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A Tale Of Christmas Nook

"I went home for Christmas, Daddy gave me a Nook, I thanked him with some nookie."

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 All good Christmas stories are required to begin “Twas the night before Christmas and the woods I did travel;” well sort of anyway. In all seriousness I did my traveling on Christmas Eve as so many others do. My destination was the home of my father and mother. We would all converge on the family home with stars in our eyes, gifts in our cars, and delightful thoughts of a family Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I don't always go home for Christmas, I'm 31 after all, and far beyond believing in Santa Claus. But none-the-less I went this last Christmas with hopes of family and friends bound in joyous harmony. My uncle was supposed to be there and I knew I would find him as sexy as ever. Yes, that's right, my uncle and I have been known to bed down together and enjoy all of the fruits of passion and erotic sharing. In fact he was my first, now many years ago, too many adventures since to recall. I finally got to the house about 10:00 PM and was greeted at the door by my younger sister Cindy and Mom. Sis helped me get into the house, I'm sure so she could peek at the gifts I'd brought, but she helped and I appreciated it. At only 24 she is still young at heart and thought. I kind of think she still believes in Santa. I gave Mom a big hug and she smiled; her oldest was home for the holidays for the first time in several years. She'd seen me on a visit to my place during Thanksgiving, but that was different, I was now home in her eyes.

We went into the living room as Cindy took my luggage to the rear bedroom. Indeed everyone was there including Aunt Brenda, my Mom's big sister, and Uncle Charles, Mom's much younger brother by almost 15 years. He was the one who had taken my virginity when I was only 16 after returning from his first year in the military. He was 19 at the time which makes him only a little over 3 years older than I am. He was the one that opened the doors for so many of the things I have enjoyed over the years since.

Brenda's kids were there as well, Brian and Katy, both still younger than any of the rest of the family but now in their late teens. And then there was my Daddy, the most handsome man ever to hold my heart and fill me with love, not to mention his beautiful eight inch cock. Yes, he too had taken in my body and soul, deeply on both counts. Cindy returned and deposited the packages I had brought beneath the tree.

Well, now that I have the stage set, let me tell you what the story is really about. Uncle Charles eyed me with open lust as my little sister grew jealous as hell over it. She had also fucked Charles and wanted to spend the night with him. Too bad little sister, it was either make it a threesome or go to your room. Well that might be a moot point since I would be staying in her room. She huffed and made a real pain in the ass of herself until game time began. We have an open family, secrets not allowed, except from Mom that is. She seemed to never have a clue that every one of her relatives had fucked, sucked or rimmed one another for years. Ah well, ignorance is bliss, and she was about as blissful as any woman could be. We all planned on keeping it that way.

After we sang Christmas carols for about an hour and sent the younger kids to bed, we adults settled in for some family fun. The game twister is so much fun; Mom always finds a way of being too tired and makes an excuse. Yep, she too went off to bed, alone. That left myself, Daddy, Uncle Charles, Aunt Brenda and Cindy to play.

By the time Daddy returned from making sure Mom had gone to bed we were all naked and had the Twister sheet out over the well carpeted floor. Three against two gave the gals pretty fair odds of winning, but in naked Twister everybody wins. One spin after another and before long we were a setting right out of Ripley's with our tangled bodies touching in every way imaginable. We laughed as Charles had to straddle Cindy and buried his dick in her mouth, and we all made sure to remind them both that they couldn't move until the next spin. She didn't seem to mind and sucked on him until he was ready to pop a blood vessel and dropped out of the game, literally. Cindy chose that Moment to also drop out and went down on him to complete her moves up and down his lengthy member until he did pop. His climax was a beautiful thing to behold, but the game was still on.

Brenda had the next spin and had to maneuver beneath me and over Daddy. We managed to get her attention as I slurped over on her huge D cup tit and Daddy slid his cock into her always wet cunt. She couldn't take the strain and yielded to passion instead of the game as Daddy and I tag teamed her until she erupted around his thick shaft with a scream of delight. Now it was just me and Daddy, no contest in stamina. I was about to win the prize as the rest of them watched. Suddenly our ears picked up faint footsteps coming down the upstairs hall and we all scrambled to dress as the kids came to the balcony above us.

