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"Colt reaches out to his daughter after two decades."

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Kelly was the first to wake up in the morning with a slight headache, and was staring at her father’s sleeping face upon opening her eyes. He’s so cute. She smiled and reached out to touch him, but stopped as the previous night’s images flashed through her mind. We… had sex last night, after coming home from the hoedown. I had sex with my own father. She sat up against the bed’s headboard and looked out at nothing in particular. As much as I’d like to blame the alcohol again, I WANTED what happened last night to happen. But I almost regret it, because now I’m confused more than ever.

“A penny for your thoughts?” Colt was smiling up at her; she was wearing one of his t-shirts. It’s obvious she’s thinking about last night. I don’t know how the hell we ended up actually riding the hobby horse, but we certainly did.

“Good morning, Dad.” She smiled warmly at him, then it faded. “I…” don’t know what to say.

He watched her for a bit before sitting up alongside her. “There’s no use beating around the bush, so I’m going to tell you how I felt about us sleeping together, and then you can respond, alright?”

His daughter’s eyes opened in surprise at him, but she was wholly grateful how forward and direct he always was, especially now. The last thing she wanted was for their relationship to be broken after a single night. “Okay…”

He cleared his throat, trying to calm him nerves. “I enjoyed last night.”

Her eyes widened at him. “You did?”

“Yes, not to sound like an old dog, which I probably will anyway, but I have been with a fair share of women.”

That’s what I thought. Kelly didn’t voice her thoughts.

“But I haven’t been with a woman in months ‘cause I just wasn’t enjoying going from one to the next without any real feeling.” Colt shook his head. “That was another reason why I reached out to you, despite having some reservations myself – to try and find a real meaningful relationship.”

“You’re always so confident and sure of yourself, so I never even thought you hesitated like me…” That does make me feel a bit better.

He laughed. “I know I look well put together, but it’s mostly glue.”

She gave a soft laugh. “Even If that’s true, I bet it’s superglue.”

Her father stared at her with a big grin.

“W-Why are you looking at me like that?” Kelly hugged her knees, trying not to blush.

“See what you just did? You’re always so positive and encouraging that I knew you what were missing in my life. That’s why I couldn’t help but calling you so much in the beginning of our relationship, even though I intended to take it slow.”

So that’s why. She gave a warm smile. “To be honest, I was surprised at first, but I was really happy that you seemed to care so much… When we’re talking and now spending time together, I forget about the stresses at work and everything else.” Jeremy, too. But I don’t know If that’s such a good thing.

“Colt turned his head to look at her; they were still sitting up in bed beside each other. “And not only have you made me feel again, but last night…” He let out a humorless laugh. “No woman has never ever made me feel the way you did.”

Kelly’s cheek were even redder as she broke eye contact to look at the top of her knees. “Really?” She couldn’t hold back a smile.


So, all of this means he likes me, right? Hope filled her chest, but it soon went away. But what exactly does that mean? We couldn’t be in a real romantic relationship, that’s just crazy… isn’t it? And what about Jeremy? He has his faults, but can I just dump him after five years? She looked at him, searching his blue eyes. “Obviously you know how I like you, considering I’m the one who initiated this whole thing… but I just don’t know how to feel right now.” Her eyes went straight ahead again. “I’ve never been so confused about anything.”

Colt watched his daughter for a little while. Even if she did start this whole thing like she just said, it’s obvious how hard all of this is for her… maybe I can make it easier? “What do you think 'bout this, we keep on spending time with each other and let the chips fall where they may.”

She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

“For example, let’s say we spend the day out, then come back and decide to watch a movie, cuddling.” Colt smiled and reached out to touch her knee, making her give him a shy look. “One thing leads to another…” He slowly slid his hand down and into the side of her thigh, causing her to shiver. “And whatever happens, happens.” Then, he moved his hand to place it to the mushy spot between her legs, feeling it’s hotness and slight wetness. “And if you feel uncomfortable at anytime, all you have to say is stop, and I will, no questions asked.” He watched her for a reaction. “You have all the power here, Kelly.”

She watched him back and opened her mouth to say 'stop,' but it died in her throat.

Laughing a little, he moved to lay on his stomach, and positioned his head between her long legs.

“D-Dad, what are you doing?”

He lifted his head to make eye contact with her. “Do you want me to stop, after all? I promise I won’t get mad.”

She bit her bottom lip. “No… I just don’t know what you’re doing.”

“Oh.” Colt chuckled. “I was thinking I was going to eat you out, if you don’t mind my crude language.”

Heat spread to her face in embarrassment. “You don’t have to force yourself to do that.”

