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Driving With Daddy, Episode 3

"Sherry finds out how nice it is to 'sleep' with her Daddy, has wake up sex, shopping turns naughty"

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Daddy and I finished our shower after his might had filled me again and again. My juices ran down my inner thighs in what seemed to be buckets of slick warmth only to be washed away by the heavy flow from the shower head. He cried out as I felt him fill my womb with lava-hot cream, making me echo his wanton howl. Daddy knew just what to do and held his cock deep inside of me until my pulse finally slowed. I could feel his penis dwindle and smiled knowing I had satisfied him as much as he had me. He pulled his coated cock from the heat of my core and groaned. My breaths escaped as I felt empty, a feeling more sad than having never known the joys being filled would bring.

I turned around and looked into his eyes, heavy with sated wonder, glistening with the same fulfillment I had found. I stretched up as the water now beat down my lower back and cascaded over my butt. Our lips met, slowly, tenuously exploring the after glow of our mutual climax. I felt the water begin to cool and giggled knowing we had completely depleted the water heater. He had always told me to take quick showers so that wouldn't happen. I giggled again as I stepped to the side and looked down as a rush of water rinsed his swollen but soft dick. He smiled and lifted his palm against my juncture, his fingers bending to again assault my pussy. I yelped with the memory of our love-making as my tummy rumbled and my sheath filled yet again with creamy nectar.

He leaned around me as his hand departed from my groin and turned off the shower. I saw, but couldn't believe it, as he went to one knee and pulled his hand into my groin, his mouth capturing my cunt again. I tangled my fingers into his hair and moaned as his tongue slipped in and out scooping my honey from its crater. “Oh God Daddy,” I moaned as he fucked me with his mouth and tongue. My hips thrust against his face as he found a way to get me to cum again. A scream echoed from the tile walls and he retreated after he lapped me clean.

My legs were shaking so badly I had to hold onto his head and shoulder to stay upright. He chuckled and looked up at his baby girl as if to say, “Uh huh, I knew you'd weaken before I did.” He rose to his feet and stepped out of the tub, his hand still holding me upright. I let him help me from the world of joy and pleasure and stood as he dried me off with a gentle circular caress. He even wrapped my lengthy hair in a towel before drying himself, the whole time watching me with a lilt of disbelief to his gaze. I took his hand and followed him on shaky legs to his bed. We laid down side by side, our faces turned to look deep into each other's eyes. He sighed and whispered, “Baby girl, you are no baby any longer. We have eight and a half days to explore every inch of each other and I plan on using every minute of it we can.”

I rolled over, my heavy tit resting on his chest, and slipped my arm over his torso as I replied, “Daddy, I don't feel like a baby any more. I feel - ” pausing to know the right words “ - like your lover,” and stretched up to kiss his jaw. I could feel my still swollen nipple rake over his chest and was again reminded of the pleasures we had found. His hand tugged the towel from my wet hair and he smiled at the disheveled sight. “Daddy, I don't think I'm up to doing my hair tonight. Is that okay?” I asked coyly not wanting to break the perfection of the moment.

He slipped the fingers of one hand into my hair and smiled as he whispered his reply: “I don't want you to move away from me for the rest of the night.”

His lips pressed to my forehead and he pulled the comforter over us. It was instantly warm and cozy. I felt my eyes growing heavier by the minute and snuggled against my sweet Daddy, the only man I ever wanted in my life and body. We both fell asleep as our bodies felt the drain of our exercised encounter.

My dreams were of playful teasing and tickling and seemed to always end with his huge cock deep inside my womanhood as I screamed out in ecstasy. I couldn't help but feel how real it seemed in my dreams as I watched his head go between my thighs, his lips suckle on my swollen bud, his tongue swiping through the taught petals of my labia. I had never known what a wet dream was, but found out that night.

When I awoke before dawn the next morning, I kissed his jaw as he lay asleep, positioned just as he was when we fell into the bliss of comforting slumber. I slid my hand down between my legs and felt the juices of climax, I really had dreamt of his oral wonders and cum. I snuggled against him to once more sleep in his arms.

