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Cumming Of Age

"Looking for greater stimulation of my senses I find a pair of panties with my sister still in them."

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As an active teenager back in the 70's, I was always on the lookout for sources of mental and visual stimulation of the female kind. I found the so called "Men's Entertainment" magazines (Playboy and Penthouse) photo and information-packed, which was certainly preferable to having to resort to the lingerie and swimsuit adds of the department store catalogs.

 For me, the former involved sneaking into my parents bedroom and rummaging through my Dad's nightstand, then trying to remember exactly how he had everything when I returned it. That habit made me nervous, because being caught would result in dire consequences.
I found my middle of the road stimulation in my older sisters Cosmopolitan magazine subscription. I enjoyed gazing at the attractive models and reading the monthly "Sex Tips", even though I lacked a girlfriend to practice with at the time.
I had just turned 17 that month and was hoping Santa will bring me some lean muscle in a box, since I didn't get it for my birthday. Still waiting to add to my ultra lean physique of 165 pounds packed on a 6'2" frame; with brown hair and eyes. Though I was considered the "Class Clown" being tall, thin and shy apparently wasn't the right combination for being in demand with the local young ladies.

My sister Teresa is two years older than me, having turned 19 two months after graduating high school this past Summer. She's quite easy going at 5'7",120 pounds, with long brown hair, green eyes, and full C cups. Teresa and I have always gotten along rather well growing up and until that morning I had never thought of her in a sexual way.

This particular December morning finds me in the bathroom I shared with my sister, getting ready for school. I lifted the lid on the laundry hamper to toss in my dirty laundry when I noticed a pair of panties sitting on top of the pile. The crotch just happened to be staring at me,a long white stain embedded into the fabric. I felt a stirring in my groin as I reached down and lifted them out of the basket. I held the crotch of the panties to my nose and breathed in deeply.
"This must be how women smelled." I thought to myself.

 I liked it. A lot. Not wanting to miss the school bus, my new discovery would have to wait. 

That afternoon, after getting home from school I walked about the house with my short sexual aids shopping list. I opened my Mom's photo album and took out a couple photos my Mom had taken of Teresa and I sunning ourselves on the back deck that past Summer. Staring at the photo of Teresa, in her revealing bikini I wondered how I somehow missed her transformation from my sister into this really stunning sensual woman.

Turning back to the mission at hand, I went into my sisters bedroom and grabbed her latest copy of Cosmopolitan magazine and brought my visual treasures into the bathroom. I flipped through the pages looking for a model that looked most like Teresa and then removed her panties from the laundry basket. With the open magazine on the vanity and Teresa's revealing sun worshiping photos on the side I started stroking my penis with my sisters cream stained panties.

That's about when I heard the front door slam and footsteps running up the stairs.
"Are you almost done in there? I've got to pee real bad." Came Teresa's desperate sounding voice through the door.

I suddenly felt odd standing there with Teresa's panties wrapped around my hard penis with her waiting for an answer from me on the other side of the door.
"Yep, I'll be right out." I responded, my voice sounding funny to me.

The spell was broken, Teresa was my sister again. I bookmarked my place in the magazine with Teresa's panties and bikini photos and slid them underneath the clothes hamper, figuring I'd pick up my fantasy where I left off after Teresa's car pulled back out of the driveway.

I called down the hallway that the bathroom was free and took refuge in my bedroom. I heard Teresa's hurried footsteps coming down the hallway from her bedroom. After a short time I heard the bathroom door open and a few seconds later I became aware of Teresa's head poking through my partially opened bedroom door.
"Hey there brother, are you having a good day?" Teresa asked me with her natural smile.
"Yeah, pretty good." I replied, keeping it close ended, to hurry her on her way.
"Thanks for letting me use the bathroom, I really had to go. I'm heading into town to do some last minute Christmas shopping, did you want to tag along?"

"No thanks. I've got a lot of homework that I wanted to get done before dinner."

Teresa smiled my way. "Okay, have fun, I'm off."
With that Teresa was down the stairs and out the front door. I watched through my curtains as she walked down the driveway to her car. For the first time I appreciated how her sweater clung to her shapely breasts, the way her long brown hair seemed to caress the nape of her neck in slow motion, and the sway of her heart shaped hips and ass in her tight jeans. Then she was gone.

In the clear, I dashed back into the bathroom and tipped the clothes hamper back to retrieve my sisters bikini photos and magazine along with her musky panties. They were gone. I picked up the hamper and looked underneath hoping somehow everything was stuck to the bottom. Panic! Nothing! Not only was my plan ruined, my sister was onto my latest kink.

"How would I explain this to mom and dad when Teresa told them?" I asked myself; heart racing.

 I knew I was in trouble. My stomach was in knots.

