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Aunt Claudia Pt.2

"Lovecrafter11 of Literoctia."

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Waking up the morning after the wedding, I ran through the events of the night before. I couldn't process what had happened. Had Aunt Claudia meant it when she said she wanted it to happen again or had she just had one too many to drink? I had no idea what to think, all I knew is that I would do anything to make it happen again.

The image of my Aunt on her knees tending to my cock was stuck in my mind. I went to the bathroom to take care of my morning wood and took a cold shower to clear my thoughts. It didn't help.

I threw on my some pyjamas and headed downstairs for something to eat. My Mom was wearing her swimsuit in the kitchen. The wet fabric was clinging to her skin, doing nothing hid the shape of her breasts. It was summer and my Mom never missed an opportunity to use the hot tub she had bought with the money she got from the divorce with my Dad.

"Good morning sleepyhead, I heard you get up so I made some coffee" she said, handing me the cup. "So, did you have a good time last night?"

"It was OK, I guess."

"Just OK? It looked like you were really enjoying the dancing with Aunt Claudia, you left your own mother without a dance partner."

"Sorry Mom." Even though she was joking I did feel a little guilty as I realised the wedding must have been difficult for Mom. My parents had divorced a year earlier after she had caught my Dad fucking his young secretary.

"Oh honey, i'm fine. It was nice to see you enjoying yourself. Besides, I think you were the envy of every man in the room. None of them could stop staring at your Aunt Claudia. She's such a tease."

I laughed awkwardly.

"She's so lucky, I wish I still had the body to wear a dress like that." she said, examining her own body.

"You do." I said. It was true, she did have the body to pull off the dress. She had an amazing figure for a woman her age. The only thing she was lacking was Aunt Claudia's confidence.

"Oh honey, you're too sweet. The truth is my body isn't what it used to be. I don't know if you realised but you're Aunt wasn't even wearing a bra, my breasts need support." she said, inviting me to look down at her breasts which were pressing against the thin bikini material.

A knock on the door snapped mom out of analysing her figure. "That will be your Aunt, she said she was going to drop by to give you your first lesson."

Mom made her way to the door to let my Aunt in and my stomach started doing flips. I had no idea how my Aunt would act towards me after she'd had time to think about what happened at the wedding. I wish i'd had more time to think it through in my head and work out what I would say.

"Hey Mike" my Aunt said, entering the kitchen with a big smile. She was just wearing a plain old jumper and a mid length skirt. "I was thinking about our dance last night and I thought i'd come to return the favour like I promised." she winked whilst raising the guitar.

I started celebrating in my mind, my Aunt had just hinted that last night had not been a mistake and she wanted something to happen. I wondered if I would get to see her naked this time and whether she was shaved or not. My face went beet red as I realised that I had just developed a semi standing in front of my Mom and Aunt and they would be able to clearly see my erection behind the unforgiving pyjama bottoms. I started to do the 13 times tables in my head, a technique which had served me well through high school. 13, 26, 39...

"What do you think Mike?" my Mom asked, I had no idea what they had been talking about.

"Sure" I said, hoping it was an appropriate response.

"Great" Mom said. "I'll make coffee for everyone and come and join you both."

I followed my Aunt into the living room. When we were out of earshot from the kitchen she turned turned to me. "Why did you tell her she could sit in with us?" she whispered. "I was hoping to do some one on one tutoring." She lightly grabbed my dick through the thin material. "I spent all night thinking about this beautiful dick and what I want to do with it."

"I didn't know what she asked, I was too busy thinking about you." I said, with her still fondling my dick through the outside of my pyjama bottoms.

"Coffee is ready!" Mom announced entering the living room with the cups on a tray. In one motion, Aunt Claudia had give my cock quick squeeze and handed me the guitar to hide my erection before Mom had entered. She was a pro.

I used my right hand to take my cup of coffee while my left hand was firmly holding the guitar in place to cover my raging hard on. As my Mom turned round to give Aunt Claudia her cup, I took the opportunity to sit down and adjust my dick so it rested against my stomach. There was still a bulge but it wasn't as noticeable.

"I think we should start" my Aunt said. "I'll show you a few simple chords. It might be hard at the beginning but it will start to come easy after a while" she grinned.

I blushed at the unsubtle innuendo's my Aunt was making in front of my Mom. She stood behind me and helped position my hands to form the chords. Her chest pressed into the back of my head and I acted as if I was concentrating on the guitar so my Mom wouldn't notice. I started getting to grips with the chords and started to strum up and down.

My Aunt took a seat next to my Mom and they watched me as I slowly improved my technique. After ten minutes of struggling through chord changes I had to stop because my fingers were starting to hurt. "Don't worry, all guitarists get that at the start." Aunt Claudia said. "The skin on you fingers will get used to the strings soon, but I think it's best to give them a rest for now so they can heal."

