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Family Easter Gathering, Chapter Five

"Brandy stirs me in ways I can hardly believe as the tale continues to explore ways of finding orgasm"

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I awoke to feel the caress of Brandy’s hand along the soft flaccid shaft of the manly cock she had satisfied already in so many ways. Her eyes filled with even more devious thoughts as she saw I was not fully awake. “Grandpa,” she said in a soft whisper, “try not to get hard too fast.” as her body slid beneath the covers. I knew her intent, I felt her flesh as her body turned and her breasts slid over my abdomen. Her hand lifted the limber member she had taken into her throat and would again, this time beginning with its soft supple condition. I groaned as her lips closed over the head and felt my pulse increase immediately as my chest drew in air to quell the urge to be hard for my baby girl.

Her hand guided the supple flesh in, sucking it to draw it deeper as she found her lips again over the base and raised and lowered her head to stroke it with her lips, tongue and throat. My groan was louder as she excited me and I felt the blood’s flow begin to fill the mighty shaft. Not once did she back away as it grew, not a breath did she take as the swelling mass filled her throat with each time she lowered her head to it. I pulled her body over me and lapped at the moist folds of her pussy as she sucked me in and out with delicious talents. She rose from it only to take a breath through her nose and returned her engulfing throat to the whole of my meat. I gasped, now fully engorged and swallowed by the teen aged girl who could do what no other had been able to. My pulse pounded with the echo filling my ears beyond hearing more than it alone as she sucked it down harder with each time she took my all. My body writhed with gasping breaths and quaking muscles as she brought me ever closer to the edge of completion.

My tongue pointed and stabbed at her channel viciously and her body stiffened as she came over my cheeks, chin and throat. Lapping up her cream my tongue wandered upwards and circled the rose bud that had not known my advance, her body shook with delights as she pushed the round muscle against the tip of my tendril. I knew she was adventurous, but wasn’t so sure she was ready for what was to come. I groaned as her pussy gushed forth another stream of creamy cum over my throat and then pushed the tip of my tongue into her sphincter muscle with quick stabs to increase her pleasures. Her head rose from my engorged cock unable to sustain the deep throating she provided whilst cuming non stop with the new found pleasures. I rolled us over and pulled her legs up and under my arms to give me better access to her groin.

Her head fell back as I explored the tight muscle with my tongue, managing to push what my mouth could provide her as she groaned and continued her orgasm with flexing muscles that grew more and more taught as her arousal peaked time and time again. I heard her breathy words, “G-pa that’s,” and another gasp, “so good,” and yet another gasp for breath before hungrily begging to be fucked. My cock was to say the least ready for whatever we could do to find more thrilling ways to get off, as was I. I pushed a finger into her anal passage and felt her squirm against my hand as the nectars continued to lubricate her entire groin, her anal cavity included as my fingers dipped in and out with a quick plunging rhythm.

I turned my torso around over her and moved to face her, lowering her legs as she lay panting desperately to be fucked. “Turn over baby,” I cooed, “we’re about to go where no man has a right to go.” She rolled to her tummy and laid with her legs splayed around my knees, her crevasse was wet from her multiple climaxes already as I lowered my manhood and slid it forth and back through the sweetest cheeks on earth. Her body shook as she felt each inch of it sliding past the new found pleasure spot and whimpered to have me there. I reached past her and got a pillow and prompted her to raise her hips enough as I slid it beneath her center. Her voice was sweet as she whimpered for me to satisfy her wants, almost like the alluring songs of the sirens of mythological times.

Slipping forth and back along the wet crevasse of her cheeks I was aroused even more; my breaths came in quick pants each time the head passed within range of filling her rear cavity with cock. I gently pulled her cheeks apart with both hands and pushed the head against the forbidden entry as she squeaked out her need and pushed against the slick round crown. With an inch and a half thickness, I could easily, to put in bluntly, ‘rip-her-a new one.’ I’d have to go nice and easy not to hurt my sweet teen aged grand daughter.

