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Aunt Carmens scented panties

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My Aunt Carmen was the stuff young boys' wet dreams are made of. She'd been widowed for several years by then. While she'd been married she'd been rather dumpy and unattractive, but when she became single again she ditched her frumpy wardrobe in favor of tight jeans and miniskirts, which made her look irresistible even though she was well past forty. Gone were the "sensible" flats in favor of tall stiletto heels. No more erotic woman ever lived!

To Mom and my other Aunts, Aunt Carmen was the subject of endless gossip. They never seemed to tire of speculating who Carmen was dating or Carmen was screwing, particularly the latter. Every bachelor in our little town and even some married men were rumored to have bedded her. According to those cackling hens, Aunt Carmen had screwed everyone from the Preacher to boys in the high school!

They never stopped talking about Aunt Carmen, but even then I knew they were all jealous. Aunt Carmen knew she made me hot as hell. Just being close enough to bask in her lovely perfume made my head spin. When I spoke to her I could hardly look at her, but she was always very nice to me and seemed quite amused that she could still excite a young boy that way. My mother and I would often go to her house for dinner, she loved to cook. I'd make a beeline upstairs as soon as I got there, anticipating what panty delights I might find. I was never disappointed. Being the sloppy sort, Auntie would obligingly leave one or two pair of her worn panties right on the floor in the bathroom or bedroom. I would pick the panties up and fondle them for a long time, staring at the lovely lingerie confections. Aunt Carmen wore the most exquisite, expensive imported French undies made of luscious silk and dripping with lace.

One evening I'd been especially lucky to grab a delightful turquoise string bikini with big white ruffles on the behind. They were still warm and moist from Aunt Carmen's sex. She must have just taken them off!

That night was utter bliss as I sniffed and jerked off with my panty treasures. I was so hot I masturbated madly until my cock got red and sore and I couldn't come anymore. I'd jerked off so much my cock was actually wearing away!

When it was all over I felt a terrible twinge of guilt. After all, this woman was my Aunt! How could I fantasize about such immoral, incestuous things? What was wrong with me? I felt horrible. But that didn't stop me from jerking off with Auntie's panties, again and again and again!

One afternoon I was up in my room fondling Aunt Carmen's pretty turquoise panties when the doorbell rang. Not wanting to arouse suspicion, I threw my clothes on and went to answer it.

I opened the door and gasped a little. There was Aunt Carmen herself, looking lovely as ever with a tight leather miniskirt, black fishnets with black patent spikes and a low-cut lace blouse that revealed her ample cleavage.

I looked down and tried not to stare at her lovely breasts as she told me she needed to borrow a certain pair of pumps from my Mom for her date that night. I told her Mom wasn't home, and she replied she knew that but she'd called her at work and found out exactly where they were.

Aunt Carmen walked right in and went up to Mom's bedroom. I followed close behind, trying not to look obvious as I tried to peek up her skirt when she walked up the stairs. She sashayed right into the closet and got the shoes, but on her way out as she passed my room she stopped in her tracks and stared inside.

Aunt Carmen walked into the room to my bed, and my heart sank as she picked up the turquoise panties I'd stolen only days before. She held them as she scowled at me and sneered, "...and what are THESE doing here, you filthy little pervert? You little panty snatcher, I wondered where these went!"

All of a sudden a look came over Aunt Carmen. "...And I'll just bet I know where my OTHER missing panties are too, Darling! I want you to show me all the other panties you've stolen... right now! ...Or maybe I'll just have to tell my sister what a disgusting pervert she has for a son!"

Aunt Carmen had me dead to rights and I knew it! I had no choice but to do as she said. I walked over to my closet and brought out the box where I kept my panty collection.

"Empty them out onto the bed," she snarled.

I turned the box over and let the panty plunder fall onto my bed. I was suddenly surprised at how many I'd managed to accumulate in only a few months.

"Well Darling," Aunt Carmen giggled as she surveyed my spoils, "that's quite a collection you have there. You certainly must have been a busy little panty snatcher..."

With that, Aunt Carmen began browsing through the panties and picking them up, with a little comment for each.

"These are mine, I wondered where they'd gotten to!

"Borr-ring! These must belong to a young girl. Don't know why you stole these Darling, but then they are rather well-worn...

"Oh, these are pretty. I wonder where she got them.

"And these are mine... and these.. and I forgot all about these!"

I knew I was in a lot of trouble as Aunt Carmen rummaged through my panty collection, but I couldn't take my eyes off the luscious turquoise panties she still held in her hand. In spite of myself I could feel my cock hardening as Aunt Carmen held up each pair of lovely underpants.

Aunt Carmen saw I was getting excited and laughed aloud.

"Well Jeremy Darling, you certainly like pretty panties. At least you have good taste in lingerie! I can only imagine what disgusting things you do with them..."