"Honey you were great!" Mom said. "Now it's sunny outside and I hate to be wasting this time in here when I could be out there relaxing in the hot tub. Get changed and join me. There's room for two more."

"I'd love to but I don't have a swimsuit." my Aunt said "Is it ok if I borrow one of yours?"

"Of course, you know were they are, I'll be in there. Are you joining us as well Mike?"

"Yes!" I said a little too enthusiastically. No way was I going to miss out on an oppurtunity to see my Mom and Aunt in a bikini close up. "I'll just go and get ready now."

"OK, I'll be waiting."

Me and Aunt Claudia headed upstairs to get changed into our swimsuits. As we reached the top of the stairs Aunt Claudia turned and saw my bulge.

"Someone's horny" she giggled. "I'll meet you in the tub, leave it five minutes before you come down, I need to have a word with your Mom."

She headed into my Mom's bedroom and I went into mine and quickly got changed into a pair of swimming trunks. I picked a baggy pair so if I did get an erection in the tub it wouldn't be very noticeable. I waited a couple of minutes wondering what it was my Aunt needed to speak to my Mom about. After 5 minutes passed I headed outside to the tub where my Mom and Aunt were shouting me over to come and join them.

I climbed into the tub and sat opposite the two of them. My Aunt was wearing a small yellow bikini which was struggling to contain her breasts. I didn't know my Mom owned such a revealing bikini, it was a lot smaller than the one's she usually wore.

"Mike, I've been talking to your Mom" my Aunt said. "I've got some weed and we were wondering if you'd like to share it with us?"

Shocked, I looked at my Mom to see if my Aunt was being serious and she simply smiled at me and nodded her head in approval. "I know you do it with your friends sometimes Mike, I can smell it on your clothes when I'm doing the washing. I used to smoke a little when I was younger. You're Aunt thought it would be fun to do together. I think she's right, it been ages since I've done it."

I couldn't believe my Mom knew I smoked weed and was fine with it. I had only smoke it rarely whenever my friends had managed to get hold of some. Each time I tried to hide the scent with aftershave on my clothes but it obviously hadn't worked. "OK, let's do it." I said, trying not to act completely shocked.

Aunt Claudia reached outside the tub and grabbed the lighter and a joint "I already rolled some before I came." She lit the spiff took and her chest lifted as she deeply inhaled. She then held passed the joint on to my Mom. I noticed my Mom's lips and how sensual they looked as she exhaled the smoke.

Without speaking she handed me the joint and watched as I smoked. It felt odd smoking weed in front of my Mom, I was used to trying to hide it from her.

The three of us finished that joint and and other one after it. The weed was strong and I'm not sure how much time passed but it felt like 20 minutes. We were all enjoying the pressure of the hot tub jets and the effects of the weed.

Mom started laughing "This is going straight to my head, it's been so long since I last smoked."

"We need to do this more often, these jets feel so good stoned."

Mom groaned in agreement. "You should feel them without your bikini on, it's orgasmic."

"Oh really?" my Aunt giggled.

Mom's face immediately went a deep shade of red. "Sorry, I can't believe I just said that out loud."

"Relax" my Aunt laughed. "Blame it on the weed."

My cock was rock hard thinking about my Mom naked in the tub we were all sat in. Was did she go in the tub naked a lot when I wasn't there? I imagined her stifling her orgasm so I couldn't hear. I wondered if she was getting turned on by the jets now.

"I feel like having some fun, we should play truth or dare." Aunt Claudia suggested, with a mischievous smile on her face.

All of us where feeling more relaxed in the tub and me and Mom agreed it was a good idea.

"Seeing as it was my idea I'll ask the first question. Mike you're the only man here so you go first. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." I thought the dare might involve me standing up and I didn't want to expose my bulge.

"OK, I'll start with an easy one. Are you a leg man or a tit man?"

I blushed. "Tit man." I said, making an effort not to be caught staring at my Mom or Aunt's chest.

"Now it's your turn to ask your Mom a question."

Mom picked truth. It was hard thinking of a question to ask my Mom. I didn't feel confident asking her a question but I knew if I thought of a boring question my Aunt would complain. "What size are you boobs?"

"I guess you were telling the truth, you really are a tit man, huh?" Aunt Claudia joked.

"Aww, stop teasing him. I'm 34c honey." Mom laughed, holding her tits up with her hands. "Claudia, truth or dare?"

"I guess I'm the only one with any guts. I'll be the first to do a dare."