I woke again when the sun's rays first streamed into his window. He was still on his back, the comforter still covering us both, his expression one of a man too weary to awaken. I lay there gazing at the man I loved more than anything in the world. The clock read 5:45 and I knew he would wake up at 6:00 just like always, his body accustomed to it. Carefully I slipped from under the covers and went to go pee. As I wiped I couldn't help but chortle. The orgasm I had found during my dream left the tell tale crust of dried cum between my legs. I went to the sink, warmed a wash cloth and cleaned myself, smelling the honey sweet scent of my climax. I smiled knowing there would be a lot more of it before the day was out, let alone in our unchaperoned week ahead.

I walked back into the room and saw he still hadn't moved. The clock now read 5:55. I smiled as I lifted the comforter and belly crawled up between his legs. He stirred as my skin brushed over his, but didn't move much. I quickly found what I was after even in the darkness under the covers. Without touching him beforehand I slipped my mouth over his soft limber cock and swallowed it down my throat. His hips bucked up instantly against my face. I didn't let up and sucked harder as his manhood grew, and grew more. I had only taken him down my throat a few times before. He was way too thick to swallow. He growled as he tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me greedily against him. Suddenly he pushed my mouth away and pulled me up by the hair on top of him.

His eyes were filled with the fire of lust as he growled and said, “No fair, it's my job to wake you up,” and crushed his mouth against mine. He pulled me higher and tugged my legs apart, his now erect cock sliding over the petals of my hot wet cunt. He grunted and humped me from beneath without entering my sheath until I could have begged for him to fuck me. He didn't and rolled me over with him on top. “I've got to relieve myself,” he informed me, and then rolled out of the bed. I watched as he rose to his feet, his ten inch dick hard and glistening with the moisture of my pussy coating its bottom. “Don't move Sherry,” he commanded and then strode into the bathroom. When he returned his dick was soft. I couldn't believe it as my eyes opened wide with disappointment.

Instead of rejoining me in bed, without a word Daddy quickly slipped into a pair of athletic shorts, then a T-shirt. I just knew I had messed up somehow until he walked over to the bed and sat down beside me. “Sweetie,” he murmured, “I'm sorry to say this, but I'm starved. In case you don't remember all I had to eat last night was your sweet cum.” He laughed as he added: “No matter how good your cum is, or how much I prefer it to any other dish on earth, I can't live on just that and still keep up with you. I'm going to go fix breakfast, so shower or dress or whatever you think you need to do before we eat.” How could I refuse his warm, sweet, smile?

As soon as he left I went to my bathroom and plugged in the curling iron. Looking in the mirror I couldn't believe how much I had grown up in such a short time. I looked so much more mature than I had a week ago, I mused as I began fixing my hair. When I had finished it lay smooth as silk, shining like I had been to a salon. I put on a bit of lip gloss to enhance the redness from our heated kissing the night before, my lips still a bit puffier than usual.

Walking to my closet I dug through and found a nice skirt and top. The skirt was about mid thigh, but I rolled up the waistband to make it super short and nodded at the improvement. The top was low cut and thin cotton. I decided to go braless and flaunt my heavy tits for Daddy, hoping he'd do something to make the nipples bead into the hard pebbles of arousal again. Bunching the hem of the top I knotted it just beneath the swell Daddy seemed to enjoy.

Silently I made my way bare foot to the kitchen, the smells of food about to drive me crazy; bacon, eggs, hash brown potatoes, and toast. I could even smell the butter and cinnamon as it melted over the bread. I slipped into the room unnoticed and wrapped my arms around Daddy’s waist, kissing his back and pulling myself against him as he stirred the scrambled eggs in the pan.

“Ah, you're here,” he said, I’m sure with a grin even though I couldn't see it. “Just in time.” He turned in my arms and leaned down to kiss my forehead without looking lower I guessed. He probably already knew I hadn't worn a bra when I pressed my tits against his back.

“How about fixing me a cup of coffee and pouring yourself something to drink. The eggs will be done in just a minute and I'd be delighted to serve you,” he said, grinning widely as he finally looked down into the gap of my cleavage.

I smiled and did as I had been asked. I put his coffee at his usual place and set my orange juice down at my own. I looked over just as he scooped the eggs onto two plates, and sat down to be served. Thoughts of how I'd like to be served (or is it serviced?) flooded my head and brought a now familiar warmth to my center.

