Maddi dropped her phone on the bathroom floor and returned her head to the toilet and retched. Memories of the past night swirled in her head like water down the flushing bowl. Then clear, watery vomit filled the bowl again. Maddi wished her camera wasn’t so good—she could see the muscles in her scrawny throat work as she swallowed her sister’s cum. She vomited again.
And she hadn’t even addressed Diana’s threat. What started as a means to protect herself from her sister, now terrified her more than anything. “I wish I never fucking made this.” She spat out a thick wad of saliva. “What good is a blackmail video if I’m too chicken to use?” Maddi carried no doubt that Diana would kill her if she knew.
Once the taste of bile faded from her tortured throat, Maddi slugged from the bathroom and down the stairs. The searing morning rays cut through the stained glass windows on the massive winding staircase and burned her eyes. She shielded her face the best she could as she made her way by memory to the kitchen. She saw Christy and Diana first, sitting at the white-marbled table munching on sausage links and toast.
“There’s the third one.” Rochelle Masters smiled, towering over the oven as she moved food to a new plate. “I knew I had more progeny running around here.” She stood at 6’3”, and checked all the boxes for Amazonian warrior. Her straight blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail that hit her below her shoulders. She beckoned for Maddi to join her at the oven, wrapping her arm around her daughter once she was in reach. “How are you, Madison?”
“Good. Thanks, mom.” When Rochelle moved the plate toward Maddi, the girl recoiled and gagged. “N—no thanks, mom.” She went to fill a glass with tap water. “I’m on a liquid diet for now.”
“How’s that different from any other day?” Diana said under her breath, smirking.
“Leave her alone, Diana,” Rochelle scolded. “Okay then, Maddi. If any of you girls need me, I’ll be in the study.”
As Maddi watched her mom leave the kitchen, she noticed the two-inch black heels she wore. She shook her head. Even during the few flashes of maternal instinct she showed, Rochelle was still ready for a dinner party. Without addressing her half-sisters, she followed her mother to the study where the woman had already taken a seat on the small beige sofa. Rochelle turned to the bookshelf embedded in the wall behind her and pulled out a brown leather-bound journal. Maddi hovered at the open entrance with nervous energy balled in her stomach before knocking on the doorway.
“Hey mom?” Maddi poked her head in. “Can we talk?” Rochelle patted the seat next to her without looking up from the journal she opened—and Maddi’s heart dropped because of it. “Mom, I’d really like to be your child again for a few minutes. Before I say what I have to say.”
Rochelle looked up with a puzzled look. “Okay,” she said.
Maddi rushed to lay on the couch and buried her head in Rochelle’s lap. “Mom, you’re going to be a grandmother,” she blurted. “I got someone pregnant last month.”
Rochelle smirked. She ran her fingers through Maddi’s silty hair. “Honey, you’re 22. I was wondering what was taking so long.”
“I haven’t even finished college yet,” Maddi cried. “What am I going to do?”
But her mother rolled her eyes. “Goodness, Madison. You’re acting like you’re strapped for cash. We have plenty of money. Why do you think we’re slumming in this 4-bedroom shack? You know I’ll buy tiny houses for the mothers of any babies you girls make.”
“I know. But--” Maddi bit her lip and picked herself up from Rochelle’s lap. She wiped her snotty nose with her palm and sniffled. “I actually want to be there for my children. And their moms.”
“Children?” Rochelle sharpened a glare. “Are you having more than one?” She watched Maddi wince and nod, kicking herself for the clumsy language slip. “Okay, my busy little beaver.” She extended her arms and pulled Maddi in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Why don’t we get these girls squared away before the babies come, and you pick the one you’re in love with and marry her?”
Maddi fiddle with her fingers, picking at her uneven nails as she sighed. “I don’t know who I love. I love them all.”
“Now you sound like me before I met Diana and Christy’s mother,” Rochelle smirked. “No matter how many girlfriends I had, I always went back to her.”
Maddi tried to smile, but her lips straightened. “You loved their mom?”