"I've got it." Mom said. "Seeing as your such a daredevil, take off a piece of clothing. Bikini top or bottom it's up to you." Aunt Claudia lifted her ass up off her seat and slid her bikini bottoms off. She lifted the panties above the water and through them out of the tub. I couldn't see her pussy clearly through the bubbles but I could make out that it was fully shaved. "You're turn Mike. Truth or dare?"

"Dare" I replied.

Under the water I felt a foot press against my erection.

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I saw my Aunt grin as if she had reached her decision. "Let your Mom sit on your lap."

"That's not fair." Mom protested. "It's not my dare."

My Aunt thought for a moment. "OK" she said. "It will count as your turn as well, but you need to take off your bikini bottoms first."

I looked at my Mom, trying to read her face to see if it was OK with her. She was doing the same to me. Finally she said "It's OK with me. What about you honey?"

I felt a lump in my throat. I thought about my dick and how there would be no mistaking it's hardness when Mom was sat on my lap. I had no choice but to nod my head and accept the dare.

Mom stood up and dropped her bikini bottoms exposing her pussy. It was shaved with a triangle of pubic hair above it, Mom must have noticed my eyes glued to it. "Your Dad used to like me shaving it this way" she explained. "I guess I got used to it so I keep it like this."

I sensed that she was a little embarrassed about it so I said. "It's pretty."

"Thank you honey, I'm glad you like it."

She made her way over to my side of the tub and slowly lowered herself onto my lap. My dick pressed itself uncomfortably against her ass. I was happy she wasn't facing me because my face was beet red. She lifted her ass up for a second to readjust her position to make things more comfortable and my dick nestled along the crack of her ass. She reassuringly patted my leg underwater.

"I'll go for truth this time." my Aunt said. "It's your question sis."

"Hmm. Did any of the men at the wedding yesterday get lucky with you?"

Oh shit, I couldn't believe that my Mom just asked that question. I looked at Aunt Claudia and saw that she was equally shocked to hear the question. I wondered if she would lie. She was looking down in the water and shifting in her seat. "Mike" she mumbled.

"Mike who?" Mom asked.

"Mike" she repeated, pointing at me.

Mom shifted her weight on my lap so she could look at me. Surprisingly, her face wasn't angry just confused. She saw how uncomfortable I was and patted my head to show me she wasn't annoyed.

"I'm so sorry, it just happened." I explained "Yesterday at the wedding. We got carried away dancing and I got a boner so we snuck into the cloakroom and Aunt Claudia gave me a BJ to take care of it."

During my explanation my Mom's movements had caused my dick to poke her in the ass cheek. "There's no need to apologise Mike. You are both adults and can do as please. I don't know what I would have done without you two helping me through the divorce with your Dad. I love you both so much and I'm not annoyed."

I smiled at my Mom and gave her a hug. "There is something I need to ask you though Mike."

"Sure, anything Mom."

"Truth or dare?" We all exploded in a fit off laughter. The situation we were in, stoned, Mom sitting on my hard cock through my swimsuit, Aunt Claudia sitting in with her bare pussy exposed under the bubbles and playing truth or dare.


"Take off your shorts."

"But... Mom, I'm..."

"Yes I know you're hard honey, it's been poking me. If you take your shorts off I might be able to get a little more comfortable." Mom lifted herself off my lap for a second while I took my shorts off underwater.

Mom lowered herself onto my lap again. She reached down and held my erection to avoid any accidental penetration as she sat down. My cock was nestled against the outside of her pussy.

"You both look comfortable there." my Aunt laughed. "I'm starting to feel a little jelous sat over here. It's your turn sis, what will it be?"


"Take your top off and make out with me for one minute."

"Easy" Mom said. "Get over here."

Mom reached behind and pulled the string to take off her bikini top and release her tits. I couldn't help but stare at them, I was doing my best not reach out and grab them.

Aunt Claudia and Mom positioned themselves so they were sat either side of me. They lent together so they were kissing right in front of my face. This meant that one of my Mom's naked breasts was pressing against my arm. Her other tit was being groped by Aunt Claudia. There tongues found each other and they shared a slow sensual kiss.

After some time, Mom pulled away. "That's one minute."

"Looks like Mike liked it." Aunt Claudia said, nodding towards my hard on.

Mom looked down and smiled at the sight of my erection. "Who do you think was the best kisser Mike, me or your Aunt?"

My confidence had grown "It's hard to tell from just watching."

"Well Mom said, we'll have to help you make your decision." Mom looked at Aunt Claudia. "30 seconds each, I'll go first."

Mom leaned in to kiss me, she pressed her bare tits into my chest. Her tongue found mine and it felt wonderful. At first we were both a little shy but grew more...

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Written by daniel157
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