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Brandy and the Exchange Student

"My granddaughter returns to bring her G-pa a new freind."

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By now most have read of the wonderful bond Brandy (my now 17 year old granddaughter) and I share. She and I have grown very close since that first day we touched, teased and I brought her to climax. She was a virgin at the time but wanted her G-pa to be her first lover which I ended up being in ways she had never imagined. Since then we’ve gotten together on several, though many less than we’d like, occasions for the sake of our loving bond and freewheeling sensual encounters. In fact she is likely the best lover a man could imagine, her tits small but so firm they are perfect to cup, caress, lick and suckle on. Her waist narrow and strong as she draws the muscular abs taught when she crunches her hips to mine burying my ten inch cock deep into her now very experienced pussy. She finally got to try me out for a round of anal, but being so large it was uncomfortable for her and we haven’t returned to that particular glory as yet. She can’t quite take my all into her throat though she keeps trying just to please the man she loves with all of her heart, soul and body; especially the body parts we revel in sharing.

Anyway, that was the beginning and this, my reading friends, is the expansion of our tale of pleasures of cataclysmic orgasms. Arianna came to stay with my daughter’s family, an exchange student from Denmark would be in our small Midwestern community for the school year and thankfully she would live with my daughter, her husband and my three granddaughters. Brandy it seems grew anxious to have her meet her G-pa. Somehow Arianna, also age 17, and Brandy had hit it off quickly and shared their most intimate secrets within days of her arrival. Arianna had a secret she had kept from her parents and family in Denmark, she had become her grandfather’s lover at age 16 just as Brandy had with me.

It was a Saturday; my wife at work as she does most every weekend these days wasn’t home to greet the visitors of family and a friend. I guess Brandy knew that as well with the way things turned out. I had been seated at the computer chatting with someone when the doorbell rang. It startled me since I live a ways off of the county road and rarely receive company of any kind, even family. Their lives are far too busy to just drop by unannounced. I rose from the computer after shutting off the monitor and sound; no sense in some stranger knowing who I was visiting with on line since often it was a horny woman wanting me to tell a tale of erotica and fantasy she could masturbate to. I just love getting women off even if I can’t see it; just knowing they cry out for me is enough to make my day. Little did I know as I walked to the front door that my day was about to get made better than even I could have imagined.

I opened the door after seeing a pair of deep brown eyes I knew so well, Brandy has the most spectacular eyes, must be from her daddy’s Native American heritage. I smiled as her grinning face greeted me unexpectedly. To say the least I was pleased at the visit, at least until I saw the other girl standing aside from the door as she leaned over to peek at the man she had heard stories of already, though I didn’t know it at the time. “Hi G-pa,” Brandy cooed as she stepped up and hugged her patriarch and lover. Her grip was more firm than I was used to when anyone was around and should have taken that as a hint something was up. I hugged her back but avoided any romantic embrace or kiss as the tall leggy blond watched with a smile. “G-pa, this is Arianna, you may have heard we got lucky enough to have an exchange student staying with us this year.” I nodded and opened the door the rest of the way and gestured for them to enter my humble home.

Extending my hand to Arianna I spoke with a calm exterior as I spied the wonders of her body careful not to stare at the lush D cup breasts all but on display with the low cut top that fit snugly over the unrestrained orbs or the tight short shorts that revealed the gap between her thighs at her juncture. I could almost see the slit of her youthful pussy as she grinned and took my hand to shake it without batting an eye at the old man leering over the supple curves of her body. My eyes swept up to meet hers as our hands touched, “Hi, I’m Jerry, though if you prefer you can call me G-pa too,” and chuckled as I turned to guide them into the living room. “Have a seat; I’ll get us something to drink.” I looked to Brandy who was grinning as if we were about to be alone the way we wanted to more often than we could be. “Dr. Pepper okay by you girls?” I asked as first Brandy and then Arianna sat down on the sofa. Brandy nodded and looked down at the package she loved to feel deep inside her tight wet walls as often as she could be alone with me. I was, thankfully, still flaccid but knew the way she was looking at me and the serious gaze that the exchange student was raking over me I wouldn’t stay soft for long if my thoughts didn’t stray from wanton desire they seemingly considered appropriate. I turned and made my way to the kitchen.