Brian led his sister and they strolled down the stairs. Katy was dressed in a short night gown of very flimsy cotton. I could see her shapely shaven mound right through it since she wasn't wearing any panties. Brian was only wearing a pair of ratty athletic shorts and from the small cum spot on the front I could see that he and his sister had been busy in the upstairs room they were sharing. At 19, Katy is a knock out, and Brian - a year her junior - is what most girls would call “hot-hot-hot.” They made their way down the stairs as our panic subsided; we all thought Mom had gotten up to see what all the laughter was about. Brian smiled and spoke up as they reached the bottom of the stairs, “We checked in on Aunt Katherine, she's dead to the world. Guess her pill did its thing tonight,” with a mild chuckle.

They joined in the group and we all stripped down again to play another round. This time I didn't fair so well. I somehow found myself sprawled out chest up with both arms and feet splayed like a human sacrifice. You guessed it, Charles spun and managed to shove his cock deep into my mouth; that man really loves to be sucked. Katy took the next spin and found her face deep in my groin and tongued me until I erupted all over her with my normal gushing squirted cream while Charles pumped my mouth full of cum. Daddy roared with laughter for a little bit longer then told everybody he needed to hit the sack.

Right after he left; Charles, Cindy and I retired to the room in the back of the downstairs as Brian, Katy and Brenda went upstairs to share some family cuddle time. Cindy had to work hard to get Charles up and ready after shooting his wad twice during Twister, but she managed so I let her have him for a ride. The bed rocked hard and fast for about thirty minutes as she rode him forward cowgirl and muffled her orgasms the best she could against my mouth. There wasn't a problem with his outcries since they were fully stifled by my cunt as I covered his face willfully and coated him good with my hot sweet cream while making out with and fondling my little sister. After that it was time for sleep and we settled in, naked, with Charles between his two favorite nieces.

The house fell quiet and we slept until just after dawn. I slipped out of bed first and took a shower before donning a nice pair of satin shorts and a crop top that showed more of my tits than it hid; no panties or bra required. Mom may not be aware that her family believes in keeping it in the family, but she is no prude. Her attire would be equally scandalous in her own way. As I dressed I watched Cindy sucking Uncle Charles' dick to give him a pleasant wake up call. She grunted as he came down her throat while he ate a morning meal between her athletic thighs. She moaned as she managed to get off too. They went to the shower together as I left to help Mom with breakfast.

“Morning Mom,” I cooed as I made my way to the coffee pot. She had been up since long before dawn to put the turkey on and get things going for the day.

She eyed me with a twisted smile. “Merry Christmas Sherry,” she replied and smiled lovingly. I walked over and gave her a tight hug as she commented, “You guys sure must have had some real fun with the Twister game last night. The living room smells like sweat and sex big time.” She smiled as my jaw dropped. When she realized I was about to keel over from shock she admitted something she never had before. “You guys think I don't know that every one of you from mid teens on don't fuck and suck each other. Heck, Brenda and I have been lovers for years - your Daddy really loves sucking on her big old tits when we do a three way. It's all in the family honey.”

I dropped into a chair, bewildered. Where had I been all these years? I couldn't believe my ears! Mom had taken a woman as a lover and shared her husband with her, her own sister! Damn, this changes everything.

Daddy walked in and patted Mom on the butt with a smile big enough to make me think Mom had given him a wake up call as well. He poured himself a cup of coffee and moved to the table beside me. A quick peck on the cheek was all I got, but I knew he had something up his sleeve the way he eyed me with that look of mischief he gets from time to time. He leaned over closer and whispered, “Morning Sherry, Merry Christmas” as his hand slipped over and slid up my thigh. He hadn't managed to get to me during Twister and I think he was feeling a bit left out. I cupped my hand over his and looked over at Mom before sliding his hand over my bared moist cunt. He chuckled and pulled away before his wife could see. I guess there are still a few secrets after all.

One by one the crowd filtered in, Brian looking pretty battered from an apparent night of hard core sucking and fucking with his sister and Mom. Katy looked like a million bucks, just like always, damn it. Charles and Cindy strolled in and had broad smiles painted on their faces. I guessed that she had gotten him to do her in the shower even after sucking him hard and fast to wake him up. Charles loves fucking in the shower almost as much as I do. Mom eyed me and I went to help out.

