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All Because Of Milk And Cookies

"It started with hunger."

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

Christmas Eve in the countryside felt different from the crowded city. The cold, gentle breeze was very comfortable as it passed through the fabric of the clothes and grazed the skin.

Mawrey family was on their Christmas break and chose to celebrate it here at their vacation house in the countryside.

Compared to the city which bustled with radios from different establishments playing Christmas songs, noisy neighbors, and the endless honking of the cars, most houses here in the countryside were far apart from each other. It was peaceful.

However, Anastasia couldn’t help but to be bored. She was thankful that they could have a break away from the city life, but there was nothing much to do in this vacation house, so she was stuck scrolling on her phone.

She was with her parents, Logan and Frida, who were both forty-eight years old and her two brothers, Noah and Jaiden, who were twenty-five years old and eighteen years old, respectively.

She was twenty-one years old and was the second child of the family.

This was already their third day since they arrived. They thoroughly cleaned the house for two days, since it was quite big. Although they had a caretaker who occasionally cleaned this house, their mother convinced them to clean it again as the caretaker mostly cleaned at the end of the month.

There was a small town near them. However, it couldn’t even make Anastasia interested in going, so she was staying in the house most of the time.

Right now, they were cooking and preparing for Christmas Eve. She helped her mother to keep herself sane from boredom.

The boys helped in cutting firewood for the fireplace to keep the house warm. They had heaters installed, but an addition of warmth wouldn’t hurt.

After Anastasia and her mother finished cooking, they called everyone to eat together.

Christmas was something most families looked forward to. This was the season when most of the family members were free from work.

Anastasia and her family were like that. Her parents were both busy with work since her father was an engineer and her mother was a teacher in a pre-school. Her older brother worked as a firefighter after he graduated from a technical school while both she and her younger brother were still in university.

The Mawrey family looked so happy.

Despite laughing with his family, Noah felt troubled. His fiance wouldn’t reply to his calls and texts since he had gone with his family. They had been having an on-and-off relationship these past few months, and Noah wouldn't be surprised if they both decided not to continue their marriage.

So after their dinner, he went back to his room to rest and tried to contact his fiance again.

Not long after he went to his room, Anastasia and Jaiden also went upstairs, straight to their rooms. They had separate rooms since the vacation house was quite big.

The parents, Logan and Frida, stayed in the living room to watch movies. They asked their children if they wanted to watch with them, but no one was interested.

Logan was secretly pleased by that. He had been abstinent for weeks! His wife was not feeling it whenever he initiated intimacy, so he wanted to try once again tonight.

He pulled Frida between his lap and made sure she felt his neglected length of boner. Instead of being reactive to his advance, she pushed him away instead and looked at him with threatening wide eyes.

“The kids are just upstairs,” she whispered.

Her push did not affect Logan and pulled her again, then kissed her cheek.

“They won’t come down.”

He showered her neck with kisses and hugged her tight from behind, which made her feel so ticklish.

She warningly slapped his arms, hugged her while she laughed and whispered, “I’m not in the mood.”

Logan sighed and replied, “But it’s been weeks.”

Frida couldn’t help but be guilty as she looked at her husband. She was really not in the mood these days for sex. Maybe she had grown tired of it, but was afraid to tell him. She was getting old, which had been maybe the reason.

“Let’s finish the movie first, then I’ll give you a hand later in the room, hmm?” she consolidated him lovingly.

Even if he wanted more than just a hand job, he would settle for it.

It was an hour before midnight when they finished the movie, close to Christmas.

Frida asked her husband to return first to their room and walked to the kitchen to get something. It was a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.

She went near the fireplace and placed it on top of the table beside it.

This one had been a little tradition for Christmas since she had been a mother. Although all of her kids had already grown up, she was still used to doing this.

Anyway, whenever she woke up and looked for the milk and cookies, they would always be gone. She was sure that her husband would always take and eat them.

After that, she returned to their room to please her husband but found that he was already snoring in his sleep. When she returned to their room, she was surprised to find her husband already snoring, and she had left the door agape.


Anastasia greeted her friends ‘Merry Christmas’ when the time turned exactly midnight.

They video-called and talked about their Christmas vacation. After they were done, she felt hungry for some snacks, so she went down to the kitchen.

On her way there, she saw a glass of milk and a plate of cookies on top of the table beside the extinguished fireplace.

‘Who put it there?’ she asked herself.

‘Probably Mom.’

She walked over and looked at it.

‘Well, perfect for a midnight snack.’

She sat on one of the sofa chairs and began to eat the cookies. The milk was already cold, but that was fine for her. When she finished all of them, she brought the glass and the plate to the kitchen sink and washed them.

From the kitchen, Anastasia heard some rustling noise coming from the fireplace. As she was afraid of ghosts, she galloped back to her room.

When she opened her door, a small gift box was sitting on top of her bed. Someone had attached a note to it, and it said:

‘Naughty girl, don’t eat what wasn’t yours.