“Just the cans G-pa,” Brandy yelled through the opening of the breakfast bar area between dining room and kitchen. I grabbed up three sodas and carried them back after adjusting the swelling mass of flesh hanging along the leg of the khaki cargo shorts I was wearing, commando as usual. As I got back into the living room I handed one can to Brandy and then another to Arianna, each bore a smile that could melt most men’s hearts as they gestured for me to sit between them on the small sofa, actually more a love seat by its size. I turned and lowered myself to the delightful place between two such lovely girls; dare I hope this would turn out to be what their eyes already seemed to hint at? I would do more than hope as the day unfolded. I turned my eyes to Brandy as she spoke softly, popping the top on her can of soda. “G-pa, I waited until grandma was at work to bring Arianna over to meet you.” Her grin grew even wider as she continued, “She has a story kind of the same as ours and we kind of hoped she could get to know you like I do.” Her eyes twinkled with a devious pleasure at watching me squirm, that had and should have always been our secret.

My mind raced as she hinted that the leggy blond beside me wanted to fuck me. I swept my eyes to the pale blue of Arianna’s glimmering gaze and smiled, but a fear had already set in and I gulped the lump in my throat as I turned back to my granddaughter’s gaze. “Brandy, you can’t be serious,” I said as my mind worked over the dilemma at hand. “Are you telling me that she wants to know me, to,” I gulped down the lump in my neck again, “to be with me like you have?” She didn’t have to answer as I felt Arianna’s hand cup over my thigh and slip it up over the growing bulge inside of the leg of my shorts.

Arianna hadn’t yet spoken at all; when she did my mind went fuzzy at the delicious Scandinavian accent that poured forth like slow moving honey from a bottle. “G-pa,” she cooed softly to draw my attention to her glimmering eyes and lush full lips, “Brandy told me about what a lover you are.” Her hand closed around the thickening pole beneath the lightweight fabric and she whispered, “She told me too of how big you are. My grandfather is not nearly so large as you, but I would care to know you, to feel you enter my horny pussy.”

I stared into her eyes and then down over her gaping cleavage unrestrained by a bra and still so round and firm it took my breath away. Her nipples seemed to harden before my eyes and I groaned as her hand moved up along the almost erect shaft she was toying with. I felt Brandy’s hand as she slid it over my other thigh and grasped what was available along the lengthy shaft to claim it as well. I couldn’t help but groan with thoughts of being with not one, but two horny teen age girls. My cock jerked suggestively bidding me to take advantage of the situation. I knew it would be hours before anyone else came to the house. I cupped my hands over theirs and willed myself to be calm as I spoke, “Ladies, it seems we have a small problem,” and chuckled as each one gasped in horror that I would not abide their obvious invitation to a threesome. I smiled as I turned my face from Arianna’s to Brandy’s, “You two have far too many clothes on to do what you want are begging for.” Brandy grinned and leaned forward enough to wink at Arianna. They pulled their hands away from my cock, I groaned at having forced them to not touch me for even a moment.

As if practiced in advance they both stood up. The coffee table that sat in front of the sofa was large enough, sturdy enough to bear both of them. They stepped up onto what now amounted to a stage to remove their clothes for the lust filled old man they wanted to play with, perhaps play was not the right way of thinking it now that I know just what was about to happen. Brandy had a surprise for her grandfather; apparently she could bat for both teams now. Arianna gripped Brandy’s tee shirt at the hem and tugged it up to reveal that Brandy too was braless, her nipples peaked into beautiful nubbins atop of her pert champagne glass tits I had seen and touched before but was always amazed by. She raised her arms and allowed her new friend to draw it up and over her head, her long brown hair that now had mahogany highlights fluttering back into place over her shoulders as the shirt was removed. She turned and did the same for Arianna though her top was much snugger and she had to more roll the fabric up and over the massive tits of the young pale flesh. Her nipples were deep pink to set them off within the alabaster skin of the Scandinavian beauty. I gulped down that damnable lump again as Brandy lifted her shirt free and Arianna’s breasts bounced like cantaloupes before her. Her hair was longer than Brandy’s and fell in waves to below the massive orbs of her breasts. I gulped again seeing how firm they stood even with the massive size of them. My mouth all but watered at the thought of sucking on one or both.

