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Cousins' Holiday

"Cousins have fun at a cabin"

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It was mid-June and getting warm for the Midwest. I’d returned home after finishing my first year of college and looking forward to a relaxing summer. I had been looking for a part-time job, but I hadn’t found anything yet.

I sat outside, enjoying the summer heat. The book I’d started reading and my soda sat on the table next to my chair. Leaning back, I closed my eyes and began daydreaming. I thought about the girl I’d been dating and the ugly breakup after I found she’d been cheating on me. While Sarah was fun to date, she wasn’t anyone I planned to settle down with. She was the first girl I had sex with, but her indifference was bothersome. Our limited sex life was okay, but after several months of dating it became predictable.

Sarah’s idea of a date was something to eat, parking at one of the secluded areas we’d found, kiss, touch each other, and screw. When I found out she went out with another guy, I decided it wasn’t worth it. I didn’t have a problem with her dating someone else, but I didn’t like her lying about it.

After we broke up, I realized how little I cared for her. Sarah’s lack of enthusiasm where sex was concerned made her one step above masturbation. At least I could add a little variety to my self-pleasure. I knew what to expect and the outcome when I was with Sarah. On a positive note, I never screwed her without a condom. She told me she was on the pill, but I didn’t trust her. My concern was about catching something, not pregnancy.

“Hi, Dan.” I jumped when my sister Amber spoke.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” Amber said as she sat next to me.

“No problem. I was in a daze,” I replied. “So, what’s up?”

“I spoke with Sandy. She wants to know if we’re interested in going to a cabin over the holiday.”

“I don’t know. Who has the cabin?”

“Sandy and Greg’s aunt and uncle on their father’s side.”

Greg and Sandy were our cousins. Their mother was our dad’s sister. Our cousins lived close, and we often saw them and our aunt and uncle. Greg was twenty-one, a year older than me. Sandy was nineteen, a year older than my sister. I had met their cousins on their father’s side but didn’t know them well.

“How many people are going to be there?” I asked my sister.

“Sandy said there will be six of us. She told me the cabin is nice and on a lake.”

I watched Amber shifting in her chair. She acted as if she wanted to go.

“Did Sandy say what we’d do there?”

Amber smiled. “She said they swim in the lake, have bonfires at night, and party. Sandy said her cousins have a boat too.”

“It sounds fun. When do you have to let Sandy know?”

“I told her I’d talk to you and call her. She said we need to decide soon because they may ask someone else if we don’t want to go.”

“Do you want to go, Amber?” My sister nodded. “Tell Sandy we’re in. It’ll be nice to get away for a few days.”

Amber jumped up. “Thanks, Danny. I know we’ll have fun.” She headed to the house, stopped, and turned around. “I’m looking forward to spending time with you. I missed you while you were away at school.”

I smiled when my sister called me Danny. She was the only person who did.

“I missed you too, Amber.”

We sat at the dinner table with Mom and Dad. While eating, Amber told our parents about the trip we had planned for the holiday. They told my sister and me they were spending the holiday with our aunt and uncle at a golf resort.

Two days later, Amber sat on the couch in the living room. I was watching television and muted the sound when my sister spoke.

“We’re all set, Danny. Sandy gave me the directions to the cabin and a list of the things we have to provide. She said everyone brings something for the trip,” Amber said.

“Why aren’t we riding with Sandy and Greg?”

“Sandy said everyone drives so they can leave if they want to. We have to bring steaks, hotdogs, and hamburgers.”

“Have Sandy and Greg been there before?”

Amber nodded. “They have been there with their parents before. Last year, it was only their cousins.”

“The more I think about it, the better it sounds. I have a question. Why didn’t you ask your boyfriend to go?”

“What boyfriend?”

“Mom said you were dating a guy, and he took you to the prom.”

“I was, and he did, but he’s history. We decided to break up after the prom.”


“We weren’t compatible, so we called it quits. Mom said you broke up with Sarah.”

“I did when I discovered she was cheating on me. It wouldn’t have bothered me if she dated other guys, but she lied to me about it.”

Amber chuckled. “That sucks.”

I nodded. I wasn’t about to tell my sister Sarah didn’t engage in oral sex. My sister and I had never discussed what we did with the people we dated. While we would talk about almost anything, our sex lives were kept private.

After a quick lunch, Amber and I shopped before leaving for the cabin. We purchased the meat and a few other things, loaded the cooler, and headed out. As we drove, my sister sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window.

“Did you pack your boots? Sandy said there are hiking trails near the cabin,” Amber said, breaking the silence.

“Yes, I brought boots. This isn’t the first time I’ve been up north.”

“I’m looking forward to the next few days. This is the first time I’ve gone anywhere without our parents. It’s going to be nice not having Mom telling me how to dress and act.”

Glancing at Amber, I saw she dressed the way she always did. She wore baggy sweat pants and a shirt a size too large. For as long as I could remember, my sister dressed conservatively. She never wore skirts or tight tops.

