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Caught in the Act, Part VI: A Date with Amy? No, Audrey

"Jack waits for his date with Amy, but Audrey, an old college friend, shows up with a surprise."

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Jack wondered what Amy had in store for him. She was planning their date, just as she had planned their previous encounter at her house with five other women, bondage, and public humiliation. Well, she was definitely a take-charge sort of woman, in keeping with her persona as a dominatrix. He decided to just ride the wave. He decided to call.

“Hi, Amy. I was wondering what you might be planning for our date Friday? Or do you want to keep it a secret?

“No secret, Jack,” she cooed, in a smoky voice. “I’m taking you to dinner at that new restaurant downtown. We’re going to have a proper date. You can pick me up at 6:30. Of course, you’d better not be late.” Her voice turned steely. Jack knew to always obey.

“That sounds really nice. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Of course you can’t, Jack. Everyone falls under my spell.”

He was pretty sure that was true, based on what he’d seen. And he was under her spell too. Jack thought about her as he lay on his bed. It was hard to forget her piercing eyes, her shock of long red hair, the way she had of taking control. Jack liked that. He needed that sometimes.

He began to touch his nipples, absentmindedly at first, then more deliberately. He reached for the pack of cigarettes on his nightstand, and shook out two. Placing them on his nipples, he slowly moved them up and down, back and forth. As he thought about Amy, he began to get hard. He pulled down his shorts and stroked his cock, his head filled with dreamy fantasies.

“Jack, honey, you’d got a visitor... oh!”

He looked at Aunt Peggy in the doorway. It wasn’t a problem for her to catch him masturbating. The problem was the girl standing behind her. Audrey. Audrey? Audrey!

“Oh!” He quickly pulled up his shorts, but not much could hide his erection. He tossed the cigarettes off the side of the bed, brushed himself off, and tried his best to gain his composure.

“Audrey! It’s great to see you!” He got up and came over to her.

She smirked. “Nice to see you too Jack. I see you’re up to your old tricks.”

“Umm, what brings you here?”

“I was passing through town on my way to Blechsville for a job interview, and thought I’d stop to say hello. I didn’t realize you were so... busy.” She walked around Aunt Peggy, and came over to kiss him. She smelled sweet, a combination of perfume and cigarette smoke.

“Well, I…” 

Aunt Peggy interrupted. “I should get back upstairs. I’ll get some iced tea ready for both of you.” She disappeared up the stairs.

“You don’t have to play shy with me. I’ve watched you jerk off before.”

“You have? I didn’t know.”

“Back at college, I used to peek through a crack in your door. You were very busy back then.”

“I would have been busier if you’d come in and joined me.”

“I was going out with Darryl and the time. And Cindy.”

“Oh. I didn’t know about Cindy.”

“That was a secret. I guess we kept it successfully. Or maybe your head was in the clouds.”

“That’s most likely true.” He smiled. “Want to get some iced tea?”

They went upstairs, and sat at the kitchen counter. “So, what’s your itinerary?”

“I have a job interview at 1 pm, with this entrepreneur who’s recruiting salespeople. He makes a line of erotic products. It’s a Tupperware kind of deal. I hold parties, try to sell stuff, and get a percentage. I certainly know enough about sex toys, so the learning curve shouldn’t be too steep. “ She laughed. Aunt Peggy listened in.

“How many people are they looking for?”

“I’m not sure. Do you need a job? Won’t it take away from your precious masturbation time?”

Aunt Peggy guffawed from around the corner. “Okay, you can stop listening now, Aunt Peggy.”

She peeked around the edge of the refrigerator. “Sorry, but that was funny.”

“You and your aunt seem to have an interesting relationship.”

“We’re very close.” Jack was being vague. “When you’re done with the interview, maybe you’ll have time to stop back here before going home. I’d like to talk with you some more.”

“Are you sure all you want to do is talk?”

“Well, talking is one of the things. We’ll feed you dinner too, right Aunt Peggy?”

“Of course. We never let anyone leave here hungry.” She smiled.

After Audrey left, Jack found Aunt Peggy again. “You’ve been a very bad girl.”

Aunt Peggy pouted. “Are you going to spank me, Jack? Please spank me. I’d love to have your hands smacking my ass. And tell me more about what a bad girl I am.”

Jack went to the library after lunch. He needed to get some fresh air after his bout with Peggy. When he got there, it was closed. Middle of the day? A sign on the door said, ‘Closed until further notice.’ An older man was standing there, also looking puzzled. “What’s going on?”

“No idea. Maybe a problem with the water, or the furnace?” 

Ah well. He’d stop back some other time. He wasn’t really looking forward to seeing anyone in there, but he was just a patron now, so it didn’t matter. He bought some cigarettes, and headed home. When he got there, Audrey’s car was in the driveway.

