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Cassie, Zach and I - Part 2

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Finally, the day had arrived where I could be a normal teenage girl. For years, my dream or focus was to maximise my ability as a swimmer. The lure of an Olympic medal and good school results were the driving forces in my life. Time to socialise and be a normal teenager was short, resulting in having a small circle of friends, either fellow swimmers or study partners. I continually encouraged myself by thinking, it would all be worth it when I had a medal round my neck.


A slight thigh strain meant, being instructed to stay out of the pool for two weeks. Approaching seventeen years of age, I’d never being forced to miss training and with my final GCSE exam over, I’d finally got free time. To begin with, it was a scary prospect but then, study partners, twins Cassie and Zach invited me to a sleepover with them. To our surprise, when our respective mothers spoke by telephone, they agreed I’d stay for two weeks.


I’d found out that both Cassie and Zach were attracted to me.  To that point in my life, my sexual preference was not an issue I’d ever considered. When masturbating, I focussed on my orgasm, never considering what or who might be turning me on.


On the Friday night, after our mothers spoke, Cassie and I had a Facetime call. We were soon naked, watching the other masturbate.  Cassie confessed that Zach and her had been kissing every night, using the pretext they were using the other for practice, no more than that. She continued to confess how their kissing had progressed, where they’d both be nude and Zach would cum over her body. I took various pictures of myself, wanting both Cassie and Zach to be turned on by my body.


That one conversation opened my body and mind sexually. Seeing Cassie nude turned me on to heights I’d never previously experienced. I wanted to touch her and her to touch me but telling me about her brother, pricked a curiosity within me, to have him inside me and cum.


While out shopping, with my parents, the following morning, I received an email from Cassie. The email contained a number of naked pictures of Cassie and Zach, unshaved and shaved. I made a decision to let Zach take my virginity, out of my parent’s sight, I purchased a pack of condoms.


Cassie and I agreed to Facetime call again but invite Zach to join us. I’d expected him to be in his room, not sat next to Cassie on her bed, both naked. I told Zach he looked incredible naked and couldn’t wait to be nude next to him. Mischievously, I suggested he shaved under his arms and his legs too. To my surprise, he eagerly agreed to do it.


Cassie and I, masturbated as we had the night before but made more erotic because Zach was watching and stroking his cock as we turned the other on. Once Cassie and I had our first orgasm, Cassie kissed her brother, open mouthed, with tongues visibly teasing slowly. Her right hand moved lower, first, to caress his balls, then wrap her fingers around his shaft, another incestuous line crossed. Zach pulled back from their kiss, clearly shocked by his sister’s boldness.


Encouraged by my words and obvious arousal, Cassie started to stroke him. I suggested, he touch her too but Zach was clearly overwhelmed by nerves. I suggested he kissed Cassie’s neck because I’d do that. As soon as his lips touched her, Cassie moaned with pleasure. She continued to stroke him, with slow long deliberate movements. His sister’s moan filled Zach with newfound confidence, moving down to explore and kiss her breasts. I suggested he kiss and suck Cassie’s nipples.


With her free hand, Cassie guided Zach’s right hand to her wet pussy. He visibly tensed but made no attempt to pull away when she released him. I’d argue, she was begging Zach, when she said, “put your fingers inside me, please!” there was a re-assuring look between them, before he did as his sister begged, both watching as his fingers eased between Cassie’s pussy lips. Her moan as he pushed his fingers inside her was such a turn on, it sent my arousal into overdrive, making me cum. Recovering my senses, I watched as Cassie instructed her brother how to, first, finger her and then tease to make her orgasm.


Our Facetime call lasted three hours and despite four orgasms, not for one second did Zach lose his erection. With streaks of Zach’s cum over Cassie’s and his body, she scooped it up and eagerly licked and swallowed every drop. Cassie straddled Zach’s thigh, moving to press his hard cock against her pussy and stomach, before wrapping her legs around him. A moment later, the siblings were kissing passionately once more. It was clear, their kisses were beyond practice, Zach’s hands, taking hold of his sister’s waist, guided her body to grind against him. It was easy to envisage him fucking both Cassie and I, one after the other. The call eventually ended, three, three of us needing to sleep, following a number of intense orgasms and my suggestion they spend the night in the same bed together.


Sunday, I’d set aside for revision, before my final exam the following day but didn’t wake until 10am and masturbating, before eventually getting out of bed. I’d normally take a bath before going downstairs to eat breakfast but I enjoyed the smell of sex on my body and didn’t want to remove it. It may sound strange but the Facetime calls of the previous two nights, awoke the woman inside me. I was no longer a teenage girl, I was a sexy, desirable young woman. Added to that, I’d learnt how to satisfy myself properly, I was alive.


