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Aunt Lucy

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 Aunt Lucy played the piano better than Thelonious Monk himself, able to pick up on the most subtle of ambient emotions in the room and play them to her hearts content. She played a slow, heavy tune tonight to match the loneliness in my heart. She closed her eyes and made a pained face while she played, the music she made was indescribable.

 Her jet black hair fell to just below her ear by an inch at the most, tickling her neck. Her glasses rested on the edge of her nose, and her mouth was parted slightly. She wore a dull gray skirt that went up to her stomach, and down to just below her knees. Her legs rested below where she sat on the bench, her sexy feet pointed to the ground, toes barely touching the carpet.

 Grandpa was a good ol' boy, born and raised in the US, Grandma of Japanese decent. Aunt Lucy got the best of both, and being their baby she was closer to my age than she was to my parents age. I always would come over to her apartment when I was in a bad mood. She was the only person who knew how to fix me up. The music she played was deeply cathartic, it touched me in ways no amount of booze ever could.

 "Tell me what happened kid... It's over between you two, isn't it?" She seemed to have a sixth sense about her, always knowing what was wrong with me.

 "Yeah... It's over. I walked into the apartment and saw her with my friend on the couch."

 "That's gotta sting. Look on the fifth shelf of the bookcase, you'll find the bottle in the the Bible. Turn to Jack Daniels, chapter seven verse drunk and keep 'reading' until the pain subsides."

 I chuckled as I walked over to the shelf and searched for the hidden bottle. Taking two glasses from the kitchen I filled them about halfway full and placed one on top of Lucy's piano, sipping on the other one on the couch.

 "I don't know where I keep finding these women from. What kind of person would do that to someone else? Do they get some kind of thrill? Do they think, 'ahh I have a deep dark secret and that's just fucking hot?' Don't I deserve someone better than that? Someone like..."

 "Someone like who," Lucy asked, the glass raised halfway to her soft lips.

 "No one, it's not important. Just... not important."

 Quickly swallowing the rest of the glass I filled it again to full this time and drank it down in half the time. I leaned back onto the couch and closed my eyes, listening to Lucy play.

A while later, in my half awake, half asleep state I heard Lucy get up to go to bed, pausing at the door to turn around. She walked back to the couch to take one last look, but tripped, falling onto my lap on the couch, a hand landing on my chest. I woke up quickly, lifting my head up to see what just fell on me. My lips accidentally pressed against Lucy's in the confusion and stayed there for just a moment too long. That proved to be the best mistake of my life, as Lucy leaned back in for another kiss, this time staying for a minute.

 My lips pressed back against hers, the intimate moment heightened by the alcohol in my system.
No... we're drunk. She probably doesn't even realize what she's doing. But it feels so good. Her lips are so soft, and they way she's kissing me... NO! She's my Aunt! But...

I pushed her back off of me, "WAIT! Lucy, we're both drunk. I love you, but I need to know that this isn't just some drunken mistake. Let's wait until tomorrow, and if you still feel the same way I will gladly continue, but if there's even the smallest chance that this is just the alcohol I would never be able to live with myself. I love you way too much for that."

 She looked me in the eyes, and leaned in to kiss me on the forehead.

 "I'm not even drunk right now, but we'll wait until tomorrow if it helps. I love you, Kevin. Sleep tight, and Dream a Little Dream of Me."

 I leaned in, placing a hand lightly on her cheek and kissed her once more goodnight. Watching her walk away overshadowed the pain of breaking up with my ex. Everything in me wanted to shout for her to come back, but I fought the feeling and eventually succumbed to sleep.

 The next morning I woke up to the sound of bacon crackling. Lucy stood over the stove, still dressed for bed in her shorts and t-shirt, and apron covering her front. I sat back and watched her for a little while as the memory of last night came back to me.

 She didn't realize I was awake yet, so she just kept on going as if no one was watching her. I liked that, seeing people when they don't know they're being seen. She swayed back and forth as she grabbed different cooking utensils. She had a sort of rhythm to her. It was like she was dancing to a music that only she could hear, the only sound playing for everyone else was the food cooking, and the sound of her bare feet kissing the floor every time she moved.

 She walked to the fridge to get some milk and eggs when she noticed my eyes cracked open slightly.