“Hi, folks. I’m back.” Audrey and Aunt Peggy were in the living room, having coffee and smoking. “Hey, Jack, Audrey came back, and she’s got a surprise.”

Audrey grinned. “I got the job! Mr. Willicker gave it to me in only ten minutes. He also handed me a sample pack to get started, and a booklet on how to run parties.” She waved the booklet.

Jack took a look. The ForeverErotic Line of Pleasure Products. Looked like fun.

“I need to practice. Would you and Peggy like to be my test case?”

Jack sat on the couch while Audrey got herself organized. She looked really good, all dressed for success in a smart top and skirt. Her lovely brown hair cascaded over the collar, and the top accentuated her breasts. Aunt Peggy looked too, and glanced at Jack.

“Pay attention, Jack. You might see something to buy me for my birthday.” She winked.

Audrey began her prepared speech. “Good afternoon! I’m Audrey Melton, and I’m your hostess for a wonderful trip to Pleasureland. I have a delightful set of pleasure products to show you, that you’re sure to enjoy, or share with those you love.”

She had a good speaking style. Very professional, but friendly. Audrey opened a case, and pulled out several items. “Here we have the top of the line items. A really pretty vibrator, a dildo, and panties. They all come in several sizes, so you can find the ones that are just right for you.”

She handed Aunt Peggy a blue dildo. Peggy examined it, and nodded approvingly. “Jack, would you like to take a look?” Jack took it, and looked closely. There were a few raised spots, which he guessed was for added pleasure.

“This compliments your eyes, Aunt Peggy.” She batted her eyelashes, and laughed, taking a drag on her cigarette.

Audrey giggled. “Don’t make me laugh, you two. I have to be professional here.” They straightened up and paid attention.

“Now, we have a selection of nipple clamps that just might be perfect.” She looked at Jack. “Especially for you.” She handed him a pair of large clamps, which he tested on his finger.

“Wow, these are nice. A firm grip without being too tight.” Aunt Peggy looked on. “Can we try these, or do you have to keep them for your talk?” 

“No, please. Try them out. That’s what they’re for. If I can get some feedback on them, I can report it back to Mr. Willicker. He wanted me to send him any comments I get.”

“Jack, take off your shirt,” Aunt Peggy told him. “I want to see those clamps on you.”

Jack stripped while Audrey looked on. Peggy carefully put a clamp on each of his nipples. 

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“How does that feel?” Peggy asked.

“Just the right amount of pinch. I could leave these on for quite a while. Want to try them, Peggy?” Aunt Peggy unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it off. Then she removed her bra, and let her breasts fall free. Jack took the clamps from his nipples and gently placed one on each of her nipples. She moaned softly. “Oh, these are nice. I think you’ve got a sale, Audrey.”

Audrey smiled. “I wonder if I should try them too? I need to know what kind of products I’m selling.” She removed her blouse, then unhooked her bra. Jack looked at her round, bouncy breasts.

“Would you like us to put them on you?” She smiled.

Jack and Peggy got off the couch and stood next to her. He removed a clamp from Peggy’s nipple and reached for Audrey’s breast. “Okay?” She nodded. He held her gently, and placed it on her nipple. Peggy did the same with the other one. Audrey stood there, the clamps on, with the two of them holding her closely. Peggy kissed her on the lips. Audrey responded, and opened her mouth, her tongue probing Peggy’s mouth. “Oh my god. I think this is the point where I abandon my talk. Could we just all go have sex?”

They all agreed, and headed for the bedroom, Audrey’s sample case in hand. 

“I’ve always wanted to be with you, Jack.” She came over and kissed him deeply.

“Are you sure you want me here?” Peggy asked.

“Of course. I really like you. And I’ve always wanted to have a threesome.”

“Let’s see what else you have in that case. I think I’d like to try on the panties, if there’s a pair that fits,” Jack said. “I like wearing women’s underwear. Peggy will vouch for that.”

“As long as you’re not ruining mine.” Peggy giggled. “You look good in it though.”

Audrey pulled out several pairs, and selected the largest. “Try these.”

Jack took them, peeled off his pants and underpants, and tried them on. “Nice. Tight but not too tight. How do I look?”

Audrey put down the other pairs and came over to him. She reached down and fondled his cock through the panties. “You look sexy, and you feel sexy too.” She stroked him, then slapped his ass. “I like that side of you too.”

Peggy pulled off the rest of her clothes. Audrey looked at her. “Peggy, what happened to your ass? Your cheeks are so red!” 

Peggy replied, “Jack gave me a good spanking this morning. I was a bad girl, so I asked for one. He’s very accomodating.” 

“Would you spank me, Jack? I think I’ve been bad too.”

“I’d love to. Maybe we should take turns spanking you, to make sure you’re appropriately punished.” Audrey’s eyes got wide. “Would you? Would you both spank me? Oh, yes, please!”

