply enjoy her company even though every glance in the other’s direction drew me to arousal as it did her.

The pool built into the deck at the rear of the house drew her attention. Gazing through the plate glass of the patio door I could sense her longing to go for a swim. I shivered knowing how cold the water would be, but went over and stood behind her as she stared with anticipation of taking in the sun and water. “I see what you’re thinking Brandy. You sure you want to get in and feel that chill. It’s kind of early in the year and it doesn’t have a heater,” I whispered with my lips brushing closely to her ear. When my voice stopped my mouth did not. A kiss to the tender spot just beneath it caused her to shiver, but not with the chill, more likely from the fire building within her already. She squirmed her butt against where she knew my growing phallus would be, the very same butt I had pounded my cock deep into only a little while before. She was right on target as the lush crack rubbed along my swelling shaft. Her head turned and her eyes made the hunger for food a thing of the past, my hunger now rested deep in my longing gut and groin.

“I don’t care if its cold g-pa,” she cooed, “I know we can keep each other warm if we need to.”

My head leaned back enough to look into her eyes, smoldering with want that drove all else away from my thoughts. Leaning to her our lips met, passion once again exploded between us as her body wrenched to face me and our kiss fell deeper into the throes of desire. Our tongues collided somewhere in the abyss of heated search for each other’s deep felt love. My hands pulled up on her skirt and cupped her bare cheeks to lift her against me as her breaths filled my mouth with heat and the flavor of lust. I lowered her back to the floor and unfastened her skirt; pushing it to the floor at her ankles, my hands then grasped the hem of her tank top and pulled it from her greedily as she too wanted to see and feel my flesh. As soon as her top joined the skirt on the floor she tore open my shorts and pushed them down ruthlessly. Our bodies came together, flesh to heated flesh, crashing into each other as if hunger would drive us over the brink of sanity; it had.

I reached past her and unlocked the patio door and flung it open. The sun may have looked inviting, but the chill hit each of us hard as she shivered in my arms. Her mouth did not waver though and she nipped at my lower lip hungrily. My cock now stood filled and erect pressed between us as she wiggled her tummy over the massive invader that now knew her every orifice. She leaned back and took a step through the doorway; I had no choice but to follow. Gasping for a breath from excitement and he chill she led me to the edge of the four foot deep above ground pool surrounded by decking at the home‘s floor level. We stood not only on the precipice of joy but icy cold water as well as she leaned back and fell back pulling me with her. “Sploosh” was the hollow sound of our bodies crashing below the surface still connected. I felt her body shudder with the cold but she didn’t let me go as we kept kissing each other with passions beyond measure.

We surfaced standing chest deep in the icy water. Her nipples peaked at once even more than the arousal had allowed, every inch of her skin puckered with goose bumps. I pulled her close and embraced the joy of our bond in spite of the cold. My manhood shriveled between us and I felt her tummy flex to seek its girth once again, it had gone south for the wintry blast of cold water. Her head fell back as she gasped in awe that the once magnificent phallus she craved had been stolen by the cold water’s chilling effect. “G-pa, what happened?” she stuttered with the icy water up to her nipples, they too contracted just as had my once manly tool.

“It’s the cold Brandy,” I stammered as my jaw clenched against the frigid water, “and you thought we could keep each other warm,” laughing as I spoke in jest.

Her hand slid between us, surrounded the once desired man tool and she giggled with chattering teeth. “I didn’t know it would be this cold,” she stammered aloud as she looked to the side of the pool closest to where we stood. The air isn’t bad, but the water is freezing grandpa.”

I guided her to the edge of the pool and with my hands around her sides at the waist I lifted her onto the edge of the deck. Her body shivered as it dripped the cold water seductively over her shoulders and chest draining from her sopping wet hair. If I hadn’t been so cold it would have been hilarious; certainly it would have made a great candid photo of my lover, my granddaughter, my match in desire. Her eyes sparkled as I stood before her still standing chest deep in the cold water. My hands came to rest on her knees and I smiled, pushing them apart to see the tight flesh of her petals retracted out of sight for now. Her eyes grew larger as I leaned to her and kissed her breast, lapping over the taught nubbin of her nipple. She groaned and clasped her hands around the nape of my neck pulling me closer. Her tit slipped into my warm wanting mouth and she gasped with arousal I now knew all too well as her heels pulled my torso closer. I captured the other tit and suckled it much as the first as one hand slid seductively up her thigh. She parted her legs farther to allow me entry to her youthful but womanly wiles.

