Colt paced back and forth in his bedroom, trying to decide whether to call his daughter or not. “Stop being a pussy and just call, man!” He stopped to look at the phone. “But what if she wants nothing to do with me? I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t…” After all, he and her mother had given the girl up for adoption almost twenty-four-years ago. “Screw it, I’ll never know unless I try.” He took a deep breath and finally called.
Kelly just stepped out of the shower when she heard the phone ringing from the living room and hurried to it with only a towel wrapped around her. I don’t recognize this number. She hesitated before answering. “Hello?”
She actually answered! Colt tried to take another calming breath, his heart beating faster. “H-Hey, there, Kelly.”
She didn’t recognize the man with the strong southern accent. “Um, hi. May I ask who this is?”
Here goes nothin'. He let out an awkward laugh. “Right, right, sorry ‘bout that... I know this is going to sound completely cuckoo, but this is your father, Colt.” He nervously cleared his throat. “Biologically speaking that is, I know that you already have a daddy, Sam who takes plenty good care of you.” He started pacing again. “And, uh, mama, Sheryl, too.”
Kelly’s brain was still trying to register what was happening. “Yes…” Is this really my REAL father? There had been so many times she thought about reaching out to her birth parents, so the situation was surreal.
“Sorry 'bout that, darling. I tend to ramble when I’m nervous.” He forced a laugh and filled his lungs to capacity one more time. “Anyway, why I’m calling is to say is that If there was any way you would be willing to… establish a sort of relationship?” He stopped pacing. “Now, I know that’s asking for a whole lot, but I want you to know that I’ve thought about reaching out so many times and was just too much of a coward -”
“That’s not true!”
“What?” Colt’s eyes opened in surprise.
Kelly readjusted her towel, blushing. “S-Sorry, I meant that you’re not a coward and I’ve thought about reaching out to you too…”
He had a huge smile. “Well, that’s the best news I’ve heard in a dog’s age!”
She laughed at his speech. This is my father, huh?
“Is it okay if I call you from time to time, just to check up on ya? I promise not to be one of them stalker types.”
His daughter giggled. “No… I wouldn’t mind at all. I’d really like if you called in the future.”
“That’s great! I’ll get out of your hair for tonight, then. Goodnight, darling.”
“Goodnight…” She smiled softly and hung up. Her head was still swimming with the unbelievable event of her biological father calling. Kelly didn’t know the whereabouts of her mother, but did know that her parents had been only teenagers when they had her, hence the adoption. She’d had a very good life, so she never resented them for giving her a better chance to succeed. I can’t wait to tell Mom and Dad!
A month passed as she and Colt built their new relationship. And she thought it would be awkward at first, but they would literally talk for hours on the phone almost every day and even started doing video calls recently.
At the moment, Colt had a lunch break from his job training people to ride horses and decided to call her on video.
Kelly was just stepping out of the shower again and saw her phone ringing on the bathroom sink. “Oh, it’s Dad!” She smiled, rushing over and answered, but ended up slipping; the phone landed sideways while the towel fell behind her. “Ow…”
“Hey, beautiful…” He smiled and trailed off as he realized the situation – she was naked and fully exposed onscreen. And he knew he should’ve looked away, but her body demanded his attention.
Kelly’s tangle of dark brown hair that was currently wet, laid just across her breasts that were almost perfect. Both were round and full, not to mention they had the perkiness of a young woman; two cute, little nipples were poked out at the end. His eyes floated down to her stomach that had an outline of abs and was nicely toned, with her creamy, white skin that didn’t have a single pimple or blemish.
And he knew he should’ve stopped there, but his eyes practically had a mind of their own and moved to her vagina. There was a strip of pubic hair above slender pink lips and most of the meat was tucked inside; it looked so unbelievably tight, being an 'innie' type vagina that most pornstars strived for.
“D-Dad, don’t look!” Kelly flipped over to grab the fallen towel. The move put her ass on display for a brief moment. It was just as tight-looking as the rest of her lean body, and it was onion-shaped, giving her a bubble butt.
“O-Of course!” What the hell are you doing, Colt? He set the phone down.
She covered herself at last and stood up with the phone. “You can look now…”
He picked up his phone again, reappearing onscreen. “You alright, sugar?”
“Besides completely embarrassing myself? Yeah, I guess.” She had a sad face as she stared at her father; he was forty, but looked at least five years younger with a scruffy beard and green eyes like her. He’s so handsome, why couldn’t I get more of his good looks?
Her father laughed. “All you did was flash your old man, nothing to be worried about.”
“D-Dad!” Her cheeks got red.
He laughed again. “Sorry, but you’re just so darn cute when you’re embarrassed. And can I say that it feels incredible when you call me that?”
Despite her embarrassment, she giggled. “I like it too…” When did I even start doing that? It just feels so natural.