She looked at her turquoise panties then looked at me. A wicked smirk came over her face a she looked me up and down. "...And I'll bet you love to WEAR them, too! Don't you, Darling?"

I hung my head and said nothing.

"That's what I thought." She tossed the bikini panties to me and said, "I want you to take off your take off your clothes and put these on! Model them for me, Darling."

I tried to protest. "No.. I can't... I couldn't!"

"You will or I'll tell your Mother what a perverted little panty sniffer you are! Now quit blubbering and put your little panties on. You know you love it! You know you want to! Chop-chop Jeremy Darling, don't keep me waiting!"

Aunt Carmen had me in her power, but it felt strangely exciting. I turned around and stripped, sliding into the turquoise bikinis as fast as I could. As the silk began sliding across my cock, it immediately leaped to erection in spite of my predicament.

"Oh Darling! You look positively scrumptious! Such milky white skin... such a lean body... and lovely legs! Oh Darling, you're perfect! Now walk across the room and give me a little turn... and be sure to wiggle the luscious little tush for me Darling! Yes, that's it. Sashay for me Jeremy Darling. That's lovely."

Aunt Carmen began breathing heavily, and I could tell the situation was getting her very excited indeed. But then she stopped staring at me and regained her composure.

"Now Darling, you've done as I've asked. What can I do for you? Hmmmmmm... I know! Darling, you may lie down on the floor between my legs and I'll let you look up my dress the way you've always wanted to! Didn't think I saw you peeking before, did you? I know what you want. The same thing all men want. So, go ahead. On your back!"

I couldn't believe my luck and I wasted no time getting on my back while Aunt Carmen straddled my head. Since she was still standing I could see every bit of loveliness hidden by her skirt. Her long lean legs were covered with sheer black stockings, and I could see the lacy suspenders from her black garter belt.

Aunt Carmen's womanhood was covered by the wispiest black panties, which had big black ruffles around the leg holes. Through the gossamer material I was surprised to see her vulva was completely shaven and hairless, like a little girl's. This was unexpected but by no means unexciting.

"Do you like what you see, Darling," Aunt Carmen teased.

"Oh yes Auntie," I panted. "You're..." I sputtered as I beheld her, staring at feminine perfection. "You're so beautiful." The words seemed pitifully inadequate.

"Thank you Darling," she giggled. "Flattery will get you everywhere!"

I watched as a very feminine hand with long red nails reached beneath her skirt. A painted finger slid aside the crotch of the sheer panties and slid itself into the slit within.

Aunt Carmen let out a little gasp and said, "Now jerk off for me, Darling! I love to watch young boys bring themselves off. Yank on your hard cock and come for me Darling!"

It was such an erotic sight as my beautiful Auntie diddled herself while I yanked at my throbbing cock for all I was worth! I could see Aunt Carmen's panties getting all dark and wet from her juices, the little droplets collecting on the sheer fabric.

I could hear her moaning in pleasure. "Yes... yes... yesssssss!," she hissed as she buried a second finger inside herself and then a third. She was dripping now and the musky scent of her womanhood filled the air as her panties were now drenched.

"Now Darling," she panted, "suck me! Eat me though my panties!"

I pressed my face against the damp fabric covering her slick vulva and pulled the crotch to one side. Then I slid my tongue and began licking her luscious pink slit while she continued to finger herself. Aunt Carmen pressed my face against her sex as I began to lap greedily at her flowing cunt.

Aunt Carmen's thighs and my face were soaked with her juices, but I didn't let up for a second. I still couldn't believe this was happening. My naughtiest, most secret fantasy was somehow coming true! I wanted this delicious moment to last forever!

Aunt Carmen's body seemed to tighten up all at once. Her legs tensed. She let out a little squeal, and it was finished.

When she stopped panting, Aunt Carmen looked down at me and said, "Oh... Jeremy Darling, that was incredible! You've really got talent my dear! Now finish yourself off Darling! Yes, turn on your side and cum all over my shoes while I watch!"

I was so hot now I would have gladly done anything she said! I turned on my side and resumed jerking off as my throbbing glans slid against the cool leather of Aunt Carmen's black patent leather spikes.

It only took a few more pulls before I was splattering my hot white sperm all over her shiny black toes. I came so hard I felt as if all the fluids had been drained from my body!

When I finished gasping from the incredible orgasm I'd just had, Aunt Carmen told me to remove her shoe and hand it to her. Then, I watched as she sensuously ran her tongue along the toe until all my cum was off it.

Then, she smiled seductively and said, "Don't think this is the end of it Darling. You've been a very perverted young man and you must be punished. Stealing women's' underwear! I will expect you at my house tomorrow as soon as you get out of school.

But then, Aunt Carmen bent over and reached underneath her skirt once more. She slid her panties down her long, lovely legs and stepped out of them.

Then, with a playful grin, she picked them up and tossed them to me. They were warm and sticky in my hand, saturated with her cum. "Jerk off with them tonight. Enjoy Darling," she cooed.

