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Becoming Daddy's Girlfriend

"Being Daddy's girlfriend may be more difficult than I thought."

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"He just got back from his trip," I sigh softly, looking out at the empty streets.

"Well, what did he say about your welcome home party?" Stephanie asks, as she types away on her cell phone, perhaps already over my many complaints about my life.

"He said thank you and stayed for about thirty minutes before he went to bed."

"Well, he did get home late last night... Maybe he was just tired?"

"I guess... I just feel like... I shouldn't have brought up the women he used to bring around. I shouldn't have asked him not to have a girlfriend." The tears started to fill my eyes the moment I began to speak.

Stephanie shifts her eyes over towards me and frowns slowly. "Em... No, don't think that way."

"Well? Everything changed after that," the tears began to pour from my eyes and I couldn't stop them, "he doesn't even call me baby girl or baby anymore. Just Em or Emma."

"Well... Maybe you should talk to him about it again?"

I simply shrug my shoulders and turn my car off. I pull my purse from the back seat, and step out of the car stretching slightly as I look over at her. The sun already dipped low behind the horizon, and the lights from the street lamps were on in full force illuminating the shadow-ridden streets.


"Maybe?" I say walking around the car, watching her as she steps out, closing the passenger door.

She'd always been the one to give me the best advice, granted as we matured her advice became much better than before.

"Uhh..." She laughs scratching at the back of her head, which made me frown sniffling a little.

"It's ok. What should I do?"

"That you should... Maybe... Well, you know... Since he doesn't have a girlfriend. Maybe you become his girlfriend and... You know... Do what girlfriends do for their boyfriends."

It takes me a moment to figure out what she is actually saying. Then blush deepens my cheeks, my eyes grow as recognition dawns and I wrinkle my nose quickly.

"He's my dad!" I say loudly.

Her eyes look into mine, and she simply lifts a shoulder letting it drop. "Well... Maybe that is what is bothering him... He hasn't done it in a long time with anyone..."

It does seem to make sense, albeit in its own gross sort of way. My lower lip quivers, parting as I muster the courage to ask a question, but all that comes out is silence. I seal my mouth and gently nibble on my lower lip, my brows furrowing slightly.

"I know Jerry has to do it a lot with me in order to be in a good mood." She says bringing up her boyfriend. "You know how guys are..."

I just nod quietly, my mind racing as we stand in silence. My hand lifts to my cheeks, wiping at the tear streaks that are drying on my face. 'I couldn't have sex with him... Could I? I mean, we did do everything else together. If it would make us close like we were, would I try it? No, I can't, that'd be too weird.'

I groan loudly covering my face, shaking my head quickly. "I can't do that," I say resolutely.

"You both love each other, right?" She asks, looking into my eyes.

"Of course," I say without any hesitation.

"You would do anything for your dad, right?"

"Of course, one hundred percent," I say nodding to emphasize the point.

"Well... He is unhappy, you are unhappy. He's always tired... He's not the same... Maybe that's the only thing that is missing."

I look at her and sigh softly, biting my lip again. "Then... I... But what if he doesn't need that?" I say softly.

"Well... I'm sure he will tell you if he doesn't," I nod because it's true. She continues, "What's the worst that could happen? You try it and he tells you no."

I nod again and blush deeply as I look away from her. "But... I haven't actually done... that before."

"I know... But it's for your daddy."

I nod a little and smile. "You're right..."

We just stand there awkwardly looking away from each other, it was set, I'd fuck my daddy. My stomach turned with curious interest as we stood silently near my car.

"Maybe you should do it tonight," she says as she grins at me.

My eyes look to the darkened home and I sigh nodding. "I guess it would be better to just get it over with?"

She looks into my eyes, grabbing my shoulders. "You got this! Just think of it as something that he needs in order to be happy?"

Shaking my head a bit I look at my best friend before laughing a little. "I can't believe I'm letting you talk me into this."

"Because you know I'm right," she laughs, walking off to head to her house.

I watch her for a few moments before I enter my front door. Closing the door I lean my back against it and let out a low sigh, closing my eyes tight. My head slumps back against the door. 'What am I thinking? Can I really go through with this?' I think to myself walking to my room and putting my purse down on my bed. I look at myself in the mirror hanging on the inside of my closet door, still dressed in my work uniform.

I strip down to my birthday suit before I pull on one of my daddy's shirts. I normally wore my own pajamas but I think somehow this is more appropriate. My breasts rasp against the material of the shirt, I grin cheekily leaving my bra, panties, and pajama bottoms off. I blush watching my nipples pucker and quickly stiffen, the swells of my breasts making the shirt lift slightly.

