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Bound by Blood: A Forbidden Passion

"A teenage girl's curiosity; awakening her own desires and igniting an age-play BDSM relationship with her unsuspecting father."

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Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lived a young woman named Ashley. A passionate sixteen-year-old high school junior, she often found herself drawn to the mysterious allure of the past. One day, while exploring forgotten corners of her family home, she stumbled upon an old, dusty box hidden away in the attic. Lifting the lid revealed its contents: an antique diary belonging to a woman named Victoria from the early 1900s.

Ashley eagerly began reading, discovering a world far removed from her own. She wrote vividly about her complex relationship with her father figure, detailing his physical dominance and emotional guidance. Their bond was built on trust and obedience, creating a powerful dynamic that fueled their mutual attraction.

As Ashley continued reading, she couldn't help but feel a strange kinship with Victoria. Much like her historical counterpart, Ashley harbored secret desires for complete submission—to find someone strong enough to dominate her mind, body, and soul. She envisioned a lover who embodied strength and tenderness, one capable of pushing her boundaries while nurturing her vulnerabilities.

Unable to resist the pull of Victoria's words, Ashley dove deeper into the diary. Each page illuminated new facets of submission, fanning the flames of Ashley's burgeoning fantasies. Soon, she craved a dominant presence in her own life, dreaming of surrendering to a loving authority figure who understood her needs and desires intimately. Could it be possible that fate had brought her here, guiding her toward a future steeped in carnal pleasure?

Night after night, Ashley lay awake, consumed by visions of her ideal master. Whispered moans escaped her lips as she imagined being claimed, molded, and shaped under his experienced touch. Every fiber of her being screamed out for release, begging to submit entirely to the man who would unlock her innermost secrets.

But Ashley knew that true submission required patience, dedication, and devotion. Only when presented with the right opportunity would she offer up her body and soul, embracing the exquisite agony and ecstasy of servitude. Until then, she waited—heart pounding, breath hitching—for the universe to align in her favor.

Little did Ashley realize that her dreams were closer than she ever dared imagine. For in the shadows of her own home lurked a dark horseman, watching, waiting, ready to claim her as his own. He held the key to Ashley's salvation, offering redemption through pain and pleasure. All she needed to do was let go—and give in to temptation.

As days turned to weeks, Ashley grew more enraptured by her newfound fascination. She spent countless hours engrossed in age-play erotica, captivated by tales of dominant men and submissive women. These stories ignited a flame within her, sparking a hunger for a particular type of dominance that catered to her youthful naïveté. Spanking and cum glazing (CGL) emerged as recurring motifs throughout her readings, shaping her blossoming understanding of sensuality and discipline.

Within virtual spaces, Ashley unearthed entire communities dedicated to these specialized tastes. Surrounded by individuals who mirrored her desires, she reveled in the freedom to openly discuss and dissect her feelings. Gradually, acceptance washed over her, granting permission to wholly immerse herself in the depths of her own psyche.

Concurrently, Ashley's father remained mostly unaware of his daughter's developing predilections. However, during a routine cleaning session, he unwittingly stumbled upon her expansive collection. At first glance, the graphic content left him taken aback, prompting initial shock and concern. Yet, beneath those emotions dwelled another sensation altogether: intense curiosity.

His protective instinct soon morphed, steering him down a path he hadn't anticipated. Thoughts of assuming guardianship over Ashley's experiences bubbled to the surface, merging care and caution with tantalizing possibilities. By fostering a partnership built upon trust and consent, he entertained the notion of introducing Ashley to these forbidden realms, navigating the landscape hand in hand.

The next day was a typical morning in the household as Dad prepared for work, checking off items on his mental to-do list. Among them was reminding Ashley of her chores before heading out. Approaching her bedroom door, he knocked lightly, calling out, "Hey kiddo, remember I asked you to straighten up the living room before leaving for school today?"

From inside, Ashley groaned audibly. "Oops, sorry Daddy! I totally forgot!" she replied sheepishly.