 "I know you're awake silly. Come in the kitchen and help out why don't you?"

 I picked myself up and folded my blankets. So far so good. She didn't seem tense or awkward about last night. She was just being Lucy. I walked over and poured the milk into a bowl, cracking some eggs into the mix and whisking it together. If you do it that way the scrambled eggs have a creamy taste to them that I love.

 Lucy piled the Bacon onto a plate as she finished up with the pancakes. I piled the eggs onto another plate and we laid them out on the table. We grabbed our plates and silverware, and both sat down next to each other on the little island in the middle of the kitchen.

 I opened my mouth and looked over to say something and she just put a finger to my lips and whispered, ''shhhhhh,'' she loved eating her meals in silence. I understood, so I just kept my mouth shut.

 I picked up all the dirty dishes and started washing, thinking about what I would say to her after. Should I just come right out and say it? Last night was the best night of my life and I want to be with you, Lucy. Or should I ask her how she feels about it? Does she even remember any of it though?

I finished up the dishes and turned to say something to her, but she was putting away the blankets and pillows from last night. I walked over to her and before I could open my mouth she turned around with a smile and said, "Go take a shower silly. You're still a mess from last night. I have some spare pants and shirts of yours from last time clean in the bathroom, and a spare tooth brush. I've got to go run some errands, so just lock up when you leave."

 She quickly walked back to her room and shut the door. I waited, but she didn't come out so I went to take a shower. As soon as the water started I heard her open her door and leave the apartment. It seemed as if she was ignoring me. As cool as she tried to act, she felt awkward. I had fucked up another good thing in my life and lost one of my best friends. Again.

 I just let the water wash away all the pain and tears, not leaving the shower for a good forty five minutes. I got dressed and brushed my teeth, staring at myself in the mirror. Why do you do this to me? Why do you destroy everything I love? I kept thinking about it. I walked out and drove back to my place in silence.

 That night I called her. She didn't answer until the last second. "Hello?"

 "Lucy, it's me... About last night, I-"

 "I've got to go Kevin, someone just knocked at my door. Sorry."

 Great. It wasn't just my imagination. She was ignoring me. Over the next few days I kept calling and she kept making up excuses for why she couldn't talk. I couldn't sleep at night thinking about her. My appetite was all but gone, and I hated myself. Slowly I stopped myself from thinking about it. but it was always in the back of my mind.

 Two months later I decided I would just write her a note and leave it on her door. She wanted nothing to do with me, but I at least wanted closure. I wrote about how sorry I was. I told her I was going through a lot at the time and shouldn't have kissed her. But at the end of the note I told her how much I really did love her. I may have been in a vulnerable position, but it just took that for me to realize how much I wanted to be with her.

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 I knocked but she didn't answer, so I slid the note under her door. As soon as I got in my car my phone went off.

 "Oh Kevin... I... I didn't realize. Tonight. Go to the club tonight, the one we always used to go to. I'm going to be playing there at 9. After that we can come back to my place and talk, okay?"

 "Okay... I'll see you tonight. I'm sorry."

 "Don't be," click.

 Don't be? What was that supposed to mean? It took me two months for her just to talk to me, so I didn't want to push it. I went home and waited for 9 to come.

 It got closer to 9 so I got dressed and ready to go. I didn't want to dress too fancily, but I still wanted to impress her so I just wore a dress shirt and a sports jacket with dark jeans and dress shoes.

 I walked into the club and she was sitting up on the stage at the edge of her piano bench. I smiled and waved at her, and she smiled back. I ordered a drink and sat down in the back so no one would notice me staring. She sat up and got ready to play, leaning into the mic and whispering, "this song is for someone very special to me. You know who you are, and I hope you get it. It's about a girl in love."

 She began to play one of the most beautiful song I've ever heard her play before. By the time she finished playing a single tear fell down her cheek and everyone in the club cheered. I sat back and it seemed to hit me. She was ignoring me FOR me. She didn't want anything to be a rebound, so she cut herself off from me. Two months and I haven't thought about what's her name since that night at Lucy's apartment. I started laughing silently to myself, wiping away my tears.

 She kept playing for another two hours, having taken everyone on an emotional roller coaster. She brought us up and down, left and right, and it was beautiful. I waited outside so her fans could shake her hand and talk to her.

