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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl - chapter 5 - Gary's visit

"With Marc's encouragement, I invite my borther to visit us, and he accepts"

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“C’mon, Julie, you’re fucking with me?” Gary exclaimed.

“I’m really not.”

“I don’t believe you…well then, Marc is fucking with you…no way he said that,” Gary insisted.

“Gary, I understand your apprehension, but trust me on this: Marc is not only okay with your visit, he suggested it,” I assured my brother.

“So, let me get this straight, you told Marc all about us…all the stuff we did as teenagers? And his reaction is to invite me for a visit? Somebody is fucking with somebody.”

“I thought so too initially. I really did. I was just as skeptical as you are when Marc first suggested it. But he’s serious. He’d really like you to spend the weekend with us. I’m not shitting you, Gary. This really is on the ‘up and up’. I promise.”

“Did you tell him what happened on the phone last Sunday? I mean all of it?”

“Yep. I told Marc that you and I had a nice stroll down memory lane. That we both came a away with a better understanding of what happened in the past. And, I told him that you and I got pretty wound up talking about this. Marc asked ‘how wound up?”, so I told him that we masturbated together on the phone. I swear it’s true.”

“What else did you tell him?”

I giggled a little before answering, “Well, I did tell him that you said you made quite a mess all over yourself.”

“Julie! You didn’t?”

“I kind of did,” I snickered. “But on a more serious note, I told Marc that we both agreed that I had been the instigator of our ‘activities’, but you quickly became a willing participant.  And, that you and I agreed that there were no victims; that we were a couple of curious kids whose hormones were in overdrive.”

“Anything else?”

“Yeah. Marc asked if we had any regrets. That’s when I confessed that I regretted that you weren’t my first…that I had not given up my virginity to you…”

“You did, did you? And what did Marc say about that?”

“Well, he asked some clarifying questions, but mainly, he expressed a willingness to let me rectify that error,” I said timidly.

“Let me get this straight, by ‘rectify this error’, your long-term partner, someone who you intend to marry someday, was giving you permission to be intimate with your brother? in his house? while he is there? Am I capturing the crux of this correctly?”

“Yep, that’s pretty much the long and short of it.”

“So, why would he agree to this? This doesn’t make sense.”

“I asked that same question. Marc said a couple of things. First, he pointed out the obvious, that I could never leave him to be with you…you are my brother. I can be intimate with you, and we can satisfy our curiosity, but in the end, we are brother and sister. Marc also said that you were a greater threat to Marc's and my relationship if we don’t satisfy our curiosity about what it might be like. Marc correctly surmised that my fantasies about you are a greater distraction than the real thing might be.”

Gary laughed, “So you fantasize about me?”

"Oh, you knew that. And I am pretty sure that you fantasize about me too. Marc is not stupid…far from it. He knows me very well.”

“Okay, just for the sake of arguing, suppose for a second I agree to this nonsense. How would this work?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, somewhat puzzled.

“I mean, would we be staying at your place, the place you share with Marc? Or would we get a hotel? Would Marc be watching? Does he want to join in. like in a threesome? How would this work?”

“Funny you should ask. I asked Marc basically the same question, almost verbatim.”


“Apparently, that’s up to us,” I replied.

“Huh? What does that mean?” Gary asked impatiently.

“Well, Marc said that for 72 hours, I would be ‘your date’. He would respect the fact that this visit is for you and me to enjoy each other, and to resolve any remaining issues, or curiosities, we have. As such, the guest suite belongs to us. We will not be disturbed in any way in the guest suite.”

“I see. What about the rest of the house? What are the rules there?”

“Gary, you need to understand, Marc really wants us to be comfortable, and we are pretty much free to do whatever we want during the three days you are in town. However, Marc also said that I am free to invite you into our bedroom.”

This last comment just hung in the air. Gary was silent for several second before asking, ‘You mean like a threesome?”

“Yeah. Sort of like that,” I paused for a second before adding, “I’m not suggesting we do that. I’m just trying to make you understand that Marc is really okay with this. He is very supportive. He even offered to go stay at a hotel for a few days to give us some privacy.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No. I told him that would not be necessary. I figure he is being more than reasonable already. I’m not going to put him out of his own home.”

“I agree,” Gary said emphatically.

“Sooooo, that brings us to the million-dollar question…would you like to come to LA for a weekend visit?”

“I don’t know…do you want me to?” Gary was obviously wrestling with this absurd proposal.

“Gary, you know I do…but only if you want to…I’m not trying to freak you out. But I wouldn’t be calling you about this if I didn’t want you to come. But it’s up to you; you know what I want,” I explained. I wanted to avoid pressuring my brother into anything.