Dad sighed, hiding his frustration behind a smile. "Well, alright then. Can you please try to get it done quickly? I don't want to come home to a disaster area later."

Promising to hurry, Ashley scrambled out of bed and rushed through her morning routine, barely having enough time to grab breakfast before sprinting off to catch the bus. Left with no choice, Dad shrugged and headed off to work, hoping for the best.

At work, Ashley's father felt both anxious and aroused, images of a young girl he had seen being spanked to tears filling his mind. Though conflicted by the mixture of emotions coursing through him, he decided to proceed cautiously, determined to provide Ashley with the structure and guidance she seemed to crave.

Dad returned exhausted from a grueling day at the office. Anticipating relaxation upon reaching the confines of his humble abode, disappointment greeted him instead. Stepping inside, he surveyed the scene before him – toys scattered haphazardly across the floor, dishes piled high in the sink, and cushions strewn about the couch.

Disappointment etched deeply onto his features, he muttered under his breath, "I thought I asked her to handle this..." Weariness crept in, weighing heavy on his shoulders. Sighing deeply, he resigned himself to tackling the mess, figuring it would be faster to do it himself rather than wait for Ashley to return from school.

After laboriously restoring order to the chaotic environment, Dad settled into his favorite chair, reflecting on the events that transpired. While part of him wanted to scold Ashley for neglecting her duties, another realized that perhaps she required stricter guidelines and consistent reinforcement. Thus, an idea started forming in his mind, one that promised not only improved accountability but also a unique avenue for addressing their budding desires.

Entering their home, Ashley felt her anxiety rising as she saw her father waiting patiently in the plush armchair of their living room. Hesitantly, she walked over and stood near him, uncertain about what was about to happen.

Seeing her nervousness, he gently pulled her closer, placing her across his lap. Caught off guard, she let out a small yelp, clutching at his legs for support. "Now, young lady," he explained calmly, "we're going to have a little talk about your behavior."

Confusion clouded Ashley's eyes as she processed his words. Suddenly, his hand rested on her still covered bottom, applying a gentle pressure that caused her heart rate to skyrocket.

Before she could comprehend the situation, the first firm slap landed, catching her by surprise. Reflexively, she squirmed, trying to make sense of the sudden stinging sensation. Another blow followed suit, and then another, until a steady rhythm established itself.

"Now, young lady," he said sternly, "you know why we're doing this."

Tears welled up in Ashley's eyes as she feigned resistance, shaking her head vehemently. "No Daddy, please! I promise I won't do it again!" she cried out, trying desperately to wriggle free from his firm grip.

Ignoring her pleas, he gently lifted her skirt, exposing her bare thighs. Seeing her struggle, he softened momentarily, whispering reassurances. "Shh, baby girl, I need you to listen to me now. You know the rules, and you broke them. We must address your behavior appropriately."

Her lower lip quivered, but she nodded silently, acknowledging her transgression. Still, she stubbornly refused to comply, crossing her arms protectively over her chest and squeezing her legs shut tightly.

"Alright, sweetheart," her father sighed, shifting slightly beneath her slight frame. "Since you're finding it difficult to cooperate, I suppose I'll have to assist you myself." Carefully, he undid the button on her jeans before slowly drawing down the zipper.

Gasping softly, Ashley squirmed in embarrassment, realizing that her panties were visible underneath. Peeking through the gap in her clothing, her father caught a glimpse of her pink lace underwear contrasting starkly against her pale skin. Swallowing hard, he fought back a surge of conflicting emotions swirling inside him.

Determined to maintain focus, he eased her pants down, revealing smooth, creamy flesh. When his fingers brushed against the waistband of her undergarments, she shivered involuntarily, releasing a tiny whimper.

"Last chance, Emmy," he murmured hoarsely, giving her one final opportunity to save face. "Are you going to behave yourself?"

Defiant until the end, she shook her head defiantly, closing her eyes as if bracing herself for impact. With a sigh, her father slid her underwear downwards, baring her round bottom cheeks for the impending spanking.