 We just walked to her place in silence as it started to rain. I grabbed her hand and she squeezed mine. I smiled and she blushed. Neither of us had to say anything. She told me what she wanted to say with the piano, and I with the note I left her. We were ready. Ready not for sex but for what we always wanted but were too afraid to ask for.

 We both wanted to be with each other. I wanted to wake up next to her every morning. To feel her hand on my chest every night. She was made for me, and I was made for her.

 We kept walking, and by the time we reached her apartment we were both soaked. She put the key nervously into her door and opened it. We were too afraid to say anything and ruin the moment. She tried the light switch, but the power was out.

 She kicked her shoes off and started lighting candles. I tossed my sports jacket on the floor and kicked my shoes off too. The moment was tense. Moving felt like walking underwater. She stood in the middle of the living room dripping water onto the carpet. She looked down at her feet and pulled at the carpet with her toes. I walked over and just wrapped my arms around her holding her.
 We stood there for an eternity in silence. Finally I leaned down and whispered into her ear, "I love you."

 She looked up and kissed me tenderly. Her face was wet, but I could tell the hot water running down her cheeks were tears. She pulled back slightly, her lips still touching mine and whispered back into my mouth, "I love you too."

 I pulled her back in tightly and kissed her with everything I had. Her stomach and chest pressed against mine as she pushed herself up on her toes to meet my lips. We stayed there and basked in the moment. The rain beat against the window, and the flames flickered as we embraced each other. I placed one hand on her neck and one on her lower back as she wrapped hers around my lower back in a tight hug. She placed her head on my chest and let the rest of her tears out.

 "I'm so sorry I put you through all of that, Kevin. I just needed to know that this wasn't just a rebound. If you needed me then I would have given myself to you, but I know you're better than that. I know you."

 "It's okay Lucy. It's better this way. No more words though. I could say I love you until I'm blue in the face, but now I'm just going to show you. I want to really know you."

 With that I attacked with every ounce of youth I had. Her clothes clung to her tightly, but nothing could hold her from me. Within moments, it seemed, our clothes were off and we stood bare in front of one another. Nothing hidden. No shame. No secrets. Only our desire for one another spoke in that moment as she grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast, her strong heart beating ferociously underneath. Her breath was quick and shallow, not fear but excitement.

 We were stupid, and we were young, and we were afraid, and we were brave, and we were in love.

 I pulled her to my chest, but this time when we touched it was like lighting dancing and fire flashing. Concerning romance, once I was blind but now I see. I kissed her harder and harder, moving from lips to neck. Neck to collar bone. Collar bone to neck. Neck back to lips. I did what felt right.

 Lucy clawed at my back, digging deep as if she never intended to let me go. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me. I stood there with her robed around me in a deep embrace and we said nothing. We didn't have to. We were becoming one so fast at this moment it made my head spin and I thought I heard her speak but her lips didn't move. There was a strong pull towards the bedroom but I took it slow.

 I carried her in my arms tenderly, not wanting even the stirring air to make her uncomfortable. The march to the bedroom was the longest walk I had taken up to that moment in my life. After ages we reached the bedroom and I placed her down gently on the bed, the blankets giving way to us as I climbed on top, waiting.

 She looked me in the eyes and smiled. No need for words. I knew. It was time. This was the moment that I had been waiting for as long back as I can remember. I wanted this more than anything. I needed it. I stood there at the edge of no return and smiled as I plunged in.

 Lucy let a gasp escape as I buried myself inside of her love. She put her hands firmly on my back, this time not digging in, but strong enough that I could not escape even if death took me. We gently rocked back and forth, seemingly without rhythm. After a minute I realized it was my heart beat that I was moving to, and Lucy to her own. After ten minutes we both were jerking wildly to the beating of our hearts that started to sync.

 After twenty I was red in the face and sweat started to pour. She looked me in the eyes and just breathed. Whatever invisible veil that stood between us before at that moment tore apart and I saw her. I saw everything. Seeing someone like that is hard to put into words. I knew her heart. I could feel her emotions. Her pain, her longing, her love. I knew them. And she could see me. We...

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Written by lolwriter89
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