He carried my plate over and stood by my left side as he slid it in front of me. His hand didn't retreat without a trip to the lush breast he couldn't seem to get enough of; a quick squeeze as he leaned down and kissed my cheek all too briefly. He walked back to the counter and retrieved his own plate. He had claimed the lion’s share of bacon and eggs for himself. I didn't care; I rarely ever ate a full breakfast anyway. He surprised me when he sat down and reached over to hold my hand, the smile on his face different somehow before he spoke. “Sherry, I know we don't usually say grace, but if it's okay I'd like to give thanks this morning before we eat.”

I nodded with a slightly twisted smile of my own. I already knew what I wanted to give thanks for. He began softly as he held my hand so gently I had to think about it to know his fingers were actually moving over my skin.

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“I give thanks,” he began, “I have been blessed in so many ways. Enough food to nourish me and my family, and enough family to take my wife away at just the right time.” His eyes turned to me as he blushed slightly, “Enough love to know that Sherry will forever be the only woman I want, the only one that can satisfy my every desire. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful daughter and allowing us to share ourselves with such beauty and grace. Amen.”

He had spoken directly to my heart. I could have melted on the spot as he professed his love with such deep feeling. Rolling my hand over I tangled my fingers in his and just smiled. Nothing more need be said as I murmured “Amen.”

As we ate we chatted about what we'd do that day, and made plans for another driving lesson. Funny how such an innocuous event as a father teaching his child to drive had come to change our lives forever. I agreed and only hoped nobody would run into us again. We sure didn't need me to be out of commission for even a day now. Our bodies craved each others and we both knew that at every chance we'd be locked in embrace or tangled in the throes of sexual delights. When we finished eating he smiled and told me since he cooked I had to do the dishes. I only faked a pouty routine as he went to get ready for our driving lesson. He planned on me having my license before mom returned even if she didn't have to know right away so we could still escape after she did to have time alone.

I dug in hurriedly to get the kitchen cleaned up as he went to dress. I heard the shower running and figured he wanted to be sure the smell of our sex was gone before we left the house. I was just putting the last pan away as he returned. “Hi Daddy,” I cooed as I eyed his dockers and neat sports shirt. “You sure look nice,” I finished as I winked at him naughtily. I could see his body tense, but he stepped over as I slid the pan into the cabinet under the counter. His hand slipped up beneath my skirt and he snickered. “What?” I asked as he discovered I hadn't only gone braless, but commando as well. He waited until I stood back up and turned to face him, then wiggled two fingers over which he had draped a nice black thong. I knew he wouldn't let me get behind the wheel without underwear. Damn it! I guess I was lucky though - he knew I was braless and hadn't brought one of those as well. He knelt down in front of me and I raised one foot and then the other as he slipped the thong on for me. I parted my feet as much as needed and lifted the hem of the skirt up to my waist. I saw his eyes fix on my bare smooth mound as the fabric slid up slowly, much more slowly than it needed to. “Daddy” I meowed, “Would you kiss my pussy before we go?”

He puckered up and planted a kiss right atop of the swell of my clit. I groaned and slid my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer. He obliged me and licked through the valley of his heaven as my body shook with instant want. All too soon he quit and stood up saying, “Sweetie, if I do any more of that the only driving we'll get done today will be ten inches at a time.” I giggled in reply as he finished tugging the thong in place, making sure the fabric covered the wet flower by sliding his fingers over it a few times as my body began to suffer the lack of a cock probing it.

“Daddy, you’re so bad,” I chirped as he stood up. “You know I wouldn't mind driving ten inches at a time all day long.” laughing with soft sultry tones that I fancied were seductive.

His manhood was swollen and straining under the fabric of his pant leg. I knew then that he wasn't wearing any briefs, and probably not boxers either. I could see every detail of his cock and loved it that he was getting hard just for me.

We got into the car with me behind the wheel and locked our seat belts. I was really apprehensive since it was the first time I would be driving since the accident. But without a word Daddy rested his hand on my shoulder and set me at ease. He directed me down one street and then another, turns and straightaways. He even made me parallel park on a street in a quiet neighborhood. I did pretty well; it only took two tries to get close enough to the curb. He leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek to show his approval. I would have loved to turn my face and kiss him more deeply, but there were a couple of girls walking by at just the wrong moment.

We ended up turning in to a smallish strip mall. He told me to park out away from the shops. When I asked “Why?” he replied: “I have to run into one...

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Written by slipperysherry
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