That night at the dinner table I avoided Teresa's eyes, looking to my parents for any clue that they were preparing to evict me and rent out my room. Nothing. My Dad reminded us of our aunt and uncles plans to stop in from South Carolina, on their way to Vermont for their New Years celebration. Teresa would have to give up her bedroom to them and share my room. He'd be getting a cot for me to sleep on and Teresa could have my bed. I was sure they'd change that plan when Teresa let them know about my transgressions. I didn't dare look in her direction for the rest of dinner.

Christmas arrived, and with no drama, I was sure I was in the clear. I had no idea why Teresa didn't tell our parents or confront me, but I was grateful on both counts. After exchanging our gifts to each other Teresa mentioned she had forgotten she had one more gift for me.
[In our family tradition that's code for either: You're about to receive that BIG gift you were waiting all along for or prepare yourself for some sort of gag gift.]
Teresa reached underneath the cushion of the couch and pulled out my present. Since it was in the shape of a magazine I had figured it was the latest Bicycling or Photography magazine. I tore through the wrapping paper, under the watchful eyes of all, to find the January issue of Cosmopolitan. My face turned beet red in front of Teresa and my parents.
"Why would your brother want that?" my Mother questioned.

"Because he's always stealing mine." Teresa returned.

I laughed and mumbled something defensively as I tossed the magazine aside, feigning disinterest to take my mother off guard.
After dinner I brought my Christmas gifts up to my room figuring I'd settle down and read my very own Cosmo magazine from cover to cover in privacy. As I pulled my pillow out from under my bedspread, to lay on, a small package fell out; wrapped in Christmas paper.
The tag read: To: Michael, From: Santa.
I tore open the gift fully expecting another gag gift. There in my hand was a beautiful pair of Black French cut panties. They looked brand new with the exception of the huge white stain in the crotch area. I held them to my nose and breathed in deeply. Surely, this must be the meaning of "Saving the best for last." I didn't question Teresa's motivation for this unusual gift. All I cared about was I had my very own pair of "womanized" panties that I wouldn't have to give back.

For the next few days Teresa would just smile her knowing smile my way whenever we passed or found ourselves in the same room together. Being too embarrassed about the situation I couldn't bring myself to thank her for her thoughtfulness. I kept her soiled panties in my pillow case so I would have them close at bedtime.

With New Years approaching my Dad came home with the promised cot that was going to be my bed for the night my aunt and uncle stayed over. I set it up in my room and my mother helped wrap the thin plastic mattress in sheets and I added the pillow from my bed for the finishing touch. Looking down at the finished cot I rationalized it looked more comfortable than camping on the hard ground.

Later that afternoon my aunt and uncle showed up as planned. Over dinner we caught up on their activities since we last spoke. The conversation went on into the evening until becoming sleepy, I excused myself and headed up to bed. Laying on the cot, listening to the murmur of conversations off in the distance, I reached into my pillowcase and pulled out Teresa's panties. Breathing in their comforting musk, I felt my body relaxing.

Resting Teresa's panties across my face I ran my free hand across my chest touching my nipples, feeling them tingle beneath the sheets; an electrical connection to my groin. Letting thoughts of Teresa's body, clothed only in her panties, run through my mind I continued slowly stroking my swelling penis; trying to make my fantasy last.

I would picture Teresa on her back with her legs spread staring up at me with longing eyes. The crotch of her panties stretched tight against her pubic mound, her wetness seeping into the thin material. Then she would be on her hands and knees with her milky breasts hanging with puckered nipples; panties tight across her buttocks, her pussy lips pushing against the cotton crotch; pleading attention. My thoughts froze as I heard the stairs creek. Someone was coming, and it wasn't me. Stuffing Teresa's panties back into my pillow case, I pretended to be asleep as the door to my bedroom slowly opened. 

Teresa padded into my bedroom.

"Are you awake?" Teresa asked in a whisper.

Using my best acting skills I continued feigning sleep through slitted eyelids. I said nothing. Teresa continued over to the bed and I heard the button pop on her jeans; the seeming loud slide of the zipper. With her back to me I saw Teresa's hands move to push her jeans down over her shapely hips and thighs. With my eyes straining in the darkness, I watched breathlessly as she bent over even further, revealing her light colored panties as she removed her jeans.
Teresa's hands went to the hem of her clingy sweater and pulled it up over her head, seemingly in slow motion with her back arched. I appreciated the way that made her torso seem longer, her breasts arc outwards and accentuating her ribcage. Afraid to blink, on the chance I'd miss one moment, I continued to gaze her way. Thankful for every bit of light that reflected off her body. I felt like a painter, studying his subject before putting brush to easel. 

