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Bab's and Julie Chapter one

"Julie is just what her aunt needed..."

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"I'm sorry Fran, got my sister's daughter coming to stay for two weeks, so no sexy romps for us, with a teenage brat into the house," Babs said to her long-term lesbian lover as she busied herself with a quick house dusting.

In her mid-forties, Babs still had the sort of figure that had men lusting after her. But following a disastrous relationship with her only long-term boyfriend, she had abandoned her pretence she was straight and had embraced her lesbian desires.

"Never know your luck babe, she may be a pussy loving nympho!" The giggle in her friend's voice coming from her phone made Babs smile. She could just imagine Fran stroking her, always ready, clit as they spoke. One thing she could guarantee was that, given half a chance, Fran would try to seduce the teenager.

"To be honest, I hardly know her. Last time I saw her, she was a goofy young school girl. Now she is just about to turn seventeen, and getting ready for university next year. She wouldn't be coming here now if my sister wasn't going to visit her husband's elderly parents for two weeks."

"Keep me posted, and if you think there is a chance, first take it, and second invite me over!" Fran laughed.


Babs stood beside the newspaper stand in the busy train station and scanned the crowds getting off the express from Glasgow. In her mind, she still saw the pigtailed schoolgirl she had last seen three years ago when she had visited her sister in Scotland.

"Hello, Auntie Barbara." Babs jumped in surprise, she had been so intent on looking for the image in her mind, she had totally failed to notice the tall, slim woman that now stood in front of her.

"Julie? I didn't recognize you, you are so... so... grown up!" Babs stood back and studied the seventeen-year-old. No longer the gawky schoolgirl. But now a beautiful young lady, and, despite herself, she felt the familiar sensation of sexual attraction build inside her body.

"And you haven't aged a day, Auntie Barbara," Julie laughed as she gave her aunt a hug and kissed her cheek.

Babs felt a shudder of excitement pass through her as she felt the teenagers touch, and the discreet scent of her perfume was causing her nipples to harden.

"I think we can drop the 'Auntie' Barbara... makes me sound a hundred! I am Babs to everyone."

The half-hour drive to Babs home in the small, quiet village was taken up with laughter and girly chat. By the time they arrived both women had learned a lot about each other, and Julie was looking forward to the following two weeks.

After Babs had shown her niece around the house, she left her to unpack while she busied herself preparing a light lunch. Being unsure of Julie's food likes and dislikes, she called out. But receiving no answer went up the stairs and peered into the girl's room.

Julie was in the ensuite shower. Babs gave a sharp intake of breath as she watched the defused naked teenager through the frosted shower screen. The very fact that her exact form was impossible to discern, only added to the voyeuristic experience.

As she watched, catching glimpses of pert tits, shapely legs, and a small butt, Babs found she was absent-mindedly stroking her clit and cunt through her jeans. She knew that given a chance, and the slightest encouragement she would seduce the teenager.

"God, Fran would love to see this," she murmured to herself. Then smiling, fished her phone from her jeans pocket, flicked it to video, and started filming. "First chance I get I will show her this. We can cum together watching it."

Hearing Julie turn off the shower, she quickly went to the master bedroom and closed the door. Knowing it would be a while before her niece was dried and dressed, she slipped off her jeans, lay back on her bed, and slid a hand inside her panties.

With practised ease, she used her fingertips to trace small circles over her erect clit and dip into her moist cunt. Her mind played over and over the sights, she had seen through the shower screen. In under two minutes, her body convulsed in a long, deep orgasm, and she had to bite her lip to suppress a moan. Babs knew, if she was going to get any proper sleep over the next two weeks she would have to find a way to get the girl into her bed.

When Julie came down to the lounge she was wearing a loose nightie, and smiling at her aunt leant forward and kissed her on the cheek.

"I am totally exhausted from the journey, Babs, think I will turn in early if you don't mind."

From the angle she was at Babs could see straight down the inside of the nightie to the two pert breasts, she was determined to fondle and suck very soon.

"That's fine, sweetheart, you get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we will have a fun day, a real girlie day, just the two of us."

Ten minutes later, in her own room, Babs turned on her laptop and Skyped Fran.

"Well, is she still a gawky kid?" Fran said as her face appeared on Babs screen.

"Fuck no, she is a gorgeous, fuckable young lady, and I intend to have her," Babs replied.

"Tell me more," Fran said.

"I can do better than that, look at your phone, I just sent you a sneak preview. Got this clip while she was in the shower."

A minute later Fran was looking at the clip of the showering teenager and knew she and Babs were about to indulge in a cyber masturbation session.

"Oh, Babs! We need to get her over here and watch her ride the Sybian, she would love it."