My brother committed to thinking about it. And although he was struggling with Marc’s absurd proposal, I knew the invitation was simply irresistible. Yes, perhaps a month ago would have declined this offer. But after our steamy conversation last Sunday, during which we analyzed the details of our very inappropriate relationship as teenagers, I was quite confident that I knew what my brother would decide. If there was any doubt about whether or not still harbored a deep emotional connection, and attraction, for his little sister, our joint masturbation session on the phone eliminated all doubt.

Yes, I was quite certain that Gary could not pass up the opportunity to finally fuck his little sister, now that she was an adult, and safely on the pill.

As I hung up the phone, I realized my head was spinning and my pulse was racing. I sat silently for several minutes recalling to myself, precisely how I got to a point in my life where I would actually consider calling my brother to invite him to visit my partner and me, with the implied promise that the visit would result in us resuming a totally inappropriate intimate relationship…one that started and ended when I was sixteen years old, and still living under my parents’ roof.

What bizarre sequence of events would make this even possible?

Yes, I was also quite nervous about his potential visit, or perhaps scared was a better word. And yet, the prospect excited me beyond words.

I spend the next twenty minutes, sitting silently, deep in thought recalling those critical months of my youth where hormones, and sexual curiosity, had caused me to do things that would alter the trajectory of my life forever.

Although Gary was almost three years older than me, I had always been the instigator of our sexual activities. It was me, not my older brother, who set these events into motion. Oh yes, we had both been willing participants…no question about that. But I was the little minx who teased my older brother, tempted him beyond reason, and actually initiated the activities that society would damn us for, if they only knew.

It started when we were in high school, sharing a bathroom that connected our two bedrooms. It was just Gary and me on the entire second floor of our parents’ home, giving us a great deal of privacy. And, this privacy emboldened me to be quite the little tease. I would regularly walk past my brother in just my bra and panties, or wearing just a towel after showering. I would leave my bedroom door ajar while I dressed and undressed.

I liked to blow dry my hair, naked in front of the mirror of my vanity with the door open slightly. As a eighteen your old, virile young man, Gary could not seem to resist the temptation to venture by my open door whenever he heard the blow drier. I would catch him looking in at my naked form, studying the reflection of my erect nipples in the mirror.

Often, I would ignore his gaze and just let him watch. I would pretend that I did not know he was spying on me. My vagina would grow moist, then wet as I sat there, naked, under his gaze. I loved the rush of power and control I felt, knowing that I could captivate and arouse my older brother so easily.

Gradually, I became bolder. After allowing him to study my nakedness for several minutes, I would look up, catch his reflection in the mirror, and smile. I would turn off the hair dryer, stand up slowly and walk to the door, without covering myself.

Smiling, I would say coyly, "I better close this before you get the wrong idea."

I loved seeing the large bulge that was so evident in his pants as I closed the door and ended the show.

I never intended my game of 'show and don't tell' to become physical. I was merely basking in the joy of having the power over my older brother to cause him to stare, open mouthed, admiringly at his little sister's budding breasts and naked buttocks and pubic region and watch his pants bulge so quickly. The power I experienced was simply intoxicating.

Frequently, after exposing myself to him, he would vanish to his room, close and lock his door, and masturbate. I could hear the springs of his bed, squeaking quietly and rhythmically, as he relieved himself. Knowing that I had aroused my older brother to the point of causing him to jack off aroused me as well. I often would rub my little nubbins as I listened to Gary's bed creaking, imagining I could watch him stimulating himself.

Gary left for college before anything physical happened between us. But as I confessed in previous chapters, that all changed when my brother returned over Christmas break during his freshman year. Curious and emboldened, I entered his room one morning, when he had a very noticeable morning erection…and I was able to convince him to show me how he masturbated.

That morning triggered a chain of events over the next few weeks, that led to me masturbating him, Gary fingering me, us driving each other to orgasm from wet humping on each other, to me performing fellatio on him, and Gary driving me to powerful orgasms with his tongue and mouth.

In short, we did virtually everything there is to do without actually having intercourse.

I had actually grown aroused, sitting there, recalling this sordid time in my youth.

But until recently, my sins were a tightly held secret…one that only my brother and I knew about; and one that neither of us had spoken of in nearly a decade.

But a week ago, my life partner, Marc, pressed me about discussing my fantasies as a teenager…and in the spirit of candor and openness, I slowly opened up, and I gradually confessed one thing after another. This confession started out by me simply admitted a very naughty fantasy I had as a young girl…a fantasy in which I was caught masturbating by my brother, and as punishment I was forced to strip in front of my dad and older brother. It was a silly, unrealistic fantasy; one that was quite naughty; however, it was quite effective in my teenager masturbation sessions.

But that confession piqued Marc’s interest causing him to pry into my actual relationship with my brother. And to my surprise, rather than being repulsed by my teenage incestuous relationship with my brother, Marc was intrigued, and aroused by it!