Teresa was standing mere feet from me in her bra and panties! She turned my way, I imagined to reassure herself that I was indeed asleep, before removing her bra and slipping her night dress over her head. Thank you moon, streetlight and stars. I reached down to adjust my aching penis, the weight of the blankets becoming uncomfortable. Apparently my adjustment wasn't as silent as I thought. Turning towards me, Teresa closing the distance between us and looked down at me.
"I know you're awake," she said accusingly, as she headed back to her bed and climbed in.

After an eternity of seconds of deafening silence Teresa's voice penetrated the darkness.

"Did Santa bring you anything interesting this year?"
"Yes, he sure did." was my only reply.
"I understand you have your needs, but I was really surprised when I found you were being turned on by my panties." Teresa paused. "You're my brother."

Emboldened by the darkness, I confessed to only just having discovered them.
"I have a hard time explaining it to myself.

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It's almost like they called out to me. I felt an urge to know what they smelled like. I don't know what I expected, but I found I really liked the way they smelled. I don't know if all women smell that way, but your scent changed something inside of me. That morning, after breathing you in, you weren't just my sister anymore. I don't know if this makes sense. Then when I realized you found everything and took it I got scared. I didn't want to lose what we had just because my hormones were going crazy. I was too embarrassed and couldn't say anything."

Teresa didn't say anything for so long I thought I had volunteered too much information. Just as the darkness threatened to be my only companion for the rest of the evening I heard her voice.

"You thought I was going to rat you out to mom and dad?" 

Teresa's hushed laughter was musical but it twisted my insides with the memory of it.

"I put my bikini pictures back in mom's photo album that night. To tell you the truth, I became very wet driving to the store that afternoon. It turned me on wondering what you were thinking while playing with my photos and panties. I decided to pick up a pair, just for you, while I was finishing my Christmas shopping. I put them on that afternoon when I got home so they'd absorb the results of my wondering."

"Thanks Teresa, I really like them. There's something about panties, hiding the big mystery, like wrapping paper on a special gift. And you went through the trouble personalizing them for me really turned my blood hot when I noticed."

"Would you like to smell the real thing?" Teresa asked in a strong half whisper.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not daring to believe what I thought I heard.

"Come over here silly." Teresa returned almost like laughter.

Not wanting to seem too eager I waited a while before I slid off my luxurious creaky cot and crawled towards Teresa, laying sideways in my former bed. She pulled back the covers spinning her body towards me.
Staring at Teresa as she slowly lifted her night dress to just below her breasts, revealing the light colored French cut panties I remembered from earlier. I could fee the hair standing up on the back of my neck.
"Are you sure?" I asked. I hated myself while saying it, on the chance Teresa would change her mind.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's okay, really." Teresa confided, staring into my pleading eyes.

I leaned in closer, gently pressing my nose and lips against her raised mound searching gently for any nuance; taking advantage of her offer. After much deep breathing on my part I gently kissed her crease through the thin cotton material. Teresa pulled her knees further apart giving me full access to her most intimate area. I chanced letting my tongue run the length of the cotton crotch and Teresa gasped at the sensation.
"Your scent is much stronger like this than just your laundry panties." I reported.

Emboldened with raging hormones, I reached for Teresa's hips with my hands and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed; closer to my hungry mouth and nose. My brain was alive with taking in all this new and exciting information. My fingers noting how soft, yet firm, Teresa's skin was just above her pelvic bones. The taut smoothness of her belly.

"Your humming is sending vibrations through me." Teresa whispered as she wrapped her thighs around my ears and pulled the covers over my head.
Teresa's panties became thoroughly soaked from my licking and gentle biting; I couldn't seem to get enough of her essence. I wanted to coat myself with her intoxicating scent. After a time Teresa reached down and pulled the crotch of her panties aside giving me access to the source of my curiosity; her other hand applying pressure on the back of my head. With my sister having unwrapped her special gift, I had no intentions of trying to escape. My nose and tongue explored her folds with great interest.
I was immediately amazed at the erotic combination of her smoothness and taste. I measured Teresa's reactions to whether I ran my tongue up and down or side to side. Short darting strokes verses long. Slow and fast. I remember reading in "Forum" where some guy said he liked tracing the letters of the alphabet with his tongue on his lovers vagina. Perhaps Teresa would like that too. Like slow dancing, at the High School sponsored dances, I was aware of how wonderful the experience was; that I didn't want the song to end. As long as Teresa's body was willing to create this sweet tasting nectar I was eager to lap it up.

"Did people know about this I wondered? I knew all about roller coasters, ice cream, body surfing the waves at the beach, and skateboarding but something this wonderful should be talked about. How come I never heard of this before?"

I noted how Teresa's nectar felt cool on my nose in the steamy atmosphere beneath the blankets. How it would pool...

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Written by shutterbug63
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