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Allie's Introduction

"She felt his pecks rubbing on her shoulder blades as she tried to follow his directions."

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{This being my first submission here, I wanted to apologize for the length. Hope you enjoy!!}

She could feel her internal tempo quickening as her feet met the cruel hard pavement. Running was the only release Allie got in moments like this. She pushed her muscles harder, forcing all of her internal chatter into the slick blackness beneath her.

She cherished the cold sharp breeze flowing through her running pants, it seemed to be the only thing cooling her down. She felt her stomach muscles hardening with the strain of her relentless pursuit. She timed her movements with the tempo of her thumping heart, making her run aggressively furious. The rest of her body was comfortably numb, hence the attraction of running – it was all legs, ass, and stomach focused. She loved the sensation of only focusing on this painful pleasure.

Turning the grassy corner, she focused harder on running – pushing, striving, breathing sharper shorter breaths. Lost in her own little world, she failed to notice the black car, or anything for that matter. She was drowning in an emotional tidal wave of wanting, craving, desiring, longing, and the hardest of all – feeling completely wrong about all her deep burning needs.

Allie was the youngest in her large family, the only girl, the baby as it were – but not in her mind. She was long past the need of always being protected, nurtured, followed, obsessed over. She loved the attention, the constant questioning, being provided for – it made her feel loved. She also felt crushed, overwhelmed at times; suffocating in her all to over-attentive brothers.

It wasn’t their fault, her mind justified. Allie was in a horrible accident with her parents when she was younger, when she lost both parents. The accident left little external scaring on Allie, it was the internal scaring that stayed – haunting her family long after the mourning eased about their parental loss.

Allie expertly managed the marble landscaping stones she found herself running through. She loved this particular part of her hometown – it was always quite and hardly occupied. The trees and flowers created an intoxicating scent, wafting and waving through the cool crisp morning air. It was her own private heaven, she could run while feebly trying to free her mind.

His long thick fingers tapped the dash of his black car as he watched her running. He loved the way her ass moved underneath her running pants. The way in which her long thick braid danced playful over her taught cheeks. He watched the amber rays of the breaking dawn accentuating the tones of her auburn hair.

From her pace, he could tell she was wrestling with her own internal frustration. He’d seen this type of frantic running before, he knew she’d be tough to manage if he broke her intensity. He relaxed as he idled his car behind her, keeping his distance far enough behind to not be noticed, while keeping his eyes firmly fixed on his muse.

Allie wasn’t the typical sister his friends had, bitchy an coldly planted in their illusion of the next burgeoning crises. No, Allie was strong, quite, reserved, and deeply focused on whatever captured her young attention. He’d watched her grow, blossoming into a very beautiful young lady. His friends constantly commented on how amazingly beautiful they thought his little sister was. Little did they know how much he already recognized her alluring appeal.

Sam felt his body responding to the thoughts flowing through his mind. As his skin heated, he felt his muscles tensing with a long held need for release. He let the gear shift go, unconsciously shifting his hardened response to a more comfortable position. He rearranged himself in the soft leather of seat, almost missing the truck heading for his sister. He slammed the gas pedal to the floor, careening in front of Allie before she blindly ran in front of the fast moving truck.

Shock filled her eyes as Sam bounded from the car. She pulled the ear buds from her ears, snapping back into the reality she desperately wanted to flee from. Her aqua eyes met the furious face of her brother, trying to grasp what almost happened. She felt her body rocking back an forth from her sudden stop. She leaned over grasping her knees as the world spun around her wildly.

“You just about got hit” his sharp words assaulted her still adjusting senses.

The heat rushed to her face, as she tried to focus on taking deep breaths. Slowly standing she met his cool eyes. She could see the adrenaline pumping through the veins in Sam’s thick neck, as his hands clinched and unclenched into fists.

“Sorry…I was just….” Allie trailed, knowing she was reckless and lost in her own little world. Blinking, she tried to keep the sweat out of her eyes. Only making her more adorable to Sam.

He walked up to Allie, breathing hot and fast on her cheek. He leaned down and threw her slight frame over his wide shoulder and headed for his still running car. Setting her down, he opened the passenger side and moved her to a sitting position in the seat.

Kneeling down, he steadied her shaking knee. She didn’t know if it was the sudden stop that caused her body to quiver and shake, or the fact her brother was eye to eye with her. The cool air continued finding all of Allie’s sensitive skin. She felt her nipples hardening as her brother tightened his grip on her knee.

“Are you really that focused on running that you loose your surroundings?” His sweet breath laced around her lips and nose, she knew he was trying to contain his anger.

