I woke Saturday morning, tired and restless. I did not sleep very well, which following our Friday night fuck fest was quite unusual for me. Usually, I sleep very well after cumming; and Friday night I had two powerful orgasms.
However, I was troubled by how the evening had ended. If you recall, Marc, my long-term partner, had convinced me to reveal the details of my teenage masturbation fantasies to him. These fantasies involved an improbable scenario where I was caught masturbating by my older brother, and then, as punishment, I was forced to strip in front of my brother and father, exposing my teenage vagina to their gaze and inspection in my family’s living room.
It was a wicked fantasy of submission and exhibitionism, with an element of incest.It was naughty. And, it was wrong. However, as a sixteen-year-old girl who was just beginning to discover her own sexuality, it was terribly arousing; and it never failed to allow me to achieve my adolescent orgasm in the privacy of my bedroom.
And, I had never shared these private, wicked thoughts with anyone else previously.
Not surprisingly, Marc found the story incredibly arousing. We enjoyed a simultaneous orgasm as we fucked while I related these teenage fantasies to my partner. It was an exciting and fun evening.
However, right before we drifted off to sleep, Marc asked me an embarrassing question…one that I had not anticipated. And, in a moment of panic and shame, I lied. And, lying is something I do not do, and I do not tolerate…
Hence, my sleepless night. I woke up knowing that I had to set the record straight, no matter the cost, no matter the consequences. I was committed to not letting the lie go ‘uncorrected’.
Marc was already up, enjoying his morning coffee, and reading the financial news on his computer when I came into the front room of our apartment. I had not dressed yet. I was still wearing the t-shirt and panties that I had slept in. Marc was wearing a UCLA sweatshirt and a pair of gym shorts.
I entered the room, cleared my throat, and announced, “Marc, I need to talk with you about something.”
“This sounds serious. What’s up?”
“Well, you know how much I hate lying?”
“Yeah, what do you think I lied about?” he asked defensively.
I sighed, “Not you…me. And I hope you won’t be too mad.”
I paused to gauge his reaction.
Marc, closed his computer, and sat up in his chair. “Okay, I am listening.”
“Well, I was not completely truthful last night about something. You caught me off guard with one of your questions. You asked me about something I was not prepared to discuss, and I kind of lied a little bit…”
“Go on.”
“You remember last night when you got me to tell you about my teenage fantasies?”
“How could I forget? Just thinking about it makes me hard…that story about you having to strip and stand naked in front of your brother and your dad…well, it was fucking hot. So where was the lie?” There was an energy and enthusiasm in his voice as he recalled my naughty teenage fantasies.
“Well, right before we went to sleep, you asked if I had ever actually done anything with my brother…remember?”
“Yeah, I remember…you said you hadn’t.”
“I know. Well that is not completely true.”
“It’s not?” Marc asked with increased interest.
I cleared my throat again, working up the courage to confess my sin.
“Not entirely. Gary and I ‘experimented’ a bit when we were teenagers. I’ve never told anyone about this…I never would have volunteered it to you. But you asked me…and I don’t want to lie to you…”
“Okay, first of all, you don’t ever have to lie to me…about anything. I’m not going to judge you, or condemn you. And, the story you told me last night was so fucking sexy…anything you did with your brother is just going to turn me on. So, what does ‘experimented’ mean?”
“Experimented means, experimented…you know a little innocent exploration.”
“And what precisely did this exploration involve?”
“I don’t know…I’m embarrassed to even talk about it.”
“Julie, you don’t need to be embarrassed, and you know that you are going to tell me. Did this exploration occur before or after you started having your little fantasy about being forced to strip in front of your brother?”
“After…it was when Gary came home from college for winter break.”
“How old were you?”
“I was sixteen. I don’t think Gary had turned nineteen yet.”
“Did you ‘do it’ with him?”
“No…we didn’t do that. But we played around the edges a bit.” I hesitated for a second, not exactly sure if I wanted to say more. I decided that I owed it to my brother to tell the whole truth here. “And, it was really my fault…I was more the instigator than he was.”
“You were? Well you little minx…Okay, tell me what happened. And, you know I love details,” Marc chimed.
He was leaning forward now, literally hanging in anticipation of what I might tell him. I could see that rather than ridicule me, or chastise me, Marc was going to find this sordid story titillating. Given the choice between him being horrified and titillated, I guess titillated was the preferred option, huh?
“Well it happened when he was home from college over Christmas break. I think he was in his freshman year. Gary was out with some friends one night and he got himself really fucked up.”
“Fucked up?”
“Yeah, drunk…too drunk to drive. I think it was a week night, and my parents had gone to bed early…anyway, I got a text from Jenna that said, ‘Call me ASAP. Important. About Gary’. Jenna was a friend of Gary’s from high school. He always claimed they were just friends, but I always thought she had a thing for him…
“So, I called her and she said ‘Gary’s all fucked up. He’s drank way too much and we can’t let him drive home…in fact, none of us really should be driving tonight’. So, I agreed to go get him. I snuck out of the house without waking my parents, and drove over to Jenna’s to find my older brother sloppy drunk.