“Very much so,” she said solemnly. “She loved me too, but she loved drugs more. She blamed herself for Christy being born with special needs and she was incorrigible afterwards. I stopped seeing her for a long while, but eventually hooked up again and out comes Diana.” Rochelle dabbed her eyes. “Thank god there’s nothing wrong with Diana.”
Maddi wanted to laugh—and cry.
Maddi squeezed the bottle until it squirted a handful of cocoa butter in her palm and rubbed her hands together. She made sure they were nice and warm before applying them to Savannah’s stomach. The girl moaned as Maddi worked her fingers around the start of the girl’s baby bump.
“Goodness, Maddi.” Savannah writhed her naked body on top of Maddi’s bed, the plush blankets threatening to engulf her. “That feels so good.”
Maddi smiled noticing her flawless caramel skin now extended between her legs. “You’ve shaved your pussy.” She trailed her fingers along her thighs and across her clit. “Is this for me?”
Savannah laughed, slapping Maddi’s hand away. “Just make sure this baby doesn’t give me stretch marks.”
“I think they’d be beautiful,” Maddi relished. Her slick, wet fingers traced delicate patterns in the lotion. “These subtle reminders of your womanhood, of me, and our child. I’m kinda envious.” Maddi’s thumb pressed deep into Savannah’s thigh. The girl moaned as her muscle tensed and relaxed.
“That was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.” Savannah choked back a tear. She flipped around and hovered near Maddi’s crotch. “I think you’ve earned something special.” Savannah opened her mouth and pursed her lips around the cock before her. “Mmm…” She hummed, flicking her tongue against Maddi’s throbbing head.
“Oh!” Maddi gasped and tilted her head back, lips purse as she let Savannah swallow her hardness. “Goddamn, my beautiful little cocksucker.” She stroked the girl’s kinky dark hair, watching her head bob between her legs. The dripping warmth of Savannah’s mouth brought Maddi to a quick finish. She watched Savannah’s cheeks bloat to hold the flowing seed. As her orgasm left her breathless, it gave her an extra thrill to hear Savannah’s timid gulping as she worked Maddi's cum down her throat.
“Good morning, ladies!” Diana sang as she crashed through the bedroom. Maddi and Savannah jumped apart and covered themselves as best they could when the door slapped against the wall. “Whoa, don’t be so bashful,” she giggled. “I’m a big girl.” Her eyes came over Savannah as she finished wiping her mouth. “Savannah sweetie, however does she taste?”
“Why?” Savannah said with a sassy, incredulous face.
Diana stepped back and shrugged. “I was just thinking. Sometimes our stuff tastes like whatever we eat. Just wondering what it tastes like when you eat nothing.” She capped her jab with a disingenuous smile. “Savannah, I know we’ll be family soon with that Masters fetus you’ve got in there. But can you excuse my sister and I for a minute? Family business.”
Savannah sharpened her glare until Maddi laid her hand on the girl’s shoulder. “No, you stay in bed, honey.” Maddi said, and then “Diana, we can just step outside, yes?”
“My, my.” Diana’s tone was jocular but hushed. “She certainly has her hooks in you.”
“Can I help you with anything?” Maddi pushed her bedroom door shut and leaned on it with all her weight. “My mom’s gone and I need to make Savannah breakfast.”
Diana mouthed 'wow' before speaking. “I overheard our mother on the phone with the real estate agent. Apparently, she’s on the lookout for nine cheap houses.” She focused her stare and folded her arms. “You wouldn’t know anything about why, would you?”
“You already know the answer, Diana.” Maddi’s heart pounded, but she fought against the reflex to clutch her heart. She knew her sister could smell her fear. “I told her about the girls, but nothing else.”
Diana shifted her eyes over Maddi’s frail stature and smirked. “I bet it felt good to tell someone, huh?” she asked in cordial whisper. Maddi said nothing, but trembled under Diana’s unnerving stare. “Telling the truth can be addicting, Maddi. Make sure you maintain the ability to stop.”
Diana turned to leave when Maddi called out, “Wait.” She took a deep breath. “Diana do you remember anything from a few nights ago?”
“I remember enough,” she smirked. “You?”
Maddi shook her head. “Diana, it’s kinda making me sick what we did to each other.”
