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Family Affairs Pt 3 - Daniel's Story

"Danny gets caught in his Mum's clothes with interesting consequences"

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Family affairs is a series of short, incestuous stories – originally intended as one offs, I may continue some or all, depending on feedback.

I remember the day well, who could forget such a momentous thing. It was a couple of days before my 17 th birthday, I stood and examined myself in the mirror, a short floaty skirt, halter top, nylon clad legs and a sexy pair of heels, a little tight, but I wasn't planning on walking far in them, so they’d do for my purpose this afternoon. The whole thing was finished off with a chestnut wig, cascading over my shoulders. I slipped my hand under the skirt and felt myself, my cock beginning to stir in the little thong, while the fingers of my other hand traced the hard bud of my nipple, jutting through the stretch material of the top. I was lucky to have almost no body hair, while other guys at school were sprouting hairy arms and legs.

This was something I had done several times over the past few weeks of my school holidays, raiding my Mum’s wardrobe for sexy things to try on. She was a foot size smaller than me, so I could just about get into some of her shoes, like the strappy heels I had on now. I had been interested in crossdressing for a while, having happened upon a website dedicated to the subject and having a relatively young mother, who liked to dress to impress, helped. Since she and Dad had split a year ago, she had begun to dress a little racier, particularly on her evenings out. She had never brought any guys home, though one of her girl friends had stayed a couple of times; a rather shapely redhead, who I had fantasised about, as I was doing now. When she left this morning, Mum had told me she might be later today as she had to attend a meeting, so I had time on my hands, or so I thought.

I ran my hands over the stockings, savouring the sexy feel of the nylon against my legs. Lifting the skirt, I ran my hand over the front of the little panties, bulging out now as my erection swelled. This was too much, I slipped my cock out and began to run my hand up and down its length, slowly at first, then with increasing speed as I became more turned on, all the time watching myself in the mirror and losing myself in my enjoyment of the moment.

‘Ah-hem!’ The loud mock cough brought me back to reality with a thump. I spun round to see my Mother standing in the doorway of the bedroom, a look like thunder on her face.

‘M...Mu...Mum, what are you doing here.’ I asked helplessly as I dropped the hem of the skirt, as if that was going to hide all of my problems.

‘I left some papers at home.’ she responded ‘So this is the sordid little game you get up to when I’m out at work all day, is it?’

I began to stammer a reply when she cut me off.

‘Don’t bother with your pathetic excuses, I will be back at 3 and we will discuss this then.’

‘But Mum, I had planned to go out with some mates.’ I replied.

‘Well, you’d better un-plan then! You’re grounded, unless you want your friends to hear about your pervy little game. Is that clear?’

‘Yes, Mum.’

‘Good, then you’d better be here, waiting in your room, when I get back and those clothes better be clean and back where they belong or else!’ With which she turned on her heel and left

I groaned aloud and began to strip off the clothes, wondering what miseries 3 o’clock would bring.

The time dragged, eventually 3 o’clock arrived and went, the suspense was killing me. Then, at about 4, I heard her come back.

She called out as she entered the house. ‘Daniel, where are you?’

Her voice sounded stern. I replied that I was in my room. I heard her walk along the hallway, her heels clicking on the wooden floor. She entered my room and told me to stand up. She seated herself at my desk and looked at me. She had discarded the jacket of her business suit. Wearing a tight pencil skirt and heels, with a white silk blouse, unbuttoned to show the curve of her breasts and her cleavage. My mother had a beautiful body and, though it shames me to say, I had often fantasised about sex with her. Now, however, she had the air of a school mistress about her.

‘Well, what have you got to say for yourself?’ she enquired.

I just looked sheepishly at the floor.

‘I’m waiting for an answer, how long has this been going on? Don’t lie to me, I will know.’

I told her the truth ‘A couple of months. I don’t know why, but...’

‘Save your excuses.’ she responded ‘Is all my stuff back where it belongs?’

I nodded.

‘That’s how I knew, I kept finding stuff in the wrong place in my wardrobe, you really should have been a little more careful.’

I groaned.

‘What about my knickers? I hope they are clean.’

I fidgeted a little then blurted out ‘They are mine.’

‘Oh, really, got a little stash of girly knickers to wear have you?’

I looked at the floor, wishing it would open up and swallow me.

‘Well, I’m waiting. Get them out and let me see.’

I went to the cupboard and took out a box, removed several thongs and held them out to her.

She examined each one. ‘My, my, these are very skimpy. How do you keep yourself in them?’ I thought I detected a hint of a giggle in her voice.

‘What about the pair you had on earlier?’

I groaned again, I should have seen this coming, but I hadn’t thought it through.

‘You are still wearing them, aren’t you, you dirty little pervert?’

