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Aloha, Daddy

"Girl and dad enjoy a private moment during a family vacation"

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It started with a few kisses. An innocent kiss on the forehead from him to her. An innocent peck on the cheek, from her to him. But the way they looked at each other right after was the thing that changed everything.

They laid there curled up under the covers, him bare-chested, wearing his heavy cargo shorts he thought could hide his erection, her in a flimsy blue tank top and those white panties he always liked to see her dancing around in, the ones with the red hearts and the silk red bow. She also had a little crown of petals decorating her blonde hair.

The look was loaded with anticipation. An eager smile on her face. A confused but desirous look in his eyes. And then they moved. Who moved first, they couldn’t tell. She had her hand on his chest. His arm was around her. And their faces moved toward one another.

Their lips were inches away.

His other arm was moving from under the covers, coming towards her to hold her. She was starting to sit up on the bed. And that hand on his chest was pressing on him, sliding up to his face. This wasn’t cutesy stuff anymore, they realized. This was lovers’ stuff.

It took a few seconds, but they finally landed. His lips on top of hers. And that first lip-to-lip kiss was magical. When he opened his eyes, he saw her opening hers. And this wide-eyed look of fascination and surprise and mischievousness made him smile.

A barrier had been broken. With the first step out of the way, the second kiss came easy. More than a peck this time, this was heavy-breathing, faces-moving, hands-wandering, let’s-do-this! type kissing. He wanted to eat those lips. She wanted to French kiss.

He was starting to sit up, too. His hands were on her body. That lithe skinny body of hers. And her hand was back on his chest. But his erection was so hard, it reached past his belly button, tugging hard on his shorts. Her hand was dangerously close. He had hoped she hadn’t noticed it, but he had been lying next to her with an erection for ten minutes before the kiss.

The side of her pinkie finger touched it. He was ready to pull out of the kiss to readjust himself, but now two fingers were on it. He breathed hard, still drinking her lips as the kiss got more passionate. Her entire hand was on it now.

He stopped kissing her. He looked at her. She was biting her lip, staring at him hard.

“Baby,” he began to say.

Then she interrupted him.

“I want that,” she said, somewhere above a whisper, giving his erection a squeeze.

He looked at her shocked.

She took her hand off it and touched his face again.

He kissed her again but didn’t stop there. His tongue was out. She gasped a little. She opened her mouth, too. Tongues flicking one another. She stuck her tongue out. He sucked on her tongue. She looked confused, maybe she hadn’t done that before. He sucked it some more. Then he stuck his tongue out at her. She bit her lip and stared at it, that adventurous look on her face again. Then her face got serious as she took his tongue into her mouth and started sucking.

If she could suck a tongue that good, he thought…

He turned to embrace her, but the hotel door opened, and she threw herself on the other side of the bed. He threw the covers over her head and over his crotch and grabbed a brochure from the table next to him. By the time his older daughter Kylie entered the hotel room, everything looked innocent.

Kylie had a Hawaiian necklace around her neck, a colorful, striped blanket around her hips. Her pink bikini top was wet, her stringy wet hair dangling over her face and shoulders.

“Is she still in bed?” Kylie asked hurriedly. “Jesus, she’s gonna miss the whole trip.”

“No, I won’t!” said her sister Jenna, her voice muffled over the blanket.

“She was worse last night,” Ray, the father, said. “She’s better now.”

“Finally,” Kylie said. “She always gets sick right before we go on vaca, right? Right? Weird.”

Ray nodded and shook his head with a shrug.

“Where are my shades?” Kylie said, looking around the room, looking through the suitcases. “That sunset is so beautiful!”

Ray pointed at the closet. “There.”

Kylie didn’t listen. She started rummaging through the dresser drawers and cursing. “He’s waiting for me,” she said to herself, throwing her hands up in frustration.

“Ky,” Ray said again. “The closet.”

“Oh,” she said, remembering something. “Mom wants to know when we’re having dinner. And I’m thinking of going to Cancun after we get back.”

“You’re what?” Ray asked. Then he shook his head, dismissing that second part. “Tell her in a half hour.”

“M’kay.” She continued looking, despite Ray’s finger pointing to the closet. She finally looked in the closet. “Yay,” she said. She grabbed her sunglasses and started heading back out the door.

“Hurry up and get out of bed,” she said to her sister. Then she looked at Ray. “Don’t let her waste your time, too. She’s a baby.”

“Shut up,” Jenna said, emerging from under the covers.

“She’s about to start college and she still wants you to baby her when she gets a little sick?”

“Leave her alone,” Ray said.

Kylie rolled her eyes and headed out. “Baby,” she said one more time before leaving.

Usually, Jenna would be chasing after Kylie trying to score some insults of her own. But Jenna let it go easily. Ray smiled at how uncharacteristic that was. He grinned at Jenna as she smiled back at him.

“Took her long enough,” she said.

She turned around on the bed to fully face him. He let the brochure slide down onto the floor. She sat up on an elbow as the covers slipped off her bony shoulder. He opened his arms, inviting her back into the embrace. She scooted up on the bed, back to him. They got into the same position they were in before, her head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest, her breasts squeezing against his side, her leg draped over his thigh, his hand on her soft hair, stroking the strands, playing with the petals.

