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Brandy and Grandpa Take a Hike

"Brandy comes to visit for the day and she and I go for a walk in the woods and on the wild side."

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It's been months since I had found the time and opportunity to be with Brandy. If you haven't heard as yet, she is my teen aged granddaughter. I spoke of her in a tale a few months back if you have a need to feel the origins of our lust filled weekend or even what led up to it. Needless to say, Brandy and her Grandpa get along very well, though not in society's ever watchful eye. She and I take every opportunity to have deep profound sensually erotic sexual adventures. This is but one of those times when she and I could have some time alone.

It was a Saturday, like most I sat at the computer writing, this time focused on getting a book formatted to be e-published. I got a phone call from my daughter asking if I'd mind watching over one or two of the kids the next day, naturally I didn't mind and said I would. My wife was going shopping with her mother out of state anyway, so it would just be me and the girls. Long story short the youngest decided to go with her grandma and great grandma leaving me with only one to watch over, the 16 year old I had recently had over for the weekend. Now that was a time to remember. I ad never been so tired and worn from sensational sexual adventure in my life. But it has been a while and I was all rested up before she arrived the next morning with her little sister. As I said she decided to go with the ladies and they soon departed as we found ourselves alone, at last.

"Brandy," I asked, "what would you like to do today?" with a smile that spoke of my naughty thoughts easily. She smiled and walked closer, her eyes sparkling with what looked to be deep felt desire or even lust.

"Are we going to have the whole day g pa?" she asked coyly. I smiled and nodded that we would and stepped closer. Close enough that I laid my hand on her shoulder to await her next comment. She didn't disappoint me and leaned up to whisper into my ear, "I want you to make me cum g pa. Lots," and giggled like the school girl she is.

I pulled her closer and slid both arms around her as our faces got closer and closer still. Her head leaned to one side as mine did the other. Our lips met slowly, with all the sensual caress of the love we share so completely. Not just that of sex and desire, but true love for one another. The kiss lasted for minutes that seemed to draw us to a plateau of bliss only lovers can relate to. My hands slid up and back over her back as hers caressed my shoulders and neck. As the kiss deepened her hips began to move sideways across my upper legs and the lowest parts of my hips. As some may recall, I rarely wear underwear and that day was no exception. The bulge grew even as her body rubbed against me so seductively. I could hardly stand it and slipped my hands to her butt, cupped each luscious cheek and lifted her up along my body. She groaned as she felt the bulge pass before her mound and thrust her hips to feel it more so. That caused me to groan as well, our lips still melded together in the beginnings of passion.

Lowering her she could feel my manly cock rub over her mound and lifted her legs to encompass my hips with them. The warmth of her nether region was like a tropical rain forest, warm and forever moist. I flexed my hips and raked the hard shaft up over the apex of her mound and she whimpered into my mouth, "G pa, I need more," and slid her lips to my neck to suckle gently beneath my ear. I kept up the rhythm of my engorged cock's arousing tempo and felt her body quiver and then go tense. She shook for a moment and I knew she had begun to cum for her g pa already. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a really nice designer tee, as always the picture of contemporary perfection style wise. I carried her to the dining room table and set her down on the edge as we continued to fondle what we could of each other.

As my thighs pressed between hers she was panting softly and I asked, "What kind of more would my baby girl like?" with a broad smile that said I already knew just what she wanted.

"G pa, you know what I want. Don't just tease me." she replied. I reached down and unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped them as well. To my surprise she wasn't wearing any panties and I could see that she had freshly shaved her mound just for me. I gulped and moved my hips closer to the haven I sought. Lifting up her tee she leaned back for me to remove it and sat up to allow me to pull it from her torso. Her lace bra captured her smallish breasts with perfection, the nipples already firmly budded nicely. I tossed her shirt on the table behind her and unclasped her bra. She smiled and said, "you like my titties don't you G pa?" I nodded as I pulled the garment from her shoulders and leaned down to kiss each pebbled nub. She cooed softly and I suckled one and then the other, my hands busy caressing what my mouth couldn't all at once. She squirmed at my touch and I knew she wanted me to move on.