As a little punishment for being naughty, you’ll lactate the milk you drink every day until the year turns into another. To make it stop for the rest of the day, make a guy eat one of these cookies and feed them with your milk.

Merry Christmas,


Anastasia didn’t know if she should laugh as she read that. Who decided to pull a prank on her? Her mom was the first one, she thought. She shook her head and then sat down on her bed.

The gift box contained the same cookies she had eaten earlier, so she thought that it was really her mom who wanted to prank her. She put the box on the side table and lay down on her bed.

She still wasn’t sleepy, so she decided to watch some movies on her phone.

When she was almost halfway to the movie she was watching, she felt that her clothes were soaking wet. She sat up and looked at her chest. Her nipples were erect, and they soaked her entire upper body with something. When she smelled it, it smelled like milk.

She stiffened in her bed.

Anastasia looked at the gift box in her side bed and picked up the note attached.

‘Was this not joking?’ she thought.

Upon reading it again, what was written caused her to panic. A guy? Where would she find some guy at this cold midnight? The only guys near her were her father and two brothers.

Anastasia thought of asking for her mom’s help.

She took off her soaked t-shirt and bra, then changed to another shirt. After changing, she quickly went out of her room.

The door of her parents’ room was slightly open. She was about to call for her Mom but she caught a figure on the edge of a bed.

It was her Dad jacking off his big, fatty meat.

Her jaw dropped at the sight of her father pleasuring himself.

Logan felt someone was looking at him and when he turned over the door, he saw his daughter, whose mouth was wide open as she stared at him. He panicked and jumped up from sitting on the bed and looked at his sleeping wife and then at her daughter.

He quickly wore his underwear, which was pulled down on his knees. However, the tiny clothing couldn’t even hide the tip of his dick, which glistened as it leaked so much pre-cum.

Logan quietly walked to his daughter and signaled him not to make a noise. Then he looked back to his wife, who he knew was deeply asleep, then pulled Anastasia downstairs.

“Let me explain,” he said.

Anastasia whiffled her head, “No, no, no. It’s okay, I understand.”

Logan looked at his flushed daughter and sighed deeply. He could still feel his dick not settling down and was twitching so hard as he was about to climax earlier.

Actually, it was very tingly right now.

“Sorry,” he embarrassedly uttered.

“No, it’s really okay,” she weakly said.

It embarrassed Anastasia to see her dad masturbating, but more than that she could feel her titties lactating for more milk.

“Why are you even awake at this hour?” Logan questioned lowly.

Anastasia didn’t know if she should tell her father about her situation. Before she could even say something, Logan already saw a big patch of wet marks on top of her boobs. It was very evident since she was huge in that department.

When she felt her father's gaze down to her chest, she also looked down and saw the wet marks.

“This,” she nervously started, “I don’t know as well what happened, but I started lactating milk.”

Logan was dumbfounded by what he had heard. Her daughter was lactating? He didn’t know if his dick had ears as well, but when it heard it, it twitched like it was about to burse cum.

Anastasia looked down at his father’s dick peeking out from his underwear. It was dripping with pre-cum making it very eye-catching.

“Ah, you might need to take care of that first,” she said as she pointed to his dick.

Logan cleared his throat and fixed his dick on his underwear, which made it look so tight and uncomfortable. So he just covered it with his two hands.

“When did that happen?” he changed the topic.

“Earlier, after I drank the milk and ate the cookies on top of the fireplace,” Anastasia explained.

“Milk and cookies?” he confusedly asked, “Did your mom put it there?”

“I don’t know. But when I came back to my room, there was a gift box with cookies inside and a note attached.”

“It says that I need to be punished for eating what’s not mine,” she added.

“Did it tell you what you need to lift the punishment?” Logan asked his daughter.

He saw her hesitate before nodding.

He couldn’t help but uncontrollably gulp and said, “What is it?”

“I need to find a guy to eat a cookie and then drink some of my milk to stop it from lactating for a day,” she said as her head looked down from embarrassment.

“Where would you find a guy in the middle of the night?” he questioned.

“Look at you, you’re already soaking.”

Her newly changed clothes were soaked now as well. Anastasia quickly covered her chest as her nipples were very clear from her shirt, as she was not wearing a bra.

Logan felt extremely guilty when he felt his dick pulsate again from what he had seen.

‘Stop, you pervert. This is your daughter,’ he scowled at himself.

“That’s my problem,” she said.

“That’s why I was about to call Mom.”

She sounded so weak and helpless. Although Logan was about to go insane from controlling and not letting his lust overflow more, he couldn’t help but be sad for her daughter.

“Then how can I help you?” he concernedly asked, “Is there anything I can do?”

Anastasia didn’t know what to answer.

So Logan added, “Maybe I can try?”

After he said that, he felt his dick had released a big load of pre-cum. He was going to hell, was what he thought.