He paused briefly, admiring the curve of her hips and the delicate curves of her femininity. Then, without warning, his hand came crashing down, sending waves of heat reverberating through her body. Stifling a yelp, Ashley buried her face in his shirt, absorbing the painful lesson he aimed to teach.

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Throughout the spanking, her father never forgot the gravity of their situation. Although strongly attracted to his daughter, he vowed to remain committed to preserving their bond above all else. Guided by love and duty, he administered each smack firmly yet fairly, instilling valuable lessons wrapped within affectionate discipline.

Over time, gentle corrections and light spankings became integrated into their interactions. Initially uncomfortable given their close relationship, Ashley eventually recognized the significance behind these gestures. They symbolized her father's authority, affirming his position as a dominant force while concurrently bolstering the faith between them.

Understanding the intent behind these chastisements, Ashley welcomed the accompanying warmth radiating from her father's palm. Strangely comforted by submitting to his guidance, she sought ways to elicit additional correction, savoring the exhilaration derived from bending rules solely to provoke consequence.

Simultaneously, Ashley's father ensured that they explored diverse elements of dominance and submission. Inviting open communication regarding her desires, he endeavored to satisfy her fantasies while expanding her horizons. Role-playing, costumes, and imaginative settings transformed their residence into a clandestine haven for their unique activities.

Throughout these escapades, Ashley discovered profound enjoyment in abandoning command, permitting her father to dictate terms. Psychological gratification accompanied this relinquishment, enhancing her overall pleasure and solidifying her dedication to their peculiar union.

One evening, after dinner, Ashley's father noticed her procrastinating on completing her assigned chores. Frustration simmered beneath his calm exterior as he approached her, saying firmly, "Ashley, I thought I asked you to vacuum the living room half an hour ago. What's taking so long?"

She blinked innocently, shrugging. "Oh, umm... I guess I got distracted playing music," she admitted, avoiding eye contact. Irritation mounted, but he kept his cool, deciding this warranted a lesson in punctuality.

"Come here, young lady," he instructed, patting his knee invitingly. Reluctantly, Ashley trudged over, sitting awkwardly beside him. "Stand up and assume the position," he directed, indicating how she should position herself over his lap.

Realization dawned, and she stiffened, hesitating. "Please, Daddy, not now..." she pleaded, biting her lower lip nervously. Ignoring her protests, he helped her settle into place, lifting her short skirt to expose her cotton panties.

Swiftly, his hand connected with her rear, eliciting a surprised yelp. Methodically, he delivered rhythmic smacks, covering every inch of exposed skin. Within minutes, her bottom bloomed into a fiery shade of crimson, matching the burning flush spreading across her face. Tears streamed down her cheeks, dampening his pants.

Her pitiful sobbing tugged at his conscience, yet he steeled himself, remembering the importance of consistency. Eventually, her cries dissolved into hiccoughing breaths, signaling her breakdown. Gently, he gathered her trembling form into a warm embrace, rocking her softly.

Sniffling, she wiped her runny nose against his shirt, sobbing apologetically, "I'm sorry, Daddy... I'll be more careful next time."

Determined to ease Ashley's distress following their disciplinary session, her father carried her upstairs to her bedroom. Laying her gently on the mattress, he tucked her in, ensuring she was comfortable and secure. Retrieving a worn-out book from his study, he climbed onto the bed beside her, opening to a dog-eared page.

"Let me read you a bedtime story, Ashley," he proposed, his voice barely above a whisper. Obediently, she nodded, snuggling closer as he cleared his throat, beginning the salacious tale.

Entitled 'My Secret Daddy', the narrative revolved around a young girl who discovered her father's darkest desires. Overwhelmed by curiosity, she agreed to participate in his provocative games, ultimately surrendering her innocence to him. Throughout the story, the protagonist oscillated between trepidation and excitement, echoing Ashley's internal struggles.

As her father read aloud, Ashley listened intently, her breath hitching at certain passages. Taboo concepts leapt off the pages, painting vivid images of illicit relations between father and daughter figures. Feeling her body temperature rise, Ashley stole furtive glances at her father, wondering if he too was affected by the risqué plotline.