It seems from boyfriend isn't exactly taking care of her this way at home. Well, Daddy will fix that. “Oh, baby girl, the last thing I’m doing is forcing myself. Just sit back and enjoy this.” He opened her legs a little more and slid her panties off before studying her pussy. The first time he’d seen it was for a brief moment when she fell on a video call and the recent sex had been in the dark, but seeing it now, it really was a thing a beauty. He opened it with two fingers to see the bright pink inside. “Your vagina is a thing of beauty, darling.”

Kelly immediately covered her face with both hands. “Oh my gosh, don’t say that, that’s so embarrassing.”

“Just telln' the truth.” He chuckled and let go to rub the clit at the top; it quickly got hard to poke out.

“Oh… my.” His daughter jerked in surprise at the sudden pleasure and moved her hands to watch him work.

He gave her pussy a soft, tender kiss, feeling the stickiness of her juices on his lips. She let out a weak groan as he stuck out his tongue to give her a slow lick from her pussy hole to the strip of pubic hair at the top. Repeating the process, he took his time licking and lapping all over her vagina until it was covered in spit, with her secretions mixed. After a couple of minutes,, Colt separated her labia to get better access to the small nub that was her clit. He’d been playing around, but now it was time to stimulate her directly. He placed his mouth on it and sucked gently.

Kelly’s reaction was strong, sucking in a sharp and grabbing a tuft of his hair. “Daddy, it’s too much, you’re driving me crazy.” She involuntarily rotated her hips, grinding her twat into his face. “What you’re doing to me feels so amazing...” A loud moan cut her off as he increased the suction. “Mmm!”

He knew her previous silence was due to nervousness, but was ecstatic to hear her again. She is fucking incredible. Going on like that for a short while, he got her primed for the final step and slid two fingers into her.

“Daddy, oh!” Kelly gritted her teeth like she was in pain and grabbed the top of his head with both hands, tossing her head back with her eyes closed at the powerful stimulation.

Wow, she’s really sensitive or I’m a better pussy eater than I thought. The older man thrust his fingers in and out of her at a steady pace, and twisted and turned them as he tried to find the right spot to send her over the edge. When she gasped and wrapped her legs around his head, he focused on the spot and started fingerfucking her harder, all the while sucking on her clit, happily savoring the sweet taste of all the juices flowing from her pussy,

Although he loved to hear her talk, her animal-like grunts were music to his ears. She sounds so slutty right now, it’s driving me wild!

“Oh my...!* A second later, a stream of liquid shot out of her to drench his face and she arched her back as a strong tremor racked her body.

Colt wiped his face, chuckling and sat up to see his sheets soaked in his daughter’s juices and her crotched covered. “That was certainly more than I was expecting, but I’m glad you enjoyed it “

She slowly regained her senses, still breathing hard and looked at him with big eyes full of horror. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Daddy!” Kelly hopped off the bed and soon returned with a towel to wipe his face.

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He laughed again to grab her wrists. “It’s fine, I’m more interested to know how you feel.”

“I didn’t even know that…” She looked away shyly, back to him, shaking her head. “No ones ever done that to me, it felt incredible.

He laughed. “Good to hear. Hopefully, it won’t be the last.”

She blushed for the millionth time. “I hope not either.”

So, for the next few months, the pair would visit each other and would have sex every trip. They never discussed the specifics of their relationship, but that didn’t seem to affect anything. At least that’s what Colt thought. For the last couple weeks, his daughter had been avoiding his calls, making up excuse after excuse. He asked what was wrong several times, but she said she was just busy. Scared to death to lose their relationship, he unexpectedly flew out to see her.

“D-Dad? What are you doing here?” Her eyes went wide as she looked at him in her doorway. “Is everything okay?”

“I thought things were, but apparently not.” He watched her confused face. “What’s going on, Kelly? If you don’t want to talk to me because of our physical relationship, then all you had to say was 'stop,' remember?” Even though every time we had sex she was way more than willing, but you can never exactly tell what a woman is thinking, I’ve learned the hard way.

“Do you think it’s that easy?” Her eyebrows lowered in annoyance at him.

Whoa, I think that’s the first time I’ve seeb my baby girl angry in all these months. I didn’t even know she COULD get angry. “Hey, I’m sorry.” Her father caressed the side of her arm. “The last thing I want to do is argue. I’m just trying to understand, darling.”

Her upset face transformed to an apologetic one as she put a hand on his. “Me neither, Daddy. I’m really happy you’re here. Why don’t you come in?”

A part of him had been expecting her boyfriend to be there, but he quietly sighed in relief when he saw the apartment seemingly empty. That doesn’t mean he’s not the reason why she’s been keeping her distance.

She led him the kitchen where they stood facing each other. “Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.”

“I’m good, thanks.” Colt smiled, staring at her. “God, I’ve missed you.”