“I guess….I wasn’t……I don’t know why I didn’t….” Allie stammered, seemingly unable to form a coherent sentence no matter how hard she tried to push the words out.

Sam sighed heavily, pushing her legs into the car. Leaning over her, he buckled her seat belt. It was always safety first for Sam, no need in repeating any unnecessary horrors for the family.

The drive home was short and silent, painfully silent. Allie tried to follow to moving background as the car whipped this way and that. She placed her hand on the middle console to steady herself, as she was still uneasy from such an abrupt stop. She felt Sam’s forearm resting sending electric jolts to her forbidden places.

Turning she looked at her brothers muscles tensing with his shifting. She allowed her eyes to make their way to very toned bicep. As her eyes continued their gaze, she felt the heat returning to the places she was trying to relieve. She found herself staring at his well formed pecks, when she realized he was watching her wandering eyes.

She met his eyes and quickly snapped her head to look out the window again. She didn’t want her brother to know she lusted after him, needing him, dreaming of him. She didn’t need him to know that she often found herself alone, dreaming of him in ways she shouldn’t. She felt the cold sweat running down her neck, contrasting the heat of her passion.

When the car stopped in the driveway, Allie instinctively reached for the door handle. She quickly opened the door and bound for the house. She wanted as far away as possible. Passing through the double doors, she ascended the cherry stained stair case towards her bedroom.


Shower, I just need to shower and get all of this out of my mind . Allie’s mind raced as she ripped off her running clothes, tossing them into the hamper as she made her way to her over-sized bathroom. She casually kicked her running shoes into the closet as she opened the glass shower doors. Reaching, she turned the water on as hot as possible.

The burning sensations beat into Allie’s skin, reminding her of the feelings she was attempting to drown. She made quick work of washing her long hair, enjoying the coconut scent as she lathered each inch of her mane. She turned so the water burned into her upturned face. She felt the heat soaking deep into her, washing through all of the confusion she seemed to have.

I am fine, I will be fine. Became the mantra as she continued to allow the heat penetrate every piece of her soul.

She jumped as she felt Sam’s hands on her shoulder, breaking the words she was trying to wear as emotions. She quickly turned, shampoo streaking down her forehead towards her eyes. Sam reached up and gently tilted her head back into the running water.

He watched as all of the suds began their slow descent down her runners ass and thighs. He softly placed his fingers over her eyes, as a motion for her to keep them shut. Gently, he grasped the back of her neck, tilting her head from side to side. The suds now dissipated, leaving his sister’s hair clean and fresh smelling. He took in the scent deeply into his lungs.

“You scared the hell out of me Al” he whispered. His voice betrayed him, giving her way to much information about his shared desire to have her, take her, and own her.

She moved her head from the water and stared at her brother. She knew she had scared him. Forcing him to the point of anger was never her goal. She just needed to be free, in nature, finding her own answers. Her eyes gazed down her bare chested brother. Adoring the chiseled muscle straining under his bronzed skin. When her eyes met his belly button, Sam lifted her chin to meet his gaze.

“For someone who has a lot of explaining to do, you sure are quite.” His voice trailed off as Allie sank into the pools of her brothers eyes. She allowed the overprotective nature of his love engulf her entire being.

“I was just running, Sam. I wasn’t trying to become a speed bump”, she quipped, knowing her voice was far to angry for the situation at hand. She couldn’t explain why she was being so harsh with her brother. Perhaps it was the tension she was struggling to compartmentalize.

Sam restrained his anger, as her surly response raised his blood pressure quickly. A wicked smile flashed his pearly white teeth, giving Allie the distinct impression that she wasn’t going to like what was about to happen.

“I mean, I just wasn’t paying attention and should have been more careful” she chimed with her sweetest voice possible.

“Yeah” Sam grunted, taking Allie’s shoulders and spinning her body around, so her back was to him. He took the soap and began washing her back, stopping right above the firm globes of her ass. He knelt down and washed her tone legs, ending with her calves. Reaching up to her hips, he spun her back to face him and soaped up her body. He skipped all of the areas he wanted to devour, making Allie squirm.

Allie rinsed herself as she watched her brother, clad in wet boxers, step out of the shower. The water made quick work of the remaining soap, while her eyes drank in the site of her brother drying himself on the other side of the glass.

Nervously, Allie turned the water off and looked anxiously towards her brother. He opened the door, holding a towel in his hand. She reached for the towel before stepping out to the cool room.

Sam shook his head, wrapping his arm around her slender waist, pulling her out of the cocoon she was trying like hell to stay in.

“Not today Allison” his voice firm, without the soft tones she normally received from him.