I pushed gently and felt her body quake with both the excitement of new found lust and fear, she too knew the potential danger of such and act; but pressed her hips upward to meet my advance. The invading head and her sweet feminine crevasse were so well lubricated it slipped in to the muscle that would have preferred to remain untainted, yet with a bit of persuasion the entire crown entered her as she squeaked with the painful entry. I held my movements to only the quivering of the manly tool as it nestled just inside of her ass; she whimpered but did not retreat as her hips moved slowly up and back against the pillow below. “Grandpa,” she sighed, “It’s so big, there,” and drew in a breath, “push deeper and let me get used to it,” her voice pleading to know the feel of her rear being filled with the thickness of my dick.

I lay down on top of her and cradled her in my arms as my hips began the slow pulsing invasion. My hands slipped under her and cupped her breasts as her head turned to the side and I kissed her mouth with tender but committed resolve to give her what she seemed to want so badly. It seemed to distract her enough as my cock slid deeper into the tight muscle and worked forth and back with about half of the lengthy probe. I could tell it hurt her, but her commitment to me was absolute and she wanted me to know her in every way possible even though the pain now overruled her once heightened pleasures. After a few minutes of grunting and feeling her relentless discomfort being stretched with my girth I slowly worked my way out of her ass and considered it a good attempt; for now. I rose from the bed and excused myself and went to the bath room. Her entry had been squeaky clean, but for what would come next I wanted to wash up a bit, and did.

As I returned to the bed room I saw Brandy laying as I had left her except that her hand now was beneath her and rubbing furiously over her clit to bring back the pleasures she had lost. I climbed on the bed and knelt between her knees as her face looked back over her shoulder with a look of disappointment and whispered, “I’m sorry Grandpa, it was too tight to enjoy it the way I thought I would,” and a tear streamed from her eye over her cheek and dripped across her nose.

I leaned over her and wiped it away and kissed her gently from where I had just swiped the tear. I whispered, “No baby, I understand. I asked too much of you, but will make it up to you somehow,” with a naughty chuckle. She giggled as she felt my dick press to the still wet hole she knew she would enjoy being filled and raised her hips to expose it for me. I rose up to my knees and pulled her hips off of the pillow and heard her coo with delight knowing she was about to receive the prize she wanted, doggy style. My fingers slid around her thigh and rubbed on her clit as the head of my cock pressed to her pussy once again. With a sudden lurch she engulfed the head and half of my cock with a screech of delight. I couldn’t help but love the feel of the excited gripping walls of her pussy as they attempted to milk me of my creamy semen yet again. My thrusts began slow and deliberate, but as she panted out with increasing arousal I thrust deeper and faster until she was once again gasping out with climax. Her pussy flooded with sweet heavenly nectars and slicked my path to ram full force in and out of her haven of wonders. My cock filled full with blood and the veins extruded from the shaft giving her even more tactile pleasures as she screamed out with a full blown orgasm as her hands clenched tightly in the sheets and she buried her face into the mattress to cope with the onslaught.

I thrust again and again deep into her channel, filling even her tiny womb with my cock’s girth; it is said that a woman can find no more pleasure than a true coital climax, and from the way my grand daughter shook and yelped with pleasure I knew it must be true.

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I slammed in and out without let up for about five minutes as I too felt the commanding tightness in my sack to give her my hot sticky seed, but with her excitement I had a naughty idea and began to fill her fully with all ten plus inches and then pull completely out of the snug walls of her pussy with each stroke. I slipped a thumb into her anus and pushed it inside the tight but willing muscle, held it there as I pounded her cunt until her delirium was inescapable. As her muscle relaxed with the rhythm of being taken in both cavities I began to thrust the digit in and out in the same tempo as the invasive rod that filled the more suited channel and she came again with a mighty explosion of cream coating my dick.

The very next exit from her pussy I pulled my thumb from her sphincter and replaced it with my cock, ramming it to the hilt in one felled plunge. Her excitement was so great that she bucked against me and screamed as another flood erupted from her pussy as my sack slapped against her petals when the full ten inches filled her ass. She screamed again and bucked even harder to force me to maintain the same tempo of lust in her tight, but now oh-so-willing cavity. Only a few minutes could I manage to fuck her ass before I could not restrain my climax any longer and on the final stroke held my length inside her and filled her with three copious loads of cum as she bucked beneath the grip of my hands on her hips trying to drain me of her reward. She did without a doubt and within a minute or two my cock dwindled and with the trembling onslaught I felt slipped from the now worn but satisfied cavity of her anus. She collapsed face first onto the bedding as I too lay face first next to her gasping for air. In a few minutes I raised my weary arm and laid it over her back and pulled myself against the most wondrous lover of all time. We both found the sighs of post climactic bliss we had shared more than a few times since her weekend stay with her Grandpa had begun.