“Anyway, darling, I had something on my mind. What would you say about a face to face meeting?” Colt didn’t want to take things too fast, but connecting with his daughter was going a million times better than he could’ve ever imagined.
Kelly tucked some of her damp hair behind an ear with a shy smile. “I think that would really be cool.” It’s only been a month, but I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. “When were you thinking?”
“Well, I wanted to fly out to you next week, but I can’t get off work right now. It’s really busy this time of year, so I’m thinking about a month from now.” He had a hopeful face. “What do you think?”
A whole month? That seems so far away… “Um, I actually had some time off next week myself, so I have no problem flying to you.” She lied.
“You sure, Kelly?”
She smiled playfully. “Hey, I thought you wanted to see me?”
He chuckled, putting a hand up in defeat. “I do, I do. Then it’s settled. Next week will be our first meeting! Yeehaw!”
She giggled. “I can’t wait.”
Colt smiled, looking into her green eyes. “I love you, darling.” His heart rate sped up, waiting for her response. It just came out! Shit! Talk about coming on strong!
“I love you too, Dad…” She answered with no hesitation, smiling gently.
His chest swelled in triumph. “Well, better get back to it! I’ll call you later.”
“Okay, be careful.” Kelly hung up with a big smile and looked at her reflection in the mirror. “I can’t believe I’m going to meet him next week.” Her smile faded. “Your three year anniversary with your boyfriend is next week, remember? You’re supposed to go to Hawaii?” A big sigh escaped her. Jeremy already thinks I spend too much time with Dad, so I don’t think it’d be smart to tell him the truth. A big part of Kelly felt guilty, but a bigger part wanted to meet and spend time with her father.
She got dressed and plopped on the living room sofa with her laptop, intending to finish some job work, but soon found herself on a random porn site. Her boyfriend was having 'trouble' again, so that meant satisfying her own sexual needs, even though she rarely watched porn. Imagining a random celebrity just isn’t doing the job done anymore.
Scrolling through the website’s homepage for a good video, she noticed an amateur pretend incest video titled 'REAL FATHER/DAUGHTER.’ “What?” She laughed. “This can’t be real.” The twenty-four-year-old clicked on it to see the man and girl had a slight resemblance to her and Colt.
Minutes passed as she watched the video without thinking, and as her panties started getting wet, she reached inside her shorts to feel the dampness; it might’ve been the wettest she’d ever been – no, it was. Not only that, but she was beyond horny and couldn’t help from setting her laptop on the coffee table close by, so that she could fondle one of her round, plump tits as her other hand went directly to her twat to rub its slender lips.
“Ouu…” She studied the incest porn video even closer, imagining it was her and her father as the couple began having missionary sex. Yes, Daddy, right there! You’re so deep. Kelly fantasized looking up into Colt’s face as he pumped into her over and over.
“Daddy, you’re so big.” She sunk two fingers into her hot hole and pinched her nipple, pulling it. More juices leaked from her as she added a third finger inside herself, trying to reach even deeper than she already was. Cocking her legs to almost her ears made it easier to fingerfuck herself, and it got more desperate with each stab.
Only a minute later, she felt a surge of hotness through her entire body as a fierce orgasm came. A bit more time passed in silence as she tried to catch her breath. Taking her hand out of her panties showed it was drenched in her sticky secretions. “Oh my gosh… you just masturbated thinking about your own father!” Kelly jumped up and ran to the bathroom to wash the evidence away, then took a deep breath. “It’s fine, you’re just confused. A handsome man who showers you with attention and calls you beautiful every chance he gets just entered your life, so of course, you’re going to be attracted to him, no matter who he is.” But what about your BOYFRIEND? A tired sigh escaped her mouth. “I can think about this stuff later, I have to do work.”

The next week seemed to fly by for both Kelly and Colt as the day they’d finally be meeting each other for the first time arrived.
Colt had been waiting nervously at the airport for an hour when he saw his twenty-four-year-old daughter coming out of her terminal. I’ll be damned, she’s even more beautiful in person.
She spotted him waiting out in the middle of the floor as people streamed by. Oh my gosh, he’s even more handsome in person. Virtual butterflies appeared in her stomach as she shyly smiled, reaching him. “Hi, Dad...” Should I hug him? Is that too much?
“Come here, girl!” He pulled her into a tight embrace.
“D-Dad.” Her cheeks got red as he held on, looking at some of the people who glanced their way.
“Sorry, sorry.” He let her go to caress her face. “But you are a damn vision. And I love your hair curly like this.”
“It’s a little embarrassing when you talk about me like that.” She tucked her long tangle of hair behind an ear, still blushing, but smiling, too. “But do you really like it?” Jeremy didn’t even notice, but Dad always notices whenever I change something.
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” He grinned.
Kelly giggled. “I guess so.”
After collecting her luggage, they went to his car and drove towards his home.
