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Daddy’s Grown Up ‘Little Girl’ – 3

"Melissa realises her dream of becoming a woman in Daddy’s bed!"

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Reading parts 1 and 2 first would give you a clearer idea of my ultimate fantasy and I would be thrilled to get your comments (and votes) good or bad, it really is nice to know what you think. Love Nikki xx

I had been in the shower for ages but wanted everything to be perfect for Daddy tonight and I could hardly wait to try the new dress he had bought me especially for the event. Tonight was definitely going to be the night and the thought gave me goosebumps. The body mop seemed to mock my straining nipples so I discarded it, splashing more gel into my hands and caressing them gently, cupping my breasts just as I hoped Daddy would when we got back tonight!

It was Daddy’s work's dinner-dance tonight and he was taking me for the first time now that she was gone and I wanted to look very special for him, hoping he would show me off a little but it was what would happen later that really got me aroused. Daddy had promised he was going to do what I had hoped he would for so long, take away my virginity at last!

My hair always takes ages to blow-dry and I was getting impatient, I had a lot of work to do on it courtesy of a hairdressing course I had done a couple of years ago and I knew it would take forever to get it just right. It’s quite long and I wanted it right up, scooped onto the top of my head in a tight Grecian style leaving my neck and shoulders bare and uncluttered, perfect for my low-cut strapless dress!

A girl has to make the most of her assets and mine were definitely my boobs, 38D to be exact and at barely five foot tall in my highest heels they were fairly prominent and tonight I was going to exploit them to the full!

The hair was nearly done when I heard Daddy going into the shower and I knew I had to get a move on, bobbing around my bedroom like a demented idiot. Two, no three extra squirts of my favorite perfume, ‘Touch of Pink’, filled the room and bathed me in its fragrance which would hopefully last the evening, at least until Daddy finally unveiled me!

Underwear was easy, no bra needed with the strapless number I was planning, and black lace panties so sheer they would not leave the dreaded VPL (for the guys - visible panty line!) beneath the dress.

In readiness I had my legs waxed a few days ago and they were as smooth as silk, just a light rub over with baby oil and they shone beautifully, and yes, I had my other ‘area’ waxed at the same time!

My favorite silver strappy sandals with five-inch stiletto heels were calling out to me and now it was time for the dress. Daddy had paid for it but I had chosen it of course, like most men his idea of the perfect dress would probably be a French Maids outfit or something!

When in doubt, go for the LBD (again, for the guys – little black dress!) but with a difference, this little number was strapless and cut low and I just hoped Daddy liked it because he hadn’t seen it yet. It wasn’t a tight fit but a snug one and I do some wriggling to get it up over my boobs, managing to get the zip up but unable to deal with the clasp just out of reach behind me.

Looking back at myself in the long mirror I knew this was just what I had been after, plain and simple yet sophisticated in an uncomplicated way and the shoes looked fantastic. Tottering around my bedroom I knew I should have worn them a bit around the house for a few days because I really felt as if I was on stilts!

I couldn’t wait to show off to Daddy and sidled off down to his room, just about getting confidence in my heels by the time I got to his door. I hadn’t thought to knock and burst straight in catching him just finishing toweling off his hair, he was stark naked!

“Oh god, Daddy, I’m sorry,” I blurted beginning to swivel on my stilettos.

“That’s okay, sweetheart,” he said finishing with the small towel, he made no attempt to cover himself and I found myself looking at his beautiful body open mouthed. “Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous Princess,” he announced.

I was glad he wasn’t angry so I relaxed, relieved he like the outfit and strutting towards him like some catwalk model showing off the latest must have. “Do you like my dress Daddy?”

“You are so beautiful baby,” he fought a lump in his throat. “I am so very proud of my little girl.”

“Oh Daddy, I was sure you would like it,” I trilled, over the moon at his words, I did a twirl and surprised myself by not falling off my shoes. Daddy’s approval was not just confined to words; his cock began to rise inexorably right in front of me.

“I have something for you sweetheart,” he said reaching into his bedside drawer.

He handed me a small black box. Opening it slowly I squealed at the surprise, a gold chain with a single diamond pendant, it was huge and glinted blindingly from the black velvet lining of the box.

“Oh my god, Daddy, it’s fabulous. Is it really for me?”

“Just for you Princess, here let me put it on for you.”

He fingered it out of the box and slung it around my neck from behind me, clasping it gently before clasping the back of my dress, then he turned me around to face him, leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I melted instantly, my hand instinctively finding his hard cock and curling around it, playing slowly with its wonderful length.

