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Caught Stealing Knickers

"The story continues..."

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Chapter 3

After getting home on that Saturday evening, I lay in bed naked, except for Nicola’s knickers around my hard cock. It had been a wonderful time with her. But no matter how hard I tried and how many times I came, my cock stayed hard. I eventually fell asleep with a very sore cock, still wrapped in a sticky pair of knickers and I had some wonderful wet dreams.

The following week seemed to drag on forever. The only bright point was that I got my hands on some condoms (I stole them from my older brother). Every day I saw Nicola at school and all I could think of was her beautiful lips wrapped around my hard cock. I couldn’t wait to see what the weekend brought.

Saturday, I was very excited, as it was a warm day, I opted for shorts, a tee-shirt and trainers. I didn’t put Nicola’s knickers on, as they were a little tight, so I went commando. I made my way down the alley but saw no washing hanging up in Nicola’s yard. When I got to the back door, I pushed it open to see Nicola sitting on the back step.

When she saw me, she smiled and waved me in. She came towards me and I was a little taken aback by her outfit, a long sleeve button-down shirt, long pants, and a cardigan. She was dressed like she was going to work in an office. I gave her a puzzled look and said, “What are you wearing?”

“Oh, I went out with my mum this morning and she made me wear this,” she replied.

I looked around, “Where is the washing?”

“My mum thinks someone is stealing her knickers, so she did it all early this morning and she finished it when we got home, before going to work.”

Smiling, I said, “Well, I didn’t exactly steal them, you gave them to me.”

She returned my smile and said, “I know, now come on inside, I have something to show you.”

Following her into the house, she led me through the kitchen and on through to the living room. As I moved to the couch, she smiled and said, “Oh no, this way.” She led me through the lounge and up the stairs. As I followed her up the stairs, I got to look at her nice firm ass in her black pants, my cock was already swelling at the thoughts going through my mind. She moved across the landing area and opened a bedroom door. Inside it was quite obvious this was her room, a typical teen girl’s room with posters of pop bands on the walls, furry animals on the bed, and school books on the desk.

“Sit on the bed,” Nicola said, and gently pushed me down. She took a step back and smiling, she removed her cardigan, then slowly unbuttoning her shirt she removed it to show me her small perfect breasts in a white lace bra that was transparent enough to see her dark nipples and areolas. Then slipping off her shoes, she unbuttoned her pants and removed them to show a pair of matching white lace panties, suspender belt and stockings. I almost came there and then in my pants, I must have let out an audible gasp as Nicola blushed and said, “These are my mum’s, what do you think?”

I couldn’t speak, she looked so beautiful, sexy and as hot as any woman could look. Before I could say anything, she did a slow twirl and showed me the back. The panties were a very thin G-string and her ass cheeks looked beautiful. I stood up and moved across to her, taking her in my arms. I gently kissed her on the lips, while caressing and feeling her back and bum. She could obviously feel my hard on, so she pulled my shirt up and off and pushing me back on the bed, she removed my shoes and socks. Then unbuttoning my shorts, she pulled them off, releasing my hard cock. It was already dribbling pre-cum, I was so turned on.

Nicola rubbed up against my thighs. Kneeling before me, she licked my balls and cock. As she reached the head, she licked around it and swallowed all the pre-cum. Gripping my balls with one hand, she stroked my cock with the other hand, starting slowly she licked and kissed the length of my cock, before taking the head into her mouth, and started to suck. As her sucking sped up, so did her stroking, as I got nearer to cumming. I grabbed her head and lifted my hips up, as I then started shooting a hot stream of cum into her throat. Nicola gagged a little but kept my cock clamped in her mouth and swallowed every drop.

She let my cock drop from her mouth and slowly kissed up my chest. She sucked and bit my nipples on the way past and then her mouth was on mine, kissing deeply and passionately, exploring each other’s mouths with our tongues. I could taste her, a little salty from my cum. It was a brilliant combination.

We continued kissing, and as we did, I felt down her back and over her bum. I could just reach between her legs, and I could feel how hot and wet her pussy had become and it was very easy to slide a finger in past the strings of the knickers. I felt her stiffen a little as I slid my finger in, then as I finger-fucked her, she relaxed and pushed back. We continued to kiss for a while and as I slipped my fingers out of her wet pussy, I moved my hands to undo her bra and free her breasts.

I moved from under her and while slipping off her bra, I slowly licked around her nipples before taking one in my mouth. It was very hard and hot. As I sucked it, she gasped a little. I alternated between her nipples, sucking and nibbling, I could feel her body tensing as I sucked first one then the other nipple. While suckling her breasts I slipped my hand between her legs and started to rub her pussy through the thin material of her knickers.