“Well, long story short, his friends helped me load Gary into my car and I got him home. He had the presence of mind to sneak into my parents’ house quietly. And, I managed to get him upstairs to his room, undetected. My parents were sound asleep downstairs, none the wiser.
“One thing about Gary, he is not a nasty drunk…he is not belligerent…quite the opposite…he gets kind of amorous, and really sweet…as we are driving home, and as I am helping him up the stairs, he’s going on and on about how he loves me, and misses me, and what a beautiful young woman I have become…he was actually getting a little ‘sappy’…
“I knew it was the alcohol talking, but it was quite flattering nonetheless. Truthfully, I had a bit of a silly crush on my older brother, and his compliments felt really good…especially the ones about my physical appearance. He was not crude, but he did remark about how I was ‘filling out nicely’, and getting a ‘nice figure’.
“I was feeling really warm and close to my brother that evening, despite the fact that I had to go get his drunk ass at his friend’s house.
“As I helped him to his room, which adjoined to mine via a shared bathroom, I said, ‘Gary get out of these clothes and get into bed.’ I just wanted him to lose his jeans and climb under the covers, but Gary pulled his shirt over his head, and unbuckled his pants, unclasped the snap. Then, without warning, he pulled them down, along with his underwear. As he did, his flaccid penis flopped out. He was naked except for his socks…
"Marc, I was really shocked and amazed, I said something like, ‘Jesus, Gary, I did not mean for you to strip naked.’ I could not help staring at the six-inch-long flaccid penis in front of me.
“Gary was unfazed. He replied, ‘Hell, it’s not like you have never seen one of these before, sis,’ as he stepped out of the legs of his pants, pulling them inside out, and attempted to hand them to me.
“Gary seemed to be completely at ease being naked right now with no pretense of modesty.
“I stood there in shock. The truth was that this was the very first penis I had ever seen. I had not even seen my dad naked before. But I certainly did not want to admit my inexperience to my brother.
“I said, ‘That’s not the point, Gary. You are not supposed to be showing your dick to your little sister.’
“But Marc, despite my desire to look away, I could not stop staring at my first real life penis. I was mesmerized by its size, shape and color. The first thing I noticed was the distinct head that appeared to stand apart from the shaft. And the color was darker, almost purple; nothing like Gary’s normal complexion.
“I admit, I was intrigued by the cock exposed in front of me despite the fact that it was attached to my older brother. I was embarrassed and excited at the same time; but I could not stop staring. In his alcohol induced haze, Gary did not seem to notice my stare.
“I remember thinking how ironic it was that my fantasy was of me being stripped naked in front of my brother, not the other way around; yet, here I was.
“He then fell backwards on to his bed atop the covers. As he fell back, I remember his penis flopping up and slapping against his lower abdomen, making a distinct smacking sound.
Marc interrupted me. “Baby, we need to finish this story in the bedroom.”
“Oh my, you are a wicked boy, aren’t you?”
“That’s why we are such a good match,” Marc replied as he led me to our bedroom. “Continue.”
As we entered our bedroom, I continued, “…I slowly turned away from my brother’s naked form lying on the bed, but as I walked away, I realized that I could feel my pulse in my clitoris and my vagina was getting wet. The sight of my brother’s penis was arousing me! I was embarrassed by my reaction, but I was reacting to this sight. And the image of Gary’s naked body, particularly his penis, was etched in my mind, firmly! I caught myself looking back over my shoulder as I exited his room, stealing one more glance at his naked body.
“Gary was lying on his back, naked on his bed, spread eagle; his arm was across his face, shielding his eyes from the light.
“I stole one more glance. I had to admit that he had a marvelous body. He had muscular arms and shoulders; a well-defined chest; a flat, tight abdomen; nice, muscular thighs; and a very intriguing penis. Although I had no other penises to compare to it, Gary’s penis seemed exceptionally large and thick compared to what I expected a penis to be.
“I stood there studying his naked form for several moments before I grabbed a sheet from the hall linen closet, and covered my stepbrother’s naked form. I closed the door quietly as I left, and retreated to my room next door. I could not get the image out of my mind.
“I undressed, donned my normal sleeping attire: a t-shirt and kept on my panties. And I climbed into bed.
“Almost without thinking, I found my fingers moving inside my panties as I revisited the image of my brother’s naked body. I was surprised at how wet I was. My reaction embarrassed me. I felt ashamed, but very aroused. I rubbed small circles around my erect clitoris, and I achieved an orgasm remarkably quickly. Normally it takes me fifteen minutes, or so, to masturbate to orgasm. That night, I got myself there in about two minutes. It was a new record! I was not proud of myself at that moment. But my orgasm was more intense than normal.