‘Yes.’ I replied, almost close to tears now; I felt so humiliated and ashamed.

‘Right, take that lot off.’ she commanded.

‘Wh...wha...what?’ I stammered in response.

‘Get those clothes off, now! Remember what I said unless you want your friends to find out then you will do as I say.’

I pulled off my tee-shirt and dropped my jeans. Oh God, how embarrassing there I was in nothing but a little lace thong, one ball had escaped the tiny gusset and was hanging out the side.

‘Do you like the feel of them against your cock?’ she enquired, in a matter of fact way.

I nodded my head, still looking at the floor.

‘Is that why you dress in my things, because you like the feel of it when you masturbate?’

This was going too far. ‘Mum...’ I pleaded.

‘I asked you a question: do you like the feel of it against your skin when you masturbate? Look at me when you answer.’

I looked up and said ‘Yes.’

‘I have to admit sexy clothes are something of a turn on for me, too. What is really lovely is when you have someone else to run their hands over them.’ she continued.

Where was this going? I wondered.

‘Have you had a girl yet, Danny?’

I shook my head.

‘A boy, then?’

‘NO!’ I almost shouted at her.

She stood and approached me. ‘Well, you can get dressed now, but things are going to change around here. I will keep my part of the bargain; it will be our secret, so long as you toe the line, understood?’

‘Yes Mum. I’m sorr...’ I began an apology.

‘Don’t bother with excuses, it usually makes things worse.’

She turned and left the room. Is that it? I thought to myself. Of course it wasn’t, but it would be the weekend before I found out.

Friday night came and Mum was going out with her friend, the luscious redhead Tina. I was going to meet a couple of mates. As she left, Mum said to me, ‘Have a fun evening, and make the most of it.’

I wondered what she meant, but dismissed it.

On Saturday morning, I was awoken early by Mum entering my room carrying 2 mugs of tea and a large bag. She wore a satin nightdress which came to her thighs and displayed a large amount of cleavage; I was used to her wearing such things. She put the bag down and climbed onto the bed, handing me a mug of tea.

‘Happy birthday, darling.’ she said and kissed me, then handed me a card.

I opened it and read Happy Birthday Danni, Love always, Mummy. It wasn’t unusual for her to put Mummy on cards rather than Mum, but I had to point out the way she had spelt my name.

‘Oh, that. It’s my little joke concerning the other day. Now, let’s have some tea before we open your presents.’ she replied, handing me a mug.

We drank some tea and she asked me about my night.

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I told her it had been OK; we’d just gone to one of the lad’s houses and played on his Nintendo. I asked about hers and she said they had gone to a club and didn’t get home until gone midnight. Then she took my mug and lifted the bag onto the bed.

‘Come on, I can’t wait for you to open your presents.’ she said, tipping the packages onto the bed.

I was about to reach for a largish box and Mum said ‘No, this one first.’ and handed me a soft package.

I opened it and something made from pink and black tartan material fell onto the bed. I looked at it, puzzled then picked it up and shook it out. Mum was watching my reaction intently as the realisation was a little pleated kilt. I looked up at her enquiringly, but she just told me to go on, a glint in her eye.

I opened the next packet and revealed some matching underwear, a pink lace bra, thong and suspenders. I was puzzled.

‘I told you things would be different. It’s time to say goodbye Daniel and hello Danielle.’ she said.

She sat there as I opened the remaining packages, which included a white lace blouse, stockings and makeup. Finally I returned to the box and took out a pair of black high heels with crisscross straps and a little zip up the back.

‘Oh, and this is from Tina.’ she said as she handed me another little package.

I opened it to find a pair of breast forms. I looked up at her and said, ‘You told her? What about our secret?’

‘Oh, don’t be silly, she understands these things. Besides, I meant it will be our secret from your friends. Now, come on, up and shower, while I clear this up and lay your clothes out. We have lots to do, it is your birthday after all.’

I headed to the shower, my mind in turmoil. I returned to my room and Mum told me to sit then she began to apply makeup to my face. I began to protest, but she reminded me of her threat. Once she was satisfied, she told me to stand and remove the towel. Again I protested but she gave the same response, adding that it was nothing she hadn’t seen before.

I dropped the towel and she said with a giggle ‘My, but my little boy has grown up!’

She handed me the thong, bra and suspender belt. Then, when I had put them on, she gave me the stockings, a pair of seamed tan nylons. She kept me facing away from the mirror, saying that I had to wait until it was all on before I could look. I slipped the stockings up my legs and she helped me fasten them to the suspenders, showing me how to make sure the seams stayed straight. The breast forms went into the bra and then the blouse, skirt and shoes. Finally, she produced her chestnut wig, the one I had been caught wearing the other day. She fussed over a few bits then, satisfied, she told me to turn and look in the mirror.