"Lift your hips up Brandy," I cooed in a deep throaty voice of arousal. When she did I tugged her jeans down and under her butt to the edge of the table. I looked down and in my eyes and heart saw heaven. Her sweet youthful mound so smooth it might have been a rolling hillside, yet it had a valley within its midst. The valley I sought. It had been only ten minutes since her sister, my wife and mother in law had departed, I could only hope they hadn't forgotten anything of importance and turned back. I heard a sound and knew instantly that they had. I shooed Brandy to the bathroom and went to sit down in the living room, clicking on the tube for the noise. In walked my wife, stern look to her face and all. "What did you forget?" I asked casually. She muttered something inaudible and went to the piano, snatching up her purse. She glanced over her shoulder as I chided her, "Wouldn't do to go shopping without your credit cards dear," and got a dirty look for my effort at humor. She stormed out without a word and get back in the car. Again they were gone, I hoped for a lot longer trip.

I went to the front door and twisted the dead bolt, at least if they returned she'd have to knock to get in. I then walked to the bathroom door and knocked softly. I heard a small voice, "Who is it," with a lilting giggle as its echo.

"It's the big bad wolf. I'll huff and puff and blow your house down," I said with an equally devious voice of humor. "Open the door little girl or I'll eat you all up," I continued to complete the mental picture. The door flew open and my eyes grew wide with awe. Brandy stood before me, bared skin from head to toe.

"I hope so Mr. Big Bad Wolf," she said with a smile. Her nipples were still peaked in the tightest bud, so wonderfully textured nestled on her small dark areola. My tongue swept over my lips and I moved into the room with her.

I closed the door and said, "You are such a naughty girl Brandy. You have no idea what just the sight of you does to me." I moved closer and her hand raised just far enough to cup my swollen cock in her palm and close her fingers over it the best my jeans would allow. I groaned at the intimate touch and she smiled. She led me over to the counter and turned her back to it, the edge hitting her just above the sweet swell of her buttocks. I looked to her eyes and saw again the spark of want, this time I wouldn't take so long to yield to her wishes. I gently lifted her and set her onto the bathroom counter and pushed my hips between her thighs. Her pussy was so tempting and yet so were her tits. I made a choice and leaned down to again suckle her nipples to get her back in the mood for more. She needed little provocation and was soon moaning as her heels dug into my legs to pull me closer. I didn't let her, but instead slipped a finger over her puffy petals to caress the haven we both wanted filled.

She gasped as she felt my index finger slip into her love hole, I felt her body quake as she tried to push her hips to take it deeper. "Oh G pa, oh yeah," she murmured as the rhythmic strokes in and out of her channel took her closer to the edge of climax. One thing to be said of Brandy, she knows not only how but how much a girl can cum and does so with the least provocation. One finger became two and I lowered myself along her body, my face rubbing seductively over the smooth, and from the scent, waxed pubic mound. I could smell her aroused juices as they seeped from her with each time my fingers slipped out and then back into her. I didn't bother to lick her clit, just sucked it in causing her to jump with delight. "OH YEAH," she panted out hurriedly. I sucked it harder and she gave me what I wanted. My fingers were slicked with her womanly nectar and building up a reserve supply in the well I sought. Harder I thrust until she was panting constantly, her body began to tense and I knew she was close. Two fingers became three and she cried out her joy as I pulled my fingers from her and opened my mouth to receive her womanly offering. I lifted her legs to have better control and felt the first surge and then the next and next after that. Her body thrashed as I drank from the fountain of her pleasure, I lapped it from within her cavity and off of her non stop for a good three minutes as her climax rolled from one peak to the next. At last I pulled back and let her catch her breath and saw she was leaned back onto her hands open mouthed as her chest pounded out a hard heart beat and breath. Her breasts were so perfectly lovely bounding up and back like that I wished I had my camera. I knew that taking her photo less than fully clothed would be not only illegal, but very dangerous as well. Bad idea, for sure. I would rely on the memory, at least until she becomes old enough to take some of her that way.

Once she caught her breath she sat up and looked down at me. Even though I had grabbed the wash cloth from the counter beside her my face was fully coated with her cum. She giggled and slid off of the counter straddled my knees. She leaned down and teasingly swiped her tongue over my right cheek and moaned as if she were going to cum again. She didn't but apparently she likes the taste of her own juices as much as she likes swallowing my cum. G pa," she said in a whisper I would forever look forward to hearing, "it's such a pretty day today. Do we have to stay inside all day?"

