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A Mother's Desire

"A young mother loses her husband in a car accident and finds a new lover right in her own house."

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As a sophomore in college I met the most amazing man. We dated throughout college and soon after graduation we married. After our third year of marriage I became pregnant and delivered a beautiful baby boy. Our life together was amazing we dedicated ourselves to each other and the sex was always amazing. Who could ask for anything more?

That was until the night of January 14, 2015. The doorbell rang and as I answered the door there were two State Police Officers standing there. Then that most dreadful phrase came out of their lips. “Mrs. James is your husband Jerry James.”

I couldn’t speak I just nodded my head yes.

They went on to say, “We are sorry to inform you Ma’am that your husband was killed in a traffic accident tonight.”

I dropped to the floor and screamed, “Nooooooooooooo! I was crying hysterically as my son James rushed to my side.

The next few months were a total blur as I had to bury the love of my life and finalize that chapter in my life. While my son, at that time, was then only sixteen years of age, he was a huge help, still I felt an emptiness in my life; a hole had been blown through my heart.

For the next year and a half many people tried to get me to move on and start seeing other men. I had total blockage when it came to trying to see myself romantically involved with anyone again. Not that I didn’t need a man in my life; I was horny as hell. My vibe was getting a regular workout and I kept a large supply of batteries on hand.

My son James was my rock! He was always by my side and would spend many nights keeping me company at home. I encouraged him to go out and have fun, but he rarely left me alone. I thought it strange that he was a very handsome young man, but rarely dated anyone. I just marked it up to him not wanting me to be alone.

However, one night I was alone at home, as James had gone to a basketball game with some friends. He was gone for about an hour when he called me and asked me if I would go in his room and check to see if he left his wallet on his night stand. He felt relieved when I was able to inform that it was there, as he had suspected. I told him that he should enjoy his time with his friends and that I loved him. I always told him that I loved him, as I was still feeling remorseful because I never told my husband that I loved him when he left on the day he was killed.

As I turned to leave his bedroom I noticed his laptop was left on and a word document was open. I thought he was working on a paper for school. Curious as to what he was writing for school, I sat down to read what I thought was a school paper. I was totally flabbergasted as I started to read it and soon realized it was James’s journal. I couldn’t help myself. Once I started to read it, I just had to continue. The last few entries were nothing except talking about his days at school and how he was talking with Lisa Phillips about an upcoming date.

I decided to go way back and read his earlier entries and work back to the present. I went back to May 12, 2013 the entry went as: Something woke me up. I looked at the clock and realized I had only been sleeping for about an hour. I quietly went to investigate the noise. The closer I got to the noise, the closer I got to my parents’ bedroom. Mom was moaning and demanding loudly for Dad to fuck her harder! “Fuck me deeper! Fuck me harder!” Then suddenly I heard her scream “yes fuck me harder, I’m cumming … I’m cumming!” Wow! I went back into my room with a raging hard-on and jerked off imaging what I had just heard.

Still snooping in my son’s journal, I was shocked at what I read. But I was aroused and curious; I just had to continue to read. June 28, 2013: Went to a movie with my friends and then for some pizza afterwards. I came home and wanted to go directly to bed, but detoured to take a leak. After peeing I noticed a light on in the family room. I walked over to the railing and suddenly was treated to one of the sexiest sights ever. I could see Mom kneeling between Dad’s legs as he sat in his recliner. To my amazement, Mom was giving my Dad a blow job! Damn! It was so hot, as I watched Mom take Dad’s cock, with her head bobbing up and down until he came in her mouth. I watched as she sucked and swallowed every last drop of Dad’s man juice. I rushed back to my room and jerked off, wishing it was Mom sucking my dick like that.

July 15, 2013: I can’t stop jerking off. I continue to relive watching Mom sucking Dad’s cock. I get instantly hard as I fantasize her mouth on my cock. With her in my mind, I continue to have the most powerful orgasms ever, blowing my wad in humongous streams!

November 16, 2013: We went to my cousin’s wedding; I couldn’t stop looking at Mom. She wore a long black dress with a slit to her upper thigh, a plunging neckline and an almost bare back. She looked elegant and oh so sexy, with her 5’8” frame displayed in this beautiful gown! When she walked her sexy legs peeked through the long slit, tantalizing every man in room it seemed. Even when she sat, she would cross her stocking clad legs and I witnessed countless men sneaking a peek at her sexy stems.