And, to my shock and amazement, as I confessed that was my one, and only regret was that I had not given my virginity to my brother, and that he had not been my first. Marc suggested I invite my brother for a visit to rectify that omission.

So, here I found myself, inviting my brother to come visit my life partner and me to bed me…to complete the improper incestuous defiling of his younger sister. And the thought of what might happen, and what it meant, both terrified me, and excited me. 

In the days leading up to Gary's arrival, my mind and thoughts were all over the place. I kept trying to convince myself that I was not a sexual aberration, or worse a sexual predator. I worked hard to convince myself that my brother’s visit had the potential to be something beautiful between two loving, consenting adults.

I bought a new outfit, as well as a flattering pale green, silk teddy and robe to wear around the house during Gary's visit. The day of his arrival, I shaved my legs, arm pits, and most importantly, my vulva. And before Marc and I headed to the airport to meet him, I was extra meticulous with my make-up. I had not seen Gary in over four years, and I wanted Gary to acknowledge to himself that I had aged well and was attractive.

I wore my long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and had on a form fitting pair of jeans and a tan t-shirt. I glanced at myself in the mirror and I liked the image I saw. My large green eyes and full lips gave me a youthful, sassy look. I could not help notice my nipples were erect and evident under my sheer bra.

On the drive to the airport, Marc observed, “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

“Does it show?”

“Oh yeah. I’d use the expression ‘nervous as a whore in church’ if I wasn’t afraid of offending you,” Marc chuckled.

“Be nice. I’m already pretty anxious about this. I don’t need you to make be feel any more shame or guilt right now.”

“I’m only kidding with you. You know I am very supportive of you doing this.”

“I know you are, and I truly appreciate your support. I really do. It means a great deal to me,” I replied.

Marc circled the terminal in his Lexus while I went in to ‘retrieve’ my brother.

It was a little after four o'clock on Friday afternoon when I saw Gary exit through security at LAX airport. He wore a black sports coat, black sports shirt, and light gray dress slacks. It was obvious that he took care of himself. His broad shoulders tapered to a firm narrow waist. His dark hair was showing the first traces of gray around the temples.

Gary's face lit up upon seeing me, and a broad smile came across his face. I cannot explain how much it meant to me to know that he was genuinely glad to see me after all these years. Gary set down his bag, hugged me warmly, picked me up and spun me around.

"Julie, you look wonderful. It's been too long."

"Yes, it has. And you look great yourself. Marc is outside in the car. Did you eat on the plane.”

“No, nothing since this morning. Can I treat you and Marc to an early dinner?”

"Sure, what are you in the mood for?"

"I understand you have some good seafood here in L.A.?"

"That we do. Let's swing by the house, drop off your bags, and we can walk to great little restaurant a couple of blocks from our place. Marc claims that it has some of the best seafood in Southern California. It’s Friday night, but if we hurry, we should be able to beat the crowd and get a table," I suggested.

The restaurant was not crowded and we were seated by a window overlooking a series of waterfalls cascading into a reflecting pool. I sat between Marc and Gary.

We enjoyed several cocktails as Gary and Marc got acquainted. They discussed work, sports, and the federal deficit. In fact, they each opined on virtually every inconsequential subject they could think of. The conversation was cordial and polite. But what wasn’t discussed was the ‘elephant in the room’; that is, why Gary was here. None of us knew quite how to broach this emotionally complex subject.

We enjoyed a wonderful fresh seafood dinner. Gary insisted on picking up the tab to thank us for our hospitality.

Anyone eavesdropping on our conversation from an adjacent table would have concluded that Marc and I were a completely normal couple who were entertaining my brother from out of town. No one would have detected anything salacious or inappropriate.

We arrived home, around nine o’clock. I showed my brother our guest suite and guest bathroom while Marc poured two glasses of Scotch for Gary and him, and a glass of Chardonnay for me.

I sat on the couch next to my brother as Marc occupied his normal spot in his recliner.

Marc raised his glass in a toast, “Gary, I want you to know we are so very glad to have you here with us.” Marc took a sip of his Scotch “I want you to know that I appreciate that this may feel a little awkward for you right now. It shouldn’t be. I understand that Julie’s and your relationship might seem a tad unconventional to some folks, but I understand how important you are to Julie. And, that makes you important to me.”

Gary listened carefully, answering simply, ‘thank you.”

“I want you to know that I think what you and Julie shared is pretty beautiful. I’m not threatened by it…not at all.”

“Thank you," Gary replied, and then cutting to the chase, he asked, "Just so I understand the guidelines…what are your expectations of me this weekend?”

Marc chuckled, “Fair question. I expect you and Julie to enjoy each other. The next 72 hours belong to the two of you....

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Written by submissivemom72
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