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Adoptive Mother, Reporter slowly gets involved in story

"Reporter wonders if he can get a little action with older, sexy woman as he interviews her"

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And if you can believe this as well…I did come back the following day and as the day before she looked incredible. She wore a printed colorful dress which, to me, said it all. I couldn’t wait to hear more of her adventures about her and Max and what they done together, in bed, that would have me wondering about her and her lifestyle, desires, and let’s not forget her dreams as well.

The woman, Cynthia, is for sure a charismatic woman. Her eyes alone, when she looks at you, you almost feel as if she’s trying to tell you what it is she wants. That’s what it felt like to me. I felt, as she talked, and as she “exposed” her activities with her son that she wanted to take the next step. As in she was saying something like “Hey honey, would you like to take a break from all this? I have a cottage far enough away from here that you and I could go to.” Well you know the rest I’m sure. As for the interview, let’s start there.

She smiled all the time. Her smile, as earlier depicted, is warm, wonderful, and inviting as ever. It even made me feel welcome…as if she was about to spread her arms and take me in and for starters…hug me tenderly and passionately.

Like I said, Cynthia at that time was 31. Cynthia not only loved sex but Cynthia could not get enough of it. She adored a man’s body, be it big, small, portly (unfortunately), and slender (like her sons). She met her husband at a social function, how doesn’t matter. He is almost 25 years older then her. He is and was a very good looking man. Their eyes met and once they did well…bam…he walked over to her and began talking. Before she knew it she was in the back seat of his car and she was being humped by him. That was when she was only 21. They had sex all week. They had sex practically two times per day. They “loved” one another too. But the love ran out. Still the sex stayed where it was.

She talked him into having a son. She couldn’t have children and that was where Max came into the picture. Years after he did, once he turned 18, something happened, and before she knew it…well the two of them were sneaking “adult” behavior she never expected to ever happen.

“But it was good,” she said. “When we got together, when I put my arm around him as if I was his real mother well something unexpected happened. There he was lying on the corner of my chest. And I looked down at him. His eyes were on my breasts. He was looking at them. Oddly you’d think I’d be put out or something to that degree but I wasn’t. I was rather turned on by it. I found it intriguing. Yes I did. He laid there and stared at these tits of mine,” and she looked down and pointed towards her chest.

“I know, I know,” she told me. “I’ve always had a nice set of tits. I still think I do.” And then she smiled and looked my way. “Don’t you think so too?”

Now, here I am. I’m 35. I’m single. I’m a man. I’m a reporter and writer. I’m looking at this absolutely beautiful woman. She has this figure which still hasn’t let her down as of yet. You look at her shoulders. You watch her body as you look down over it. You look at that waist and you say to yourself “Wow.”

Then you see her powerful, wide hips, and you then tell yourself “Wow, the woman is magnificent looking. I mean magnificent looking.” What else it there to say?

As she speaks to me she does something, odd. I mean odd too. Out of nowhere, she stands up. She starts to head out of the room. She stopped and turned around. Smiling, she tells me “I’ll be right back, alright honey?”

I’m sitting there, in the living room, and I wait. I wait and I wait longer. It seemed as though I waited for 15 minutes. I had no idea what she was doing. From where I sat I couldn’t see the stairs. I get up, walk around the living room, and look out all the windows and all of a sudden I hear her come down the stairs. I could tell she had put on different shoes but why I don’t know.

Finally, the woman walks in, smiling. Whoa, I say to myself once she walks in. She’s wearing something, well it was a phenomenal looking outfit. It was simple in one way but it did wonders for her body a man can’t wrap his head around if you know what I mean.

Cynthia, originally, wore this adorable looking dress. As I said, it was colorful, and it was a flower printed, ankle length dress. It wrapped around her flawlessly I thought. The dress she had on highlighted not only her waist and hips, but it more then enhanced her awesome looking bosoms. Trust me. I know it did. I saw her in it. That original dress she wore showed anyone who was noticing it just how shapely, slender, and potentially virile she could be. I was taken by it. Yes I was. She had originally offered me coffee and smiled as we talked and her eyes would beam brilliantly as if she tried warming my heart.

It did do that. It was like she sat posing for pictures for me, like I was from some modeling agency. Like I said, when she came back she had put on an entirely different outfit. Why, I do not know, but it was a terrific looking outfit at that.