Diana cocked her brow. “Well, look on the bright side. At least it’s not morning sickness,” she said with a wink.
Maddi wanted to vomit. Again.
“I know she’s your sister and all.” Savannah’s fork grazed along her scrambled eggs as she sat across the oak kitchen table from Maddi. “But I get a real creepy vibe from Diana sometimes.”
“Just sometimes?” Maddi smirked.
“Oh,” Maddi huffed. “God knows how many siblings I have. My futa mom had a real problem keeping it in her pants when she was younger. Twenty-two years ago, she met a girl that worked in a laundromat. One thing led to another and--” She drummed on the table. “Here I am. She bought this house for us to live in.”
“Hmm…” Savannah pressed her lips against her tilted glass of orange juice. “And she did the same for Diana’s mom?”
“She never got a chance,” Maddi sighed. “Diana’s mom died of a heroin overdose when she was two. Nobody knew until the neighbors heard Diana’s hunger screams from the sidewalk. She and her big sister had no choice but to live with their futa mom.”
“God bless her,” Savannah declared. “No wonder she’s so detached.”
“Your parents died young,” Maddi countered. “But you’re okay.”

“That was different. Car accident versus overdose,” Savannah pointed out between bites. “That and my grandparents gave me all the support I needed. I bet Diana always feels lonely.”
Maddi’s eyes caught shimmering wisps of honey brown in the jet black twists of Savannah’s hairs. She smiled sweetly as her heart tingled. “You’re quite the amazing woman, Savannah.”
“You’re pretty special yourself, Maddi,” Savannah said. “I’m sure it wasn’t easy to break the cycle of parenthood. Your mom has all kinda kids out there.” She looked down while she caressed her bump. “While you’re settling down and starting a family.”
The bile in Maddi’s stomach churned. Savannah’s accolades were like daggers of guilt twisting in her heart. “Savannah…” She sucked in a huge breath. “That’s not true.”
Savannah half-smiled, unsure how to find Maddi’s joke. “What are you talking about?”
With her head down, Maddi repeated herself. “I have more kids on the way.” She let the terrible silence overtake her. A few tears formed and trickled down her blinking eye. “I’m sorry.”
“H—how many?” Savannah’s voice quaked as she gripped the table edge for dear life. When she heard Maddi whisper the number ‘nine’ she gagged. “Oh dear lord!” she cried, staggering from the table. Thankfully for Savannah, the trash can was only a few feet away against the wall. After one last dry-heave, she coughed up her breakfast.
Maddi stood and paced frantically. She grabbed two fistfuls of her thin, brittle hair as she hyperventilated. The weight of her actions pressed on her chest so hard her head spun. Her feet dragged across the linoleum with great reluctance toward Savannah, whose retching subsided. She tried to place a calming palm to her friend’s slumped back. “It’s okay, honey,” she hushed.
“STOP!” Savannah screamed. Her arm whipped back and struck Maddi on the shoulder. “How many girls have you called honey?” Her lip quivered, a line of chunky yellow drool dropped to stain her shirt. “You. Are. Sick. My God, you even look sick.”
“I know,” Maddi whispered. She clutched her pounding chest.
Savannah’s watery eyes shed tears as she glared at Maddi. “No, really.” She crept to Maddi, close enough to run her hand underneath her shirt. Her face made a wide expression as she stared at Maddi’s emaciated chest, then at her. “What’s wrong with you?”
Maddi pulled away and turned her back, folding her arms in shame. “I have anorexia.”
“I could feel each one of your ribs,” she spat. “I was so smitten by you before, I guess I just ignored it. But you're like a skeleton.”
“I’m fine,” Maddi rolled her eyes. “I’m not too skinny or too fat. There’s just a few things I need to tweak, that’s all.” She glided to the chrome toaster on the counter and picked it up. “All I need to do is lose this baby fat in my face.” She slammed it down with a crashing echo. “Then maybe a breast reduction after I graduate.” She cocked her head and smiled at Savannah. “Then I’ll be perfect.”
“Trust me, Maddi,” Savannah yelled over her shoulder as she stormed away. “Even after you tweak all those things you’ll be a hideous person!”
