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Beyond Uncool

"The events that occured after a night at the club."

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I should have known better.  I really should have.

This is a story about... what an asshole my friend, Van is.  Seriously, what kind of name was Van anyway?

Perhaps I used the term friend too loosely.  Van was a guy a knew in high school.  We hung out together because we had the same group of friends.  So it did surprise when I saw his name pop up on my cell phone 4 years later.  I couldn't believe I hadn't deleted it.  At 22, I came to realize that I was slowly losing touch will all the guys I promised never to lose touch of.  College, women, and life in general were the reasons for that, so when Van said he was back in town and wanted to hang out, I jumped at the chance because I wanted to reconnect with the past more so than anything.

"Bro, we are going out tonight!"  Van eagerly told me.

Let me summarize a bit for you so I can get to the events of tonight more quickly.  Van was the outgoing one, or the most outgoing one of our little group that had slowly disbanded.  I was probably the only person he was able to get ahold of.  Anyway, being the wild guy, the partier, the obnoxious asshole, it came to our surprise that right after high school graduation, and I mean right after, Van announced that he had met someone and was going to marry her.  Being a dumb teenager, not even a freshman in college yet, no one took Van seriously, but before the end of summer Van was gone, moved away with the woman of his dreams... who he picked up at some beach bar he shouldn't have even been in.

Amazingly, that match made in heaven last 4 years.  Now Van was back.  Here.  Sitting with me.  He still wore his hair long.  Not like to his shoulders long or anything, but long enough to make him obsess over how good it looked.  He was, as we all were, more filled out and muscular than in high school.  He looked more mature, but basically the same.  That damned long, skinny nose of his still stood out to me.

Foolishly, I agreed with everything he said.  It must have been because I was thinking in some way this was an indication that the high school group was still together... but it wasn't.  It was Van and me.

"Listen, the second that divorce was finalized, I needed some excited, some risk to make me feel alive.  So with the money in my pocket, I went down to the dog track, placed some bets and came up big!"

"How much?" I asked.

"Almost two grand!"

"Oh my god!"

"I know,"  he grinned through his teeth.  "And it's all for tonight!  We are going to party like rock stars tonight!"

So later that night we found ourselves at club Desire of all places pounding down drinks, watching a whole lot of girls shake it to techno music.  It was the first time I had been to this 21 and up club, which was nice, no teenage bullshit.  Just drunk cock head's bullshit.

Standing at the bar checking out the scene I looked over to Van, but he was gone.  Not a word to me.  He just took off, what an asshole.  After searching a bit, I found him on the dance floor grinding on some petite little girl.  She was cute, I'll give him that.  Long blond hair and a lot of smooth leg being shown off in that blue mini dress of hers.  No strap went around her neck to hold the dress up, and it sat low enough that there was a nice cleavage view.  She had a nice rack for such a small frame.

They eventually became tired and joined me.  Sweat running down his face, Van introduced me to her, "Joy."  Not stopping he briskly walked by me, went to the bar, and ordered drinks for he and his new lady friend.

"Pleasure."  I said to her.  She just smiled at me, almost eyeing me down like she wanted me.  I could see the lust in her eyes.  I was better looking than Van, and definitely cooler... well in my mind at least.  Could I score this chick?  There was probably a friend for Van, she couldn't be here alone.

And as Van came back with two drinks, one he handed to her, there was a pinch on my ass.  I turned around to see who the culprit was.  There standing behind me, with an open mouthed, shocked to see you smile was my sister.  She had the most smooth long blond hair that went down to the middle of her back anyone had ever seen.  Her blue eyes stood out and her smile was as wide as ever.  When guys saw her in that shiny, sleek little black club dress, they became turned on by how it barely covered her thighs and showed too much of the tops of her breasts.  I usually would become protective, but my sister I was proud of.  She wasn't the type of girl that was easily taken advantage of.  I was definitely more protective of her when we were younger, but she dropped that high school girl bullshit, and she even avoided the sorority girl bullshit in college.  Being two years older than me, she was mature, she was smart and intelligent.  She was 24 and a woman.  You could see the maturity in her face.

"Oh my god!  How are you?"  She hugged me lightly with a drink in her hand.

"I'm great.  We're just hanging out?"

"I can see that!  I can't believe you are here!"

"You can't believe I'm here?  I can't believe you're here.  Where's Ray?"

She scawked at me, "Come on Jay, we broke up like three weeks ago.  I'm here with the girls tonight."

"Oh that's sad.  I always liked him."