I’m going to be staying with Dad for four whole days. She was nervous that things were going to be awkward, but it already felt so natural to be with him.
He noticed her stealing looks at him while he drove. “Am I that ugly?”
She laughed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be a creep. It’s just… we’ve finally met.” Kelly’s eyes started to water.
“Whoa, whoa, what’s with the waterworks?” He exchanged glances with her and the road.
“I’m just really happy. I was so scared to reach out to you and If you hadn’t, we wouldn’t ever been able to know each other.”
Colt put a hand on hers and squeezed, smiling wide “All that matters is that we’re together now, and you’re not getting rid of me, even if I have to handcuff myself to you.”
She started laughing through the tears and put her other hand on his. “It’s good to know how dedicated you are, but that won’t be necessary.” Kelly put her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes. “I don’t plan on ever letting you go.”
The next few days came and went as the two spent almost every minute together, Kelly even helping her father at work with the horses. Of course, the hidden feelings she had towards him were in the back of her mind, but there was no way she was going to let them interfere with the amazing time they were having.
On the final night, he decided to take her to a good old country hoedown at a local bar where people were drinking and dancing.
Colt walked over to the bar and ordered them a couple of alcoholic drinks. “There you go, darling.” He held one glass out.
“I don’t know about this, Dad. I’m not really used to going out.” She looked around like a scared cat. “And Jeremy says only loose girls who want attention drink.”
I knew she was pretty sheltered, but sometimes she’s just downright scared of regular life. And the more I hear about this boyfriend of hers, the less I like. “You’ll be fine, baby girl.” Colt put his arm around her side. “As long as you’re with me, you’re safe.” He extended the glass. “And when you’re with me, fun is mandatory!”
The twenty-four-year-old girl gave a resigned laughed and finally took the drink. “Guess I really have no choice in that case.” And I really do feel safe with him.
The night passed with the two dancing and laughing, and to both their surprises, Kelly did let her hair down and got drunk, though her father wasn’t far behind. They drunkenly stumbled home later into the night, still laughing and talking about the woman who kept trying to dance with him despite turning her down several times.
“Speaking of women, how many women have you been with, Daddy-O?” His daughter jumped back on the kitchen counter and smiled at him as he leaned on it beside her.
He snorted a laugh. She would never ask that If not for the liquid courage running through her veins right now, though I am glad she let loose. “I’m not answering that.”
“You’re no fun.” She hopped down and pressed against him.
He was acutely aware of her perfect tits pressed into his arm, so he stood up straighter and faced her. “You’ve had plenty of fun tonight, I’d say.”
Kelly stuck out her bottom lip like a child denied candy before suddenly smiling mischievously. “What if I gave you a kiss as a trade?” What are you doing, Kelly?
His heart jumped. “Kelly… you’re drunk and don’t know what you’re saying.”
It was true that she was intoxicated and would’ve never approached him like this in her right mind, but that’s only because the alcohol allowed what was already inside to leak out. Kelly had tried to deny the obvious attraction she had towards her father, but they refused to go away, always near the back of her mind until they pushed to the front. And the rare occurrence when her boyfriend was able to get it up before the current trip, she had closed her eyes to picture Colt was the one inside her.
“I just want a kiss.” She gave him a sad smile. So I can get rid of these feelings that won’t leave me alone.
Colt was more than a little confused as he watched her. Where’s this coming from? Maybe she just gets touchy and stuff when she’s drunk? Another problem was that the idea of kissing his girl didn’t sound bad at all. Ever since he saw her naked on accident a little while back, he had involuntarily pictured the scene of her smooth, flawless skin and tight ass. That don’t matter, thoughts are not actions. He made himself feel better and smiled. “One kiss, but then you’re off to bed, drunk girl.” He poked her nose.
“I think we’re both drunk.” She laughed, then looked into his eyes for a bit before leaning forward to push her soft lips into his.
Damn her lips are so soft.
Kelly let out an involuntary moan as she put both hands on his chest, and leaned into him even more.
Her father matched her movement and pushed his front into her.
The tender kiss got more aggressive as seconds crawled by. Almost at the same time, they extended their tongues into each other’s mouths. The French kissing got sloppy as their tongues began to wrap and intertwine. Smacking and nasty, wet sounds were the only things that got to be heard. Colt reached down to her ass and palmed both cheeks a minute later, not being able to resist anymore. And he was not disappointed by how soft but firm it felt.
Kelly let out more moans into his mouth and turned her head more to the side to kiss even deeper. They broke off the passionate kiss a minute later, but still stayed in one another’s face, with their lips only inches apart.
“I don’t want to stop,” He breathed into her face, almost a whisper.
“I don’t want you to either,” Kelly breathed back, speaking just as low.
As if choreographed, the two began to hungrily kiss again, grabbing each other’s faces. The older man suddenly lifted her back onto the counter and she eagerly spread her legs, so that they could both grab a side of her panties...