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Emma's Road Trip

"Emma finally gets to make her move on move out day"

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"Have you made your move on him yet?" The glint in her eye causes dread to creep up my spine.

"On who?" I whisper softly, looking down to the lone box in my room, stuffing Mr. Snuggles into the top, standing up.

A long, hard sigh leaves her lips, nearly getting into an exaggerated point of hilarity, "You know who."

I look at her and she lifts her brow just slightly, then makes her chocolate eyes shift to the side of me aiming for my bedroom door.

"Stop it," I yelp softly.

"Well, you think he is into you anyway. Might as well try something before you're... only coming to visit us every other year," she laughs softly.

"He's my dad, you nympho," I screeched as softly as possible, glaring at her.

"That doesn't matter, he's hot as hell, and has the body of a Greek god. I wish I could have had the opportunity for him to work me out," she laughs.

"Would you stop it? I can barely keep up during our workouts... It's not like a porno where we have sex before the workout starts; he kicks my ass every time I join him." The sudden sound of a honk blaring through the house startled us both, and our eyes locked in mutual amusement.

Her laughter erupted like a volcano, her body collapsing onto the floor in an uncontrollable fit of giggles. My own grin mirrored hers as I savored the delightful absurdity of the moment.

Then, like a storm approaching on the horizon, the sound of a door slamming reverberated through the house. Heated voices rose in argument, and I saw her eyes dart away, a subtle but transparent attempt to feign indifference. My gaze followed hers, and we both tried to mask our awareness of the scuffle happening between my parents, it made the tension in the air palpable.

My room, once filled with the traces of my life, held the writing of the impending changes happening. It now stood hauntingly empty, a canvas wiped clean of all the memories and possessions that had once defined it. The only things of my existence were a solitary box by my side and small mismatched pieces of clothing scattered around the room. As I looked around the emptiness one last time, a heavy sigh escaped me, a sigh that carried with it the bittersweet weight of leaving behind the past to embrace an uncertain future.

"I'm going to miss you," she says, getting onto her knees, crawling over to me, hugging me tight around my waist.

"I'm going to miss you too, Steph," I say, hugging my best friend tight.

"Just don't forget about me! I may not be going to this big, out-of-state university, but that doesn't mean I can't come and visit you. Call me, keep me in the loop," she says looking up at me.

"Of course, I won't forget about you! We're going to be best friends forever,“ I say, grinning and meaning it.

The sound of heavy footsteps brings us out of our moment and my cheeks flush instantly. Seeing my face turn red Stephanie stands up and grins as she elbows me slightly.

"Go for it! This could be your last chance to try anything with him," I shush her just as my dad begins to climb the stairs.

Now, don't get me wrong I love my daddy and I've been a 'Daddy's Girl' for as long as I can remember. I'm sure that somewhere in my hormone-infested brain I realized that it isn't right to be in love with him the way that I am. But it's not a thought that I care to bring to the present. Each step that presses firmly into the wooden staircase creaks its protest against my daddy's weight. I just can't help but feel like a horrible person for wanting him, for wanting my mother to find out and leave the picture. This isn't a new feeling; well, the sexual part is, but not wanting him. I've always wanted to be with him, or have someone like him as a boyfriend.

It wasn't until a few months ago that I began thinking of him sexually. It was right after my eighteenth birthday. My parents put on a grand surprise party for me. The gathering was filled with drinks, laughter, and the company of friends, making it an enjoyable celebration. When the night had grown late, and everyone had either retired to bed or departed, I found myself still awake. As I strolled past my father's study, I detected a sound. Initially, I thought it was a figment of my imagination, but curiosity made me pause and listen more closely, and to my surprise, I heard it once more.

An unmistakable groan came out loud and clear from his office. At first, I thought a few of my friends had slipped out of the party to get a little action. When I moved to his door I was greeted by the firm jaw of my daddy as it tilted up. His full bottom lip glistened with his spit as he pumped his hand up and down in his lap. I tried to stay quiet as I watched his hand, it literally blurred against his skin before his hips rocked up and the sight of his cock came into view.

My panties had been drenched from that day moving forward. Every time he hugged me, every time he kissed me goodnight, it all seemed to be sexually charged. I came to the image of him night after night, I fingered myself until my poor pussy was just spent with my cum. I really wished it was filled with his thick cock.

A slight movement in my line of vision causes me to pull my thoughts back to the present. Stephanie grins wide as my daddy’s large body fills the doorway of my room, the broad surface of his bare shoulder molding to the door frame. My heart and panties melt for him instantly as my knees give and I crumple down to a kneeling position.