He pushed me to arms length. “Save that for later,” he said softly.

I let go of his cock, reluctantly. “You will keep your promise Daddy?”

“You will stay with me, in my bed tonight baby,” he whispered. “By tomorrow you will be a fully fledged young woman.”

“Oh Daddy,” I said almost crying, “I really do love you.”

“I love you too sweetheart, now off you go to your room; we’ll be leaving very soon.”

With that he spun me on my heels and gave me a smart smack on the bottom as I headed for the door. I almost had an orgasm in my pants!

There were a lot of people there and Daddy knew so many of them, as head of a large department there were people he worked with everyday but I only wanted to meet one of them, Mia!

“Sweetheart, this is Mia,” Daddy enthused pushing me towards a beautiful woman with long curly fiery red hair. “Mia, this is my little girl Melissa.”

I shrunk a little at his use of ‘little girl’ and stuck my breasts out as far as the dress would allow.

“Hi Melissa,” she cooed offering me a small but very nicely manicured hand. “Your father has told me so much about you.”

Mia is Daddy’s PA and I had no idea she was so young! She couldn’t be more than a couple of years older than me, twenty maybe twenty-one and she was really pretty. I didn’t know what to say so kept quiet, eying her up, wondering if I liked her or not!

Daddy had embraced her and given her a kiss on the cheek and I began to question whether she was a little more than just his PA. She was a little bit skinnier than me, probably about a dress size eight against my ten and her boobs were smaller but her legs were very shapely and feelings of jealousy were creeping over me.

“Oh,” she said suddenly eying up my new pendant, “a present from your father?”

How could she know that, then it clicked. “You chose it for him, didn’t you?”

Mia blushed a little then defensively quickly added. “Not chose, just advised. You know how useless men are at these things. Do you like it?”

I fingered it gently. “I love it, Daddy is really generous.”

“I know,” she began, then again countered quickly. “I know because I know how much it cost.”

“You like Daddy, don’t you?” I had to find out more about her.

“Yes,” she answered candidly. “He is a very kind man. He gave me this job when no one else would touch me.”

“Why would no one touch you?”

“My background,” she said almost shyly.

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“My parents were both killed when I was about two so I grew up in an orphanage with my brother who was four at the time, then eventually with several foster parents.”

Her openness shocked me and I suddenly felt really guilty. “Oh, I really am so sorry,” I begged.

“One of those things,” she shrugged. “I went to secretarial college but until your father interviewed me I was out of my league, he is a very nice man, probably the nicest man I have ever met, more like the father I would have liked to have. You are very lucky.”

Suddenly I had softened towards her. “I know I am,” then turning to see him coming back with a tray of drinks, “he’s lovely.”

I was glad when the evening eventually wound down and huddled next to Daddy in the back of the taxi home.

“You looked sensational tonight Princess,” he whispered kissing me on the side of the head. I reckoned the driver thought he was an older guy with a young promise for the night and he would be right!

“Thank you Daddy,” I whispered back, stroking my hand over his bulge, it got bigger almost instantly. “How can I repay you for this wonderful gift?”

He glanced into my bosom. “It looks perfect on you sweetheart.”

“I’m not taking it off,” I squeaked, hardly able to get the words out for my excited shallow breathing. “I’ll take everything else off, but not this.” My fingers traced the outline of his growing cock then we arrived home.

It seemed strange to be in Daddy’s bedroom, alone with him as he removed his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt. I just had to feel his chest, running my fingers through his wiry hair, his muscular body hard yet beautiful, I buried my face in it then looked up at him as he leaned down and kissed me. His lips were soft but searching, urgently seeking mine, sucking onto me like a limpet, his hands working at my back, unclasping the dress and slowly pulling down its zip.

Stepping back from him I shrugged the dress from my boobs and let it drop to the floor, making sure I studied Daddy’s face as he feasted on my assets, the assets he had given me all those years ago, neatly wrapped in lace panties and a pair of shoes, and of course my pendant!

Stepping back to him he immediately caressed my top, playing gently with my breasts and nipples with both hands, then kissing them, sucking gently on my rock hard nubs. Not waiting for an invitation I sank to the floor, kneeling right in front of him and fingered his zip, easing it down before delving inside. God he was hard!

I pulled his awesome cock through the small opening and massaged him gently back and forth, savoring the feel of him in my hands, using both along its generous length. He stroked my hair as I lashed his mushroom with my tongue, teasing the tiny slit on its end with my tip then licking every part of it. Beads of precum appeared like perspiration and I lapped them up eagerly, savoring the salty tang on my tongue before devouring it all, right up to his hilt almost choking on its size before sliding my lips from it.