"He was a diiiick!"  She said in a funny voice.  She wasn't drunk, but she was letting loose.  It was apparent to me.  Usually the serious girl in public, she only goofed around and made funny noises when she was at home.  It was good to see she was having fun.

"Are you not going to introduce us to your girl Jay?"  Van butted in.

"Oh I have a feeling you can introduce yourself Mr. Brand New Shirt."  My sister rebutted back.

Van laughed a little, "You're right, I'm Van.  I went to high school with Jay."

"I'm Amy, Jay's sister.  I tortured Jay in high school."  She was flirting with him a bit.  I didn't mind, or maybe I just didn't notice being a bit buzzed.

"Are you going to hang with us?"  He asked as the club scene buzzed around us, blaring music making it almost impossible to have a conversation.

"No, I got my girls tonight."

"No, you had your girls tonight.  Now you're going to hang with us."  Van insisted.

"I am?"  She asked in a playful.  "You know, you should've asked me to get my girls to join you.  That might have gotten a yes out of me."

"Why?  You're the one I want.  We're going to the VIP lounge."

"Oh!"  She covered her mouth and laughed.  "Your friend is a smooth talker."  She said to me.

"Come on."  He took her hand.

She bit her bottom lip.  "Alright, let me tell them where I'm going, and I'll be back."

She went up to Joy, the little hottie Van picked up and blew off.  What an asshole.  "Sorry, I think you lost your dance partner."

"That's okay.  I've got you."  She said in a very, and I mean very sexy way.

All four of us sat in a booth upstairs in what is referred to as the VIP lounge where the music is softer, the crowd is smaller, and the drinks were more expensive.  Thanks to Van however, that wasn't a problem.  He was burning through that cash.

My sister had downed two Long Island ice teas up in VIP and was working on her third, and I knew she had a few back downstairs.  Joy was downing whiskey sour after whiskey sour, which was surprising, and she seemed to be holding up well.  Van and I were matching vodka and cranberry's.  Things were starting to get loose.

"...I don't think you have."  Van stated to my sister who he was sitting next to.

"I have kissed a girl, thank you very much, but I must say that was so cliché of you to ask.  When I said ask me anything.  I really expected more from you Van."

"Well can I ask you another one?"

"No, I said one question."

"Well are you going to elaborate on the kiss?"

My sister was good, "No, why should I?  It's a boring question.  I'm sure you've asked it to many girls before and gotten the same response.  Why would you want to hear about my experience where after letting my warm, wet tongue explore the inside of my friend's mouth on a dare, I felt turned on and my panties became wet, so I didn't let our lips part.  When she went to break from the kiss I bit her lower lip and pulled her back into me causing her moan and her hand to come up and fondle my breast, pinching my hard nipple."

Van's mouth was open, I'm sure mine was too, "Okay I'm hard."  Van said.

"Wow, you're not the only one."  Joy responded looking down at her own nipples which were easily noticeable bumps through her dress.

The table laughed and Van propositioned Joy.  "I'll buy you a shot if you flash them."

Without hesitation Joy pulled down the front of her dress and exposed her bare breasts to the table.  Her perky nipples and light tiny areolas got my dick hard immediately.  There was something very hot about a girl flashing in public that was such a turn on.  Maybe because it meant I was a lock for getting some tonight.  I stared at her perfect little breasts that fit her size before she tucked them back away.  "I know you were going to buy me that shot anyway, so that was to show my appreciation."

The night continued with several rounds of shots and my sister nuzzling up to Van.  He was an asshole.  Why was my sister liking on him.  And then it slipped.  "You're an asshole."  I said to him.

He laughed.  "That is beyond uncool, dude."

Oh god, he still used that phrase, beyond uncool.  If there was a defining thing about Van in high school it was that damn phrase, beyond uncool.

I don't know why I said that.  I didn't care, my sister was an adult, she could be with whomever she wanted.  I was drunk, I thought calling him an asshole would be funny.  "You left us dude, for some chick you didn't even know."  I thought that was a nice recovery.  Plus it sounded very light-hearted coming from my drunk spoken mouth.

Van joked, "She had a sister.  You were always invited."

"I have my own sister!"  Yep I was drunk.

Again the table laughed.  Joy reached over under the table and began to pet my cock.  This was going to be a good night.  Maybe Van wasn't an asshole.

My sister spoke up as she felt the night winding down.  "What are we going to do now?"

Van answered, "I have a hotel room for all of us across the street."  Van winked at me indicating success.

So that was it.  Club Desire was in the past.  Van and my sister burst through the hotel room door lip locked.  Van was practically carrying Amy to the bed.  Joy and I were a bit more subdued.  We walked in, and she led me taking my hand.