She walked in wearing a very short sleeved tee and tight black jeans. That outfit allowed me to see portions of her body I hadn’t noticed the day before. There she was, smiling, as she wore a pair of pumps in addition to her tight looking black jeans and the sweet looking tee. Her bosoms also seemed highlighted, as if the top was a half size too small. I wanted to stare. I did not want to talk. I did not care if she saw me as I stared either.

She watched me as she walked in, smiling. “Sorry about that dear. I was just not comfortable in that dress so I put this on. I do hope I didn’t put you out.”

“Uh, no not at all,” I told her. Then I felt I needed to compliment her. “You look,” and my eyes surveyed her figure suddenly, “a lot more comfortable.” I nodded my head.

Then she goes on to add, for whatever reason, “In truth, I’ve always loved these tops.” She looks down at it and seeing as I had the chance as well. I did too. Life was good, I told myself. She then adds “There is something very arousing about these. It enhances women’s desires, and men’s too.” And then her tone of voice changed. It was weird. “Don’t you think so too?” She smiled as she looked at me, looked into my eyes. “I do hope it’s an appropriate outfit,” she went on to add as she sat back down.

But before the woman sat back down she saw something on the floor. I don’t know what it was but she had to turn around and bend over. She picked whatever it was up, so that I could see the outline of her tremendous ass’ shape, and I found myself spending an inordinate amount of time looking at that ass.

“Now…where were we?” she finally said. I didn’t know. I was lost. I had no idea whatsoever. “Ohhhhhhh, that’s right. We were talking about me and my son and our relationship weren’t we?”

I swallowed, hard. I felt hot as well. I wasn’t too aroused but I was aroused enough. She had been watching me and out of nowhere she smiled. It was as if she knew what was going on all over. There was something about this woman I couldn’t put my fingers on, but I liked it and her a lot.

“Ohhhhhhh yes, now I remember,” she finally said as her eyes flashed back and her smile grew bigger. I watched her as she smiled and then said “I had said goodnight to him and I left his room. He laid down and I went back to my room. But…” she went on to say, “I was in my room, thinking.” She paused and looked at me as if I was her toy or something like that. I thought about that a moment as she paused. She smiled again as if waiting for something to occur. “As I thought about it all I told myself that he had erupted, that he had exploded like nobody I had ever seen. He came all over me, all over the place, and he came in a tremendous way too. I’d never even saw my husband do that dear. I guess, if you will, I’d had lots of sex back in my day, but my son’s coming like he came was out of this world. It was all over the place. It was all over me, my hands, his lap, and all over my face as well.”

Then the woman smiled from ear to ear. She sat there, staring. She sat there, recalling it all too. “He was dumbfounded if you will. He couldn’t believe he’d done what he’d done. I couldn’t either.” She paused, with a smile, and then added “But I was proud.”

She went on to say “He came down early the very next morning and that boy wore a smile as if he was ready to go at it again with me. But like most woman, I had some stuff I had to do, unfortunately. The poor boy was a little disappointed. But I told him to relax. I told him ‘There’s always time for fun and play. You’ll learn that honey.’”

She and I looked at each other. I felt like her son. I felt like I wanted to play with Cynthia…just like her son did. He told her “Really mom…when mom when?”

“Later on dear, I’ll let you know. Besides, you have your studying to do and you know you can’t ever forget that, right?”

“Okay…okay,” he replied.

“He went on to study for his finals, which he did well in of course, but when he was done he was ready for me, for us. That night he was ready…and soooo was I although he had a final the following morning. I couldn’t put him off. I just couldn’t. I had promised him we’d get together. And dear,” she told me, "I was horny and ready for him too.” She looked at me and the beautiful older Cynthia just plain out smiled right into my eyes.

It made me, well I was, turned on by that look alone.

“That night, the night before his final, I had put on my pajamas, and I accidentally forgot about us being together. Now here I was. Knowing I wanted a little action and assuming he was studying or something I was all alone, by myself. He was in his room or I assumed he was. I hear something. I heard this…this walking in the hallway I thought. However, I didn’t realize that it was him heading down to see me but my boy well he was almost at my door and this was a problem for me.”

I’m wondering what the actual problem was.

“Mom?” he called out as he knocked at my door. “Can I come in?”

“Here I was, in my room, and thinking no…no honey you can’t.” She looked at me and said “Why you ask well let me explain.”

Yeah I bet you were masturbating, right,, I said to myself.