Her pussy was so hot and so wet that it soaked her knickers. I pulled them to one side and rubbed her pussy, parted the lips, exposing her clit, which I tweaked. This had the effect of sending a shiver up her body and she grabbed me hard and pulled me up for a rough kiss. Each time I tweaked her clit, she kissed me and squeezed me harder.

I broke off the kiss and began a slow shower of kisses over her chest, down her stomach, to her pubic mound, where I inhaled her lovely smell. I remembered it from the previous week with just that hint of vanilla. I pulled her knickers down over her legs and off over her feet. She opened her legs, allowing me to go down to kiss and lick her pussy. Her pussy lips were red and swollen, she was soaking wet. I lightly kissed her lips before licking them from top to bottom, then parting them slightly, I slipped my tongue inside. Alternating between pushing my tongue into her pussy and sucking on her clit, I brought her to a shuddering orgasm.

She pulled up to look in my face and said, “Fuck me, Tony. I want to feel you inside me.”

I scrambled for my shorts and pulled out the condoms. I was suddenly all fingers and thumbs and was struggling to open the packet. In the end, I had to use my teeth to tear it open. Never having worn one before it was a struggle to get it on, but eventually, I did. I moved up in between Nicola’s thighs and still being new to this was struggling to get my cock into her.

“Lie back and let me get on top, it might be easier,” she said.

So, I moved over and let Nicola climb on top. She adjusted herself and slid back, letting my cock slowly enter her. Awkwardly at first, we tried to find a rhythm. We soon found it and as she sat upright, my cock slid all the way in, causing us both to gasp loudly. We slowly started fucking, building up speed till in a height of pleasure we both came at the same time, with me gasping and Nicola screaming. She collapsed on top of me and kissed me, “Thank you,” I said,

“No, thank you,” she said.

We lay together, sweaty from the sex and with my cock slowly softening, I rolled off and removed the condom. Nicola looked at me and smiled, “I enjoyed that, can we do it again?”

I smiled and said, “Give me a minute to get my breath back.”

Nicola smiled, then said, “Wait here.” She got up and went out of the bedroom, coming back a few minutes later with something in her hands, she was carrying some of her mother’s underwear. “Here put these on, I want to see what you look like.”

She gave me a black suspender belt and stockings, and a black bra and knickers set. I pulled them on and my cock almost immediately rose again. Nicola told me to leave them on, then she pulled a full-length mirror beside the bed.

“Please fuck me doggy style, so I can see us in the mirror.”

I didn’t need to be asked twice. I pulled the knickers to one side and got another condom out, Nicola climbed on the bed on all fours and wiggled her ass at me. I slipped on the condom and manoeuvred myself behind her. I slid the tip of my cock up and down her wet pussy before slipping in. The sight in the mirror was amazing. Her, on all fours, in white underwear, and me behind, in black underwear, fucking her.

Suddenly Nicola stopped, and a look of horror crossed her face. She was looking open-mouthed in the mirror at something behind me. I turned around to look and there, standing in the bedroom doorway, with her arms folded, was Mrs. Windwood, Nicola’s mum.

“Enjoying yourselves, are you?”

I nearly had a heart attack, Nicola jumped up and started apologising to her mother, and to me. She was almost in tears, I wasn’t far behind, and I thought she was going to kill me. She looked at us and said, “Sit down, the both of you.”

Nicola and I sat on the bed, both looking down and not daring to look at her. She crossed the room and stood in front of us.

“So, who are you then?” she demanded.

I stammered and stuttered, “My name is Tony, I go to school with Nicola.”

‘Where do you live?”

“On South Street, a couple of streets over.”

“How long have you and my daughter been doing this?”

“This was the first time, we did some other stuff before, but this was the first time I swear,” I was almost in tears at this point.

“Alright, calm down,” Mrs. Windwood said. “At least looking at what you’re wearing, I know I’m not going mad and somebody has been wearing my knickers. Please take them off.”

I stood, and while trying to hide my nakedness, removed the underwear I was wearing.

“You don’t need to cover yourself I just saw you in all your glory fucking my daughter so you now haven’t got something to hide.”

I made to grab my clothes from the floor, “Who said you could get dressed?” she said sternly

I froze, and she said, “Sit back on the bed.”

I meekly sat back down next to a now naked Nicola and waited. I was sure this stern woman was thinking of some appropriate and severe punishment.

“What am I going to do with you two? You obviously were enjoying what you were doing, I could see that, but are you old enough to understand what you are doing?” She paced about the bedroom for what seemed like twenty minutes but was more than likely only two.

“OK, get dressed, Tony, go home. You need to be here, clean and presentable, next Saturday morning at 9:00, and don’t be late.”