His hand moved more urgently on the back of my head as I began to suck him rhythmically, using the knowledge gained over the last couple of weeks leading up to this special night, my night.

“You taste delicious Daddy,” I said between breaths, using my hand to keep his enjoyment at its peak before taking him back in my mouth.

“Let me see if you taste as good,” he said masterfully, urging me to my feet.

Tottering on my heels he turned me to his bed and gently eased me back onto it into a half sitting position, drawing down my panties, sliding them silently down my legs and over my high heels. Kneeling by the bed he parted my legs and for the first time since puberty saw my exposed pussy lips and I nearly fainted.

“Ooooh! Daddy,” I gasped as his head skilfully negotiated my thighs, “Oh god Daddy,” as his tongue flicked around my clit. I thought I would never breathe in again, winded and dazed as he licked me everywhere before entering me, sucking my juice and searching me with his mouth. Dreams don’t come any closer and this was something else, much better, out of this world and I didn’t want it to stop.

Daddy stood up and undid his belt, dropping his trousers before kicking them away, shoes, socks and lastly his shorts, standing naked before reaching for me and gently lifting me into position in the centre of his bed. Then he was on top of me, hovering effortlessly above me looking deeply into my eyes as I did his and then his hard erection nuzzled against my entrance.

“Oh Daddy,” I gasped, “please do it.”

Suddenly his bulb pushed gently against me and popped into my pussy and I let out a howl, gripping his neck with both arms as more of him entered me. I arched my back against the sheer size of it and spread my legs as wide as they would go, my pencil thin heels waving towards the ceiling as he impaled me on his whole length.

The sounds I was making didn’t sound like me at all but I knew it was me. Daddy had reared between my thighs using his strength to lift me from the bed, bearing me down further onto him, his body thrusting me slowly at first then increasingly more urgent. I was little more than a doll, almost lifeless on the end of his wild cock as he took full control over me, holding me in just the right position for his use. I was a passenger on the trip of a lifetime!

Daddy’s manly musky body odour invaded my every sense sweetening the feel of his rampant cock inside me, draining me of every last drop of excitement and replacing it with a fervent desire for even more.

“Oh god Daddy, please don’t stop.” Every wish I had ever had was coming true right at that moment and then I came, flooding him with a tide of passionate love juice, Daddy slid from me gently and streaked my tummy with his boiling hot cream.

I was exhausted but I wanted to taste him, wriggling from beneath him to get to his wilting cock, fingering it gently before guiding it into my mouth. Tightening around its still semi-hard form I sucked him hard, nodding my head rapidly as if giving it the kiss of life. Daddy surged back to fully hard and quickly let go a last flush, straight to the back of my throat, me swallowing eagerly not willing to waste a drop.

I slept soundly, still half beneath Daddy when I finally stirred with the shafts of sun streaking through the window. Daddy made a few sounds then flicked wide awake as if suddenly switched on.

“Hi sweetheart,” he said huskily. “You okay?”

“Oh yes Daddy,” I squeaked. Actually I was in teen heaven having finally shed my virginity!

His hand brushed through my hair as he gazed into my still foggy eyes, the scent of his body mingling with the last vestiges of my perfume. I reached down and felt for his cock, entwining my fingers around it as he grew rapidly to my touch, my nipples popping up like cherries, my pussy tingling with anticipation. His cock had hardened to hot steel in my hand.

“Please Daddy, will you do it again?” I was almost begging rather than asking.

“Are you sure Princess?”

“Oh god yes,” I breathed. He moved to get across me and I instantly snuggled into the warm gap he left, spreading my legs obligingly beneath him. His cock snaked up the inside of my thigh leaving a warm trail of precum as it sought out my slit, prodding me tenuously before homing in and parting my pussy lips. He was inside me in an instant and gaining depth much more quickly than last night, his cock-head heading directly for my love-button and finding it gently.

“Oh Daddy,” I gasped, “oh ... ahhhhh!”

The breath left my lips and didn’t seem to stop, his cock deflating me under his gyrating hips before pumping me back to life. I clutched him fiercely as he fucked me to the brink of extinction then squealed as his hot liquid surged into me like molten lava. Daddy was sucking my nipples each in turn as he came, his whole body convulsing with each rush of cum and then we both fell to earth simultaneously.

Daddy had finally made me a woman and I felt truly blessed.

Written by NikkiP
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