I couldn’t believe the transformation, I could hardly recognise myself. There was a sexy young woman staring back at me. It was at that point that I began to feel the familiar stirrings; just when Mum chose to come over and give me a hug and kiss.

‘You look beautiful, do you feel sexy?’ she asked.

I nodded my head

‘Does it turn you on?’

I looked at the floor, embarrassed by her asking such an intimate question.

‘Well, does it?’

I nodded again and she asked for a proper answer, so I said ‘Yes, it turns me on.’

‘Let’s see. Lift the front of your skirt, Danielle, so Mummy can see how turned on you are.’

‘Mum...’ I pleaded, but it was no use, so I did as I was told.

She leant her head close now and in a half whisper she said ‘Remember what I said the other day about it feeling good when you touch yourself, but so much better when someone else does it?’

As she spoke, she was running a hand up the front of my right leg, over the stocking top and as she finished she came to rest on my cock, giving it a little squeeze.

‘M...Mum, what the...’ I began to stammer a protest as she massaged my erection through the little panties.

‘Shhhh, my baby. I want to feel your lovely cock. Don’t you like it?’ All the time she held my gaze in the mirror. ‘Haven’t you ever thought about something like this? Have you fantasised about fucking Mummy?’

I nodded, my mouth almost too dry to speak. ‘Y...yes.’

‘There, that’s out in the open, I must confess I have often fantasised about fucking you. Why don’t you get your cock out and masturbate for me, I’d love to watch you.’

I slipped my hand into the side of the thong and took out my erect cock and began to stroke it.

‘Mmm, that’s lovely my darling.’ she said ‘Now something you haven’t done since you were a baby.’ She slipped a strap off her shoulder and the nightie fell away revealing her firm round breast, the dark nipple hard and erect. Cupping the breast she said ‘Suck mummy’s nipple my darling.’

I ducked my head and took the dark bud into my mouth. Her breathing changed and she let out a soft moan as I sucked.

‘Mmmm, yes my darling, this is making me wet.’ With which she lifted the front of her gown and began stroking herself.

My head was in a spin, here I was dressed in female clothing, masturbating and sucking my mother’s breast, while she pleasured herself.

‘Mmm, yes, that’s good, but now I want to taste your cock.’ She said and pulled herself away and dropped to her knees.

I watched as she flicked her tongue over the crown, kissed it then took it into her mouth. She began to suck and I let out a moan.

‘Not yet.’ She said pulling her head back and standing. ‘I don’t want you to cum yet.’

She kissed me and I could taste my cock on her lips. Then she dropped her nightie to the floor and stood naked in front of me.

‘Lie down, Danni, Mummy’s going to fuck you now, I want to feel your cock inside me.’

She laid me on the bed and straddled me. Holding my cock, she lowered herself onto it and began to move slowly up and down, her hands cupping her breasts and tugging at her nipples as she moved.

‘Oh yes, my darling, that feels sooooo good.’

She had leant forward and was bouncing up and down now, her tits gyrating in time with her movements; faster and faster.

I felt my orgasm mount and let out a cry. ‘Ughhh, yes! Ohhh fuck, yeah!’

I felt my cum shoot into her and she went rigid, her cunt contracting as if sucking me dry.

‘Happy Birthday my darling.’ she said.

She wiggled her hips, then lay on top of me and kissed me again, this time pushing her tongue into my mouth. I responded, forgetting that this was my mother and we kissed deeply. We lay there for a few minutes, touching, feeling, kissing. Finally she raised herself off my shrivelling cock and wriggled down the bed, taking me into her mouth again, sucking and licking me clean. She came back up once more and kissed me, the taste of our cum strong on her lips.

‘Come on,’ she said ‘let’s get breakfast, then we’ll go shopping to get some new girlie clothes.’

We went into the kitchen and I had just poured the coffee when I heard a voice.

‘Good morning everyone.’ I turned to see Tina enter the room, wearing a very skimpy sheer baby doll, which did nothing to hide her very feminine form.

‘Hello, darling.’ Mum said.

I was puzzled, but then my thoughts were overrun by the realisation that I was dressed in female clothes.

Suddenly Mum said ‘You haven’t met my new daughter, Danielle, have you? It’s her birthday today.’

‘Happy Birthday, Danielle.’ Tina said and came over to kiss me on the cheek.

Then she went to the table and kissed Mum, a lingering kiss full on the lips.

As she withdrew, she said, ‘Mmmm, the unmistakable taste of cum, delicious!’ And they both laughed.

I must have looked confused and Mum beckoned me to sit down and they proceeded to tell me that they were lovers. This whole thing had been Tina’s idea when Mum had voiced her suspicions about me dressing in her clothes. Evidently Tina had introduced her daughter to the...

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Written by KrissyS
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