Making up my mind to just do it, I move from in front of the mirror and go into the kitchen beginning to make dinner for Daddy, he would be getting home soon. As I make pasta, his favorite, I begin to second-guess myself. The hour that usually flies by seems to literally crawl, as I fix up two plates sitting them next to each other at the table.

I try to imagine my daddy's big body over mine, biting my neck and squeezing my breasts. His low voice caresses my skin as he slips in and out of me. I groan softly, shaking my head, forcing myself to think about what his beard would look like disappearing between my legs as his tongue tries to stroke my clit to death.

I can't do it, it was too weird. I slump into the seat and close my eyes tighter trying to picture somebody else, his head, hidden by his hair, his tongue pushing and caressing my clit, sliding down to sink into my hole. That did the trick. My eyes snap open as my stomach curls with arousal. I breathe out softly as I grin wide.

"I can do this!" I say jumping up quickly.

I'd just have to pretend he is someone else. I can do that. I pace around the room before sitting on a chair again. I look at the window, tapping my fingers against my thighs.

"What's taking so long?" I yell at the front door.

I move the chair over so I can't see the door or window, sitting in the dim light of the dining room. I lean forward pushing my hands against my eyes, and the nerves to actually go through with it, start to abandon me. Me being wet wasn't a problem at all, my arousal was already there, all I needed was to practice perhaps?

"Oh, Daddy." I cringe quickly as soon as the words leave my lips, shaking my head and forcing myself to say it. "Daddy, right there." I laugh loudly before clearing my throat trying to keep it together. "Mmm fuck, Daddy, fuck your baby girl." The way it sounded was like something out of a parody of a cheap porno.

I let out a deep exasperated sigh, I couldn’t do this—what am I thinking? I can't even moan that with a straight face.

"Yes, Daddy, right there Daddy, harder Daddy." I mock myself in a pitch that is too high to be my voice.

Now here I was all worked up, and wet with images of my daddy floating through my head, unable to actually moan the word daddy. I laugh at myself, leaning back in the chair, looking out over the dining room table shaking my head when suddenly I hear the front door open, then close. The sound makes my hair stand on end and my spine snaps to attention.

"Em, are you here?" comes his smooth deep voice.

Just the simple base of his voice makes chills race up my spine, latching onto my already stiff nipples. I jump up from the chair, my round needy breasts bounce around free in the shirt. I push my damp hands down my thighs as I sway a little with excitement.

I can feel the juices from my center leaking a little more down my thighs. 'oh shit, 'I'm actually getting turned on by the idea of my daddy.'

"Hello?" he says softly, stretching the 'e' and the 'o' in the word as he moves into the living room making his way closer.

The thump, thump, thump of his booted feet makes me fidget as I try to control my breathing so that I appear normal. I hear a heavy sigh as he puts something down on the couch. I bite my lip and pinch firmly against the two stiff peaks trying to slice through my shirt.

"I'm in here, Daddy," I say softly, knowing he'd be able to hear me.

He rounds the corner of the kitchen doorway and freezes looking at me. "He... Hey Em... What ya up to?"

His voice caresses me all over making my eyes shift from his curious gaze, down to his parted lips. They seem so much softer than what I imagined them to be, those lips I could picture caressing and massaging my clit.

"I'm... Just... Here." I say lamely. "Hey, Daddy!" I quickly recovered, running to him, and throwing myself into his arms.

I haven't done this in a very long time, so to say that he was caught off guard is definitely an understatement. Especially taking into account the confused look his face morphs into. My arms curled tight around him, latching myself to his large frame.

His hands stay off of me for a moment as I lean into him. Slowly his arms curl around me, then he hugs me close. His body towering over mine made me bend backward. A soft sigh leaves my lips as he nuzzles his head into my hair.

I tremble gently as I close my eyes pushing my nose into his neck stroking gently back and forth hearing a soft deep sigh come from his lips as he tries to pull back. My arms remain tight around him so he takes me with him.

My body slowly lifts from the ground as he looks down into my eyes, his large hands curl back tight around me as he smiles gently leaning forward so my feet press against the floor once more. His nose gently pressed against mine and the feeling of his breath fanning my mouth makes my core clench tight.

My eyes stay open as I watch his eyes slowly close, ‘this whole seduction thing is way too easy.’ I think with a grin as I hug him tighter. I whisper softly. "How was your day?”

He shakes his head, staying silent, keeping me so close, that I begin to feel a little awkward. We have never hugged for this long and the heat from his body seeping into my frame makes my toes curl gently. My heart races as I lift my fingers, sinking them into his hair, clenching a fist full of his hair making him groan out softly.