Maddi gasped. She watched Savannah disappear upstairs, assumingly to get her stuff. Then another terrible realization struck her. Christy was right. She was just as bad as Diana—and she likely had eight more girls willing to inform her of the fact.
A few weeks later…
“$25.78, please.”
Maddi eased her car to the last drive-through window and passed the tired-looking cashier her debit card after he droned the total back to her. With a shaky hand, she received bag after bag, heart pounding in anticipation. Five value meals in total: two fried chicken sandwiches, two double bacon burgers, and a box of chicken nuggets.
She floored her car quickly down the highway with the windows down. The pungent, deep-fried smell was almost too much to endure. She heaved a sigh of relief once she parked. Although it was only a short walk to her favorite park overlook, she couldn’t resist any longer. She ripped the first bag open and unwrapped a steaming burger. A throaty groan rumbled her chest as the fatty meat melted in her mouth. Before Maddi realized, the hot salty sandwich disappeared, and she was on the next. If the first burger was foreplay, the roasted chicken sandwich was the real thing. She licked her lips to keep the moist juicy tomato from squirting down her shirt. As the delicious hot food worked down her throat, she squeezed her thighs together. With eyes closed fast, Maddi swore she almost came from devouring the trash food. Her cock was already hard enough to stroke.
By the time Maddi balled up the empty foil from the fourth sandwich, looked mournfully upon the sea of fries. She draped her hands on her swollen, distended stomach and huffed. “They won’t be any good when they cold.” Maddi wanted to cry, but she had few tears left these days. She finally made her way from the car with a bag of nuggets and fries in hand.
The late autumn wind stung her face and caused Maddi’s mind to drift back to her confrontation with Mary. Her cheek tingled at the memory, the same place where Mary slapped her when she confessed. Maddi split her time between studying for fall finals and telling her ‘girlfriends’ the bitter truth. Out of nine girls, Maddi was on speaking terms with none of them. Not Paula, Jessie, not even Savannah or Mary who were so clingy before. The Master’s lawyer was handling payoff arrangements, so Maddi’s part was done.
Maddi propped herself against a thick elm and crossed her legs. Her preferred fall ensemble, heavy crimson a-line with thick black leggings underneath kept her well insulated. She wasted no time shoving the fries in her mouth, three or four at a time. She let the coarse sea salt tingle the sides of her tongue before moving on to the next fistful.
But the buzzing of her phone interrupted her meal. She wiped her greasy palms on the frigid grass and fished in her dress pocket. “Hello, Diana,” she said without looking at her phone. Her sister was the only person that regularly called her.
“Hey Honest Annie,” Diana teased, her voice husky and breathless. “How’s that pious life been treating you?”
“Terrible.” Maddi chewed. “But you already knew that.”
Diana cackled. “Well maybe next time you’ll listen to me. But the reason I’m calling is that mom wants you over for dinner tonight. She’s hosting some big wig futas. I honestly think she’s up to something so brace yourself. Do you want steak, chicken, or fish?”
“Yes.” Maddi licked her lips.
Diana paused. “Ooookay. I’ll let her know.” She heaved a sighed before continuing. “There’s something I’ve wanted to talk to you about. Do you mind coming over a little early? Maybe now?”
“Um. Sure,” Maddi said. She ran her fingers over the soggy fried ridges of the nugget in her hand. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s glorious, honey,” she howled. Diana’s jocular trailed off into silence. “I’m in the movie room. See you soon.”
Maddi descended the hard cement stairs leading toward the movie room refurbished from the basement. She opened the door and the pungent smell of bleach assailed her nose. “Hello?” Maddi called out after coughing. She stepped deeper inside after giving her eyes time to adjust to the darkness. Soon the blue glow of the projector screen guided her path to the front. Her legs shifted through the six theatre-style rows until she met with Diana on the first row.
“Hey, Maddi,” Diana cooed, her arms twisting like probing tentacles across her naked body. Her cock still leaked a healthy puddle of cum staining the plush seat below.
Then Maddi realized that bleach smell whiffed from the dozens of soggy tissues littering the chairs and floor. “How long have you been in here?”
“Who knows?” Diana rubbed her bloodshot eyes and flopped...