Jack took her hand and led her to the chair next to the bed. “Bend over my lap. We’ll start with a warmup.” She did, and he began by rubbing and plumping her ass cheeks. “Oh, these are really nice.” Audrey giggled. “Giggling is not allowed, and will be punished.” She giggled again. “Very well, young lady. Peggy, would you get four cigarettes from your pack? Audrey needs something else to think about while she’s being spanked.” Peggy got them, broke off the filters, and stuffed them in Audrey’s mouth. Audrey was startled, and looked at Peggy. “That’s one of the rules with Jack. I got the same punishment. I think you’ll like it.” 

Jack began to smack her cheeks, gently, alternating right and left. Then slowly turned up the volume. Audrey began to squeal a little with each slap. “Are you okay?” She nodded.

Peggy knelt down next to Audrey and began whispering in her ear. “We’re so glad to have you here, Audrey. You’re so beautiful and so sweet. We’re going to give you everything you need.” 

This made Audrey squirm. Jack held her tighter, and slapped harder. She whimpered and moaned. Peggy felt between Audrey’s legs and found her sopping wet. She whispered again, “I see you like what we’re doing. It’s just going to get better and better.” Audrey started bucking, and Jack gave her a few more slaps on each cheek. She was shaking, and suddenly, Jack felt her let loose. She spit out the cigarettes and cried out, shuddering.

When she stopped, Jack stroked her ass and comforted her. He helped her back up. “How was that?”

“Oh god, Jack, that was the best spanking I’ve ever had.” “Well, you’re just about to get more.”

Jack stood up and Peggy took his place. “Please give me more, Peggy.”

Peggy began just as Jack had, but every so often ran her long nails over the red cheeks, leaving streaks. Audrey cried tears, holding on to Peggy’s leg, and begging for more. Jack knelt by her side, stroking her back, and whispering to her the way Peggy had. “Just think of all the things we might do with you when you get up. Would you like me to tell you what I want to do?” She nodded. “I want to lick your delicious, wet pussy. And then we’ll use some of those toys. Would you like me to do that?”

Audrey came with another shudder, and Aunt Peggy let her up. There were tears in her eyes. “That was amazing. Thank you, Peggy.” They kissed. Jack led her to the bed, and told her to lie on her back.

He whispered again, “We’re not going to let up on you. We’re going to give you all the pleasure you can stand.”

She nodded, “Please. More.”

Jack moved down between her legs, and began stroking her thighs. Peggy moved up to face her, and began kissing her, fondling her breasts, and telling her what she wanted to do with her. Jack licked her, and she spread her legs wider, wanting more. He put his face right into her pussy, and began moving his lips and tongue back and forth. Her aroma was rich and sweet. Peggy handed him the blue dildo. He slowly inserted it, sliding it in and out, in and out, as he licked her clitoris. She began to shudder again, then gushed a small flood of liquid on Jack’s face. He licked her some more.

Peggy took over and brought the vibrator to Audrey’s clitoris, telling her what she was going to do before doing it. Stroking her, massaging her. Jack kissed her, and let her lick his face, tasting herself on him. She came again with a series of small cries.

“Do you need a break, or do you want more?” Jack asked her.

“More. Please.”

“What do you want?”

"Fuck me. Please.” Jack got a condom and rolled it on. Then he got on top and began sliding his cock up and down her pussy. Finally, he slowly inserted his cock into her. She cried out, “Oh god, Jack please fuck me hard!” Jack pushed himself further into her, then began moving in and out, harder and harder, his cock a piece of steel. He began to lose control, and pushed himself in as far as he could. He came in a giant wave. Audrey came seconds later. Jack lay down on top of her, holding her, and shaking. After a minute, he got off her, and lay next to her. Peggy was sitting there, smoking a cigarette, watching them. “

Having fun?” She handed the cigarette to Audrey, who took a long drag and blew out the smoke. 

“I think it’s time we gave some love to Peggy.” Jack turned to her and smiled. “You deserve it.”

Audrey got up and made room on the bed for Peggy to lie down. Audrey took her turn between Peggy’s legs, while Jack sucked and played with her nipples. She didn’t last long before she had an orgasm. Audrey came up from between her legs, her face covered with Peggy’s wetness. Jack and Peggy kissed her and licked her off. They all fell into a pile, exhausted.

After some cleanup, they all ended up in the living room again, with their clothes on.

“Jack, you might want to check out this company. They’re looking for other salespeople, and they don’t have any guys yet. I think you’d be good at selling ForeverErotic products.”

“I might just have to do that. There aren’t many job prospects around here at the moment.”

Audrey packed up her sample case, minus the items that were used in their fun, and kissed Jack and Peggy goodbye. They watched her drive away.

“Are you sad that you let her get away?” Peggy asked.

“Who said I did? I have her number. I may pay her a visit in a couple of weeks. Besides, I think she’ll be back. She likes you.”

They closed the door and went back inside.

Written by GKKlaas
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