His deep voice makes my body quake as I lean into him, pushing my lips against him and planting a soft kiss on the side of his neck. The only reaction that he provides is a quick shudder as his breathing speeds up. Perhaps that wasn't enough for him? I kiss up his skin, opening my mouth and letting my tongue gently grind against his neck.

He pulls back quickly, and my legs lift, wrapping around his hips as his hands slide down to grip hold of my thighs keeping me up. My wet pussy grinds gently against his lap as I wrap my lips around the skin of his neck, my tongue gently teasing the trapped flesh, before I drag my tongue up to his ear. I bite down on his lobe before tugging it moaning as he slides his hands up to my ass and squeezes it firmly. My core clenches tight, making me whimper so needily into his ear. Then he lets out the naughtiest moan as his grip tightens on me, his hand lifts and smacks my ass making me moan out softly.

He does it again, harder this time, before his fingers dip into the crease of my ass, my eyes open as I rock gently against his front. The heels of my feet dig into his ass cheeks as he turns us, leaning my body back against the wall. His breathing speeds up as one hand lowers down my ass sliding right against my juicy pussy lips. Then I feel it, he grounds his hips firmly into mine, and that outline of desire rakes along the apex of my thighs.

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“Mmmmm, Daddy.” I groan softly, this time there's nothing funny about it, I want him and I want him bad.

But at that moment he goes as still as a statue, his hands stop their stroking. His breath bathes me in quick and sharp puffs of air as my tongue works on his ear. He grabs my waist and pulls me off of him before releasing me. My feet press against the floor, catching myself as I collapse against the wall, panting softly.

I watch as he steps back quickly, moving away from me. He runs his hand through his hair. His eyes appear wild as he pants, his chest heaving as he backs up a few steps. I bite my lip looking into his eyes moving a step closer, he steps back again stumbling against the table as he nearly runs out of the room.

I watch completely astonished as he just runs away like I am an ax murderer. I look down at my body then lift my hand to my mouth blowing my breath into my hand sniffing. I clench my hand tight glaring at the empty dining area, ‘what the hell happened?’

I move to his bedroom door, the light is on and I see what appears to be a shadow moving quickly back and forth from under the door. Leaning forward I plant my ear against the door only to hear heavy breathing. Frowning, I knock on the door only to be greeted by silence. I knock again before gripping the doorknob, finding it locked. My eyes widened looking down at the locked door handle yanking my hand away as if it burned me.

“Daddy?” I ask softly with uncertainty lacing my voice.

“I…” I hear his muffled voice before silence follows.

“Daddy, the door is locked,” I state the obvious. More silence. I waiver slightly as I bite my lip. “Dinner is ready, it's... it's on the table,” I say tilting my head and looking at the shadow as it stands still behind the door.

I stood there for what seemed like an hour, but it was really just a minute or so before I frowned and walked away, to sit at the table. My heart sinks as tears fill my eyes once more. My fingers curl around the fork that rests near the plate, I shove the fork into the cool noodles. I can't help the frustration bubbling up in me, biting into my lower lip and looking at the empty hall for a second.

I sigh softly, rubbing my fingers against my temple, looking down at the plate, before pushing it away from me. I move into the hall, looking at his door seeing the shadow still right in front of the door. I move to sit on my bed, looking at his locked door, before I lay down watching it. 'He grabbed onto me, he moaned for me, he touched me... What happened...' frantic thoughts plague me as I lay against my bed.

Nearly an hour later, I see his shadow approaching the door making my head lift with interest before his door opens slowly. He’d changed into his pajamas. He doesn't even look up at me, he just moves into the hall. I frown slightly standing up, moving to the hall entrance watching as he moves into the kitchen, I follow behind him.

“Daddy?” I say softly. He keeps his back towards me, his fist clenching as he lowers his hands to his sides as he puts the plate in the microwave, “talk to me.” I plead softly.

“And say what?” comes his very angry response.

My eyes widen hearing the tone of his voice, my eyebrows wrinkling firmly as I clench my fists too. “I… I don’t know… Why are you so angry?”

He sighs looking over his shoulder, his eyes meeting mine for a long while, just staring not saying anything. Not backing down I keep my eyes on his waiting for him to speak… to say something. But he just sighs and turns his head back around. A few beeps sound off and I glare at his back as he turns around leaning his ass against the counter, crossing his arms in front of his chest and glaring back at me.

I move closer, and his frown deepens as he watches me come near him, my feet land in between his as I look up into his eyes. “So you're just not going to talk to me?”

He keeps his arms crossed over his chest, glaring down at me. His mouth twitches just slightly and I know he wants to respond but he just doesn’t. I...

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Written by nedelano
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