We served up eggs, hash browns and grits and put toast on each plate before I carried them to the big kitchen table everybody sat around. With each plate delivered I got a quick “Merry Christmas” and a touch on one or more of my erogenous zones. I giggled like a school girl and Mom decided to carry Daddy's plate to him herself. He made sure to slip his hand up under her mid thigh length skirt and sent a smile to her lips. Before she returned to get her own plate, he licked his fingers with a devious grin. Daddy said grace and prayed for a peace filled family Christmas. We all chimed in “Amen” when he was done; but I wondered how he would chose to have the word “pee-se” spelled, “piece,” or “peace.”

Silence fell as we dug in and finished the meal post haste. In our house when the dishes had been cleared it was time for opening presents. Brian and Katy worked their little butts off to have it done in no time as Daddy, Mom, Brenda, Charles and I all sat and finished our second cup of coffee. We dawdled on purpose so the kids would have to wait longer. Finally we all got up and moved into the living room. Mom was right, the room reeked of sex and soured sweat. I went to the closet and retrieved a nice scented candle appropriate for the season and lit it as I placed it on the corner table away from where all hell was about to break loose when gift wrap would be strewn everywhere.

Charles made his way to the tree and picked up a couple of packages. We waited until all the gifts had been handed out before opening any. Charles smiled as he took his own sweet time playing Santa. I smacked him on the butt and told him to hurry up. I was anxious to see Daddy's expression when he opened the present I brought him. We don't go overboard on gifts as a rule - the economy in Arkansas isn't that great - but we managed to have at least a couple of packages apiece before Charles was finished.

I watched as Daddy picked up my small wrapped box. It contained a camera that Mom knew he had drooled over for months - the two of us shared the cost of the pricey gift. He tore open the package and his eyes went to sheer awe. He looked again at the tag and saw it was from his first born and wife. He leaned over and kissed her hard giving thanks before rushing across the room and pulling me out of my chair to give me a bear hug and kiss right on the mouth. He went back to his chair and I settled back into my own to unwrap my presents now that I knew I had made Daddy happy.

I didn't expect much. I preferred to give more than get, which usually was the way things turned out anyway. I am the oldest and the younger kids came first. Katy squealed with glee as she opened a package and found a hot new mini she had been wanting for a long time, with matching ensemble top and cover up. Brian smiled wide as she leaned over and gave her little brother a tight hug.

Mom opened my gift to her and smiled with mouthed thanks for the new sweater, matching skirt, and silk blouse. She really does like to look nice even though she rarely goes anywhere to wear it. I guessed she'd wear it to church the next day.

Brian gasped as he opened a box with an MP3 player and on-line gift cards to buy his selections of music [whatever that might be for an 18 year old]. He'd secretly wanted the 8gb player forever.

All was going so well I finally decided to tear into the first of my two packages. Brenda had bought me a new outfit, really short leather skirt and a sheer blouse to hit the clubs with, she said. I thanked her with a big hug and peck on the cheek. It seemed as though every present had been opened except the last one – the one that sat in my lap. Every eye turned to me as if they were all in on some big secret plot.

Daddy's eyes rose from his new camera, pulled it up to take one of his first pictures with it. I wasn't sure whether to open it or not; this could be scary as hell if somebody had bought me a new dildo or some other device of pleasure. I peeled the wrapping off to expose a plain brown cardboard box. It was about a foot long and eight or nine inches wide and only a couple of inches thick. I spied it curiously and looked up to see my father smile and nod for me to open it. I pried the tape free and opened the box. My jaw fell open - I know because my Daddy caught it with the camera. In the box was something I had wanted for so long I couldn't believe anybody had bought one for me.

I love to read and can't always afford to buy new books. In the small box was a Nook. For those who aren't familiar with one, just ask me. It is the best e-reader on the market. I couldn't speak, literally in shock. I looked up and my Daddy snapped another picture with his new camera. I knew instantly who was responsible even though the tag read from Mom and Dad. My Daddy had given me a Nook!

I didn't even open up the package before running through the mass of debris and flying into his arms. I had no shame in kissing him deep and hard as I settled into his lap. When I had...

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Written by slipperysherry
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