The swells of Mom’s substantial breasts were on display and with the cut of the neckline it was obvious she could not be wearing a bra. Throughout the night her delicious nipples poked at the silky material in a mouthwatering fashion.

I asked Mom a number of times to dance with me. As we danced my face was almost level with Mom’s tits; I just wanted to take them in my mouth and suck on them. When we got home and I went to bed, I couldn’t help but jerk off thinking about Mom’s sexy hot body.

July 4,2014: We had a family picnic at our home on Independence Day. Because it was 94 degrees, we spent the day pool side. As I was swimming, Mom came out of the house sporting her new bikini. I stopped in my tracks! What a vision! The white bikini barely covered her private areas. As soon as Mom first appeared, I left the pool saying that I had to go to the bathroom. Actually, I went into the bathroom and watched Mom through the window as I jerked off thinking of me fucking her as Dad does. I repeatedly masturbated four more times throughout the day as I could not control my arousal by this forbidden goddess.

December 16, 2014, I was in bed and heard her and Dad coming up the stairs after they had been to Dad’s office Christmas party. They were in a playful mood and I knew they were going to fuck. Sneaking out my bedroom window, I quietly went to my parents’ bedroom window. I got there just in time to watch Dad undress Mom! God her body was even more magnificent than I had envisioned. As soon as Mom was naked, she started undressing Dad. When his pants hit the floor Mom immediately sunk to her knees and took Dad’s cock into her mouth. Oh my god it was so hot watching Mom suck Dad’s dick. My cock was rock hard and aching for attention in a second! I started stroking slowly my hard cock as Mom went to town sucking Dad’s cock.

Soon Dad pulled her up off her knees, took her into a loving embrace and with a most salacious kiss, guided her to the bed. When she spread her legs open and he climbed on top of her, I had a perfect view as he slid his hard dick into her sopping wet pussy. He pumped hard into her, I could hear both of them moaning through the closed window, and I could hear her beg for Dad to fuck her deeper and harder. They both let out a scream and I knew Dad was cumming in her cunt, just as she apparently reached the crescendo of her orgasm. It was so intense for me that I also shot a huge load all over the side of the house. It was hard to believe that Mom was such a sexual human being. I quietly returned to my bed but continued to relived what I had just witnessed. My cock was once again hard and I jerked off again before I fell asleep.

December 20, 2014: My friends at school have been telling me that Lisa Phillips has been asking if I was seeing anyone. I never really thought about perusing Lisa but she was a good looking girl. She had short black hair and she stood about 5’6”. She had big tits compared to the girls in our class. Half intimidated, I told my friends she wouldn’t be interested in me. They told me she definitely was and that I would be crazy not to go for it. Word was she sucked Billy Jones cock while he finger fucked her wet pussy.

Spurred on by this encouraging development, later that day I struck up a conversation with Lisa. I asked if she would be interested in seeing a movie with me. I was elated when she said she would love to. We agreed to go out during Christmas break, but after Christmas Day itself.

December 27, 2014; Lisa and I went to the movies tonight. I had a great time with her. After the movies we drove to an area known as “the cliff.” The cliff is a quiet secluded spot back behind a housing development that looked out over the city. It was quiet and not many people went there.

Lisa and I made out, as we were getting into it more, I decided I was going to make my move. I soon slipped my hand onto her right tit. Hearing no objection, I moved to unbutton her blouse and remove her bra. I couldn’t believe I had gotten bare tit. Suddenly, I felt her hand on my crotch. I almost lost it right then and there, when she took my cock out and held it in her soft dainty hands. I continued to caressed and sucked Lisa’s tits and could tell by her labored breathing she was getting more and more aroused. Realizing how close I was to cumming, Lisa immediately lowered her mouth over my cock as I shot a spurt after spurt down her throat. Even though it wasn’t an actual blow job, I was in heaven!

January 10, 2015: Lisa and I spoke at school today. Things have been so hectic since our Christmas break because of mid-terms neither of us had time to do much of anything. The fourteenth is the last of the mid-terms so we both decided to go out again on January 15th. I was excited hoping things would go farther on the second date than it did on the first.

January 14, 2015: I couldn’t believe it! State troopers showed up today at our front door. They quietly told my Mom that my Father had been killed in a car accident. I couldn’t believe the blood curdling scream of my Mother, as she collapsed on the foyer floor. I felt empty and just couldn’t believe it. My Mom was a total mess, and even though I tried to console her, no one could. She was in shock and in a daze.

