After spending nearly an hour licking and sucking on my mom's tits, it was time for me to really earn my pleasure. She owned me, I was not only her eighteen-year-old son, but her sex slave, and eating her ass was nearly a daily occurrence. I didn't mind it one bit, stuffing my tongue past her sphincter was challenging and rewarding. My task was to lubricate it with my saliva and prepare it for my cock, because my mom's pussy was off limits.
Her body was delicious, gracefully voluptuous, with most of her extra weight going to her breasts and ass. My friends called her a BBW and MILF, never imagining that I had her all to myself, away from their perversions, and those of the men who checked her out in public.
I hooked two fingers under the thin strip of fabric covering her asshole and pulled it aside to expose the puckering hole that would soon milk my cock dry. The curve of her fleshy ass held the thong in place, giving my hands freedom to do as they pleased, which was a mixture of fondling and spreading her cheeks to give my tongue better access.
Her rear entrance was slightly darker than her surrounding skin, and with a scent and taste that stemmed from her pussy juices. I had grown addicted to it all, knowing that the better I treated her tits, the more succulent her ass would be for my taste buds.
She liked being flat on her stomach, as opposed to on all fours, which was reserved for fucking. Every time I buried my face between her cheeks, I thought about the humorous tip she told me when we first started our anal-focused incestuous relationship, Pretend you're eating a bucket of ice cream with your mouth only.
The intoxicating smell of her pussy filled my nostrils, making my bulge press uncomfortably against the bed, and once again brought thoughts of worshipping her pussy to the forefront. I couldn't complain, my own mother had taken my virginity, and her anal fetish was more than enough to keep me occupied. No risk of pregnancy, and according to her, it wasn't crossing the line of taboo.
From all the times I had performed anilingus on her, my tongue knew the tracing pattern she liked over her asshole. Mostly counter-clockwise, for whatever reason, that made her pussy get hotter. The small ridges teased the tip of my tongue, and every few cycles around it, received a deserved wet kiss.
That was just the tongue action back there. What really drove her crazy were my hands kneading her ass. Not just squeezing it, but filling my palms with it and sinking my fingertips into her flesh. My admiration for her thick, round ass had been the catalyst for our relationship, and I had to prove it every single time I was eating her out.
The warm combination of my tongue and saliva helped loosen her sphincter, allowing my tongue enough room to penetrate it and be squished by the ribbed edge of the interior. My cock twitched in my boxers, releasing pre-cum that made the fabric stick to my engorged head. I couldn't believe how tight it was, that it hugged my tongue, and made promises to my cock that it never failed to deliver.
"You're getting better at this, honey," she said, complimenting my improving and eager oral skills. As her son, any positive feedback from her was all I ever wanted, no matter what I was doing.
My tongue was halfway down her asshole, so a muffled moan was all I could muster up as a reply. The cotton gusset of her thong was soaked, darkened by her juices, and hiding unimaginable pleasures from me. She reached behind her back with one hand and used it to press my face between her cheeks. My tongue had nowhere to go but deeper into her seemingly bottomless pit.
I swirled my tongue frantically inside of her, bouncing it off her tight canal, which made her close her thighs together. I was attentive, I knew all her little tells, and this one meant an orgasm was approaching. She liked adding pressure to her clit by having her labia squish against it from either side. I opened my mouth wider, pressing my lips against the surrounding wet areas, and gave her as much of my tongue as I could.
Breast play got the mini-orgasms out of her, but a tongue up her ass made her moans echo off the walls. "Eat mommy's ass. Eat it, baby," she encouraged, slightly pushing her ass up against me, and releasing orgasmic juices that poured through her tiny thong.
I continued working my nimble tongue through her spasms until her asshole clenched and pushed it out. My cock twitched again, begging to be unleashed, because it knew as well as I did, that it was time for her to give it up. She swayed her hips, riding the waves of her climax, inadvertently teasing me with her plump derriere while I pulled my boxers down.
My jealous cock wanted everything my tongue had felt, and there wasn't any better way of getting it than having my mom face down, ass up. Her back arched to position, presenting her heavy bottom to my hardened inches. One thing I loved about anal was that no matter what my length and girth were, it would feel huge inside of such a tight, narrow hole.