I looked at her as if to ask if she had already had her needs met, but asked instead, "What did you have in mind baby girl?" She squirmed around a little and knew her tits were close enough so pressed one to my mouth to be sucked. Naturally I obliged her and took not only the nipple and areola in, but the rest as well as if I were nursing on her small womanly breast. She cooed and lowered her torso enough to let me take it more easily and I did just that. As her breathing rate increased again she asked, "Can we go down by the lake and do some hiking on that nice path along the cliffs?" I nodded without breaking the vacuum grip on her tit, she got the message and so had I. She wanted to be out in the sun with her grandpa and knew just the place. As my mouth left her breast I felt sad at the loss but knew it was only a matter of time before I'd get to feel her cum again, and me too.

"Get dressed Brandy, I'll go pack us a picnic bag lunch," with a daunting smile that I knew exactly what she really wanted. Brandy loves to be outdoors and has shared herself with me outside more than once. I figured it was time for another adventure and apparently so did she. I left her in the bathroom, her clothes already in there from the narrow escape of her grandmother catching us in the act. I made my way to the kitchen and fixed us each a nice roast beef sandwich, wrapped them in cellophane and then tossed a couple of cans of soda, the sandwiches and a bag of chips into the small igloo cooler. Moving to the computer desk I wrote a note to whoever might venture in and wonder where we were at, "We've gone to have a picnic down near the campground. We're gonna do the trail trek as well, so we'll see you when we see you." I signed it and laid it on the dining room table about the time Brandy made her entrance. God she looked hot. She had on a pair of nice snug short shorts and halter top she had left at the house a month earlier. I wondered if she might get a chill but then figured I could keep her warm and these clothes were more expendable than the fashion statement she had worn when she arrived.

"You like?" she cooed as she did a 360 with a nice flare. I could only stare at the beautiful young lady who did her darnedest to please her grandpa. I nodded with a broad grin and picked up the cooler and the small camera I used for nature hikes. The thought of taking her photos again came to mind and I had to put it aside. Maybe I could take some of her clothed, so much safer all the way around. We made our way out to my truck and loaded up, next stop the trail's end above the lake. She couldn't sit close since I have divided bucket seats, but that didn't stop her from reaching out and laying her hand over mine as I drove us to the lake. The final half mile was nothing more than a track fishermen used to reach the bluff like cliffs above the deepest part of the man made lake. I parked the truck and as I had hoped there were no other vehicles, therefor no other people around. We walked side by side whenever possible, though at times the path leading to our destination was strictly one by one. I always walked behind her to enjoy the view, her nice round butt cheeks were the finest curves on earth as she wiggles along the dirt and rock trail.

Another half mile along the trail and we had arrived. Two things stand out about the location for our picnic. Firstly the bluff itself is awe inspiring. It reaches almost vertically from the placid lake's surface up a good 75 feet, the view is nothing short of awesome and the rocks we would sit to eat on are the flattest smoothest form of limestone possible.

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It's almost like sitting on a pool table without the felt. The second thing is the entry to a natural cave only a few short yards from the cliff's edge. I'll tell you why in just a bit. We settled in atop the bluff, our feet hanging from the sheer edge to take in the view, my arm around her waist, my eyes fixed on the prettiest of the view, Brandy. She giggled when she saw I was looking at her instead of the pure natural beauty of the lake and sky. It was a beautiful day in so many ways, clear skies of pale blue, temperature in the upper sixties which gave just enough chill to peak ones senses. Of course mine needed little prompting to be peaked as I gazed at my little girl. I pulled her closer and kissed her cheek and then whispered, "You like?" mimicking her words when I took in her outfit.

Her eyes bore straight into mine and she leaned closer, her head tilting in invitation, her mouth ever so slightly puckered, her lips an invitation in themselves. We met slowly, softly kissing like the lovers we had been for the better part of a year, ever since she had turned 16 and found out she loved fucking her grandpa more than almost anything else. Our kisses deepened and I felt her hand caressing my swollen cock again, her grip tightening into a fist around it the best she could....

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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