When I saw the inside of the hotel room, I again shifted my position back to Van was an asshole.  This room was a single fucking room.  One small ass bed with cheap sheets.  What the hell were we going to do?

I knew what Van and Amy were doing.  Van was sitting on the bed and my sister was sitting on him with her legs wrapped around him.  Their open mouths attacked each other as Van's hand was fondling her tits over her dress.  Speaking of her dress, that had ridden all the way up with her smooth fading tan legs firmly gripped around his waist.  Her shoes were already off and on the ground.  Her bare feet were just the first step of getting her naked.

Joy helped me along by pulling off my shirt and kissing me.  She sat me down on the bed and stayed a top of me.  I guess this was happening in this piece of shit room after all.  It didn't seem to bother anyone else but me.  We were all toasted.  I was having trouble getting in the mood.  I needed to lighten up.  I was about to get laid.  Joy was working on my pants button now.

I looked over at Van and my sister.  Van had pulled down the straps to my sister's dress and exposed my sister's breasts.  They were much bigger than I had thought the were, that's for sure.  It's amazing that I grew up with her, but I'd say the last time I saw her naked was when she was twelve.  It was almost as if her clothes had suppressed the boob's largeness.  She was a skinny girl that only stood about 5'5.  Those were huge for her.

Alright, my dick started to grow a little bit.  Enough with my sister.  Time to get it on with this little blond hottie.  As she pulled my pants off my legs I reached under her blue dress and touched her tiny pussy.  She was not wearing any panties and my finger immediately went to her slit.  Not yet wet enough to sink my finger into it, I ran it up and down her pussy pushing hard on the clit.

"Oh." She got out lightly.

I didn't feel any pubes, just soft delicate skin.  My dick was only about halfway there.  Damn alcohol.  It get's things moving, but causes problems at times.  As I sank my finger down between her pussy lips and moved it up and down, I could feel she was having the same problem.  So I picked Joy up, spun her around so she was sitting on the bed and spread her legs.

In doing so I saw that Van and Amy were completely naked.  Joy and I were on the top half of the bed, and Van and Amy were on the bottom half, and we were on opposite sides.  Van was fully erect with his very long, and I mean very long penis, although it wasn't a girthy as mine... why the fuck was I comparing cocks?  Anyway Van was between my sisters legs.  Her light blue panties hung from her left ankle.  Van slid his cock into my sister and he sunk deep into her.  She took all of it with a loud moan.  He pulled back and thrusted again.  Another moan, and their pace picked up.  Her large breasts, flattened out from laying on her back began to bounce up and down.  Her nipples, were dark and hard catching eye.  My sisters delicate shiny hair lay spread out above her and she held her thighs up as Van pounded her.

I dove into Joy's pussy being slightly turned on by the two fucking next to me.  I wanted to do that to Joy.  Her pussy lips spread easily and felt very fragile and delicate against my tongue.  This allowed for easy access to her little pussy hole and clit.  My tongue dipped inside her looking to taste her juices, I explored upward and started licking her clit.  I could here her moan, but still the only wetness down there was my own salvia.  I was becoming frustrated and pulled my mouth as close as I could to her pussy, my teeth rested on her clit as I sank my tongue into her as far as I could go.  I even sank my nose into pussy slit rubbing it up and down trying to get something going.  I wrapped my arms around her smooth skinny thighs as they rested on my shoulders and pulled her closer to me.  I then tried running my hands to her tight ass and gripping that.  Still, she wasn't getting wet and I wasn't getting hard.  Damn alcohol.

I came up for air... that's the wrong phrase to use, but yet it's true.  She looked at me pleased, and with a devilish grin she got up, pull off my boxers and sat me down on the bed.  Not completely limp, Joy smiled and took my cock in her hand.

I looked over at my sister who was now riding Van.  She was leaned forward resting her hands on his chest as she moved up and down on him.  Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip in obvious pleasure.  On top of him, I now got full view of her breasts hanging in their natural position.  There size still amazed me.  Her small frame, it just didn't seem right to have what I would say were D cups.  And they were perfect, they hung there slightly swaying, perfectly round.  Usually breasts were not as perky with a size and frame like that.  It must have been because she was in shape.  I could see her ab muscles working as she worked Van's dick.  My sister was a really hot girl.  She was a knockout.

Joy took my cock at half mast in her mouth and worked it up and down using her hand as help.  My sister groaned and I looked over again.  She leaned back,...

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Written by TallerThanYou
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