“Yes, Mrs. Windwood,” I stammered. I looked at Nicola and tried to smile, but was so scared I almost ran down the stairs and out of the house.

I got home and locked myself in my room for the entire weekend. I feared that Mrs. Windwood was going to come knocking on the door and tell my parents what I had been up to.

Chapter 4

I saw Nicola at school on Monday and grabbed a quick conversation with her, “What happened after I left?”

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“It was weird, my mum just looked at me for a few minutes, then said. 'we will not discuss this further,' and that was that, she said nothing else.”

“Nothing about Saturday?”

“No, nothing. I do not know what she is going to do.”

“Well, I suppose we will find out on Saturday, but I am telling you I am terrified.”

“Me too.”

The week felt interminably long. Saturday came around and I got up, dressed in black pants and a golf shirt, then made my way to Nicola’s. This time I went to the front door and rang the bell. Nicola answered the door and she looked stunning. She had on a red and black dress, black stocking and high heels. She had pinned her hair up, and she had on make-up. I think my jaw must have dropped open as she said, “My mum made me dress like this, come in.”

I followed her in and through to the living room. Her mum was standing in the middle of the room and looked almost identical to Nicola.

“Good morning, Tony. Please take a seat. Nicola, please sit next to him. I have given this a lot of thought this week, about what I must do with you two. It’s obvious you are going to have sex no matter what I say or do. So, I have decided if I am going to allow it, then there have to be some rules.

“Rule one – it will always take place here in this house. Rule two – it will only take place when I am here. Rule three – you will always be careful and I have already put Nicola on the pill so that will help. Rule four – you will always be respectful to each other, and to me. Do you agree to my rules?”

I looked at Nicola and then at her mum, then said, “Yes, Mrs. Windwood.” Nicola nodded her head in agreement.

“One more thing, my name is Stella, and that is what you can call me.”

“Yes, Stella,” I said

“Now Nicola, why don’t you show Tony what I bought you this week.”

Nicola looked at her mum and then at me, then back to her mum.

“Surely you haven’t gotten shy? Both Tony and I saw how you looked with no clothes on last week, so you have nothing to hide.”

Nicola stood up and reached behind herself to unzip her dress. Pulling it off her shoulders and down, stepping out of her dress, she looked amazing. She was wearing a black bodice, with red trimmings, which had a half-cut bra cup with her nipples barely staying covered, black stockings, and black G-string panties. I was so transfixed on Nicola that I didn’t notice her mum until she said, “What do you think?”

Stella had also removed her dress and was wearing an identical outfit to Nicola. My mouth dropped open in awe. She was a little taller than Nicola, with lighter shoulder-length hair and much bigger breasts.

Then she said, “I figured the best way to monitor the two of you is to be in the room with you. Plus it has the bonus that I can teach you some stuff. Practice is always better than theory.”

I looked at Nicola and she smiled at me, causing me to realize Stella and Nicola had discussed this beforehand.

“Let’s get you out of those clothes,” said Stella. I was speechless. Here I was a mere couple of weeks since seeing my first naked woman, about to go with not one but two women. Stella unbuttoned my pants, pulled them down and off while Nicola lifted my shirt over my head. Stella looked at the bulge in my underpants and gave it a stroke, “Don’t worry, we will let you out soon.” Then taking me by the hand, and with Nicola behind me, she led us up the stairs, past Nicola’s room, to the master bedroom where inside was a king-size bed.

Once in the room, Stella turned and taking my face in her hands gave me a long slow passionate kiss. She explored my lips, mouth and tongue with her tongue, pulling away she said, “Now you do the same to Nicola.”

I began kissing Nicola before Stella said, “No, stop and let me show you again.” I thought she was going to kiss me again, but she took hold of Nicola’s face and slowly kissed her with great passion. Nicola responded and pulled her mother in tight for a slow passionate kiss. My cock got harder than I have ever known at the sight of these two kissing, with the pre-cum starting to wet my underwear.

“Now do you see how you must do it?”

Nicola was staring transfixed at her mother, as was I. I pulled Nicola closer and tried to copy what I had seen Stella just do. I don’t know if I was as good as her, but Nicola pulled me in close and kissed me hard. While we were kissing, Stella moved over to the bed and then called us to come over and join her. I climbed up next to her, with Nicola on my other side, so I was between the two of them.

Stella then asked, “Did you lick my daughter’s pussy?”

“Yes,” I said.

Looking at Nicola, Stella asked, “Was it good?”

“Yes, I really enjoyed it,” said Nicola.

“That’s good to hear, I will have to try it then so I can judge for myself.”


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Written by Jakeburns78
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