It took several minutes for either of us to be fully aware of where we were or what had just happened. My mind went back to her lips as they surrounded my soft dick and sucked me to arousal, to the first attempt she beckoned for me to sate her in forbidden ways of anal intercourse, to fucking her to continuously peeking orgasm and then the ultimate of carnal desires; fucked her ass with wild heated abandon even I had never known much less the girl who only a day before was a virgin. She rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed for a minute or so as my hand caressed her lower back to sooth what had to have been a traumatic experience, no matter how profound the resulting orgasms. Her face turned as she looked to her aged but wise grandfather with a smile and said with a very adult chuckle, “You tricked me,” and flung herself down atop of me, “but that was just what I wanted G-pa,” and kissed my cheek.

I rolled over drawing her with me as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her mouth gently. My mouth moved over her bowed lips and cheeks, jaw and neck before I whispered my reply, “Brandy, I knew you wanted to feel me there. I hope I didn’t hurt you, but you were so aroused it just seemed to happen. Are you okay?” I hugged her tight and felt her sigh of pleasure as she kissed my face all over.

Her head rose from me enough to see her eyes and the truth she spoke, “I’m okay Grandpa, I feel a bit stretched and I’ll probably be sore, but oh man, was it worth it. Jenny,” a friend of hers from school,” had told me that she let her boy friend try that and said she came like never before. She was right,” ending with a school girl giggle.

I smiled at her and drew her face to mine, our lips met with the same sincere passion they had before and we enjoyed the simple pleasures of our mouths meshing together as we reveled in the post climactic bliss of love and desire. I whispered to her, “Let’s go take a warm bath Brandy, it’ll help soothe the tenderness from the pounding you took on with such a vengeance.”

She rolled off of me and stood on shaky legs beside the bed, “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” she cooed as she winced with the pain my aroused slamming cock’s invasion had left her with. The remains of her orgasm flowed along her inner thighs as I rolled out of the bed and joined her, we walked together to the bath and she stood as I started the warm water’s flow to fill the tub. We got in and she sat between my thighs as I washed her back taking care not to get the lush full locks of her hair wet, she claimed it would frizz if I did. I chuckled and swept it to the side to wash her shoulders and leaned her back to wash the sweat from her breasts and abdomen. I took great care to be gentle as I slipped my soapy palm over her mound and inner thighs; she purred with the touch of my fingers as they caressed the intimate flesh of her petals and clit.

Brandy returned the favors I had given and washed me clean as well, even to having me stand to soap up the now flaccid instrument of her delight and the drained sack that hung withered beneath it. She rinsed away the soap and I climbed out, leaving her to soak in the warm soothing water. I handed her a hair clip and she inserted it to bind her hair up atop of her head and slid down into the bath tub to soak. Even with the now soapy water her body was beautiful to see. Her B cup breasts barely peeking from the surface with textured nubbins that forever seemed to beckon me to lick or feel them and her short curled pubic hairs just beneath the surface calling out to me to give whatever it took to know her excited orgasms again and again.

I dried off and walked to the bed room to gather my clothes and re-dress. I picked up the laptop and began to write down the memories we had built while she finished up her soak. I didn’t figure I would forget even the smallest detail of our pleasures for years to come, but writing them down while still fresh is best, and that is what you have now read. I heard the drain of the tub begin and saved my words for the readers who seek to know of our adventure and shut off the laptop, set it aside and watched her walk from the bath room with a broad smile.

She walked over to where I was sitting on the end of the bed and slipped her arms around my shoulders; her naked body still amazed me, my eyes feasted on her with every opportunity, and yet it was even more awe inspiring to know her caressing hands as they swept over my shirt clad back and her lips as she pressed them to mine with a love only family could possibly know. She left me sitting where I had as she turned and picked up her tank top and skirt. A devious smile painted her face as she turned to face me and asked, “You sure we can’t just stay naked today G-pa?”

I laughed somewhere between a soft rumble and a hearty belly laugh as I heard her suggestion that there would be need...

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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