Pulling on, what I’d call, a long t-shirt, I skipped downstairs to the kitchen. The shirt was light blue, with an open neck to between my B cup breasts.  When standing still, the top was low enough to cover my arse cheeks and pussy.  Going into the kitchen, my parents were sat drinking coffee and reading the Sunday papers.


“Joanna. Your dad is here. Your top is too short.”


My dad replied indignantly, assuring mom that it was ok for him to see me dressed as I was, adding that my smell was delectable. Mom scowled, retorting, it was obvious why he’d think that. I jousted with mom for a short while but ended laughing when she argued, I may as well be naked. As I motioned to lift off my top, dad’s reaction was as though Christmas had arrived early, causing mom and I to chuckle.


Eventually, I was back in my room, naked and revising, focussed on my exam the following day. I was very single-minded and knew good exam results were important to my future beyond swimming. With the day drawing to a close, I finally had a bath, used my no-no to keep my skin free of body hair for the next two weeks. It remained for me to select clothes to take to Cassie and Zach’s. Without my knowledge, on Saturday, mom had bought, three dresses, two skirts and tops for my stay with my friends. Everything I was going to pack, I piled neatly on my dressing table.


Once ready for bed, my mobile rang. It was Cassie, asking if my parents wanted to go out with us all, for a pub meal, the following evening. Without thinking, I ran downstairs, with mobile in hand, bursting into the living room. On seeing mom’s face, her seeing I was naked, I thought I was going to be told off but to my surprise, she burst out laughing as dad calmly looked and said, “forgotten to dress, Jo.” I quickly asked about them coming out with us, the following day, to which they agreed to, without hesitation.


I woke Monday morning, at 7am, allowing plenty of time to wake fully, before my last exam, starting at 9.30am. it was throwing down of rain, mom suggesting she drove me to school, making a detour to pick up Cassie and Zach on the way, offering to call them as I got dressed.


An hour later, I was ready and waiting at the front door, shouting at mom, to get a wriggle on. Opening the door, the rain was torrential. Mom handed me an umbrella and I scurried quickly to the car. It was a two-door car, so clambered over to the back-seat, sitting behind mom in the driver’s seat. Of course, most of my mind was focussing towards my exam but was equally as excited to be seeing Cassie and Zach in the following few minutes. Fastening my seatbelt, we were soon on our way to collect my two friends. I do not know why I did it but raising my legs, I eased my skirt as high as I dared. Mom parked the car as close to their front door as she could, the rain seemingly heavier still.


Zach was the first to brave the elements, hurrying to the car, climbing from the passenger door, to sit to my left on the back seat. He looked down at my exposed, bare thighs, smiling as we made eye contact. It felt the most natural thing in the world to kiss, leaning together, allowing our lips to caress tenderly. It was a simple, short but affectionate act, which I could see, altered Zach’s persona, from shy, to confident youngster. Sat in silence, listening to Cassie and mom talking to the other. I took Zach’s left hand, placing it on my inner left thigh. His eyes widened as I opened my legs invitingly, mouthing for him to go higher. I watched as his hand eased beneath my skirt, his cold fingers the polar opposite to the warmth and burning urges between my thighs. My breathing quickened with anticipation, watching his reaction as his fingertips touched my wet pussy lips. I stifled a gasp, then giggle as I mouthed, “naughty Jo, no undies.” Zach tensed but kept his fingertips against my pussy lips. Time was short, the school gates visible in the distance. In my mind was the recollection of seeing his fingers enter his sister’s pussy, I had to feel that for myself. Covering his hand with mine, I pushed his fingers between my pussy lips, attempting to contain my feelings of pleasure as I plunged them as deep as they’d go. It was then I noticed the tent in his trousers.


Zach’s fingers were only inside me for five seconds, before we stopped outside the school gates, with mom promising to pick us up after our exam. Cassie turned her head, asking if we were ready to run, spluttering the last of her words as she noticed her brother’s fingers in my pussy. Calmly, Zach pulled his fingers from my pussy, sucking my juices from them, smiling at his sister. A minute later, the three of us were running from the car to the school.


With our final exam completed, a group of us stood outside the exam hall, discussing the exam we’d just taken. With my mobile phone in hand, I received a text from mom, telling me, she was at the school gates, waiting to drive us home. It was still raining but more, a steady drizzle than torrential downpour. Cassie and I were the first to arrive at the car, immediately climbing into the back seat, with Zach getting into the front passenger seat.


Mom offered to take them straight home and drop me off, once I was packed and changed but they suggested coming back with us and waiting. With their decision made, mom demanded an exam de-brief as she drove.