Two fingers pressed against the crown hiding her clit and she quivered, not with the cold, but now with excited want. My face pressed against her chest and she leaned back just as the two fingers pressed into her channel and thrust deeply into the wetness already gathered there just for me. Again and again my hand thrust the digits in and out of her pussy as she gasped with the beginnings of climax, the cold now forgotten for us both. My lips trailed wet kisses down her center and took light on her mound and then clit. Sucking it in fully and licking, ravaging it until I felt her abdomen’s contraction of orgasm’s first wave taking her. My mouth fell lower to drink of her fountain, the nectar sweet and musty enough to drive me to arousal even with the icy water still surrounding my lower half and the cock now filled with heated surging blood. A scream echoed through the woods as she came fiercely in spite of adverse conditions. I growled a vibrating echo of it myself into her wet wonderful core. Her hands pulled at my head as I thrust my tongue deep into the haven of pure desire, she screamed out again in satisfaction.

Even with the chill forgotten my cock was waning again as I rose from the gripping muscles of her loins. I stepped to one side of her knees and hoisted my body from the cold water. Dripping with the icy water I brushed my hair aside, thankfully my member still reasonably hard. Her eyes glazed with climaxes foggy cloud she looked up at me from her prone pose as her feet dangled into the icy water. I could see the wash of her nectars over her inner thighs and smiled, sultry, devilish, and wantonly. I extended my hand down towards her and helped her to sit up and then stand on wobbly legs. She swayed and I caught her in my arms. My hardening cock stabbed her in the lower abdomen before sliding the head up along her belly as we embraced. She cooed, “There it is,” and rubbed her tummy against my dick side to side with a purr of delight. My hands cupped her buttocks and I lifted her against me and then higher as her legs surrounded my hips; my cock’s head nudging at her entry already wet from climax.

Her breath left her as she pushed down onto it and I gasped with remembrance of the tight heavenly channel. I took one step and then another as she slid her sweet pussy over my eager rod. She whimpered as the sway of my hips aroused her up the ladder to ecstasy once again. I pressed her body against the outer wall of the house and my hips began the rhythmic moves of fucking in long deep thrusts. Slow at first and building, ever faster, ever deeper until our mounds crashed together again and again viciously. She screamed again as I cried out my glee, coated with nectars from heaven once again. Even with my thick hard cock driving fast and deep into my sweet little girl I wasn’t sure I had any seed left to give, and yet my sack contracted against the swollen testicles within.

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The feeling a painful joy beyond imagination. Her hips pushed against the invader of her wiles as the feeling of ejaculation swept through me without the reality of being drained. I pounded harder than ever into her willing body and thoughts as she found climax a continuous roller coaster of glory; never quite leaving the peak and yet ascending past the one before with each crest of orgasm’s waves.

I pulled her from the wall still impaled on my swollen shaft and walked through the still open patio door. I found a chair and sat down, pulling her splayed legs around me. Her hips flexed to fill the cavity with my sizable cock as her heart rate slowed enough to be less than numb from the onslaught of pleasure and cold. Her eyes sparkled as they opened and gazed into my own. She smiled and moved her hips knowing I had not yet been brought to climax. “Grandpa,” she breathed, “What can I do to help you?”

“You are doing just what I want you to Brandy,” I replied through throaty gasping breaths. “Let me enjoy being inside you just a little longer.” Her inner muscles clamped down around me and I cringed at the strength of her channel’s grip after the massive nature of her climax. The head deep inside her swelled with the constriction of blood flow unable to leave the tendril buried within her core. Again without moving her hips she contracted around it and made me growl with need to erupt and yet I doubted I had anything left to give. Somehow she thought her grandpa could do whatever she needed as she clenched again and again with rippling muscles around the swollen plug. She needed my flow as much as I did. “Let’s go to bed Brandy,” I whispered as my lips pressed to her neck and then nibbled tauntingly to lovingly beckon her to my wish.