She blushed and tucked some hair behind an ear, briefly breaking eye contact. “I’ve missed you, too… A lot.”

His smile faded a bit. “Then why all the sudden separation?” It obviously has something to do with us having sex.

His daughter sighed. “Like you said in the doorway, it is because of our… physical relationship, but not in the way you think.”

His eyebrows went up in confusion. “If what we’ve been doing is causing problems with you and your boyfriend, then we can put an end to it, baby girl. I just don’t want to lose you.”

Kelly’s shook her head, her eyes getting a little watery. 'I broke up with Jeremy two weeks ago.”

That’s when all of this started in the first place. “You did? Then… what exactly is going on?” I’m so confused.

Kelly plopped down at the dinner table, looking up at him as tears freely flowed. “I broke up with him because every time I was with him, I would think about you. When he tried to have sex, I would make an excuse why I couldn’t, because I only wanted you inside me.”

Colt’s mouth fell open at the confession, be he quickly regained his senses and went over to kneel in front of her and pit his hands on her knees. “If all that is true, then why didn’t you just say all of this before?” It sounds like she… wants more than just sex.

She sniffled, looking down at him as more tears came. “Because I’m scared. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. And the fact that you’re my father makes it a million times more complicated.” The twenty-four-year-old laughed without any humor. “Are we supposed to just get married, have kids and live happily ever after? How would that work? And we live on opposite sides of the country -”

“Hey.” Colt gently grabbed both sides of her face, forcing her to look directly into his eyes. “Do you love me?”

She sniffled and nodded.

“Are you in love with me?”

Kelly nodded again, crying all the while.

He kissed her and smiled. “Then that’s all that’s important. We’ll figure the rest as it comes, but I promise – no, I swear that I’m going to make you happy.”

Her dad’s declaration virtually burst the flood gates open as she hugged him tight and wailed.

The next few months were busy for the pair as Colt relocated to her city and they found a new apartment to live in. Of course, they kept their relationship secret, but the nights and other time spent together more than made up for it.

Kelly’s eyes cracked open to see his face; he had let hid beard grow, so he was scruffier, which she liked. To say she had been scared when their romantic relationship started just months ago would be an understatement, but he had sworn to make her happy, and that’s exactly what she was. Every day when she woke up, she couldn’t wait to spend time with him, and he was helping her grow as a person, which made her realize how sheltered and naïve she was about a lot, especially sex.

She giggled thinking about all the new things they had tried recently, anal being one. It hurt at first, but I’m really starting to enjoy it. Kelly reached back to rub her asshole in a slow circle, and felt it start to get wet. I didn’t even know it was POSSIBLE for your butt to get wet, but it gets as wet as my vagina. She rubbed even harder until it was moist enough and slid a finger inside. “Mmm.” Trying to keep her voice down, she punched the digit in and out of her balloon knot for the next couple of minutes. Okay, I think that’s good enough. She giggled again as she gently rolled the sheets over her naked father who was sleeping on his back. As she suspected, his cock was hard and pointing straight up. I’d be more surprised if he didn’t have morning wood.

The long-haired girl got into position, squatting directly over the virtual Eiffel Tower and grabbed it to point it to her tiny asshole before slowly sinking down.

Colt’s eyes fluttered open to see his throbbing dick be swallowed up by his daughter’s ass; she was facing him, so he could see the look of pure ecstasy on her as her eyelids fell and mouth opened. “I would have to say this is even a better wake-up call than the blowjob last week.” I thought she was an innocent little flower, but it was just her being inexperienced; she loves sex, just as much as I do.

“I’m glad… you’re enjoying it.” She struggled to breathe as his hog continued to fill her ass, each inch of him slowly disappearing into her until she was fully squatted. “Oh my gosh, Daddy, I can’t believe how deep you are.” She reached back to rub where they connected. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”

He laughed. “Me too, but I bet it’d feel even better If you moved.”

Kelly weekly nodded and lifted her hips to make his thick meat magically reappear, but soon squatted again, making him drive back into her. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you feel so good in my butt, Daddy.” She licked her lips, staring into his eyes with her drunk and unfocused ones. “Please tell me you like being inside my butt, too.”

Fuck. “You have no idea, baby girl.” Colt’s voice was heavy with lust.

She gave a weak smile. “Please hold my ankles, so I can ride you better.”

He did right away. “Ride on my big dick, baby.”

She wasted no time in slamming her ass down on his hard dick over and over. The slick, nasty sounds from her increased juices were loud in the quiet room, and he could see the white ring of cream she created around himself.

“Ohhh. I feel you getting even bigger.” Kelly groaned. “You’re too big, Daddy.” She grabbed her tits and squeezed them hard, tossing her head back. “You’re going to tear me open, but I can’t stop, your...

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