Aunt Carmen walked down the stairs and out the door. I was standing there wearing her turquoise bikinis, still in a fog from all that had happened. Even so, I had the presence of mind to put away my panty collection and air the smell of sex out of the room before my sisters or parents got home.

The next day I could hardly keep my mind on school. Somehow, from that day forward my perspective of school changed. The prissy young girls with their snooty attitudes lost their appeal to me all together.

Only the day before I would have given anything to be with them. But now I saw they were self-centered little bitches who thought they could get away with anything just for giving boys a little light making out and at most a chance to feel their breasts through their sweaters.

But they seemed so silly and immature to me now. I could have cared less about them; I had been with a real woman!

It was hard to keep my mind on my classes that day in school, and the time dragged even more slowly than usual. But finally the school day was over and I practically ran across town to Aunt Carmen's house.

I gathered my courage and knocked on the door. After a very long wait the door opened, and there was Aunt Carmen's smiling face. "You're on time," she said. "I like that."

She looked lovely as ever, her make up and hair done perfectly as always. Aunt Carmen wore a low cut leotard top that highlighted her ample cleavage, the tiniest miniskirt, seamed fishnets

and black patent heels. Even outside I could smell the lovely perfume she was wearing, soft and feminine. She smiled seductively at me and motioned for me to come in.

Aunt Carmen led me into the foyer and took my jacket. Then, she brought me into her parlor and sat me down on a love seat. She told me to make myself comfortable while she took care of some things.

Now I was starting to get nervous! After all, I was here because Aunt Carmen had caught me stealing her panties. I'd heard of Aunt Carmen's terrible temper and her uncanny ability to humiliate anyone who angered her. She was ruthless and unpredictable; capable of anything. I prepared for the worst!

As I sat there waiting and dreading I noticed a pile of boxes on the table next to the love seat. Aunt Carmen was notorious for her extravagant shopping sprees, and it looked like she'd spent all day at the stores again! She must have dropped a fortune, by the looks of things!

Just when I'd begun to wonder what Aunt Carmen had bought, she returned. I gasped at the sight of her. She was a young boy's sexual fantasy come to life dressed completely in black lingerie. She sported a black corset with gold embroidery, long ruffled black garters that went to sheer seamed black stockings. The tight corset pushed her ample breasts into a lovely cleavage. She wore sheer black panties with big black ruffles at the legs that were completely transparent.

Aunt Carmen also wore the tallest pair of high heels I'd ever seen! Suddenly she seemed to tower over me. She was a vision of loveliness, but I knew by the stern look on her face that I was in for it.

Aunt Carmen glowered at me. "All right Jeremy Darling," she snarled, "pull your pants down."

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"You heard me, you're here to be punished for being a disgusting little pervert. Let's see those buns... unless of course you want your mother to find out what you've been up to. Such a naughty boy, pilfering Auntie's panties! I think she'd take a dim view of that, don't you?"

I hesitated but then began to drop my britches. No sooner did I have my belt unbuckled and my zipper opened than Aunt Carmen grabbed me and yanked my pants down around my knees. I was off balance and helpless as she laid me over her lap. I could hear her breathing heavily as she started whacking me sharply with her hand. I felt a sharp pain to match as flesh met flesh.

The room was filled with a loud WHACK! as Aunt Carmen smacked my bare buttocks smartly. She repeated the punishment many times... too painfully numerous to count! I could do nothing but squirm in her lap as she spanked me again and again and again.

My buttocks were whacked again and again, and sharp stinging gave way to a dull ache as Aunt Carmen slapped them.

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As Aunt Carmen continued mercilessly spanking me, she punctuated each smack with a stern scolding.

"You perverted little shit..." WHACK!

"...Steal my panties, will you..." WHACK!

"...And your sisters' too, no doubt..." WHACK!

"...And who knows who else's under your bed..." WHACK!

"...Sniffing them and masturbating all over them..." WHACK!

Aunt Carmen was wild-eyed as she walloped me with her hand. I didn't understand why at the time, but she was getting very excited indeed from punishing me in such a humiliating fashion.

Fortunately though, I could hear her gasping and I knew her arm had to tire soon.

Finally, Aunt Carmen ceased spanking me, and told me to stand up. Still panting she gasped, "I guess you've learned your lesson now. At least you'd better have!"

I could do nothing but stare and rub my hands across my throbbing buttocks, trying vainly to soothe them.

Then, Aunt Carmen reached over to the table next to the love seat to the pile of boxes there. She picked the smallest one up off the top and handed it to me. "Here Darling," she said, "I brought you a present."

I stood there not knowing what to say. After all, this was the woman who just got done swatting my ass. And now she was giving me a present?

"Don't just stand there looking dumb Darling, open it!"

I unraveled the bow that tied the ribbon to the package. I opened the box and there was the most exquisite pair of white...

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Written by pajarita
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