She rose from my lap and allowed my coated shaft to splat against my abs. Holding out her hands she helped me to rise from the chair and led the way to the bed room walking backwards down the hall and through the door as I watched the perfection of her body sway and wiggle to entice me. I collapsed onto the bed and she climbed over me and squatted down slightly perched over my hips. The dripping cream’s droplets spattering my thighs as she closed the gap between my heated flesh and her overly heated flower. She grasped my cock and lifted it to align her wonders with the shaft and with a mighty thrust took it all to the hilt. I screamed in painful wonder at her aggressive move and the joy of her tight wet pussy as it stole my cock and very being. She ground her petals against my mound savagely in circles forcing me to feel every inch of my cock inside her. Her rhythm increased and she growled out her pleasures as well. All at once she lifted up and dropped back along the thick velvet shaft as she screamed out in orgasm again, and then again. She paused only for a moment before repeating the process that was driving me beyond madness. I could do nothing but whimper at the constant sizzling of my body’s every nerve while my raging blood pounded in my ears. “God Brandy,” I gasped as I felt the sack tighten and veins fill engorged along my cock, “I’m gonna cum for you baby,” and gasped in a great breath as the load shifted along my shaft and erupted into her womb just as her womb engulfed the agonizing saber she reveled in. She screamed with joyous release and flooded with her own climax, flooding her channel with hot nectar to join my offering of hot erupting semen.

She fell atop of me in a puddle of sated trembling flesh. Her lush long hair dripping over my face and neck seductive in its own way. Her pussy still surrounding the meat she had wanted to know and had. We lay together gasping, hearts pounding in perfect sync as we ebbed from the torrential storm of thunderous loving joy. Her breaths eased after a few minutes as did mine, my arms held her snugly atop of me as we shared the totality of the love we shared. After a few more minutes the meat she had craved slipped from her sopping sated core and we each grieved at the loss yet again as the remains of our pleasure drained over my sack and groin. I rolled her to her side and followed; holding her close as we shared a time of cuddling and thoughts of what we had found.

My tummy rumbled as a reminder that we had skipped lunch over an hour before and I chuckled as she too recalled that our planned meal had been so sweetly interrupted. Neither of us really able to move towards the effort it would take to rise and walk to the kitchen. “I can wait if you can Brandy,” I whispered. She nodded in agreement. Her eyes closed as we held each other, the sweat and pool water dried, our bodies drained but content that we had found a sharing most families never do. “I love you Brandy,” I whispered as I brushed a gentle kiss over her mouth.

“I love you too grandpa,” she whispered in reply.

We rose after we had snuggled for a half hour or so and went to the bathroom. My stomach still grumbling over the missed meal, hers too had joined in the chorus of hunger. Another bath or shower was in order before we ate. It amazed me to know how much water played in our adventure, but then we each tended to want to be clean for the other and so enjoyed the time of soothing caress as we washed each other and felt the quivering of our partner’s skin with the least intimate of touch causing the most intense tactile responses. We decided on a shower to rinse away the sweat and I set the head to a fine mist that would cascade over us with gentle seductive warmth. I washed her body completely and she quivered with the possibility of want again already, the girl was insatiable and I loved every minute of her need. I had her wet her hair once again and washed, and conditioned it with strawberry/kiwi shampoo and conditioner. She seemed lost in the heaven of having her grandpa doing this small thing for her and cooed as my fingers worked each step of the way to bring her joy. As the conditioner had need to be rinsed out she turned her back to the shower head facing me. The water ran deliciously over her head and shoulders as she raised her hands to thoroughly rinse; the sight stirred me once again and I rubbed my hands up along her sides and back again in caress. The look of her body, so lush and firm drove me to want all over again and just as she finished rinsing I knelt before her and lapped at the sweet petals and growing clit she seemed to like me to pay special attention to.

I heard her intake of air as my lips sucked gently on her clit and felt her hands pull at my head to draw my face closer. With each caressing lick she purred louder and as two fingers slid into her channel she groaned throatily and shuddered. Her pussy clenched over my fingers as a wave of cream coated them once again. I too was becoming insatiable where she was concerned. I managed to...

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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