“I didn’t know Mom ragged on you for the way you dress.”

“She didn’t really rag on me, but she did make comments. During my senior year, I bought a few outfits she said were trashy.” Amber laughed. “You should have been there when Mom discovered I bought a two-piece bathing suit. She wouldn’t allow me to wear it. I used to wear it when Mom and Dad weren’t home.”

“Mom’s not here, so you can wear anything you want.”

Amber chuckled and mumbled something I couldn’t hear. I pulled off at a rest area to use the bathroom and refill my travel mug with coffee. I stood outside waiting for my sister when I finished using the restroom.

I was looking at a map on the building wall when I heard Amber say, “How much longer before we get there?”

I pointed at the map. “This is where we are. The cabin is here. We should be there in an hour or so.”

I did a double-take when I turned around. Amber had changed from her sweatpants and baggy shirt into tight denim shorts and a tank-top. Chuckling, I took out my phone.

“What are you doing?” Amber asked.

“I’m taking your picture to show to Mom.”

“Don’t you dare, Danny! Mom wouldn’t let me live it down or go anywhere again.”

“Amber, you’re eighteen. You’re old enough to decide how you want to dress and what you want to do. You’ll go to college this fall, and Mom won’t be there to tell you what to do.”

I laughed, put my phone in my pocket, and walked toward my SUV. “Let’s go, Amber.”

“You’re not going to take my picture to show Mom?”

“No, as I said, you’re old enough to make your own decisions.”

Amber and I got into the truck and headed for the highway. As I drove, I thought about our parents and how they treated my sister and me. Neither Mom nor Dad said anything about how I dressed or the things I did. Admittedly I didn’t give them a reason. While living at home, I didn’t do anything to cause my parents to get after me. I maintained a four-point GPA in school, ran track, and did weight training. There were parties after our track meets, but I seldom attended them. I didn’t drink until I got to college.

My sister navigated once we were off the highway. It was after three when I turned into the driveway and parked next to the other two vehicles in front of the cabin. Amber and I were greeted by Sandy and Greg.

“How are you guys doing? We’re glad you’re here,” Sandy said.

I shook Greg’s hand, then hugged Sandy. “We’re good. Where should we put our things?”

When I opened the back of my SUV, Greg grabbed the cooler. I picked up Amber’s and my backpacks and followed my cousin into the cabin.

“Toss your backpacks on the floor. We’ll sort out where everyone’s sleeping later,” Sandy said.

Sandy introduced Amber and me to her cousins, Carol and Larry. After the greetings, Larry showed my sister and me the rustic cabin, pointing to the only bathroom, the three bedrooms, and the living room.

“Here’s the kitchen. Make yourselves at home,” Larry said.

After seeing the inside of the cabin, Larry led us outside. Amber and I looked at the large deck and the round stone fire pit in its center. Several chairs faced the pit with a picnic table near the grill.

“This is great,” Amber said.

“We like it here, Amber. My grandfather built the cabin and gave it to my parents when he retired and moved to Florida. Come with me. I’ll show the dock and our boat,” Larry said.

Amber and I followed Larry down a hill to the lake. The dock extended about thirty feet into the water, and a pontoon boat was tied to it. At the end of the dock was a small deck with a ladder.

“We swim off the dock. The water is about ten feet deep, so diving is safe,” Larry said.

“Will we take the boat out while we’re here?” I asked.

“Sure, we’ll go out tomorrow. It’s fun cruising the lake. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready for a beer,” Larry said.

We returned to the deck, joined the others, and accepted the beers Larry offered Amber and me. While enjoying the warm afternoon and cold beer, we talked.

At six, Carol said it was time for dinner. She asked Larry to start the grill while the girls went to the kitchen to prepare the food.

“We’ll have burgers tonight. Tomorrow night, we’ll do steaks,” Larry said.

Greg and I stood near Larry while he lit the charcoal and talked about a boat ride the following day. Once the coals were ready, Larry asked me to get the burgers from the kitchen and let the girls know we were cooking them.

While Larry tended to the burgers, the girls brought the rest of the food from the house and set up the picnic table. Larry removed the meat from the grill and took it to the table. We fixed our plates and ate while chatting.

Amber and I helped clear the table when we finished our meals. While we were alone in the kitchen, I put my hand on my sister’s shoulder.

“Don’t get too drunk, Amber,” I said.

“I won’t. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a few beers.” Amber smiled. “Don’t go big brother on me, Dan. I don’t get to have fun often.”

I gave my sister a one-arm hug. “I won’t stop you from having fun, but I can’t help being your big brother. If I piss you off, kick me.”

Amber laughed, twisted out of my arm, and washed the dishes while I dried. We went to the deck, sat near the firepit, and opened fresh beers when we finished. When the sun began setting, Larry and Greg built a fire.

It was dusk and getting dark when Carol went to the cabin, returning with a stack of towels. She placed them on the picnic table and sat in her chair. Larry gave us beers and glanced at the group.