One kiss got things going again. They went right for the tongue action. They kept their faces an inch apart and playfully slapped their tongues at each other. Then they drowned into a long kiss again. He was getting hard again. Her hand was getting adventurous again.

Her fingers slid over his hardness as he sighed. He reached down under the covers. He unbuttoned his shorts. She looked down, a serious look on her face. She looked at him. He smiled as he unzipped. She smiled back. Then she reached inside.

He sighed a deep, “Ooh,” as she touched the skin of his cock. She held it. Rubbed on it. Stroked it. Turned her hand to fully wrap her fingers around it and get a tighter grip. She was biting her lower lip, that mischievous look on her face back again. Her face started moving towards it.

Ray lifted the covers out of the way. She slid her body down. Her hair was on his chest. Her cheek resting against his belly. Her lips so close to his cock.

He held his breath, staring at the crown of petals.

A kiss.

He closed his eyes.

A wet tongue.

He exhaled with a hiss.

The wet tongue right between the lips of his cock.

He jerked up a little.

Her head lowered.

He drew in a deep breath as she fully took his cock into her sweet mouth.

He checked the clock above the colorful painting of palm trees, hoping they had plenty of time. He laid a gentle hand on top of her head to feel her hair. She pulled the hard dick out of her mouth to lick. And she licked every inch of it. Shaft up to the tip, back down. Her hand was inside, touching everything. She put it back into her sweet mouth. She sucked for a good long time. He didn’t want it to end.

She exhaled loudly. Saliva dripped from her mouth to his cock as she came back for another kiss. He liked that sleazy look on her face. He liked the hard nipples poking out from inside her teeny tank top.

He smiled at her, wanting her to know how good she did.

“I like it,” she said gently, her hand still holding his throbbing cock.

“It likes you,” he answered.

She laughed a little at that as they began to kiss again.

They both kept moaning “Mm” as they kissed and kissed. No tongue this time. Just lips locked in a happy little battle. When they were done, she sat up and sat on him, straddling him, facing him, wrapping her skinny arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, smiling at the cute belly button, an outie with a tiny jewel pierced onto it, his hands sliding up under the flimsy tank top.

He looked at her and stuck his tongue out at her.

She cupped her hands on his face and started sucking his tongue.

But he could feel her body pressed against his cock. He had to squirm to adjust himself. He was only trying to get comfortable, but he was also rubbing his cock against her.

She stopped kissing him to look at him. He continued doing it. She closed her eyes to just enjoy the sensation of him rubbing his cock against the cotton of her panties. She looked down to see it. His shorts were rolled down a little. His cock was out in the open, poking against her between her legs.

Then came the serious looks again. The looks seemed to ask if they were ready for this. Were they ready to cross that next barrier? He started reaching for the hem of those heart-filled panties when…

“Room service!” someone outside the door yelled in a high-pitched voice.

Ray flew out of bed as Jenna retreated under the covers again. He pulled his cargo shorts over his erection quickly and hurried over to the door.

He kept his hand on the door while making sure things looked okay.

“Yeah?” he said to the person outside the door.

“Hawaii 5-O, open up!” the same person said in a deep voice.

Ray opened the door and glared at his teenage son Robbie who was grinning back at him.

“No key card,” Robbie announced, sliding past his dad to get into the room.

“How you doin’, Sonny?” Ray asked. “Where’s Mom?”

“Still lounging. She wants to go dancing later. Can you believe it? She wants us to eat soon. So that she won’t get so drunk later. Or something like that. I don’t know. Anyway, she said, and I quote, ‘tell your fucking dad it’s getting late.’” Robbie lifted his hands to show innocence. “That’s her.”

Robbie started looking around the room, then he saw Jenna and grinned.

“Guess what? Kylie’s making out with another one.” He laughed. “She’s in love. Again.”

Ray shuffled around by the small kitchen, fixing himself a glass a water. “Tell her we’ll be down in a quarter hour, okay?”

Robbie was still talking to Jenna. “And now she wants to go to Cancun. ‘Cause that guy she met is going there next month.” Jenna and Robbie laughed about it. “Desperate much?” It was their favorite pastime to make fun of their older sister Kylie.

“Tell her to stay away from those boys,” Ray said. “It’s supposed to be family vacation time. Family.”

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Jenna was laying on her belly at the bottom of the bed, her bare feet swinging in the air, as she watched Robbie going through the suitcases.

She muttered to Robbie, “She’ll want to have his baby in a week.” They both giggled at that. He was younger than Jenna by a year, but they grew up like twins. “She’s so stupid.”

Robbie pulled out a Frisbee from the bottom of a suitcase. “Boo-yah. Knew I brought it.” He hit Jenna on top of her head with it. “You wanna go play?”

She made a face and shook her head. “Nah.”

“Good. You can’t catch anyway.”