"Ladies," he says as his eyes move from me to her and back to me where they stay.

"Mr. B, I was just leaving. She’s all packed and ready to go," she grins, looking at me.

My brain short-circuits or went on strike, I couldn't move, I couldn't think. My mind registers the look in his eye as sexual, my pussy pulses in anticipation, as my brain begins to work again and try to pull me out of it. But then, he begins to grin, his dimples pressing firmly into his cheeks as his white teeth shine at me, making my brain short-circuit again. I watch on, me into a flat disk. I was defenseless against it and when his teeth bit into his bottom lip I had to look away, looking down at the box I found in front of me.

"Bye, Emma," Stephanie says to me.

Looking up I only see the back of her body as she walks past the gap my father makes for her; I yell quickly. "Bye, Steph!"

Her soft footfalls echo through the room as I find this to be the most fascinating box I think I’ve ever seen in my life.

"Em," my daddy tries to get me to look at him.

"Hm?" was my soft reply. 'I wonder if I can fit into this box... Or sink into the floor,' I think to myself as my eyes catch a pair of firm calves right next to the box. 'When did this box grow legs?'

"Baby," my daddy calls to me in a soft whisper.

My eyes roam up his legs, seeing that he wore some loose-fitting shorts, I continue traveling up the loose-hanging tee before I see his chest, neck then face. My eyes eat up every last inch of him before he drops down into a squat on his tiptoes looking into my eyes. My mouth hangs open before snapping shut, and he chuckles before reaching out gripping onto my nose, honking it quickly.

"Mom is going to blow a gasket if you don't get your tail downstairs." His eyes flick down my body before landing on the box I was kneeling in front of. "You're taking Mr. Snuggles?" His eyes move up to mine before he chuckles his dimpled grin again.

'Now's my time!' my brain yells at me. I bite my bottom lip nodding. "Well... You didn't want to snuggle with me anymore. Isn't that why you bought him for me? He's been there since you kicked me out of your bed," I tease and blush quickly as his eyebrow lifts slightly.

"I didn't know you wanted to sleep with an old fart like me," he chuckles, watching my lips closely as I nibble on my bottom lip.

"You are not an old fart," I laugh softly as he chuckles, looking down at the box before a loud horn blares through the house again.

"Alright Em, let's head out," he stands, taking the box up with him, the muscles firming up in his legs just a little as he stands, I stand with him.

The thin material of my panties are so wet, the loose short summer dress teasing at the top of my thighs as I move down the steps. My eyes are on his large shoulders the whole way out to the rather large, stuffed SUV. My eyes move from his body to my mother, in the driver's seat, with a red face; she was livid. Biting my lip I blush even deeper, smiling at her as she glares at us, shouting about us needing to get our asses in gear.

"It looks as though we have just one spot left, baby girl, so, unfortunately, you'll have to sit on my lap. I'm sorry, it was just a lot of stuff that had to fit..." Before he says another word, my mother's voice comes in loud and clear, interrupting him as he stuffs the box into the front seat, barely managing to get the door to close.

The onslaught ensues. "You should have just put it in the way I told you!"

Her pudgy little face scrunches up to the point of looking painful, as she berates him with insults. I can feel his body tense as he holds his tongue, glaring at her until she is done.

Daddy never wants me to see them fight, he never retaliates while I am there but he did end it with a curt. "Martha... We'll talk about this later..."

Mom always drops it after that, if that's what you can call mumbling loud enough for everyone in the surrounding area to hear every word she says. His eyes look into mine as he pulls the back door open.

"I tried to get Martha to hold you for the trip seeing how it's so long," his eyes slowly slid down my body before looking back into my eyes, every inch of my flesh heating from his gaze. "She said you'd be too heavy; I don't think you'd be too heavy for me. I can't say much about the comfort level for you, though."

"Oh, Daddy, I don't mind sitting on your lap," I say, a little more breathy than I intend.

His eyes squint slightly as he nods and moves forward, his body nearly coming flush with mine before he whispers in a deep, husky tone, "I need to get by, princess."

Blushing from my old pet name he uses, I step out of the way as he pulls the door open wider and sits down, making the car dip gently. Grinning, looking up at me, he pats his leg. I climb in and perch my ass on his thigh, feeling awkward as I latch onto the back of the overflowing front passenger seat. The bed lodges from the trunk to the front seats, separating the car in half so much that I could not see my mother.