“My self-induced sexual release relaxed me, and I drifted off to sleep still thinking about that wonderfully erotic image of my brother’s naked body.”
I stopped talking as Marc led me to the bed, and started removing my tee-shirt, leaving me wearing only my panties.
“Oh my, you are going to fuck me again, while I tell you about what I did with my brother?”
“I most definitely am…and this time, no fantasies…I want to know precisely what you did with Gary…I want to hear the Julie reality sex show…”
“Promise you won’t think I am too sick for doing this?”
“Julie, if you are sick, so am I.”
I thought to myself, 'that’s not much reassurance', but said nothing.
Marc shed his clothes quickly. He kissed me deeply, and placed my hand on his cock which was pulsing itself rigid.
“You really do like stories of me being a naughty teenager, don’t you?” I asked, prompting his to tell me that my naughtiness was okay, even appealing.
“Oh, fuck yeah.”
We necked for a couple of minutes, and then Marc removed my panties. We were both naked, and he was now fully erect.
He directed me to lie on the bed, laying next to me, said, “Please continue,” as he reached between my thighs and started gently teasing my clit.
I was relieved. Rather than being repulsed by my teenage incestuous encounters, he was aroused by them. I lay next to Marc, gently massaging his erection as I continued my illicit tale of ‘brotherly love’..
“Well, the next morning, I awoke early. My parents were still asleep downstairs, and likely would not be up for hours. I was feeling some compassion for my brother and his hangover; so, I got a glass of juice and two Tylenol pills, and took them to him. Additionally, I am ashamed to admit, I did feel a magnetic attraction to try to sneak a peek at Gary’s penis again. I had my short robe on over my tee shirt and panties.
“But Marc, as I approached Gary’s bedroom door with the juice and Tylenol, I did something pretty naughty…I untied my robe and allowed it to hang open from my shoulders. I would like to claim that I do not know why I did this; but that would be a lie…Something inside me, which I do not quite understand, wanted to expose my firm, and now erect, braless nipples and pale green panties to my brother.
“After being so intrigued by Gary’s body myself; I wanted Gary to admire my body as well. I wanted Gary to acknowledge, even if only to himself, that his little sister was developing a very nice body too. I know it sounds weird, even sick, but that’s what I did.
“Honestly, I was not thinking about any physical contact between us; but I did want to demonstrate that I looked pretty damn good, too. I wanted my older brother to know that he was not the only one with a phenomenally nice body in the making. As I said, I do not fully understand why getting an admiring glance from Gary was important to me. Why did I want him to notice my figure? I simply do not know; but I did.
“The very thought of what I was going to do, and the vivid image of his naked penis caused my nipples to harden and my vagina to grow moist. I felt wicked, and that wickedness excited me. Up to this point in my life, I had been the perfect little Catholic schoolgirl…a vestal virgin.
“Marc, I knocked on the door and, again, opened it without waiting for an invitation. I announced my entrance with ‘Gary, are you still alive? Here take this, it will help you feel human again.’
“I walked over offering the juice and Tylenol. Gary stirred, and tried to open his eyes, but clearly was having trouble focusing. He was lying on his back, very much in the same position that I had left him in last night. The sheet which was lying over his naked form revealed a clear and distinct outline of his shape.
“The very first thing that I noticed was the huge erection Gary was sporting that morning. The sheet did little to hide the size and dimensions of this rigid tool. I had never seen an erect penis before, and I was astonished at the apparent length and girth of this erection barely hiding under the sheet. Even under the thin cotton sheet, I could clearly see that it looked much different in its hardened state.
“I handed him the juice as he struggled to sit up, and actually placed the two Tylenol into his mouth as he opened for me. Sitting up now, with the sheet gathered around his waist, his erection made a tent poking straight up. It was so obvious; it was distracting to me. Despite me intentionally looking away several times, Gary’s erection seemed to demand that my eyes return again, and again, to glance at the large pole sticking straight up straining at the sheet. I could feel myself blush each time I did so; afraid Gary would notice my fixation.
“Gary acknowledged my kindness with, ‘Thank you, sis. And, thanks for getting me last night. I am sorry I am such a pain.’ As Gary spoke, it occurred to me that he did not seem to be aware of his obvious boner.
I interrupted myself to reflect on how I was feeling at that moment, “Marc, I felt very close to my brother at that moment.
“I simply said, ‘It’s OK. I’d say that ‘you would do the same for me’, but I may be giving you too much credit’. We both laughed at that thought. I turned and started the leave, not sure where this was going, and wanting to leave before my fixation with his erection became too obvious.
“But, Marc, I’m not sure what made me do it, but right before I left, I leaned in and hugged him, and he hugged me back. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I reflected on how much I missed having him home all the time. This...