As Ashley lay curled up against her father, listening to his soothing voice recount the titillating tale of a father and daughter engaging in illicit affairs, she felt an unfamiliar warmth spreading through her body. Images conjured by the scandalous narrative danced before her eyes, igniting a fire within her that she couldn't ignore.

Once the story concluded, they remained silent for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of the raconteur's artistry. It was Ashley who finally summoned the courage to broach the sensitive subject.

Turning towards her father, she whispered shyly, "Daddy... Do people actually do things like that?"

Her father regarded her seriously, noting the curiosity mingled with apprehension evident in her gaze. Choosing his words carefully, he responded diplomatically, "Some people do, yes. But it's important to remember that such relationships can be complicated and carry significant risks."

Encouraged by his measured reply, Ashley pressed on, voicing her nascent desires. "Have you ever thought something like that?"

Her father hesitated, clearly taken aback by her bold question. He searched her face, studying her expression closely. Seeing the sincerity and longing in her gaze, he sighed deeply before answering.

"Ashley, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it. But our relationship is sacred, and we must proceed with great care to preserve that bond."

Ashley nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of his words. Undeterred, she gathered her courage and asked the inevitable question.

"Would... Would you really take my virginity?"

Her father looked at her with a mixture of love, desire, and regret. "If that's truly what you want, Ashley, then yes. But you must understand that this step will change our relationship forever."

An electric jolt shot through her at his confirmation. Doubt warred with desire, clouding her judgment. Part of her recoiled at the sheer taboo nature of the act, but another urged her onward, craving the primal satisfaction it promised. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to ask the inevitable question.

"How... How would we do it?" she wondered aloud, her voice wavering.

Her father studied her, gauging her readiness. Seeing determination win out over reservation, he answered matter-of-factly.

"We'll start slow, Ashley. Just relax and breathe," he advised, easing her onto the bed. Kneeling between her spread legs, he gently stroked her inner thighs, coaxing her muscles to loosen. Shivers ran rampant over her skin, reacting to his touch.

Gradually, he slipped a finger inside her, probing gently. Instinctively, she tensed, gripping the sheets reflexively. Encouragingly, he murmured, "Easy, princess. Let me in."

Obediently, she tried to obey, focusing on relaxing her tense limbs. Bit by bit, she adjusted to the foreign invasion, acclimating to the alien sensation. Once satisfied with her progress, he withdrew his digit, replacing it with two fingers. Deeper this time, stretching her wider, preparing her for what was to come.

When he deemed her sufficiently stretched, he positioned himself above her, resting his weight on his forearms. Looking deep into her eyes, he whispered earnestly, "Ready, Ashley?"

Mustering courage, she nodded, swallowing hard. Bracing herself, she felt the tip of his shaft breach her entrance, piercing her maidenhead. Pain lanced through her core, bringing tears to her eyes. Clinging to him, she rode out the storm, trusting him implicitly.

As her body accommodated his size, the discomfort faded, morphing into something indescribably exquisite. Rhythmically, they moved together, building momentum. Their earlier restraint gave way to urgency, culminating in a fever pitch of desperate thrusts.

Raw and unrestrained, their coupling verged on brutal, yet somehow, Ashley reveled in it. Submission surged through her veins, rendering her utterly defenseless against the onslaught of pleasure suffusing her system. Lost in the throes of ecstasy, she uttered a single word, a plea born of desperation.


At her request, he obliged, increasing his pace, driving deeper still. Abandoning inhibitions, they succumbed to baser instincts, consummating their forbidden affair in the most primitive manner conceivable.

Exhausted, they collapsed side by side, lungs heaving, bodies slick with sweat. Wordlessly, he drew her into a post-coital embrace, cradling her against his chest. Exchanging contented smiles, they drifted off to sleep, tangled in each other's arms, forever bound by the memory of their taboo encounter.

Written by OhKey
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