He pulls the door making a loud thud resound, before gripping onto my hips. My eyes spread wide as he pulls me back, plopping me firmly into his lap. His groin is right under me as I lean forward, still clinging to the front passenger seat. He leans forward, his chest curving around my back as he grips onto my arms, making me release the seat as he moves my shaky hands to my sides. The hair from his thighs tickles my fingers, making me look down, and spot my pink panties clearly as the dress rides up slightly.

"We should get comfortable for this long drive don't you think, princess?" comes his deep voice, as his hand lifts, then pushes on my forehead making me tip back and press against him.

Blushing deeper I whimper feeling his chest press against my back, my body trembles as the feeling of his beard brushes against my ear. My eyes close tight as the sound and feeling of his breathing push against me.

"You okay, Em?"

Freezing, I hear him whispering, almost as if we have a little secret; it makes my eyes peel open and look up towards where my mother sits. Unable to see her I look back at him as his eyes watch me closely. Forgetting about the question, I stare into his eyes, breathing a bit more firmly before he chuckles, watching me.

"Baby, you okay?" he asks again, the air from his mouth licking across my lips.

Gulping hard I giggle and nod quickly. "Yea... Yeah, Daddy, I'm fine," I say softly.

"Good, is this going to work for you?" he asks, lifting his eyebrow.

"Yes Daddy, will it work for you?"

"I think it'll work just fine," he says before looking over my head and lifting his hips.

My head had to lean forward, and my shoulders followed as I grip back onto the passenger seat, trying not to hit my head against the roof. I look over my shoulder and see Daddy leaning his head over the top of the bed, I'm guessing to speak with Mother and see her at the same time.

"We're ready." The car turns on and a blast of cool air presses against me, making me shudder on him.

He grunts before falling back down into the seat. My rump stays in the air as I grip the back of the seat, my pink boy-short panties on full display. She begins to back out of the driveway, making my hips sway before he wraps an arm around me, pulling my body back against his. I blush deeply feeling my ass grinding against his chest before my hips land into his lap. My breathing speeds up as my ass slides and jiggles in his lap, trying to fight off a groan I allow a soft whimper to escape. As we pass over a speed bump I make my back arch so his bulge could press against my clit.

His hand flattens over my tummy making my hips rock back and settle in his lap. He clears his throat, holding me to him as we pass over another speed bump; my hips rock again, my back dipping trying to get more friction on my clit, and this time he inhales sharply. He pushes against my stomach again making my hips grind against his lap and I feel his bulge beginning to wake up.

"Stop that," I hear his deep voice in my ear as his hand grips a firm hold of my hip.

Biting my lip I blush, breathing harder as we turn wide, my rump sliding over his lap, the motion causing my panties to slide off to the side to reveal my juicy pussy lips. The cloth curls over itself as it wedges into the crease between my leg and my crotch. I lean forward slightly, my hips dipping between his legs as my lips pin his thick shaft to the seat under me. His fingers dig into my hips as we pass over another bump that makes my pussy grind and bump up the length of his shaft. My mouth falls open as my pussy shudders around his hidden thickness.

He grips my hair pulling me back quickly before gripping tighter onto my hip pulling me up and slamming me onto his now-closed thighs, hiding his thickening shaft from me.

"What the fuck are you doing, princess?" he growls softly into my ear making me whimper softly.

"Daddy! I'm not doing anything. The car was moving me," I groaned softly.

His grip on my hair eases before he releases me, making me gulp quickly. 'His cock was getting hard and it was because of me.' My eyes close tight as I try to get the image of his thick shaft from my mind but can't. My heart is racing and my legs tremble as my exposed slit lies right on top of his legs. Another bump in the road causes my hips to press back against him, and he grabs my hips, lifting me with one hand.

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"Hold on, Em," he says.

I grip onto the back of the seat as we hit another bump, making my ass land against him. My slick pussy smears its juices down his arm and I freeze, feeling his hand under me. My eyes spread as I look back, seeing his hand in his pants. I look up at him as he keeps his eyes down looking at his soaking wet arm.

"Sorry, Daddy," I say quickly as he yanks his hand from his pants and I feel his thick hard shaft pressing right against me.

My back is frozen solid as he holds still behind me; my mother's voice, never missing a beat speaks up, "What happened? You said sorry?"

I look back at him as he watches me before he speaks, "She elbowed me."

Mother laughs, our eyes stay on each other for a long while as my pussy grinds against his rock-solid cock, “Get up, princess."

My hips lift and I blush deeper, feeling his fingers grip onto my soaking wet panties as he unrolls them, placing them over my soaking wet slit. My head falls forward as his fingers creep down my slit, and my hips arch back eagerly as he pulls his hand away. He grips me again, pulling me...

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Written by nedelano
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