“It’s time for our inaugural swim. Every year when we come here for the holiday, we kick off the weekend with a swim.” Larry looked at Amber and me. “You are welcome to join us if you want but don’t feel it’s required.”

When the others began removing their clothing, I looked at my sister. She watched for a moment, then turned to me.

“Are you going to join them?” I asked.

Amber smiled. “I will if you will.”

I stood up. “Why not?”

Amber stood and pulled her top over her head, revealing her bra-covered breasts. She watched me remove my shirt and unfasten my shorts. My sister and I held our gaze as we stripped and stood naked.

Before then, I’d only seen my ex-girlfriend naked. Now I was looking at three. I had never seen my sister in her underwear, let alone nude. My eyes scanned her body, taking her in. When Amber chuckled, I diverted my gaze and looked at the other two girls.

Carol was the tallest with small, firm breasts. I guessed her height at five-seven or eight. My cousin’s breasts were the largest and didn’t stand as firm as Carol’s or Amber’s. Sandy was the shortest and curviest of the three. I shifted my eyes to my sister, noting her breasts were firm for their size.

All of the girls’ pubic hair were different. Amber’s mons had a one-inch landing strip. Sandy’s hair was trimmed into a small triangle, and Carol was bald.

When Larry started for the lake, the rest of us followed. I watched the girls’ breasts wobble and the guys’ cocks sway as we trotted down the hill. We jumped into the water as we reached the end of the dock, following Larry while he swam around the boat toward the beach. We started laughing and splashing each other when we could stand.

After playing for a few minutes, I noticed the interaction between Larry and his sister Carol. He grabbed her from behind, covering her breasts with his hands. Carol laughed but didn’t try to get away until one of Larry’s hands moved down.

Amber stayed close to me as we watched our cousins try to dunk each other. Greg picked Sandy up high enough for us to see his hands gripping his sister’s ass. I splashed my sister but avoided any contact with her boobs or ass. Suddenly, Amber charged me, put her arms around my neck, hooked her legs around my waist, and laughed as she pressed her body against mine.

I held Amber for a moment, then she released me and moved away. When Larry and Carol walked toward shore, the rest of us followed them. We went to the deck, grabbed towels, dried ourselves, and dressed. Larry passed out beers, and we sat near the fire, letting it warm us.

It seemed strange, but no one talked about our skinny-dipping. I sipped my beer while glancing at Amber. When our eyes met, she smiled at me. Later, we decided to go in and get ready for bed. After cleaning the empty cans and taking care of the fire, we headed into the cabin.

Standing in the living room, I wondered about the sleeping arrangements. Sandy came over to Amber and me, smiled, and said, “Larry and Carol sleep in the back bedroom.” She pointed to a door. “Greg and I sleep in there. You two can share the third bedroom, or one of you can sleep on a couch.”

I picked up Amber’s and my backpacks. “Thanks, Sandy. We’ll figure it out. See you in the morning.”

Amber and I went into the vacant bedroom and closed the door. I pointed to the bed, asking my sister to sit.

“This has been a wild night, hasn’t it?” I said. Amber nodded. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine, Danny. I didn’t know if I could go skinny-dipping but decided to try. I guess the beer and everything gave me enough courage.”

“Yeah. It was different for me too, Amber. I’ve never done it before, but it was fun, especially with you.”

“Really?” I nodded. “Did you like seeing me naked? I hope I didn’t disappoint you. I worried I wouldn’t meet your expectations when I decided to do it.”

“I didn’t have any expectations, Amber. I hadn’t thought about seeing you naked before tonight. Did l like seeing you naked? Hell yes! You’re beautiful, not to mention sexy.” I grinned. “So, do you want me to sleep on a couch? It’s late, and I need rest.”

“You can sleep here as long as you don’t mind sharing a bed with me.”

I got off the bed, stripped to my boxer briefs, and pulled back the covers. Amber removed everything except her panties and got into bed with me. We stayed on our side of the bed as we settled in.

“Did you know Greg and Sandy were sleeping together?” I said. I didn’t turn off the bedside lamp so I could see her reaction.

“Yes. Sandy told me when I caught her kissing her brother last year. She told me about their trip here last year. I hope you’re not mad because I didn’t tell you.”

“It would have been nice for you to tell me.” I thought for a moment. “How do you feel about it? Does knowing our cousins and their cousins are having sex bother you? Does incest bother you?”

“I’m sorry. I should have told you, but I was afraid you wouldn’t come if I did. What our cousins or Larry and Carol do together is their business.” Amber rolled closer, put her arm over my chest, pressed her breasts against my side, and put her head near mine.

I twisted, facing Amber, put my arm around her, and pulled her close. We stared into each other’s eyes, our mouths only two inches apart. Deciding to see what would happen, I moved my head closer, and our lips met. We paused for a moment, then my sister’s mouth moved, increasing the tenderness of our first kiss.

When I felt her tongue...

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Written by Darkvision29
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