From the lace waistband of her thong to the tender spot between her entrances, that's the area of play I was allowed when my dick was out. Her circular back door was like a target for my mouth, aligning over it, to drop a glob of saliva on it. Some of my natural lubrication seeped inside her, and the rest remained on the outside to ease the penetration. A perfect hit.
I tapped the underside of my head against her small hole, hiding it entirely from view, which reminded both of us how challenging it was to fit the widest part of my cock inside her perfectly symmetrical trench. I didn't know how, but she was able to expand and contract it on command, as if she was breathing through it.
I had to be careful with my tip, much more gentler than with my tongue. I pressed my tip on her tightness, like struggling to fit a key in a keyhole. Patience was necessary, and even though I desperately wanted her snug welcome for my anal desires, I knew it was a door only I had ever opened.
She greeted my initial penetration with a gasp, one that turned into a long and subdued moan against her pillow. It felt like entering a vacuum, the same euphoric feeling it had given my tongue. Beyond the taboo of being mother and son, which we tried not to give much thought to, there was a different type of taboo in the act of anal. Her pussy was right there, a sultry, sopping invitation that required special permission.
A slow, continuous push saw every bit of my cock disappear into her textured chamber. Her grip evenly squeezed my entire length, making it throb like it was getting pumped by some sophisticated sex toy. The entry into the depths of her body felt like a rubber band, leaving me with a mental note to try a cock ring to practice my stamina.
Long strokes, mommy wants to feel everything, her words replayed in my mind, from the first time we had fucked in such a wicked manner.
I pulled out most of my length, only leaving my head inside, and dropped another glob of saliva. This time, directly over my shaft. I returned my dimensions back into their favorite place, watching how her outer ring smeared the saliva on my cock as it reentered.
From this angle, my view was impeccable, able to appreciate the fullness of her ass, and the details like the three tiny moles adorning the area outside her asshole. In this type of moment, I understood exactly why a prim-and-proper woman was a fiend for anal. It was wrong, against the norms of society, for a long time at least, but now it was a middle-finger-like statement that said, We're taking pleasure how we want it, when we want it. A fitting partner to accompany our delirious incestuous exploits.
The reason our dynamic wasn't overshadowed by us being mother and son was that I wasn't fucking her, I was fucking her rebellious side, one that compartmentalized things into expectations versus realities. Knowing such things, as evidenced by her whimpering moans, I let my hand sting the softness of her flesh, leaving a reddened imprint on it.
"Again, spank that ass," she said, ordering something that was already being delivered.
I adored and respected my mother, that would never change, but our groundbreaking carnality called for me to take a punishing role. My strokes displayed a blend of love and lust, stamping it on her insides every time I bottomed out. In my mind, this is what she deserved for all those times she wore booty shorts around me. A punishment of friction and vigor, carried out by her son.
I dropped another load of saliva on her, this one splashing against the darker line separating her thickness, and trailing down to my penetrating cock. It helped lubricate the patterns of pleasure inside her, the ones I had decorated plenty of times with my white warmth.
She clenched her asshole around the base of my cock, forcing pre-cum into her cavity. She was close, this was another one of her tells, and it urged me to pound through the increasing friction and reach a mutual climax before it turned painful. Underneath, her pussy drooled juices down her inner thighs, tempting us with endless lubrication, but her moans silenced any rumors of future pleasures.
From the deepest erogenous zone in her body, and the darkest depths of her mind, she unleashed a profound argument in favor of the culmination of our incestuous dynamic between mother and son. Her walls caved around my thrusts, seemingly pinching my cock with the weight of her ass, and allowing me to feel the pulsating dual orgasm that was radiating from her pussy. A few more strokes were all I could give her. She succumbed me with her anal spasms and forced out spurts of my creamy load that signaled her victory with every splash.
We moaned in orgasmic unison, sharing our most intimate and vulnerable moments with each other. My virile semen was stickily deposited where it belonged, dangerously close to her adjacent sultriness that carried risks we were not ready to take. I retrieved my cock from its newfound playground, and marveled at the aftermath of my wrath, most noticeably her gaped and glazed asshole. The best thing was that the same mouthwatering menu would be on the table the next time, with the specialty of the house carrying the eat my ass attitude we figuratively raged to the world while I performed it lovingly on my mom.