Aunt Flo #2
Flo and Sam moved into a bigger house, closer to the truck terminal. It was also close to the Community College I was now attending. One Sunday when they were visiting us for a barbeque, Flo asked out loud for everyone to hear,
“Allie-boy, why don’t you come to our new house one day next week. Come over and let me make you lunch. I’m not much of a cook, but it will be better then the school cafeteria.”
We all laughed at her joke. Mom said,
“Yeah, go. It will be good for you to be with family.”
Sam chimed in, “It will be good for Flo too. She’ll be alone all week and could use some company.”
I was afraid if I spoke everyone would know how much I wanted to be alone with her. I just nodded my head up and down. When it was down, I was looking to see if the bulge in my pants was obvious. About then the burgers were ready. Everyone seemed to move at once, getting food and finding seats. I glanced down again and found a wet spot on the low end of my fly. When aroused I drool a lot of pre cum.On the way out, Flo was touching my cheek and saying,
“Come over Tuesday. Tell me what you want and I’ll get for you Monday.”
OMG, I thought, the same fingers she had in her pussy were caressing my face and she was making plans for me to come to her house and Sam would be away. I mumbled something about a salami sandwich on a roll and a Pepsi. I was afraid to look ‘cause I imagined the wet stain was down to my knees by now.
When I arrived at Flo’s house, first thing I noticed was a touch of lipstick. She also made her hair look good. I complimented her appearance and I could tell she liked the fact that I noticed. She said I was a special boy and she wanted to look good for me. She always wore knee high stockings, giving access to her thighs for the injections. Today she wore a low heel shoe, with slacks and a sweater. For Flo, she was actually, “dressed up.” She sat opposite me at her kitchen table and watched me eat the sandwich. I was watching her big breasts trying to bust thru the sweater. I wasn’t too keen on the subject, but I was guessing Aunt Flo was a C cup, and never having borne a child, I imagined her nipples were still pink. I caught myself grinning and realized I was starring at her chest. Yes, I think I had it figured. I was guessing Aunt Flo was about 42 years old and her nipples looked brand new like a 17 year old girl. She saw me examining her chest. She smiled at me and I felt as though she were reading my mind. I was sure my pants were drenched.
I said, “Why are you starring at me?”
She said, “I’m sorry, was I starring at you? I thought you were starring at me." We both laughed. Her eyes locked onto mine.
"You’ve grown into such a handsome young man, I just like to look at you.”
Then she asked me a question in a serious tone of voice. “Why are you starring at my chest?”
I swallowed hard. She smiled. I couldn’t find the words to answer her question. I figured, by now the wet stain is approaching my socks.
Warmly she smiled and said, “I’m glad you’re here today. I need a big favor from you.”
My immediate thoughts were that she needed something fixed around the house.
Flo moved from behind the table. She sat adjacent to me and put her hand on top of mine.
“Can you keep a secret?” she asked me.
“If anyone ever knew what I want from you, they wouldn’t understand. I would look like a fool.”
“You’re not a fool Aunt Flo, what do you want me to do?”
She said, “First promise me that you will never even tell anybody what I’m asking. Will you promise?
I promised.
She continued, “I want you to give me my injection. Can you do it?”
“Sure I can do it.

Flo went to prepare her syringe. I was sure there would be a puddle on the floor below my pants leg. My cock was running like a dripping faucet.
She returned and asked me, “Will it be easier for you if I stand by the table or lying down on the couch?”
The thought of Flo lying on the couch with her bare ass looking up me, made me think I would be rendered useless. I choose the table.
Without the slightest hesitation, she dropped her pants, her panties too, and laid her upper body out on the kitchen table. I put my back to the table, facing the opposite direction she was facing.
With the syringe in my right hand I asked, “Can I touch your behind to take up a pinch?”
She said, “Honey, don’t be afraid to touch me.”
I reached for the cheek farthest from me, so my thumb would be able to touch her ass crack and my fingers could spread out on the fleshy part of her cheek. I thought, heck I got to get a good feel out of this. The pinch slipped away from my grip. Well, it was the first time I ever touched a woman’s ass. What would anyone expect? I gathered up another handful of that soft white ass. Intentionally, I released the fold of skin and gathered up another one.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m not sure where to put the needle in.”
She said, “Take your time. Do it right. I kinda like the way your hand feels anyway.”
I caressed her ass cheeks lightly with my fingertips. I plunged the needle in and forced the liquid into her cheek.
Flo stood up straight and turned to face me.
She said, “That was perfect. I didn’t even feel it. Let me give a kiss of thanks.”
I extended my neck forward expecting a peck on the cheek. My eyes glanced down and suddenly time stopped advancing. The world froze in position and there was only silence. My Aunt had her slacks and panties down around her ankles She was bare from the waist down. I was scared first and foremost. I was afraid to do something wrong. I was afraid she would freak out on me. Afraid that she was seeking some medical assistance and I was seeking a sexual thrill. I was afraid the whole thing could turn into a nightmare of explaining for me to do, to my uncle, my parents and the world. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Flo said, in a nice way, “I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the first pussy you ever saw. Is it?”
I stopped looking at it, and nodded, yes.
She said, “the way you were looking at my chest made me think you never saw bare breasts up close? Is that true too?
Again I nodded. She stepped very close to me. She took my face in her hands and kissed my mouth. I thought I would have to put my pants in the clothes dryer before I went out.
“I want to give you one more chance to promise me, promise you’ll never tell a soul about this, right?”
I said, "Aunt Flo, I promise you, I will never tell anyone what we’ve done as long as I live.”
Ha-Ha-Ha, she laughed out loud.
“You are such a sweet innocent boy. You’re a virgin and I’m going to let you examine my breasts and pussy as long as you like. You need to know what its all about. Come inside with me. ”
Her left hand pulled her clothes up (but not on) her right hand took mine. She led me to her bedroom. With one sweep of her hand she yanked the bedspread off. She was undressing quickly and told me to do the same. I kicked my shoes off and undressed. She pulled me close for a real kiss. Like lovers. My innocence came to an abrupt halt. Flo cupped my balls in her hand and kissed me again. She lifted my cock between our tummies and pressed against me. Her tongue explored the inside of my mouth. Why did I ask for salami,? I thought.
She stepped back and said,”Come to the bed honey boy, this love session this is for you, not me. Oh, excuse me, did I say session? I meant love lesson.”
She laughed out loud again and pulled me onto her bed.
To continue read, Aunt Flo #3