Babs smiled as she remembered the first time she rode the fuck machine. Fran and she had bought the rather expensive sex toy between them and never regretted it for a moment. Although now both dedicated lesbians, the need for hard cock was still very much part of their sex life. It was just that neither wanted a humping, sweating man, more interested in his own climax than theirs, shooting his load inside them, while they struggled to cum. Before he pulled out.

Babs particularly enjoyed the double cock attachment that pugged both cunt and arsehole. Both women loved the feeling of power it gave them when they had the remote control in their hands and watched the other one twist and writhe while their climax was completely under the control of the other. Many times Babs had begged for relief only to see Fran smiling at her as she adjusted the settings to delay her victims climax.

"Oh yes, to watch her cum on it would be fantastic. Once I can get her relaxed enough for sucking and fucking we can share her. Now keep looking at the clip I sent you and talk to me as we rub off together. My cunt is itching badly and needs to pour out its juices," Babs said as she adjusted the webcam so Fran could see her frigging herself. Five minutes later, both women climaxed together amidst a torrent of obscenities as they drove each other over the top.


"Good morning Julie, I hope you slept well," Babs said, looking up from her bowl of muesli as the bleary eyes teenager appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Yes, thank you, very well, went out like a light." In fact, Julie had rubbed herself off twice thinking about her college friend that often shared her bed.

"We have an excellent health club nearby, I am a member. How do you fancy a swim and maybe a sauna after lunch? I was thinking of going with my friend Fran, I know she would love you to join us."

Julie seemed to wake up suddenly, "I would love it thanks aun...Babs."

Fran reached the health club first and was sitting in the reception area when Babs and Julie arrived. The sight of her regular lover walking hand in hand with the young girl sent a shiver through her. Was it jealousy she thought... no, it was lustful anticipation of a planned seduction that was the cause.

"Julie, this is Fran, the best friend a girl could have," Babs said as she gripped her friend by the hand.

Julie noticed that the kiss the two women shared was not a quick peck on the cheek, but a full lips on lips one, and she could swear she saw her aunt's mouth open slightly as if to admit her friend's tongue to enter. Her own lesbian instincts sent a thrill through her as she watched.

Babs was impressed by Julie's swimming style. The younger woman had an easy stroke and several men were looking at her as eased herself out of the water and exposed the bikini she wore. The cut of the bra showed just the right amount of breast without being overly provoking. But the wet crotch of the panties exposed a puffy camel toes viewers of her teenager cunt.

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"Shower off and a sauna I think," Fran said, making her way to the female changing room.

As she took off her own bikini Babs was pleased to see Julie showed no sign of embarrassment at removing her own swim gear. As she twisted and turned both older women exchanged knowing glances but resisted the urge to soap her.

"Do we put our bikinis back in for the sauna?" Julie asked.

"No, love," Babs said with a grin. "Just put on a robe to go to and from the sauna. Then it is in the buff while we are in there. Will that be a problem?"

"Not for me," Julie giggled. "Unless there are some well-hung guys in there!"

"No, just the three of us. It is a private session so no cocks, just tits and pussies," Fran said, watching for the young girl's reaction to her words. She was pleased to see nothing more than a smile pass over Julies face, and maybe just the slightest parting of her lips and the tip of a tongue.

Babs and Fran opted for lower benches, while Julie had a top one. When Babs poured water on the coals the young girl gasped as the hot steam hit her body.

"Too hot, love?" Babs asked.

"No, love the thrill it sends through me. Something... Almost sexy about it."

"I'll let you into a secret, your aunt and I sometimes get quite turned on by the steam in here."

"Do you ever do anything about it?" Julie stared down at her aunt's lover.

"Yes, but only to ourselves, never to each other. Too much chance of someone looking in and objecting."

A heavy silence fell over the sauna as all three women slipped into their own thoughts. Nothing further was said on the matter, either here or in the showers and dressing rooms afterwards.

"See you tomorrow, perhaps," Fran said as the three women made their way to the car park.

"Depends on what Julie wants to do," Babs said as she piled her kitbag into the boot.

"I would love it, want to get to know both of you better," Julie said and spontaneously took Frans hand and kissed her cheek.

"It's a date then, we will come to your house after lunch for a girly natter," Babs said as she kissed Fran goodbye. Once again Julie noticed the kiss was far from just a friendly peck.

"Anything you would like to do this evening, Julie?" Babs asked as she cleared away the dinner things and set off the dishwasher.

"Happy to stay in actually, it was a busy day, and a quiet evening on the sofa sounds good to me."

"Perfect, how about a girlie pyjama natter, you can tell me all about college, your hopes for university, your boyfriends, and all the gossip!" Babs had a feeling this was going to turn out a very interesting evening.