January 15, 2015: Lisa and some friends come over to the house today to pay their respects. No one knew what to say, then again what could you say? I told Lisa I was sorry about our date tonight. She promised me she will be waiting when I felt up to going out again. She then embraced me tight against her body and as she hugged me, it felt so good, but I felt so guilty because I could feel my cock growing and pressing into her tummy. After my friends left, I went upstairs and jerked off.

January 17, 2015: Dad’s funeral was today. It was a sad day, but I couldn’t stop thinking that something is wrong with me. I couldn’t stop looking at Mom. She looked so hot in her black dress and heels. Was I sick or what; what a pervert. I kept thinking about the times I witnessed or heard them making love and could only wonder what she will do for sex now that she is a single woman. When I got home, I continued to fantasize about being with Mom in her bed and fucking her like Dad use to. I thought there has to be something wrong with me.

January 30, 2015: Stayed in with Mom tonight, we watched some television. Although we didn’t say much to each other our company was enough. I sat in the recliner and Mom was lounging on the couch. She had on a pair of silk pajamas, ones that I have seen her in hundreds of times. It seemed that every time she moved, the silky fabric made her nipples hard. Without even trying the woman simply exuded sexuality. The television was a blur to be honest; I don’t even know what was on. All I could think about was the time I watched Mom sucking Dad’s dick while he was sitting in this chair. I kept fantasizing that she was about to give me a blow job. It obviously wasn’t going to happen.

Suddenly I told Mom I was going to bed as I hid my rock hard cock and went to my bedroom. I jerked off dreaming of Mom sucking my cock.

February 4, 2015: I decided it was time to go out with Lisa again and we made a date for tonight. We went to a party that one of our classmates was having. It was okay, but both of us decided to leave earlier than most. I asked her what she would like to do now since it was still kind of early. She smiled at me and said, “Why don’t we go to the cliffs again.” Well she didn’t have to ask me twice.

As soon as we arrived we started kissing again. My hands wandered onto her tits once again. I then removed her blouse and bra. I kissed, sucked, and caressed her beautiful round firm tits.

Lisa’s hand made its way to my crotch again and it felt so good when she grabbed my cock, even though it was still inside my slacks. I was so hard I thought I would bust out of my pants. As she caressed my cock, my hand slid from her tits down over her flat tummy and then skipping down to her upper inner thigh. She wore a short skirt making it oh so easy to slide my hand up her skirt. She didn’t stop me. My mouth went to her tits and as I sucked on her aroused and hardening nipple, my other hand had made its way up to her panties.

At first I rubbed her on the outside of her silky panties. As I continued to rub her, I moved the gusset of her panties to the side and found a very wet cunt. I slid my finger into her pink folds. Lisa opened her legs to give me easier access. As I sucked her nipples my finger worked in and out of her silky hot pussy. She got wetter rapidly making it so easy to add a second finger into her throbbing womanhood. She moaned louder and started to breathe even heavier, as she pulled me into her body and held me tight. I didn’t know what happened as she thrust her pelvis to take my fingers deeper. Then she grabbed hold of my hand and held it firmly against her body. While not fully realizing it at the time, that was the first time I ever gave a girl an orgasm, as Lisa whispered, “You just made me cum and it was so delicious.”

I was quite proud of myself and figured that would be that. Lisa had other ideas! She undid my zipper and pulled my throbbing hard cock out. She smiled at me and said, “Now it’s your turn.” Her head buried into my lap and I felt her mouth wrap around my hard cock; I had never felt anything so pleasurable in my life. She obviously had done this before and I was in heaven as her mouth worked so hard on my cock.

As Lisa continued to orally please me, my mind flashed to I wonder if this is how Mom’s mouth would feel on my cock. Once those thoughts entered my head, I shot my load into Lisa’s mouth. She sucked and took all my cum, then she came out of my lap and opened her mouth showing me the load she sucked out of me, before she swallowed every drop of it. That was so hot I almost blew another load watching her. She saw another drop of cum oozing out of my cock and went back down to lick it up. She smiled at me and told me she couldn’t waste a drop. I was flying on cloud nine that night.

I wanted to read a few more entries, as I had another year of his journal entries to go, but I heard the garage door open signaling James arrival...

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Written by Soccermom
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