“We won’t know if your lactating will stop if we don’t try, right?” he tried to convince her.

After contemplating, Anastasia slowly nodded. She didn’t want to lactate for the rest of the day.

Then the father and daughter sneakily returned to Anastasia’s room. They were afraid to wake up anyone in the house.

When they entered her room, Logan locked the door and looked at the gift box on the side table. As Anastasia said, it was indeed a punishment. From Santa?

Who even believed Santa until now?

But the situation of her daughter couldn’t really be explained.

He let his daughter sit down on her bed and then sat next to her.

The gift box was quite small, it contained a few pieces of cookies. He counted it and it was six pieces, only enough for the rest of the year.

“I need to eat this and drink your milk?” he wanted to confirm.

“Yes,” she answered, fidgeting as she sat nervously.

Logan looked at her wet chest and asked, “Do I have to suck on your breast to drink?”

Anastasia was stoned, then shook her head, “I also don’t know.”

Logan understood as he nodded, “Then it would be better to do that just in case it won’t work the other way.”

He tried to resist his evil thoughts, but he couldn’t. Abstinence for weeks was no joke. It really made him mad. Incestuously mad.

‘God, I wonder how good she would taste.’

Logan shook his head to clear his thoughts, then slowly took the cookie in his mouth. The taste of it was just like a normal cookie, nothing special.

Then he looked at Anastasia’s chest. Her breast milk soaked her entire upper body, her nipples were visible to her wet shirt. He couldn’t help but take a big gulp at how lewd his innocent daughter looked like.

‘I’m about to commit an incestuous thing to my daughter,’ he thought.

He watched his daughter lay her body down on her bed and slowly and innocently raise the hem of her shirt until it displayed her big, healthy titties. Her nipples were bright pink. He could no longer resist temptation when he saw that.

He positioned himself on top of her, his arms supported his weight. Her legs naturally parted to make their position comfortable, and she tightly closed her eyes as she felt his big dick from his underwear poking her leg.

“Sorry,” Logan said as he felt his dick brushed to her soft legs.

Anastasia just mumbled a sound of understanding, but it sounded like a moan for her father, which made his dick twitch madly.

“I’m going to start,” he warned his daughter, who nodded as she looked at him.

Both of them gulped as Logan slowly lowered his head down to his daughter’s beautiful nipples. He looked up at her as his tongue brushed and touched her lactating nipple.

Anastasia was also looking at him. She looked like she was looking forward to what was about to happen. When she felt his hot tongue over her nipples, she suppressed her moans by biting her lip. By doing that, she made her father hornier.

‘God, she’s so seductive,’ Logan lewdly thought.

She looked like an angel seducing him to corrupt her body. A daughter was being corrupted by her father.

‘Well, I was just helping her,’ he tried to convince himself. But his dick, which was about to burst, showed different intentions about their situation.

Logan began to suck her nipples, and a burst of a milky taste filled his mouth. God, it was so delicious!

She tasted so sweet and addictive that he felt so dizzy. He couldn’t help but thrust his hips towards her body when a mouthful of milk continuously went down to his throat.

The contact of his boner with her young pussy made Anastasia very embarrassed. Her father was probably aching down there.

With her hand, she reached down to touch his dick from his underwear. Her action made her father stop sucking her milk out of her breast. They stared at each other and, as if understanding each other’s thoughts, they minded their own business by helping one another with their problems.

Logan alternately sucked on both of her breasts while his daughter brought her hand inside his underwear to stroke his massive dick.

Both of them were silently moaning from pleasure. Logan, even if he had already drunk a lot of her breast milk, felt like he could go even for the rest of the day.

His hands uncontrollably reach down to her shorts, down to her panties. He professionally slid his fingers to her already-drenched pussy, which she openly let him play.

The father and daughter pleasure each other while trying to relieve her lactating titties.

Actually, her breasts had already stopped lactating after her father took his first gulp of her breast milk. It was just that her breasts kept producing milk whenever he sucked on it.

Anastasia suppressed her moans as hard as she could as she felt her climax going nearer. Her body trembled from the pleasure of her tits being sucked and her pussy being fingered by her father.

By her father. This thought made her question herself, but what could she do? She cum in his hands, which she consented wholeheartedly.

It was heaven. She burst her juices into his invading fingers. Tears fall out of her eyes from too much pleasure.

‘Oh god, what did we do?’

Before she could even regret it, it didn’t take her father long to cum.

She felt his release shot in her hand up to her arms. He cum so much that it made a mess of her. Looks like her father was abstinent for too long.

Logan kept on sucking on his daughter’s breast, like a baby addicted to her mom’s milk. His hips thrust into her hand, which was holding his dick, and his fingers were still stretching and invading her insides.

After they caught their breaths from their release, Anastasia felt that her breasts were not lactating anymore.

She pushed her father off her body and called him, “Dad.”

“I’m fine now,” she weakly said.

Logan awakened from his lust.


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Written by swainin
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