An hour later, both women had changed into their pyjamas. And having both drunk a large glass of white wine they were giggling and laughing together.

Babs sat at one end of the large sofa and patted the space next to her.

"Come and sit by your old aunt and tell me all your secrets."

To her surprise Julie jumped up on the sofa and lay on her back, head on Babs lap and knees pulled up.

Babs looked down at the teenager, who faces glowed slightly from the wine and stroked her head.

"Have you got a boyfriend?"

"No... not really very interested in boys. Have a close girlfriend though."

Babs once again felt a shiver pass through her.

"So, no special friends, I am sure a pretty young lady like you gets a lot of attention."

Julie looked up at her aunt, eyes as big as saucers and a face blushing redder than the wine alone could be responsible for.

"Can I tell you something? You must promise not to tell mum, she would go ape if she knew."

"I promise anything you tell me will stay between us, my sister will never know"

"As I said, I am not really interested in boys. But I do have a special friend called Sue. She is in the same year as me and we are really, really close."

Babs smiled at her niece as she continued to stroke her long blond hair.

"When you say really close. Do you mean physically close?"

Julie blushed even deeper red and nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes, physically, does that make me a pervert or some sort of weirdo? I honestly tried to get interested in boys. But the same feelings are just not there."

Babs leant forward and kissed her niece on the forehead. "No baby, you are not a pervert. None of us can change the way we feel, you and I have more in common than you could possibly know."

“Do you mean... you prefer girls as well? I seem to remember the last time I saw you, years ago, you had a boyfriend with you."

"Yes, sweetheart, like you tried to prove to myself I was straight, and like you, I found I just wasn't. Now Fran and I are long term lovers, and couldn't be happier. We get together whenever we can, but we have what is called an open relationship. That means we can both see other women as well without getting upset or jealous."

Neither woman spoke for what seemed like an age as they looked into each other's eyes. Babs knew a bond was being formed between them.

Julie felt the same, as the two women's faces came slowly closer, she felt her lips part in passive acceptance of the inevitable kiss.

As her lips touched the fresh teenage ones Babs felt them open to receive her tongue and for a full minute, their tongues danced over each other. Both exploring the warmth, and taste of each other.

Gently Babs slid a hand inside her nieces top and fondled the firm young breast, feeling the nipple harden and swell in response to her touch.

"Oh God, I want you, please auntie, make love to me. Teach me to be a real woman."

Reluctantly Babs sat up and relinquished her touch on the soft breast. "Come to bed with me, its time we gave each other the pleasure we both need."

Babs and Julie stood, either side of the bed, and silently undressed. Each studied the other with suppressed excitement. Both knew the other was being turned on by the sight and thought of enjoying each other.

Julie watched as Bab's slid down her bikini panties and exposed a neatly trimmed blond bush. Her belly had the slight swell that comes with maturity, but rather than detract from her sexiness, in Julie's eyes, it enhanced it.

Sensing her niece was unsure how to proceed Babs took control and patted the bed.

"Lay down, sweetie, let me explore that lovely body of yours."

Julie did as she was told, and later back, eyes closed and waited for the first touch.

The sight of the naked teenager, with her pert breasts and already hard nipples. Her flat belly and a pubic mound coated with fine blond hair. Her protruding cunt lips and a hooded clit just visible was enough to start warm moisture in Bab's own cunt.

Julie thrilled as her aunt's tongue touched first her cunt lips then her clit. The experience of the mature woman was at once evident. Although her college lover had youth and eagerness, nothing could even come close to the cunt licking skills of the older woman. Her whole body became alive with sexual excitement as Babs tongue and fingers explored her teenaged body.

For her part, Babs found the touch and taste of her niece such s turn on that it was impossible for her not to use one hand to explore her own cunt in search of satisfaction.

As the joint sexual tension rose Babs, in an almost automatic action swung herself over and around into the classic sixty-nine position that Fran and her adopted almost every time they had sex.

For Julie, this was a new experience, and one she found almost mind-blowing. To have her pussy and clit licked while tasting the mature cunt thrust into her face was pushing her fast towards her climax.

Babs felt the thrill of a new tongue inside her cunt and ground her clit into Julie's chin. As she felt her nieces climax starting, she rubbed her clit faster against her chin. The cunt juice flowing from her own cunt covered the girl's face and aided the mind-blowing orgasm that was ripping through her body. Now nothing mattered, the gasping teenager was just an object to masturbate against. Both women's lust was out of control as their worlds exploded in a cunt juice soaked orgasm.

"Oh fuck, aun... Babs, that was the most fantastic thing that has ever happened to me!"

"That, my babe, was just the beginning. Tomorrow we will go to see Fran together. If you think what two girls can do together is fantastic; just wait for your first threesome."

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Written by malc72
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