“See, I was masturbating honey,” she told me as she wore that warm, arousing smile of her face. “Mmmmmm oooooohh dear I felt soooo good at that exact moment that yes dear, I did not want to be disturbed while I played around and fantasized. I wanted some alone time, some private time.” She smiled as she added “Do you understand that at all? A woman needs her desires. A woman has to have her own time with her personal, private wants and needs,” she told me.

Here I am, wondering how her body personally feels under the covers, and naked of course too, against my naked body as I hold her closely and with a hard, horny boner on as well.

“He cried mom or something. I don’t know for sure but his face went wide. The tone of his voice sounded stunned like. He had opened up the door and there I was with my pajama bottoms down, my legs spread apart, and one of my vibrators was pushed up inside my pussy. He asks me, in that young astounded tone of voice what I was doing?”

I’m saying to myself…fucking yourself, right?

“I couldn’t pull it out fast enough. I couldn’t pull up the covers fast enough either. I needed, for whatever reason, to hide my naked vagina. For whatever reason, I don’t know why. I’ve already told you how much I love sex so I don’t know why I wanted to pull them up.”

We were looking at each other and realized what was going down. I smiled. She did too but she continued “Now, okay, I love my son, right? But other then him seeing my naked breasts he hadn’t seen my vagina, my pussy as of yet. Maybe I will…maybe I won’t. I didn’t know if I’d let him at that point.”

I’d love to see it. Heck, I’d love to taste it like forever, I thought. She looked at me again, smiling as she did, and it had me wondering. Why is she looking at me like that?

Out of nowhere, after being there about an hour she says, to me, “I’d like for you to come over some time. We could spend the day together, maybe getting to know each other a little better…see how everything goes. I think you and I would have a great day with each other. What do you think?”

It was noticeable. I swallowed hard. My eyes bugged out. I was there to do an article, not lay around in some woman’s bed, naked, and get it on with her and so I said “Well that sounds nice. Thank you.” I said it as professionally as I could but she sees through me.

We refocus our attention on the story, finally.

“Now, picture this. He comes in and Max sees me half naked, stopping dead in his tracks and he stares at my…my shaved pussy.” She smiles proudly as she continues. “His eyes soared out of his head. Max is looking at it, my pussy, and he simply stares at it hard. He was staring at it long and hard too.”

“Uh mom uhhh why do you have your pajamas off?

“Well dear because I was trying to uhhh relax dear,” she told him.

“I don’t understand,” he came back.

As she pulled up her pajama bottoms once she told him that she was trying to relax she put on one of her smiles that he loved as well too. Her voice gave off that tender, loveable sounding tone he also loved too and she told him to come and sit on the bed beside her.

“Here dear, right here,” she said as she patted the bed beside her. “Soooo, how are you honey?” she asked while she felt some oozing down in between her thighs.

“Fine,” he told her, again looking down towards her crotch.

She smiled, saying “Good…good. Is everything alright?”

“Well uhhh yeah,” he replied, “I uh, you know, just came in to uhhh, well be with you.”

“Ohhhhhhh sure honey sure,” she said as she continued wearing that smile of hers.

She reached out, once she replied to him, and rubbed his back, lightly. He sat there, wondering about what it was she had been doing, and hoped he could lay down beside her for a little more of what they’d done the night before. Cynthia knew what he wanted too and she knew what she would be open for that. It was all a matter of time.

And here I was, wondering what her nipples, and breasts looked like too.

“Honey, I’ve been wondering something,” she said.

“What’s that mom?”

“Hmmm, how should I put this?” she went on to say.

“I don’t know,” he replied.

“Do…do you know of any other girls that you like?” she asked him.

“Huh me?” he said. She said yes and repeated herself.

That’s when for like the very first time in his life that he decided to lie to her. He had never lied to his mom before but either way she knew better.

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He was a young man whose hormones had begun to rage from here to eternity lately, and did not ever seem to stop. She knew it because she was like this too. Even females had those issues, she thought. Yes they were. They were like that too and she smiled as if looking right through him.

“Maybe I can put it another way?” she then said.

He kept sitting there and continued wondering when he was going to be able to lay down beside his mom so that she would allow him to feel her tits again…as well as those supple nipples too. He’d occasionally looked that way.

And I wanted to look at them as well.

“So you haven’t ever thought about other women?” she asked.

“Uhhh no,” he said, lying again.

But Cynthia knew he was lying as soon...

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Written by Stoneypoint
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