Once home, I hurried upstairs to my room, Cassie following a few steps behind. Mom had put a case on my bed ready and put the clothes I’d laid out, the previous day, in the open case. Sitting down, on the chair by my dressing table, with Cassie opposite, on my bed, I took off my shoes and socks, followed quickly by my blazer and tie. Realising, I’d be undressing fully, I felt my pussy throb and tingle as my arousal grew. Looking at Cassie, I unfastened my skirt and pulled my shirt free, undoing each button, from the bottom, up, until finally, allowing it to slide off my shoulders and down my arms. With, my customary no bra, I sat topless for a few seconds, before standing, allowing my skirt to slide seductively down my legs, to pool around my feet, before stepping free of my clothes, towards Cassie.


I couldn’t resist doing a slow 360-degree turn, as I had during our Facetime call on the previous Friday night. Cassie stood up, moving forward to hug me, hands caressing my arse cheeks, just as mom appeared in the open doorway, asking if I’d shower before leaving. Before I had chance to reply, Cassie said, I could shower with her later and squeezed my arse cheeks as she spoke. Mom came into the room, picking up my discarded clothes, looking up at Cassie and I as she picked up my clothes behind me.


While mom turned to leave the room, I told her I only needed to pack toiletries, put on clothes and we’d be ready to leave soon after. Pulling away from Cassie, I moved towards my bathroom, conscious that she was watching me.


“It’s a pity you’ll be putting clothes on, Jo. I thought your body looked incredible during our video calls but I’m really struggling to resist fucking you. “


I giggled and felt myself blush. “I can undress when we get to your house, Cas. “


To my surprise, Cassie followed into my bathroom, without saying a word, undid her skirt, pushed it down, below her knees, along with tights and knickers, before sitting on the loo to pee.


I’d be lying if I said, I didn’t pause and watch as her pussy lips opened and torrential flow of pee gushed from her. I was so turned on.


“If we had time, I’d lick you clean, Cas. “


“I didn’t know you had a kinky side, jo. “


I giggled mischievously, admitting that I’d little idea I could be kinky but that it felt good, knowing I’d do it with her. Reaching up in the cabinet, I pulled down the two no-no I had, one old model and one new. Still sat on the loo, I told Cassie I’d used the no-no, the previous day, offering my legs for her to touch. She wasted no time, tracing her fingertips up and down my thighs, eyes widening, saying my skin felt incredibly silky and was amazed to hear, it stayed that way for two to three weeks. I replaced Cassie on the loo, to pee too, before returning to my bedroom, putting toiletries into my case and zipping it shut. Having purchased condoms, it never crossed my mind to put them in the case. Minutes later, wearing sandals, shorts and a hoodie, it was time to go.


Sat in the car, listening to Zach and Cassie talking excitedly to mom, I felt incredibly anxious, mixed with tremendous excitement. I’d have always argued, to being a confident girl. I knew I’d be having sex with both, Cassie and Zach, knowing the three of us would be learning together. That was so exciting. I’d never spent any prolonged period with any friends, beyond sex, would the three of us be happy together and get on? Lost in thought as I was, I was oblivious to any of the conversation between mom and my friends.


Driving towards my friend’s house, the steady drizzle became heavier, with rumbles of thunder in the distance. Finally, we had arrived. I got out of the car, to let, first, Zach to climb out and then, Cassie, not caring that I was getting soaked in the process. Quickly, they hurried inside, Zach taking my case, leaving me to say goodbye to mom.


Kneeling on the passenger seat, I leant over to kiss her and say, we’d see her at the pub later that evening,


“I have to ask, Jo, did you kiss Cassie earlier? You looked as though you were desperate to do it. “


“No. But I really want to. “


“Does she know you like her? “


“Yes, mom she does. The two video calls we’ve had, made our feelings obvious. “


She smiled, saying no more on the subject, most likely sensing my apprehension, hugging me longer than she would ordinarily. With a giggle, she whispered, “enjoy kissing Cas. And more. “As I pulled away, mom gave me a little wink.


Stepping out of the car, I realised, my hoodie and shorts were soaked, dashing to the front door. Standing in then the porch with Cassie, waving as mom drove away. With her gone, I kicked off my sandals, knowing they had a no shoe policy in the house, placing them in the shoe-rack by the door. Once inside, Cassie took off her blazer, hanging it over the stair banister, as she told me, my clothes were too wet to leave on. I couldn’t argue and didn’t resist when she took hold of my hoodie, pulling it up and over my head. Was I cold or extremely turned on? Once topless, I felt as though my...

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Written by Joanna86
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