She tried to hit him as he dodged her, jumping over a suitcase and a deflated air mattress. Then he spun around Ray, pretended to shoot a basketball jump shot, before landing by the door, grabbing the handle. “Fifteen minutes?” he said to his dad.


“Shweet!” he said. “Hey, how about just steak today? None of that pokeweed shit. Please?”

“Just steak for you,” Ray said, then gestured for him to get out as Robbie left the room. He closed the door slowly.

Ray sighed heavily and wiped his forehead. Jenna found a tissue and was blowing her stuffy nose, which hadn’t been bothering her until now. Ray walked over to her as she laid there on her belly. And those cute panties. He smiled.

“Maybe we should get dressed…” he said.

She frowned at him. “If you want to…” she said.

“Well, they’ll be up soon…” he shrugged.

“In a little while,” she added.

He stood in front of her. “I don’t know what came over us.”

She shrugged.

“Well, it ends now, right? We got carried away.”

She nodded. She crossed her feet at the ankles and continued swaying them.

“Right,” he said. Those panties, though… He couldn’t stop looking at her.

“Did you like it?” she asked.

“Of course, I did!” He crossed his arms and shook his head. “You were too good.”

She giggled. “I had practice.”

“Wait, what?” he pretended to get angry, hands on his hips. “What’s the boy’s name? I’ll kill him.”

She laughed and reached out to touch him. “No, dad.”

“Tell me!” he said, crouching down to grab her playfully.


“Confess!” he said, starting to tickle her.

“Daddy, no!”

The tickling continued as she turned over on her back and curled up to protect her weak spots. He watched her breasts jiggle. Her hair hanging over the bed. Her thighs. And he was getting a little hard again. He continued torturing her, saying “With who? With who? With who?” until…

“With Robbie!” she let out suddenly between laughs.

He stopped. “What?”

She laughed out loud. “Just kidding.”

He pretended to strangle her as she turned back over onto her belly again. She was playfully punching him. She pretended to punch him between his legs. Then she rested her hand on his shorts.

He stopped, looking down at her.

Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he reached down and unbuttoned the shorts. She found the zipper and pulled it down. They looked at each other while he let the shorts slip down to his ankles. Her mouth was agape. She took his semi-flaccid cock into her hands. She stared at it.

She glanced up at him with a smile when it stirred and continued to enlarge. He inched towards her as she started stroking it. She kissed the tip and then looked up at him.

He exhaled, not realizing he had been holding his breath. He ran his fingers through her hair.

“I want it,” she said.

“I want you,” he said.

She liked hearing that. A wide smile spread across her face. She looked back down at the cock which was fully erect now.

Ray crouched down just a little, so that her sweet face could reach his hard dick. She opened her mouth. She lurched forward, pushing her face onto his cock, eagerly taking it into her mouth.

He held her head and threw his head back as she sucked. “Oh, God,” he said to the ceiling. And her sweet hand had a hold of his balls, rubbing her thumb on them.

She jumped out of bed and squatted down in front of him, taking the cock into her mouth again. She was moaning this squeaking sound as she sucked on it hungrily.

She pulled it out to sneeze. She sneezed again, a pipsqueak sneeze.

She continued sucking. Then she wiggled her face as she took it as deep as she could. He couldn’t believe how much of him was inside her mouth. He held her chin with one hand and the back of her head with his other. She held on to his thighs.

“Oh, Jenna, Jenna, Jenna,” he muttered.

Ray carefully pulled his cock out of her, with all the drool and pre-cum. He reached down and grabbed her under her shoulders and lifted her up. He made her lie on the bed. She laid there, looking so cute and anxious. He grabbed the hem of her panties. He started pulling them off. She closed her legs so he could get them off completely. He held those cotton panties in his hands for a while before dropping them. He stared at Jenna’s legs as she slowly spread them open for him.

He stepped out of his shorts.

He crawled into the bed. He put his face near her pussy. He kissed it. She threw her head back and closed her eyes to enjoy it before looking back down again to see what he’d do next. He kissed her belly, licked the button. He rolled up the skimpy tank top as his hands slid up her body. She lifted her body off the bed and raised her hands so he could pull the tank top off over her head.

He moaned as he planted kisses on her pert breasts and her nipples. He squeezed them in his hands. He kissed her face. He drank her lips again.

And now they stared at each other.

He reached down to hold his cock, massaging the tip against the lips of her pussy.

“Omigod,” she was saying, writhing a little, waiting for it. “Omigod, omigod, omigod,” she said rapidly.

He had the tip inside her. He looked at her again.

“Ooh, daddy?” Her hands were clenched in fists.

He smiled into her eyes.

“Ooh, daddyyyy.” She was shaking a little and breathing hard.

He rested his arms on the pillow around her head and kissed her forehead, her lips and her cheek.

She closed her eyes, waiting to feel every inch of him inside her.

And when she did, in one sudden plunge, her eyes suddenly opened wide again, her mouth open, and a loud and deep cry escaped her.


That cry was still echoing in Ray’s head as the family ate dinner at the outdoor restaurant of the hotel.

“How’s the cold, Jen-Jen?”...

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Written by Blackbeards14
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