“Sam, I am sorry. I do understand that you’re only interested in my safety”

She stared at him as he was quickly drying the remaining water from her legs. As he stood to meet her, his pace quickened. He walked behind her, wrapping her long hair in the towel to ring out the extra water. He threw the used towel over the shower stall and grabbed Allie’s arm.

She tried to keep pace as she was quickly moved into the corner of her room. She hated the corner more than any other place in the entire world. She often found herself having dreams of being placed in random corners, unable to escape.

Sam reached down and grabbed his sisters palms, placing them firmly on top of her head.

“Don’t move at all” he spurted into her ear. He left her there, hoping her mind was thinking of the seriousness of her mistake today. Sam hated to have to discipline his sister, but accepted he was her sentinel too long ago to feel guilt now.

He slid the wet boxers from his body and found a dry pair. On his way back to Allie’s room, he found his belt hanging on the hook and swiftly removed it. Returning to Allie’s room, he found she was still in the place where he left her. He placed the belt on her bed and assessed the situation.

There she was, still reddened from the hot water, standing. Neatly. Invitingly. Calling his name. He allowed his eyes to trace her body from her calves to the back of her silky thighs. He felt his arousal begin to build, he studied her ass and lower back.

Shaking his head he quietly walked up behind her. He breathed in the scent of her freshly washed skin as the tips of his fingers traced both sides of her rib cage. He felt the goose bumps forming on Allie’s skin as she quietly moaned. A new smile found Sam’s lips, sending his blood to his quickly thickening cock.

“Don’t move an inch” he whispered hotly in her ear. Not wanting to break his control over her position, he brought the tips of his fingers to her flat stomach, tracing the lines her muscles made. He leaned his head down into the nape of Allie’s neck, breathing her in. Trying to engulf her entire essence into his being.

Allie tried to remain completely still as she felt her brothers fingers working magic on her skin. She tried to freeze her hotly pumping blood; mentally slowing her thumping heart. She was sure Sam could hear her body responding to his intruding fingers.

She felt his pecks rubbing on her shoulder blades as she tried to follow his directions.

“Think being a smart ass is going to help the situation do we?” Sam asked rhetorically. “Guess we will have to cure that, won’t we” he chided from behind her.

Allie knew her brother was a gentle giant with her. Rarely did she find his temper; rather she found him always protecting her. She tried to catch her breath as his words broke her wall of frustration. She braced herself for what was about to happen.

“Allie you will stand in this position and not move. We’ll see how quick your wit is when I am done.” Sam continued his feather tracing to her lower back, making sure he wasn’t touching anything else but the acceptable places on her skin.

He wrestled with his longing for this beautiful flower he stood behind. He knew she was still a virgin and didn’t want to disrupt that yet, but longed to taste her. Touch her. Kiss her. Have her.

He retrieved the belt from her bed and stood a good distance from his sister.

“Palms on the wall, ass out” was the only words needed. Allie knew this was deserved, warranted. It didn’t mean she was looking forward to it.

Allie complied, placing her palms on the wall, feeling the cool wood seeping into her delicate skin. She pushed her hips out, feeling vulnerable and overly exposed.

Sam admired his baby sister’s beauty as she pushed her ass to him. He locked his yearning into the solid steel box in his mind as he wrapped the leather around his palm once.

“If you move, we will begin again!”

He brought his belt back and forward with quick precision, landing right on top of Allie’s left cheek. He watched her flinch from the pain now searing to her brain, waking up parts of Allie that seemed dim and dull earlier in the shower.

He drew his weapon back and again with a quick snap of his wrist, he landed another stinging blow to her right cheek.

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Allie drew a quick breath as the pain intensified in her loins. The specks of light pushing through to her brain became brighter, stronger, intensifying her senses.

Sam delivered a full dozen stinging blows before he caught his breath again. He refused to punish Allie out of anger, but found himself unleashing himself in a manner he wasn’t quite comfortable with. He released the belt, allowing it to fall onto the wood beside his feet.

Allie was curling her fingers, trying with everything she could to move nothing but her unharmed digits. She took each of Sam’s blows, allowing them to tare away all of her walls, her fears, her chatter. For the first time today, her mental chatter was silent.

As the pain transcended from bearable to overwhelming, Allie felt the tears welling in her eyes. It took a lot to make Allie break; she hated crying it was a sign of weakness she refused to face. As each stinging blow continued, the tears began streaming down her face, freeing her from thinking of anything other than when her spanking would stop.

Sam’s last step landed him right behind his now well punished little sister. Her angry red ass stared up at him, silently yelling at him for causing her more pain. He sucked air into his gut as he realized what he’d done.

He lightly touched the welts forming, pissed at himself for allowing his emotions to overtake his...

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Written by AllieMac
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