They turned to face each other and Arianna dropped to one knee before her hostess for the duration of her visit. Brandy was wearing one of my favorite garments, I’d guess because she knew I loved the snug leather skirt that ended just a couple inches beneath her heavenly gash. Arianna leaned closer to her and unzipped the back, deftly unfastening the clasp and lowering the fabric slowly to tease me. I was all but drooling as I restrained the urge to get on the table with them. Brandy stepped free of the skirt and I stared into the wonders of her gap, the thong she wore barely covering her smooth shaven mound or the slice of heaven beneath it. Arianna went on without even looking my way as she tugged the thong over Brandy’s hips and helped her to step free of it. My cock throbbed seeing the perfection of Brandy’s pussy again after far too long. As Arianna moved to return to standing for my little girl to strip the hot blond of her shorts she leaned in and brushed her tongue’s tip over the slightly parted petals of a pussy she obviously was already familiar with. Brandy shuddered at the touch and tugged at Arianna to stand. The process was basically the same for removing the shorts from Arianna’s booty, her hips just full enough to want to tug on, her state of commando giving reason for me to have almost seen into her pussy when I first saw her. She too had a perfectly smooth mound, though for some reason I thought hers may have been waxed or had the pubic hair removed in one of the more fashionable ways in Europe. Once they both stood naked before me I grinned like a cat feasting on warm milk, I knew soon I would be feasting on warm cum anyway.

“G-pa,” Brandy cooed from her lofty perch, “your turn,” and giggled as she stepped off to the side of the table. Arianna followed suit and stepped to the other side. Neither close enough to touch; they had apparently planned this out well before ever arriving at the unsuspecting man’s abode. I stood up kicking off my sandals and stepped onto the table as both moved to the sofa to watch a man far too old to be doing a strip tease for such beautiful young women. It was easily the most embarrassing moment I had felt in a long time, but knew it was what Brandy wanted of me so began moving my hips side to side as I lifted the tee shirt up and over my taught abs and then muscular pecs. Arianna’s tongue swept over her upper lip as she gazed over the aged but firm body of a man she wanted to know intimately. Not being a modest man or one to be shy of what God have availed me of I faced them as I unbuttoned the waistband of my khakis. I could see Brandy’s expression as I then lowered the zipper, holding back for a few moments to tease them both. As their eyes glowed with temptation I opened the fly of my shorts and revealed my freshly shaped quaff. Ever since I had been trimmed by the prep nurse for a procedure involving my groin having to be invaded I have kept the narrow arrow above my dick shaped, but that is a different tale to be told one day. Brandy’s eyes lit up having not seen the new dew, so to speak before. Slowly, tauntingly I lowered the shorts revealing the thick base of my swollen cock to their eyes and gradually pushing the material down until it sprung to its upward angle of aroused meat.

This time it was for Arianna to gulp down the lump in her throat as she squeaked, “Oh my,” and swiped her tongue over her lips hungrily. I watched as she slipped her hand to her crotch and began rubbing at the area above her labia, knowing her clit was growing quickly to a hard nub. Brandy too seemed thrilled to see her G-pa naked again as I stepped free of the clothing I had worn just to sit at the computer for the day. She reached over and laid her hand on Arianna’s shoulder, leaned to her and whispered something I couldn’t hear. Arianna nodded and withdrew her fingers from her pussy revealing the indeed swollen glistening bud of her clitoris for me to see. I licked my lips as hungrily as she had hers and stepped from the table turning to sit between the naked teens. Even as my butt settled onto the sofa Arianna slid her hand to my cock and gripped it into her fist tightly saying, “My grandfather likes me to jack him off. Do you like that too?” Her words a precursor to the motion of her hand up and down the swollen velvet steel of my dick. I moaned in reply and felt Brandy stir beside me. My head fell back as Brandy’s lips surrounded the head and began sucking me with slow gentle resolve as I had taught her to do.

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I was surely in heaven as one stroked me and the other sucked to drive me to the edge of reason.

Before they got too carried away and made me cum too soon I spoke through the raspy tones of a man driven beyond sanity already, “Let’s go to the bedroom girls,” and managed to open my eyes. They giggled and removed the gentle persuasions of arousal from my throbbing cock. Brandy stood up and held out her hands for me, I took them willingly and raised to my feet, cock swaying and damp with her spittle coating the deep red/purple head. I heard Arianna murmur something inaudible and felt her hand again on my dick. Her lips closed over the head and she too sucked on it to drive me wild with wanton lust. It didn’t last long, but I knew we were all in for a good time as the pop of her mouth slipping off of my prong resounded through the silence of the living room. Brandy led the way down the hall to the master bedroom, a place she was intimately familiar with already. I was in awe of the turn of events on...

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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